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36 detailed encounters

to fill your games with fun times.

Amazing Encounters and Quests 4 Tavern Brawling Time! 16
Introduction.......................................................................... 4 Background......................................................................... 16
Overview............................................................................... 4 Hooks................................................................................... 16
Running the Encounters...................................................... 4 The Encounter.................................................................... 18
Encounter Challenge............................................................ 4 Brawling of the Brave.................................................... 18
Encounter Structure............................................................. 4 Betting............................................................................. 18
Cheering On................................................................... 18
A Horned Peril 5 Classification Round...................................................... 18
Elimination Round......................................................... 19
Background........................................................................... 5 Free-For-All................................................................... 19
Hooks..................................................................................... 5 Confusion at the Tavern............................................... 19
The Encounter...................................................................... 5 Outcomes............................................................................. 19
Outcomes............................................................................... 7 Rewards............................................................................... 19
Rewards................................................................................. 7
Weregoat............................................................................... 7
Treasure Hunt 20
Horror at the Boiling Stream! 8 Background......................................................................... 20
Hooks................................................................................... 20
Background........................................................................... 8 The Encounter.................................................................... 20
Hooks..................................................................................... 8 Finding the Chest........................................................... 21
The Encounter...................................................................... 8 The Threat.......................................................................... 21
Running the Combat..................................................... 10 The Treasure....................................................................... 21
Outcomes............................................................................. 10 Outcomes............................................................................. 21
Rewards............................................................................... 10 Rewards............................................................................... 21
Chameleon Saddle.......................................................... 10 Giant Electric Eel................................................................ 23
Lightning Vial..................................................................... 23
Mystery at the Market 11
Background......................................................................... 11
NPCs................................................................................ 13
Hooks................................................................................... 13 Lead Designer: Christian Zeuch
The Encounter.................................................................... 13 Main Authors: Christian Zeuch, Ricardo Andrade
The Investigation........................................................... 13 Editor: Jack Weighill
Profiling the Victim....................................................... 13
Art Direction: Anja Svare, Christian Zeuch
Jellika Information......................................................... 13
The Clues........................................................................ 13 Layout Artist: Anja Svare
Solving the Puzzle.......................................................... 15 Cover Art: Komarca
Outcomes............................................................................. 15 Cartography: Christian Zeuch, Jeremy Kimberling
Rewards............................................................................... 15 Interior Art: trafa, 4K_Heaven, Dean Spencer, BuberArt

This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at
Amazing Encounters & Quests
Introduction Encounter Challenge

If the adventurers stumble upon an encounter that’s
dventurers are often wandering
too challenging, remind them not every foe can (or
through the wilderness or urban
should) be fought. Other tactics, like fleeing, hiding, or
settings, for all kinds of reasons.
negotiating, can lead to more exciting outcomes.
These are around the most common
environments where many
interesting things can and often Encounter Structure
do happen. In order to support you and your games, Every encounter is presented in a specific structure to
this supplement provides you with thirty-six detailed make it easier for you to organize the content, which is
encounters that you can easily drop into any adventure. divided as described below:
Encounter Header. This initial section of the content
Overview informs the encounter’s intended level, its type (combat,
exploration, and/or social), the terrain/environment,
The encounters presented in this supplement range
an overview which briefly explains what the encounter
from 500 to 2,000 words each, meaning that you can
is about, and finally a general location or environment
use them to easily fill an hour or more of your session
where the encounter takes place.
as additional challenges to wilderness travel or urban
exploration, or as short quests. There are twenty-four Background. Any useful background information that
wilderness encounters, each of which come with an provides context and history to the encounter.
attached map to act as a visual aid, even if combat is Hooks. A few ideas on how to use the encounter as a
not present in the encounter, and you also get a total of quest instead of an encounter.
twelve urban encounters, also each with its own map.
The Encounter. The content of the encounter
itself, with the instructions on what happens during
Running the the encounter. This section is often subdivided into
small segments that describe different aspects of
Encounters the encounter.
While the encounters provide specific mechanics aimed Outcomes. Provides a brief list of the most common
at 5e, they can easily be run in any fantasy system/ outcomes for the encounter.
setting. You need the 5e core books to run this content,
and if you run your games digitally, you can acquire Rewards. Describes what kind of rewards the party
either the Virtual Tabletop versions, or the digital map receives, which can be dependent on the outcome.
files to support you and speed up your prep time. This section also describes how much XP a party
receives in 5e.

