Clinical Guidelines ADHD

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Subcommittee on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Committee on Quality Improvement

Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of the School-Aged Child With

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

ABSTRACT. This clinical practice guideline provides should be directed to target outcomes and adverse
evidence-based recommendations for the treatment of effects, with information gathered from parents, teach-
children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity ers, and the child.
disorder (ADHD). This guideline, the second in a set of
policies on this condition, is intended for use by clini- This guideline is intended for use by primary care
cians working in primary care settings. The initiation of clinicians for the management of children between 6 and
treatment requires the accurate establishment of a diag- 12 years of age with ADHD. In light of the high preva-
nosis of ADHD; the American Academy of Pediatrics lence of ADHD in pediatric practice, the guideline
(AAP) clinical practice guideline on diagnosis of children should assist primary care clinicians in treatment. Al-
with ADHD1 provides direction in appropriately diag- though many of the recommendations here also may
nosing this disorder. apply to children with coexisting conditions, this guide-
The AAP Committee on Quality Improvement selec- line primarily addresses children with ADHD but with-
ted a subcommittee composed of primary care and out major coexisting conditions. The guideline is not
developmental-behavioral pediatricians and other ex- intended for use in the treatment of children with mental
perts in the fields of neurology, psychology, child psy- retardation, pervasive developmental disorder, moderate
chiatry, education, family practice, and epidemiology. to severe sensory deficits such as visual and hearing
The subcommittee partnered with the Agency for Health- impairment, chronic disorders associated with medica-
care Research and Quality and the Evidence-based Prac- tions that may affect behavior, and those who have ex-
tice Center at McMaster University, Ontario, Canada, to perienced child abuse and sexual abuse. This guideline is
develop the evidence base of literature on this topic.2 The not intended as a sole source of guidance for the treat-
resulting systematic review, along with other major stud- ment of children with ADHD. Rather, it is designed to
ies in this area, was used to formulate recommendations assist the primary care clinician by providing a frame-
for treatment of children with ADHD. The subcommittee work for decision-making. It is not intended to replace
also reviewed the multimodal treatment study of chil- clinical judgment or to establish a protocol for all chil-
dren with ADHD3 and the Canadian Coordinating Office dren with this condition, and may not provide the only
for Health Technology Assessment report (CCOHTA).4 appropriate approach to this problem.
Subcommittee decisions were made by consensus where
definitive evidence was not available. The subcommittee ABBREVIATIONS. AAP, American Academy of Pediatrics; ADHD,
report underwent extensive review by sections and com- attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; DSM-IV, Diagnostic and
mittees of the AAP as well as by numerous external Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition; MTA, multi-
organizations before approval from the AAP Board of modal treatment study of children with ADHD; CCOHTA, Cana-
Directors. dian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment.
The guideline contains the following recommenda-
tions for the treatment of a child diagnosed with ADHD:

he American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) rec-
• Primary care clinicians should establish a treatment ognizes the importance of accurate diagnosis
program that recognizes ADHD as a chronic condition. and management of children with attention-
• The treating clinician, parents, and child, in collabora- deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The AAP
tion with school personnel, should specify appropriate
target outcomes to guide management.
developed a practice guideline for the diagnosis of
• The clinician should recommend stimulant medication ADHD among children from 6 to 12 years of age who
and/or behavior therapy as appropriate to improve are evaluated by primary care clinicians.1 The signif-
target outcomes in children with ADHD. icant components of the diagnostic guideline include
• When the selected management for a child with 1) the use of explicit criteria for the diagnosis using
ADHD has not met target outcomes, clinicians should the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health
evaluate the original diagnosis, use of all appropriate Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) criteria5; 2) the
treatments, adherence to the treatment plan, and pres- importance of obtaining information about the
ence of coexisting conditions. child’s symptoms in more than 1 setting (especially
• The clinician should periodically provide a systematic from schools); and 3) the search for coexisting con-
follow-up for the child with ADHD. Monitoring
ditions that may make the diagnosis more difficult or
complicate treatment planning.
The recommendations in this statement do not indicate an exclusive course This guideline is based on an extensive review of
of treatment or serve as a standard of medical care. Variations, taking into
account individual circumstances, may be appropriate.
the medical, psychological, and educational litera-
PEDIATRICS (ISSN 0031 4005). Copyright © 2001 by the American Acad- ture. The objectives of the literature review were to
emy of Pediatrics. determine the long- and short-term effectiveness and