A Horned Peril The Encounter
Encounters Level: 2nd–3rd While traveling through any mountain, the party
Encounter Type: Combat, Social encounters a goat atop a huge rock. Read the following:
Encounter Overview: A weregoat name Dronlor tests As the path ahead of you opens up, you spy a mountain
the party before he asks for their help, fighting them to goat standing atop a nearby outcrop. The goat looks in
assess their skills your direction, regarding you for a moment, before it
Encounters Location: Any mountain begins to change. Bone, skin, and muscle shift, change,
and grow in a matter of moments, transforming the
Background creature before you into a humanoid-goat hybrid.
With digited hands, it lifts a loaded crossbow from the
Dronlor has found an entrance to a dungeon and he’s ground, leveling the bolt in your direction. Opening
convinced that the place is filled with treasure. His its mouth, the creature speaks: “Let me see what
companions don’t believe him, especially after his you’re made of.”
previous prospecting ventures led to the death of one of
Dronlor is a weregoat (see below) with 50 hit points.
their allies and no treasure to speak of.
He attacks the party with the intention of wearing them
He wants to find a group of adventurers that will
down. He attempts to stay at range and attack with his
accompany him, but he’s looking for competent
heavy crossbow, dropping prone at the end of his turn
people, something he aims to test through fighting his
to gain cover from ranged attacks.
candidates himself.
If any character reaches the lower level (marked on
Hooks the map), he flees to another rock, using his superior
climbing abilities to outpace the characters with ranged
Feel free to use the following suggestions as hooks to
combat. If the characters thwart his strategy in one
involve your party in this encounter:
way or another, such as by closing the distance through
• Dronlor explains his plan, including his desire to clever tactics, magic, or other means, he switches his
test the party, asking them to come meet him in the plan to using his Ram attack.
nearby mountains so that they can fight. The map shows the height of each cliff and the
• The party finds a bounty poster offering a reward DC of Strength (Athletics) checks made to climb
to anyone who captures the angry goatman who has them. Dronlor can climb these surfaces easily and
been harassing travelers in the mountain. automatically succeeds on ability checks to do so.
• Dronlor’s weregoat allies ask the party for help, as When Dronlor is close to being defeated, at 15 hit
they believe that Dronlor’s actions put their kind in points or less, he surrenders, dropping his weapons and
danger. saying the following:
“You fight very well! I think you folks are the perfect
fit for what I need. Sorry if I hurt you, but I needed to
know how you would fare in a real fight. Are we good? If
not, I have a proposition that might fix that!”

If the party relents, he explains his plan (see
background), offering to split whatever gold they find Weregoat
from the treasure, 40 percent for him, and 60 percent Medium Humanoid (Satyr, Shapechanger), Any Alignment
for the rest of the characters. —
Armor Class 13 in humanoid form, 15 in goat or hybrid form
A successful DC 15 Charisma (Deception, Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12)
Intimidation, or Persuasion) check convinces him to Speed 30 ft. (humanoid form only), 40 ft., climb 40 ft. (goat
accept a 30 percent cut instead. form only), 30 ft., climb 30 ft. (hybrid form only)
If the party agrees, you now have a hook to follow-up —
with a dungeon of your choosing. If they don’t agree, he 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (­+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
curses the party and leaves. —
Skills Athletics +6
If the party decides to kill Dronlor, he carries a potion Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
of healing and a leather pouch containing 26 sp and 18 nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
Languages Common (can’t speak in goat form)
gp. Dronlor may drink the potion in the fight if he gets Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency +2
the impression that the characters are going to kill him.

Magic Resistance. The weregoat has advantage on saving
Outcomes throws against spells and other magical effects.

Some of the possible outcomes are listed here: Sure-Footed. The goat has advantage on Strength and Dexterity
ability checks and saving throws made against effects that would
• The party loses the fight to Dronlor, who will push it or knock it prone.
stabilize them and leave them where they are.
• The party beats Dronlor and kills him. Actions
• The party beats Dronlor and accepts to work with Ram (Goat or Hybrid form only). Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to
hit. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
him. If the weregoat moved at least 20 feet straight toward the target
• The party beats Dronlor and refuses to work with immediately before the hit, the target takes an extra 3 (1d6)
him. bludgeoning damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed
on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 5 feet away
from the weregoat and knocked prone.
Shortsword (Humanoid or Hybrid form only). Melee
Aside from any combat experience, reward the party Weapon Attack: +5 to hit. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
additional XP equal to a Medium encounter if they piercing damage.
accept Dronlor’s proposition. Heavy Crossbow (Humanoid or Hybrid form only). Ranged
Weapon Attack: +5 to hit. range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 8
Weregoat (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.

The weregoats are a rare result of the lycanthropy curse Bonus Actions
striking satyrs (who, as fey, aren’t usually affected). The Change Shape. The weregoat polymorphs into a goat-humanoid
result is a variant lycanthrope that lives on the fringes hybrid or into a goat, or back into its true form, which appears
of fey society. Often detached from satyr communities, as a satyr Humanoid. Its statistics, other than its speed, are the
same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
they make colonies among their fellow lycanthropes, transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
often on the Material Plane. Weregoats can’t spread
their lycanthropy to non-satyrs and their bite isn’t
particularly viable as a weapon in combat, making
weregoats incredibly small in number across, even
across the multiverse.

Horror at the Boiling Hooks
Feel free to use the following suggestions as hooks to
Stream involve your party in this encounter:
Encounters Level: 11th-12th • A circle of druids have detected the presence of an
Encounter Type: Combat, Social unknown monster in the area. The creature leaves
Encounter Overview: The party stumbles upon small a trail of destruction and scorch marks wherever
farmstead under attack it goes and has seemingly no natural predators. In
Encounters Location: Any plains environment order to protect the local ecosystem, the druids hire
with a stream the party to hunt down the monster and destroy it,
Background with an offer of magic items as reward.
• The party passes through a nearby village that has
A small farmstead was established on the banks of a been recently destroyed by the remorhaz. A small
local stream a decade ago. The owners of the farm: the group of survivors tells them the violent and bloody
Whittakers, have been doing well for themselves for tale of the attack, pointing them in the direction
many years, until tragedy befell them. taken by the monster.
Elvyra (CE sea hag, she/her), an ambitious hag with
grand and vile plans, has stolen a semi-tamed remorhaz The Encounter
from a frost giant in the far north. She has been trying
to domesticate it further, in order to further the grim At some point during the party’s travel through a plains
plans of her and her coven. environment, read or paraphrase:
The beast is wild and respects only strength, As you walk downstream, a farmstead comes into view
which the cadaverous old hag lacks. As a result, the ahead. The fenced property is composed of a main
monstrosity frequently erupts in fits of hunger-fuelled house and a barn, from the latter of which you can hear
rage, entering a killing spree to sate its appetite. the sounds of cattle. Some sort of commotion is taking
The hag watches from the sidelines, using her abilities place, as a group of four halflings gather close to the
to direct more victims towards the beast in order to stream, pointing at it and arguing amongst themselves,
facilitate its feeding. This time, the Whittakers are the oblivious to your presence. The patch of water they
look towards appears much darker than the rest, with
victims of the remorhaz’s wrath.
a steady mist of steam coiling up from the water’s
surface. A number of dead fish floating downstream
towards you, accompanied by the smell of burnt flesh.

A successful DC 10 Intelligence (Nature) check If the party continue towards the farmstead, read
allows the party to realize that the water is boiling. or paraphrase:
Furthermore, characters with a passive Wisdom The water bursts up like a geyser. In its wake, a
(Perception) score of 20 or higher notice a human monstrous beast resembling a cross between a worm
woman tucked just out of sight nearby. Unbeknownst and a centipede emerges from the water, saliva dripping
to them, the human woman is Elvyra, ready to watch from its open jaws of many sharp teeth. You notice a
the halfling family be devoured by her pet. saddle on its back, but no rider.

One of the halflings, the eldest among them, takes the If the party reduces the remorhaz to half its maximum
initiative and shouts a warning: “By the gods! Run! All hit points in three rounds or less, the hag curses the
of you run!” party and swims down the stream, swearing revenge.
The warning is heeded by all, but barely a moment after If the party manages to save all the remaining
he finishes his warning, the elder halfling is swallowed halflings, read or paraphrase:
whole by the monster, before it begins to chase after
The halfling woman approaches you, her eyes darting
the remaining family .
around between you and the spot in which her husband
Another one of the halflings, a middle-aged woman was devoured. Trembling, with tears rolling down her
shouts in a mix of horror and despair: “Ray! Nooo!” face, she says:
“Thank yew so much fer whut you’ve done fer us! Yew
Running the Combat saved muh young uns an’ you’ve muh eternal gratitude!
The Whittaker family, composed of Raymond (LG Muh young ones couldn’ survive without me, an’ with
halfling commoner, he/him), Bethany (LG halfling their daddy gone, Ah don’t know whut would be uh ‘em”
commoner, she/her), Lawrence (LG halfling
As a reward to the party, Betty offers them a family
commoner, he/him), and James (LG halfling
heirloom, her necklace of protection, which functions
commoner, he/him), are the primary targets;
as a ring of protection.
defenseless meals for the hungry beast. Raymond, the
If the party managed to save only two or less of the
patriarch of the Whittaker family, has been devoured
remaining halflings, those that remain are broken in the
and can’t be saved. However, his family can be if
face of such horror. They half heartedly thank the party
the party acts quickly. If the party wants to save the
before asking to be left alone. The party will likely have
innocent, they must stand between the family and the
to leave them to their anguish. Read or paraphrase:
beast. The real challenge here is to save the family, not
the combat itself. The survivor(s) is(are) in shock. The mind fractured,
Roll for initiative. Thanks to Raymond’s final a husk of its former self. Unresponsive, (he/she/they)
only babbling :
warning, they each have advantage on their initiative
rolls. vAs they run for their lives, Elvyra watches on “Leave us(me) be, thuh gods have fergot ‘bout us an’
from nearby, eager to watch the destruction and, after all is lost”
it has concluded, to continue trying to get the remorhaz
under her permanent control. Additionally, the hag Outcomes
has fitted the remorhaz with a chameleon saddle (see
Some of the possible outcomes are listed below:
below) so that she can ride it safely. She only interferes
in the fight directly if cornered and tries to flee if things • The party ignores the incident and circles around
aren’t going her way. the battle.
The remorhaz withstands 70 damage before turning • The group manages to save them and are invited for
its attention fully to the characters, ignoring its hunger dinner. The feast mourns the loss of Raymond, but
to attack them. Until then, it attacks the family or cattle. is hopeful for the future.
Its low intelligence makes it savage, but once it has • The characters manage to save only some of the
consumed four creatures, the hunger rage ceases and halflings, leaving them behind with their wills
the hag is capable of riding it into combat once again, broken in the face of such horror.
being able to direct the actions of the beast with higher • The group kills the monster, but all of the halflings
cunning tactics. are dead, leaving the characters with the everlasting
memory of their tragic failure.
• The adventurers refuse to leave the poor survivors
behind, and take them somewhere safe to be aided.

Chameleon Saddle Rewards

Wondrous Item, Rare
While in this saddle on a mount, if your mount has resistance If the party defeats the Remorhaz and saves all three
or immunity to one or more damage types, you gain those of the remaining halflings, award them XP equal to a
resistances and immunities. Deadly encounter in addition to any combat experience.