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safety of pharmacological and nonpharmacological combination; and 7) studies evaluating adverse ef-
interventions for ADHD in children from 6 to 12 fects of pharmacological interventions.
years of age, and to compare single treatment meth- Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses
ods (eg, medications alone) with combined manage- have examined placebo-controlled trials of stimulant
ment strategies. Two systematic, evidence-based re- medication and have established the short-term effi-
views were used extensively in the development of cacy of these agents for core symptoms. Placebo-
this guideline.2,4 In addition, other resources were controlled trials of stimulant medication were re-
used to gather more information.6,7 viewed in the McMaster report only if they met the
Primary care clinicians cannot work alone in the criteria for inclusion in any of the other 6 areas. The
treatment of school-aged children with ADHD. On- report also focused on head-to-head comparisons of
going communication with parents, teachers, and pharmacological interventions and of pharmacolog-
other school-based professionals is necessary to ical and nonpharmacological interventions because
monitor the progress and effectiveness of specific these were identified as of prime interest to clini-
interventions. Parents are key partners in the man- cians.
agement plan as sources of information and as the The McMaster report of the literature on treatment
child’s primary caregiver. Integration of services of ADHD followed current standards for analyzing
with psychologists, child psychiatrists, neurologists, research evidence.2 Studies in this report were se-
educational specialists, developmental-behavioral lected for evaluation if they were randomized, con-
pediatricians, and other mental health professionals trolled trials that focused on the treatment of ADHD
may be appropriate for children with ADHD who in humans and if they were published in peer-
have coexisting conditions and may continue to have reviewed journals. Nonrandomized, controlled trials
problems in functioning despite treatment. Attention were included only if they provided data on adverse
to the child’s social development in community set- effects that were collected for more than 16 weeks.
tings other than school requires clinical knowledge Studies of multiple conditions that included separate
of a variety of activities and services in the commu- analyses for patients with ADHD were also included.
nity. The literature search was conducted using MED-
LINE (from 1966), CINAHL (from 1982), HEALTH-
METHODOLOGY Star (from 1975), PsycINFO (from 1984), and EM-
The AAP collaborated with several organizations BASE (from 1984). The Cochrane Library (issue 4,
to develop a working subcommittee representing a 1997) was also used in reviewing the literature. A
wide range of primary care and subspecialty groups. total of 2405 citations were identified by the search
The subcommittee, chaired by 2 general pediatri- strategies, and 92 reports, describing 78 different
cians, included representatives from the American studies, were identified for further analysis.
Academy of Family Physicians, the American Acad- In addition to the McMaster report, other sources
emy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, the Child of data were used to support clinical practice guide-
Neurology Society, the Society for Pediatric Psychol- line recommendations. Although the McMaster re-
ogy, the Society for Developmental and Behavioral port included results of the multimodal treatment
Pediatrics, and the Society for Developmental Pedi- study of children with ADHD (MTA),3,7 the subcom-
atrics. mittee also carefully evaluated the results of this
This subcommittee met over a period of 3 years, large study separately.8 –16 The subcommittee used
during which it reviewed basic literature on current data from the Canadian Coordinating Office for
practices in the treatment of children with ADHD. Health Technology Assessment (CCOHTA) study.4
The subcommittee developed a series of research The CCOHTA review addressed the following 3
questions to direct an extensive evidence-based re- major issues related to treatment of children with
view, in partnership with the Agency for Healthcare ADHD: 1) a clinical evaluation of the use of methyl-
Research and Quality. phenidate for ADHD; 2) the efficacy of stimulant
In 1997, the McMaster University Evidence-based medications and other therapies; and 3) an economic
Practice Center received the contract for reviewing evaluation of the pharmacological and behavioral
the literature related to treatment of children with therapies for ADHD. Many studies of behavioral
ADHD. The McMaster report2 focused on the evi- interventions for ADHD use crossover techniques,
dence from comparative studies on the effectiveness where effects were determined on the same children
and safety of pharmacological and nonpharmaco- when they did and did not receive treatment.6,17 The
logical interventions for ADHD in children and McMaster report excluded these crossover trials.2
adults and whether combined interventions are more The draft clinical practice guideline underwent ex-
effective than individual interventions. This resulted tensive peer review by committees and sections
in several questions in the following 7 areas: 1) stud- within the AAP, numerous outside organizations,
ies with drug-to-drug comparisons of pharmacolog- and other individuals identified by the subcommit-
ical interventions; 2) placebo-controlled studies eval- tee. Liaisons to the subcommittee were also invited
uating the effect of tricyclic antidepressants; 3) to distribute the draft to entities within their organi-
studies comparing pharmacological and nonpharma- zations. Comments were compiled and reviewed by
cological interventions; 4) studies evaluating the ef- the subcommittee cochairpersons, and relevant
fect of long-term therapies; 5) studies evaluating changes were incorporated into the guideline.
therapies for ADHD in adults (ie, those older than 18 The recommendations contained in this guideline
years of age); 6) studies evaluating therapies given in (see Fig 1) are based on the best available data. For

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Fig 1. Algorithm for the treatment of the school-aged child with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.