After Trevohr told her that he found the poison, she
Mystery at the Market convinced him not to go to the city guard, but instead
Encounters Level: N/A to let her handle it.
Encounter Type: Exploration, Social Cynthia plans to kill Jellika to “save” Trevohr. Her
Encounter Overview: The party gets involved in plan is as follows:
a murder mystery, in which they can assist the City • During the next Goodfair, Cynthia will lure
Watch to solve this crime Antonov (NG human commoner, he/him), Jellika’s
Encounters Location: Any market in a town or city ex-husband, to the Goodfair
• Through a proxy–a local street urchin–Cynthia has
Background paid a traveling wizard to cast the minor illusion spell
Threvohr Drossden (CG human commoner, he/ during the Goodfair, simulating a dragon’s roar
him), has been married to Jellika Drossden (LG half- above the market.
elf commoner, she/her), for ten years. However, for • While the crowd is distracted, Cynthia will use one
the past two years, Trevohr has been having an affair of Antonov’s carving knives, which she has stolen
with Cynthia (CE elf commoner, she/her). Cynthia from his home, to kill Jellika, and later throw the
wants Trevohr to leave his wife for her, but he doesn’t blade in the nearby pond, hoping to frame Antonov.
want to, which infuriates Cynthia. She’s since decided
Consult the NPCs table for quick reference on the
to take action, telling Trevohr that she thinks his wife
notable characters in this encounter.
is onto them. After a few weeks playing this act, she
planted a poison in Trevohr’s kitchen to make the man
think that Jellika is indeed onto them and that she plans
to kill him.

Some people panic but no one attempts to leave.
Name Description
One of the two guards leaves to get reinforcements,
Trevohr Drossden (CG human Husband of Jellika and lover of
returning after 5 minutes with four other guards. They
commoner, he/him) Cynthia. position themselves around the market to ensure that
Jellika Drossden (LG half-elf Wife of Trevohr and murder nobody leaves. If approached, they mention that they
commoner, she/her) victim. are waiting for the investigator to arrive, which could
Cynthia (CE elf commoner, Mistress of Trevohr and take up to an hour. None of them are qualified to deal
she/her) murderer of Jellika. Cynthia with a murder, and they welcome any help from the
seeks to frame Antonov Zhuk
for the murder.
party. If the characters don’t think of investigating, a
Antonov Zhuk (NG human Ex-husband of Jellika of nearly
noble approaches them and offers them 250 gp for them
commoner, he/him) 15 years. Antonov is a local to get to the bottom of this so he can be released and go
butcher and is still bitter about to his meeting as soon as possible.
his divorce.
Randall the Tall (CN human A traveling wizard who’s come The Investigation
mage, he/him) to town for Goodfair. He’s
secretly a fugitive from another
The following section details the various means the
town. While his own crimes characters can use to help solve the murder, as well as
are unrelated to the murder, the clues they might find along the way.
he fears being found out and First off, the dead woman is quickly identified by
members of the crowd as Jellika Drossden.
Hooks Profiling the Victim
Feel free to use the following suggestions as hooks to The characters can learn about Jellika and her life by
involve your party in this encounter: questioning the townsfolk. Have one or more of the
characters roll a Charisma (Persuasion) check, then
• The group is approached by Antonov, who offers consult the Jellika Information table to determine what
them a reward if they prove his innocence. the characters learn.
• The group is approached by Cynthia, a distressed
woman who believes the nobleman offering Jellika Information
the reward is making comments and trying to Result Information
steer people into thinking Trevohr, an honest, 10 Jellika has been married to one Trevohr Drossden for
hardworking man is responsible for the death. She over a decade. Trevohr is also present at the scene (see
the Clues).
believes maybe the nobleman and the victim had an
12 Jellika and Trevohr have a reputation among the town as
affair. the “perfect couple.”
14 Jellika’s ex husband is Antonov Zhuk, the local butcher.
The Encounter It’s a poorly-kept secret in town that Antonov is still
bitter about his separation from Jellika and that he
The Goodfair occurs every month in the central absolutely despises her new husband, Trevohr.
market, a moment where vendors offer discounts to 16 Recently, townsfolk have begun to notice that the spark
drive sales. Dozens of people are present at any given between Jellika and her husband had begun to wane.
time during the day, along with a couple of guards to
ensure no trouble occurs. The Clues
This encounter occurs when the party is at a market Antonov. Standing amongst the crowd near Jellika’s
for any reason that fits your game. At some point, read body, peering about the crowd, Antonov is notably
or paraphrase: very cagey when asked questions. A DC 13 Wisdom
(Insight) check reveals that being incredibly cautious
The cacophony of market goers is muffled by a mighty
roar from up above. You, along with countless others, about what he says. He does not deny being Jellika’s
instinctively look at the direction of the sound, but ex-husband, and if his bitterness is brought up, he
fail to see anything. Barely a moment later, you hear grows notably quite defensive. If the characters seem
screams and people shouting: “She’s dead!” genuinely invested in solving the case without finding
A crowd soon gathers about a woman lying in the
a “quick solution,” he divulges that he’d not heard
grass, blood seeping from a wound in her neck into the anything from her in years until last week, in which he
dirt around her. received a letter from her asking him to meet her at the
pond during Goodfair.
A pair of guards move in quickly, shouting: “Everyone
stay put! Anyone caught leaving the market will be
arrested on suspicion of murder!”
If confronted about the dagger (see below), he Merchants. The characters asking the merchants
genuinely has no clue about how it ended up there, who run the stalls about the fair about what they’ve
stating that, if he wanted to kill Jellika, he wouldn’t be seen allows them to attempt a DC 14 Intelligence
so stupid as to use his own blade to do it. By this point, (Investigation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check. On
Antonov is convinced that he’s being framed. The a success, one of the merchants claims to have seen a
characters can determine that he genuinely believes this young man making some strange hand gestures, like
with a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check. he’s heard wizards do to cast their spells right before the
Cynthia. Standing on the opposite side of the pond, murder. He points the characters towards him: Randall
watching Trevohr and the guards, Cynthia seems eerily (see below).
calm. Any character with passive Perception 15 or more A second success on the same check also reveals that
that gets within 15 feet of her notices an elven woman another merchant has seen Trevohr with a woman
staring at Jellika’s body. If confronted about it, she lies, who wasn’t his wife on a few occasions. The merchant
saying that she’s simply shocked that such a thing could describes the woman’s features, which roughly match
happen in broad daylight. Cynthia’s description.
Cynthia’s hands were bloodied in the attack. She has Randall the Tall. This mage’s apprentice has been paid to
been able to clean them off on a handkerchief in the cast the illusory sound. He’s now sitting atop a rock on
chaos, stowing the bloodied rag in her dress. the south side of the market, looking around nervously
If the party brings up the story told by Randall (see because of two reasons: he fears being connected to the
below), she denies and states that she doesn’t even murder and because he’s a fugitive from another town.
know the man. If a character states that they want A character with passive Perception 15 notices the
to pay attention to Trevohr or Jellika’s body while young man’s odd behavior.
talking to Cynthia, they notice that he’s looking in If asked about his shifty behavior, he says that he gets
their direction. nervous around blood, and that he just wants to get
Jellika. A speak with dead spell can reveal several pieces home, which is true. On a successful DC 14 Charisma
of information about the murder. See below some of (Intimidation) check, Randall reveals that he received
the answers to more common questions players are a bag of 20 gp from a urchin with a note containing
likely to ask Jellika. specific instructions to cast a cantrip during the
Goodfair. During the trade, he did notice a woman who
Who killed you? “I don’t know.” looked a bit too interested in his interaction with the
How did you die? “I felt a blade pierce my neck. urchin. If the party shows Cynthia to Randall, he states
Then, darkness.” that he believes that she is the woman he spotted.
Who do you think killed you? “I once loved another Trevohr. The man is on his knees, crying over his wife’s
man; before Trevohr. He was Antonov. However, we body. He strongly suspects that this was Cynthia’s
have not spoken in many years.” doing, but he feels responsible for not stopping her
Did you love your husband? “More than the moon from doing something foolish. He had no clue that
loves the stars.” she meant to kill Jellika. A successful DC 13 Wisdom
(Insight) check reveals that his tears are genuine.
Was your husband having an affair? “He had been If asked about who would have reason to kill his wife,
distant for some time. I feared the worst.” he says that he doesn’t know about anyone who would
Where did that roar come from? “I do not know.” want to harm her. If the dagger has been retrieved,
Who is Cynthia to you? “She is a name and a face to he blames Antonov, claiming that he never got over
me. Nothing more.” Jellika choosing Trevohr over him. If pressurized to
answer multiple questions, a successful DC 16 Wisdom
Who is Randall to you? “I do not know any by the (Insight) reveals that Trevohr is extremely nervous
name ‘Randall.’” with all the questioning. He says that it’s because
he’s in shock. If inquired about his relationship with
Jellika, he cries and explains that he loved her deeply. If
asked about whether he’s been having an affair, he lies
and denies it.

The Weapon. During the fuss following her stabbing she was about to poison him after she found out about
Jellika, Cynthia threw the dagger into the pond. A his affair with Cynthia. A successful DC 10 Wisdom
character that investigates the pond can spot the dagger (Inight) reveals that he’s telling a half truth. If nothing
with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. is said to the authorities, they take both Trevohr and
The dagger is 10 feet below the water. If retrieved, Cynthia. If the party talks to Trevohr, he explains his
some townsfolk recognize the mark on the handle affair, the poison, and about how Cynthia told him that
as the mark of Antonov’s business. They will readily she would handle the situation.
divulge the information on Antonov present in the If the party accuses Trevohr, he goes willingly with
Jellika Information table above, before pointing the the authorities while looking at Cynthia with pity for
party and half the enraged crowd towards him. what she’s done.
Solving the Puzzle If Antonov is accused, he fights back and insists that
Once the party has enough information, they may he’s innocent, and the guards have to subdue the man
attempt to figure out what really happened. At this before shackling him.
point, if the guards find out that the party has made Regardless of the outcome, one of the guards escorts
good progress with the investigation, even if they didn’t the party to the commander, who pays them 300 gp for
allow it, they’ll want to hear the party’s theory and their help.
evidence that they have. They also require the crowd to Outcomes
collaborate with the characters. Some of the possible outcomes are listed below:
There’s no obvious way to prove that Cynthia is • The party fails to assess the situation.
Trevohr’s lover, though the party could have strong • The characters come to a conclusion, accusing one of
clues that this is the case. If the party has at least two the NPCs, having them arrested.
clues that point to her being Trevohr’s mistress, they
can ask the authorities to have a guard search Cynthia, Rewards
finding the bloodied handkerchief. This is enough to
If the characters discover the truth and have
have her arrested so a more thorough investigation is
Cynthia arrested, reward the party XP equal to a
conducted. But once Cynthia is put in shackles, Trevohr
Deadly encounter.
comes forth and claims that he killed his wife because
Tavern Brawling Time! Hooks
Encounters Level: 6th–7th Feel free to use the following suggestions as hooks to
Encounter Type: Combat, Social involve your party in this encounter:
Encounter Overview: The party has the opportunity
• Kevahn (LG human knight, he/him), was sent from
to make some fame and coin at the Wrestling
a distant land to investigate shady activities in the
Bear Tavern.
tavern. However, he was swiftly removed from the
Encounters Location: Any settlement
tavern after starting a fight outside the rules of the
Playsters: Jayme Ribeiro, Adriano Gomes,
pit and was barred permanently. He believes that
Fábio Ribeiro, Flávio Ribeiro, Alysson Islan,
slavers hide amongst the competition’s attendees,
Diogo Dias, Filipe Sena
selecting victims from the Brawl to be kidnapped
Background and sold as gladiators. He asks the party to enter the
tavern and help uncover the plot.
The Wrestling Bear Tavern is known for its fighting • Coraline (CN elf noble, she/her), is deeply in love
pit and the Brawling of the Brave competition that’s with Draxiaxis, the champion of the Brawl. Fed up
hosted there. It’s in this arena brawl that many a with his unfulfilled promises of love and marriage,
great hero first carved their name and is where many she wants her lover to lose his champion status, so
more will in future. This tavern is run by a renowned he can finally focus on the important things in life:
former adventurer, Theodorus the Relentless (CG her.
human veteran, he/him), who retired a decade ago • Billy (CG human commoner, he/him), an orphaned
and, in seeking a more peaceful life, built this tavern. boy, comes to the party asking for aid. His father
Theodorus aims to help younger adventurers to get won the competition two months ago but was
ready for the challenges of a life of danger and daring. killed afterwards by Gondulhor, one of the Brawl’s
common entrants, on the outskirts of town. As he
was the only witness and the authorities didn’t take
his word for it, he begs for justice to be done.