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each recommendation, the subcommittee graded the professionals to develop an effective treatment plan.
quality of evidence on which the recommendation was A therapeutic alliance among clinicians, parents, and
based and the strength of the recommendation. the child is enhanced when attention is directed to-
Grades of evidence were grouped into 3 categories— ward cultural values that affect the child’s health and
good, fair, or poor. Recommendations were made at health care. The long-term care of a child with
3 levels. Strong recommendations were based on ADHD requires an ongoing partnership among cli-
high-quality scientific evidence or, in the absence of nicians, parents, teachers, and the child. Other school
high-quality data, strong expert consensus. Fair and personnel—nurses, psychologists, and counselors—
weak recommendations were based on lesser quality can also help with developing and monitoring plans.
or limited data and expert consensus. Clinical op- Studies of children and adults with several chronic
tions are identified as interventions for which the conditions indicate better adherence to treatment
subcommittee could not find compelling evidence plans, improved health and disease status measures,
for or against. Clinical options are defined as inter- and higher levels of satisfaction in the context of a
ventions that a reasonable health care provider comprehensive treatment plan with specific goals,
might or might not wish to implement in his or her follow-up activities, and monitoring.27–28 Thus, care-
practice. ful attention to the key elements of chronic care can
lead to improved outcomes for children and families.
RECOMMENDATION 1: Primary care clinicians Activities specific to the care of children with
should establish a management program that recog- ADHD include providing current information on the
nizes ADHD as a chronic condition (strength of ev- etiology of ADHD, its treatment, long-term out-
idence: good; strength of recommendation: strong). comes, and effects on daily life and family activities.
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is one of Thorough family understanding of the problem is
the more common chronic conditions of childhood. essential before discussing treatment options and
Studies using parent reports indicate persistence of side effects. What distinguishes this condition from
ADHD of 60% to 80% into adolescence.18 –20 Given most other chronic conditions managed by primary
the high prevalence of ADHD among school-aged care clinicians is the important role that the educa-
children (4% to 12%),1 primary care clinicians will tion system plays in the treatment and monitoring of
encounter children with ADHD in their practices children with ADHD.
regularly and should have a strategy for diagnosis Like other chronic conditions, new research on
and long-term management of this condition. The ADHD will change the information available to par-
primary care of children with ADHD includes atten- ents and clinicians over time and fill many gaps in
tion to the main principles of care for children with diagnosing and understanding the etiology, treat-
any chronic condition, such as ment, long-term effects, and complications related to
ADHD. Families should have access to this informa-
• Providing information about the condition tion. In addition, national, grassroots, parent-run as-
• Updating and monitoring family knowledge and sociations provide support and/or education to care-
understanding on a periodic basis givers and families of individuals with ADHD (eg,
• Counseling about family response to the condition Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyper-
• Developmentally appropriate education of the activity Disorder [CHADD]). The clinician should be
child about ADHD, with updates as the child aware of community resources that provide these
grows services and know how to make referrals. Primary
• Availability to answer family questions care providers may offer this information directly or
• Ensuring coordination of health and other services collaborate with other providers, especially subspe-
• Helping families set specific goals in areas related cialists and mental health providers, to ensure fam-
to the child’s condition and its effects on daily ilies’ access to needed information.
RECOMMENDATION 2: The treating clinician, par-
• Linking families with other families with children
ents, and the child, in collaboration with school
who have similar chronic conditions as needed
personnel, should specify appropriate target out-
and available21–26
comes to guide management (strength of evidence:
good; strength of recommendation: strong).
As with other chronic conditions, treatment of
ADHD requires the development of child-specific The core symptoms of ADHD (ie, inattention, im-
treatment plans that describe methods and goals of pulsivity, hyperactivity) can result in multiple areas
treatment and means of monitoring care over time, of dysfunction relating to a child’s performance in
including specific plans for follow-up (See Recom- the home, school, or community. The primary goal of
mendation 5.) treatment should be to maximize function. Desired
Primary care clinicians should educate parents and results include
children about the ways in which ADHD can affect
learning, behavior, self-esteem, social skills, and fam- • improvements in relationships with parents, sib-
ily function. This initial phase of patient education is lings, teachers, and peers
critical to demystifying the diagnosis and providing • decreased disruptive behaviors
parents and children with knowledge about the con- • improved academic performance, particularly in
dition. Education enables parents to work with clini- volume of work, efficiency, completion, and accu-
cians, educators, and, in some cases, mental health racy