The provided shield provides a +1 bonus to AC while
The Encounter wielded, instead of +2 bonus provided by a normal
The reasons as to why the party heads to the Wrestling shield. The provided shortsword has the properties of
Bear is up to you. It could be that the characters heard a normal shortsword, except that it deals bludgeoning
of the tavern’s story and want to take part in the damage instead of piercing damage, and it has the
Brawling of the Brave, they’ve arrived following one following trait:
of the adventuring Hooks, or they’ve simply come to a Non-Lethal. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this
random tavern in need to rest and just happen to arrive weapon is automatically stabilized.
at the Wrestling Bear on competition night.
Once the party enters the tavern, read or paraphrase: Each of the rounds last around 45 minutes, with each
participating character’s fight taking place somewhere
The tavern is packed with rowdy ale drinkers, either
within that timeframe.
crowded around the circular tables at the center of
the tavern, or gathered on long, rectangular benches Betting
around the edge of the room.. In the far left corner If asked, anyone in the tavern mentions that Draxiaxis
of the room is the bar, with doors leading to a kitchen
(the half-dragon woman at the bar talking with
area behind it. The barkeep is a burly human man in his
middle years, speaking to a red-scaled draconic woman
Theodorus) is the favorite and has been for some
sitting on one of the stools. Near the bar, on the right time. If a character bets on her, that character receives
side of the room, is a small recess in the floor, accessible double their money back. If a character bets on another
via shallow steps and partially filled with sand. At each participant and that person wins, the betting character
of its corners is a stone statue depicting a different receives five times their money back.
warrior, each holding a lit torch that illuminates much
of the tavern.. Cheering On
While one of the characters is fighting, if other
The party can find food and drink at the tavern, characters are watching the fight, those characters can,
both of which are of Comfortable quality. Both the at any time, cheer on the character in the fight, allowing
patrons and Theodorus are waiting for the start of them to reroll a failed attack roll, ability check, or saving
the competition, and the character in the party with throw. Once a character has received this benefit, they
the highest passive Wisdom (Perception) notices can’t do so from the same character again.
multiple individuals seemingly preparing for some
kind of athletic event. Most of the patrons, especially Classification Round
Theodorus, are happy to explain the rules of the Brawl. The participants must face an opponent in
single combat, with the winner passing into the
Brawling of the Brave Elimination Round.
Any person can register to participate by talking to For every two characters participating in the
Theodorus and paying the 5 gp entrance fee. Theodorus tournament, roll a d100. On a roll of 10 or less, those
explains the rules as follows: two characters face each other in the tournament. For
• There are three rounds of fighting, a Classification every character that doesn’t face one of their allies
Round, an Elimination Round, and the Free-For-All. in the bracket, or if only one character entered the
• Fights go until only one participant is left standing tournament, that character faces a thug, except it has
or has not conceded. AC 11 (wooden shield) and its Mace & Heavy Crossbow
• All entrants must use a wooden shield and sword. attacks are replaced with the following action:
Using any other form of weapon or armor is not Wooden Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
permitted. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning
• Entrants are immediately disqualified if they damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this attack
continue to attack another participant who is is automatically stabilized.
unconscious or who has conceded the fight.
• Entrants are also disqualified if they cast a spell
during or between rounds (including if they have
a spell cast on them), or if they leave the tavern
between rounds.

Elimination Round Theodorus is an experienced adventurer using the
Similar to the first round, this one consists of a one-on- veteran statistic, with the following changes:
one fight. However, this time, the four stone golems • His Strength and Constitution score are 18
that stand guard around the edge of the arena attempt • His hit dice are 20d8 + 80
to hinder each of the participants. • His has 240 hit points
For every two characters participating in the • He wears a +2 studded leather and a +3 shield
tournament, roll a d100. On a roll of 33 or less, those • His AC is 20 (studded leather and shield)
two characters face each other in the tournament. For • He can make 4 longsword attacks with his
every character that doesn’t face one of their allies in Multiattack action
the bracket, or if only one character remains in the • He wields a +3 longsword
tournament, that character faces a veteran, except it has • His longsword attacks change to:
AC 12 (wooden shield), 29 hit points, and each of its Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5
actions are replaced with the following: ft., one target. Hit: (1d8 + 9) slashing damage.
Multiattack. The veteran makes two Wooden If the party attacks Theodorus, he orders the
Shortsword attacks. constructs to defend him.
Wooden Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning Theodorus
damage. A creature reduced to 0 hit points by this attack
Medium Humanoid (Any Race), Any Alignment
is automatically stabilized.

Armor Class 20 (+2 studded leather, +3 shield)
Free-For-All Hit Points 240 (20d8 + 8)
This round consists of all winners of the second round Speed 30 ft.
facing off in a chaotic free-for-all. —
The fight consists of Draxiaxis (CN half-red 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 4 (–4)
dragon gladiator, she/her), Gondulhor (NE human —
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +2
berserker, he/him), and any player characters that Senses passive Perception 12
won in the second round. Languages any one language (usually Common)
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Proficiency +2
During the round, a character can attempt to
convince Gondulhor to team up against Draxiaxis —
by using an action and succeeding on a DC 15 Multiattack. Theodorus makes four longsword attacks. If he has
Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check. On a a shortsword drawn, he can also make a shortsword attack.
failure, Gondulhor will ignore all future attempts to
Longsword +3. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
convince him. one target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9) slashing damage, or 14 (1d10 + 9)
Winning slashing damage if used with two hands.
If one of the characters wins the tournament, they Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
receive 500 gp in winnings. In addition, Theodorus target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
awards the character with a +1 shortsword.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) piercing damage.
Confusion at the Tavern
If the party causes trouble, use the information below to
handle the situation.
The four statues located in the corner of the arena are
stone golems, except they are Medium-sized instead of Some of the possible outcomes are listed below:
Large. Where needed, they are tasked with protecting No character takes part in the competition.
the tavern and throwing out trouble-makers. One or more characters participate, but none
of them win.
One or more characters participate, and one
of them wins.