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• increased independence in self-care or homework distinction to routine community practice based on
• improved self-esteem clinicians’ best judgments. School-aged children with
• enhanced safety in the community, such as in ADHD showed a marked reduction in core ADHD
crossing streets or riding bicycles. Target out- symptoms over a 14-month period when they were
comes should follow from the key symptoms the treated with medication management alone or a
child manifests and the specific impairments these combination of medication and behavior manage-
symptoms cause. ment. Eighty-five percent of the children treated with
medication received a stimulant medication.3 De-
The process of developing target outcomes re- spite the efficacy of stimulant medications in improv-
quires input from parents, children, and teachers, as ing behaviors, many children who receive them do
well as other school personnel where available and not demonstrate fully normal behavior (eg, only 38%
appropriate.29 They should agree on at least 3 to 6 of medically managed children in the MTA study
key targets and desired changes as prerequisites to received scores in the normal range at 1-year follow-
constructing the treatment plan. The goals should be up). Although the MTA study demonstrated that
realistic, attainable, and measurable. The methods of efficacy of stimulants lasts at least to 14 months, the
treatment and of monitoring change will vary as a longer term effects of stimulants remain unclear, at-
function of the target outcomes. tributable in part to methodologic difficulties in
RECOMMENDATION 3: The clinician should rec- other studies.35
ommend stimulant medication (strength of evidence: Stimulant medications currently available include
good) and/or behavior therapy (strength of evidence: short-, intermediate-, and long-acting methylpheni-
fair), as appropriate, to improve target outcomes in date, and short-, intermediate-, and long-acting dex-
children with ADHD (strength of recommendation: troamphetamine. The latter 2 formulations are mixed
strong). amphetamine salts (75% dextroamphetamine and
25% levoamphetamine). Pemoline, a long-acting
The clinician should develop a comprehensive stimulant, is rarely used now because of its rare but
management plan focused on the target outcomes. potentially fatal hepatotoxicity.36 Primary care clini-
For most children, stimulant medication is highly cians should not use it routinely, and this guideline
effective in the management of the core symptoms of does not include it as a first- or second-line treatment
ADHD. For many children, behavioral interventions for ADHD. Table 1 indicates available medications
are valuable as primary treatment or as an adjunct in and their doses. The McMaster report reviewed 22
the management of ADHD, based on the nature of studies and showed no differences comparing meth-
coexisting conditions, specific target outcomes, and ylphenidate with dextroamphetamine or among dif-
family circumstances. ferent forms of these stimulants.2 Each stimulant im-
proved core symptoms equally. Individual children,
Stimulant Medication
however, may respond to one of the stimulants but
Many studies have documented the efficacy of not to another. Recommended stimulants require no
stimulants in reducing the core symptoms of ADHD. serologic, hematologic, or electrocardiogram moni-
In many cases, stimulant medication also improves toring. Current evidence supports the use of only 2
the child’s ability to follow rules and decreases emo- other medications for ADHD, tricyclic antidepres-
tional overreactivity, thereby leading to improved sants2 and bupropion.37 Nine studies carefully eval-
relationships with peers and parents. Three formal uated tricyclic antidepressants (6 evaluated desipra-
meta-analyses30 –32 and 1 review of reviews33 support mine, 3 evaluated imipramine); all indicated positive
the short-term efficacy of stimulant medications in effects on ADHD symptoms.2 Four trials comparing
reducing core symptoms of ADHD as well as im- tricyclic antidepressants with methylphenidate in-
proving function in a number of domains. The most dicated either no differences in response or slightly
powerful effects4 are found on measures of observ- better results with stimulant use.2 The use of non-
able social and classroom behaviors and on core stimulant medications falls outside this practice
symptoms of attention, hyperactivity, and impulsiv- guideline, although clinicians should select tricyclic
ity.* The effects on intelligence and achievement tests antidepressants after the failure of 2 or 3 stimulants
are more modest. Most studies of stimulants have and only if they are familiar with their use. Desipra-
been short-term, demonstrating efficacy over several mine use has been associated, in rare cases, with
days or weeks. The MTA study extends the demon- sudden death.38 Clonidine, one of the antihyperten-
strated efficacy to 14 months.3 In that study, 579 sive drugs occasionally used in the treatment of
children 7 to 9.9 years of age with ADHD were ADHD, also falls outside the scope of this guideline.
randomized to 4 treatment groups: medication man- Limited studies of clonidine indicate that it is better
agement alone, medication and behavior manage- than placebo in the treatment of core symptoms
ment, behavior management alone, and a standard (although with effect sizes lower than those for stim-
community care group. The medication management ulants). Its use has been documented mainly in chil-
groups followed specific protocols and algorithms in dren with ADHD and coexisting conditions, espe-
cially sleep disturbances.39,40
Detailed instructions for determining the dose and
*The effect size for classroom and social behavior in the CCOHTA meta-
analysis averaged 0.81; for core symptoms, 0.78; and for intelligence and
schedule of stimulant medications are beyond the
achievement, 0.34. The first two of these would be considered a large scope of this guideline. However, a few basic princi-
change, the third, a minor to moderate change.34 ples guide the available clinical options.