If any character participates in the competition, reward
the party additional XP equal to a Medium encounter if
they lose, or equal to a Deadly encounter if they win.
Treasure Hunt Hooks
Encounters Level: 3th-4th Feel free to use the following alternate hooks to involve
Encounter Type: Combat, Exploration, Social your party in this encounter:
Encounter Overview: The party searches for a • Captain Jarrow Redeye, a fearsome pirate, claims
treasure hidden in depths of the sea that Thassa’s treasure was stolen from him long
Encounters Location: Any underwater ago and that it contains many of his family’s lost
sea environment heirlooms. He hires the party to infiltrate her crew
and acquire the treasure.
Background • Sarah, a bounty hunter, is after Tassha for a long list
Many years ago, an ambitious group of pirates stole of crimes. She hires the party to capture her and the
a valuable treasure. To protect themselves from the loot for a sizable profit.
chest’s prior owners, they hurled the chest overboard.
Hoping to one day reclaim it, they entrusted the The Encounter
enchanted chest’s key to the captain’s goddaughter: a
young girl named Thassha. Thassha (NE human bandit captain, she/her) puts
Sadly, the pirates spent the rest of their years fleeing up notices on a few boards across town in hopes to
from those who wanted the chest back. Thassha’s family find a group that can help her to find the treasure.
protected the girl and her key all they could, but the She knows that the journey will likely be incredibly
captain’s foes tracked them down and, while Thassha dangerous and she’s willing to split the rewards with
was able to escape, her parents were killed. whoever helps her.
Thassha, now a grown woman, has since received The notices read: “Looking for brave adventurers
a magical message originating from the key. The interested in a treasure hunt. More information with
message told her of the chest’s secret location. She now Thassha at The Knot tavern on any evening.”
seeks a group of brave adventurers to help her reclaim
the godmother’s legacy and make her parent’s deaths
mean something.
If the characters visit The Knot, Thassha can be found
there, alone, presumably awaiting folks to follow up Sidebar: Gritty Realism
on her notice. If approached, she explains the job to If you want to throw a pinch of realism, you can include
the party. She leaves out information about the key to pressure rules.
the chest, instead stating that her parents told her the Ear Pressure. The deeper a character swims, the more ear
location of the chest. She wants the party to travel with pressure they face. For every 10 feet a character descends
her on her fishing boat, the Bellevue, out to the location below the water, they must spend a bonus action equalizing
their ear pressure, which requires one free hand. A creature
of the chest. If they help her acquire the treasure, she that doesn’t immediately take 1 bludgeoning damage, taking
offers them half of its contents.. further bludgeoning damage at the start of each of their
The journey out to the treasure chest takes two full turns thereafter equal to 1 + the number of rounds since they
days and is largely uneventful beyond some choppy last equalized.
weather. Thassha’s crew consists of herself, four
thugs, seven bandits, and five commoners. A DC 15
Wisdom (Insight) check reveals to the characters that a The Threat
number of Thassha’s crew look fairly shifty. A group of three giant electric eel (see below) lurk
When they arrive, Thassha informs the party that around the chest, hidden in the sand and among nearby
their job comes in two further parts: finding the chest coral. They attack when the characters Roll a group
below the water, then attaching a winch hook to the Dexterity (Stealth) check on their behalf to determine
chest so that the ship can pull it up to the surface. If you whether the party is surprised or not.
decide to use the rules present in the Gritty Realism
sidebar, Thassha warns the characters about the dangers The Treasure
of ear pressure and pressure injuries. Thassha awaits the party with the chest on the main
deck along with her crew. Once the party is back,
Finding the Chest she offers them a rowboat to go back to town, and a
A creature can hold up its breath for a number of leather bag containing 100 gp for their services. If the
minutes equal to 1 + their Constitution modifier characters don’t accept this change in the deal, she and
(minimum of 30 seconds). Take note of the total of her crew attack.
rounds that each character can hold its breath, which The chest is magically shut and protected and can
is equal to the number of minutes that it can hold its only be opened with the key Thassha holds. Its contents
breath multiplied by 10. Keep track of the number of are as follows:
rounds a creature has left before it runs out of breath.
Additionally, whenever a creature that’s holding its • 21 pp, 359 gp, and 798 sp.
breath takes the Attack, Casting a Spell, Dash, or Dodge • A 50 gp gemstone.
action, or takes damage, decrement the number rounds • A silver necklace set with a small topaz worth 50 gp.
they have left to hold their breath by one. • A gem of seeing.
The number of feet shown on the map is the depth • A potion of invisibility.
relative to the surface, while several rocks on the map
have a number that denotes the height of that rock at its Outcomes
highest point. Some of the possible outcomes are listed below:
The chest is 60 feet deep. It’s hidden by algae and
requires a successful Wisdom (Perception) check to • The party ignores the notice board.
be spotted. The DC is equal to 15 + 1 for every 10 feet • The party agrees to help Thassha and manages to get
between the character and the chest the chest back, accepting her change in the deal.
Once they find the chest, the characters must return • The party finds the chest but doesn’t accept the
to the surface and allow Thassha to reposition the ship, change in the deal, killing Thassha and her crew.
which takes 5 minutes. After that, they can bring the • The party finds the chest but doesn’t accept the
hook down to the chest and set it up there. It takes an change in the deal, capturing Thassha and bringing
action to clear the chest from the seaweed, and another her to justice, earning an additional reward of 250 gp.
action to properly set up the hook on the chest.
Aside from any combat experience, reward the party
additional XP equal to a Hard encounter if they get the
treasure. If they also manage to kill or capture Thassha,
award them additional XP equal to a Deadly encounter.
Giant Electric Eel Giant Electric Eel
Almost the size of an adult human, the cerulean skin of
Medium Beast, Unaligned
these voracious creatures is capable of storing deadly
charges of lightning. They’re capable of discharging a —
Armor Class 11
powerful shock upon biting their prey, allowing them Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 10 ft., swim 40 ft.
to prey upon much larger creatures than themselves.
Ambushers. These eels hide themselves among sands —
15 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 3 (­–4) 10 (+0) 4 (–4)
and caves narrow enough only for them. There, they lie
in wait for prey, before lashing out with blinding speed. —
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
Pack Hunters. While a single giant shocking eel can be Damage Immunities lightning
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 14
quite dangerous, such creatures usually hunt in groups Languages –
of three or more. As a group, they become much bolder Challenge 2 (450 XP) Proficiency +2
in terms of target selection. —
Ambusher. In the first round of a combat, the eel has advantage
Energised Gland. The eel possesses a gland beside its on attack rolls against any creature it surprised.
throat that produces electrical energy. If extracted, this
gland can be used to produce lightning vials. By taking Electrified Body. A creature that touches the eel or hits it
with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 2 (1d4)
the gland of a giant electric eel and another 25 gp lightning damage.
worth of materials, a character proficient in alchemist’s
supplies can create a lightning vial. The creation is Pack Tactics. The eel has advantage on an attack roll against a
creature if at least one of the eel’s allies is within 5 feet of the
successful only if the character succeeds on a DC 15 creature and the ally isn’t Incapacitated.
Intelligence (alchemist’s supplies) check.
Underwater Camouflage. The eel has advantage on Dexterity
(Stealth) checks made while underwater.

Water Breathing. The eel can breathe only underwater.

Shocking Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
lightning damage.

Lightning Vial
Potion, Uncommon
This gelatinous fluid holds a powerful charge of lightning. As
an action, you can throw this vial up to 20 feet, shattering it
on impact. Make a ranged attack against a creature or object,
treating the lightning vial as an improvised weapon. On a hit,
the target takes 4d6 lightning damage and it must succeed on
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed until
the start of your next turn.


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