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TABLE 1. Medications Used in the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Generic Class (Brand Name) Daily Dosage Schedule Duration Prescribing Schedule
Stimulants (First-Line Treatment)
Short-acting Twice a day (BID) to 3 3–5 hr 5–20 mg BID to TID
(Ritalin, Metadate, Methylin) times a day (TID)
Intermediate-acting Once a day (QD) to 3–8 hr 20–40 mg QD or 40 mg in the
(Ritalin SR, Metadate ER, Methylin ER) BID morning and 20 early afternoon
Extended Release QD 8–12 hr 18–72 mg QD
(Concerta, Metadate CD, Ritalin LA*)
Short-acting BID to TID 4–6 hr 5–15 mg BID or 5–10 mg TID
(Dexedrine, Dextrostat)
Intermediate-acting QD to BID 6–8 hr 5–30 mg QD or 5–15 mg BID
(Adderall, Dexedrine spansule)
Extended Release QD 10–30 mg QD
Antidepressants (Second-Line Treatment)
Tricyclics (TCAs) BID to TID 2–5 mg/kg/day†
Imipramine, Desipramine
(Wellbutrin) QD to TID 50–100 mg TID
(Wellbutrin SR) BID 100–150 mg BID
* Not FDA approved at time of publication.
† Prescribing and monitoring information in Physicians’ Desk Reference.

Unlike most other medications, stimulant dosages According to the Physicians’ Desk Reference43 and
usually are not weight dependent. Clinicians should medication package insert, methylphenidate is con-
begin with a low dose of medication and titrate traindicated in children with seizure disorders, a
upward because of the marked individual variability history of seizure disorder, or abnormal electroen-
in the dose-response relationship. The first dose that cephalograms. Studies of the use of methylphenidate
a child’s symptoms respond to may not be the best have not, however, demonstrated an increase in sei-
dose to improve function. Clinicians should continue zure frequency or severity when it is added to ap-
to use higher doses to achieve better responses.3 This propriate anticonvulsant medications.44 – 46
strategy may require reducing the dose when a Children who receive too high a dose or who are
higher dose produces side effects or no further im- overly sensitive may become overfocused on the
provement. The best dose of medication for a given medication or appear dull or overly restricted. Many
child is the one that leads to optimal effects with times this side effect can be addressed by lowering
minimal side effects. The dosing schedules vary de- the dose. Rarely, with high doses, some children
pending on target outcomes, although no consistent experience psychotic reactions, mood disturbances,
controlled studies compare different dosing sched- or hallucinations.
ules. For example, if there is a need for relief of No consistent reports of behavioral rebound, mo-
symptoms only during school, a 5-day schedule may tor tics, or dose-related growth delays have been
be sufficient. By contrast, a need for relief of symp- found in controlled studies,47 although they are re-
toms at home and school suggests a 7-day schedule.
ported clinically.33 Appetite suppression and weight
Stimulants are generally considered safe medica-
loss are common side effects of stimulant medica-
tions, with few contraindications to their use. Side
tion, with no apparent difference between methyl-
effects occur early in treatment and tend to be mild
phenidate and dextroamphetamine. Concern for
and short-lived.35 The most common side effects are
decreased appetite, stomachache or headache, de- growth delay has been raised, but a prospective fol-
layed sleep onset, jitteriness, or social withdrawal. low-up study into adult life48 has found no signifi-
Most of these symptoms can be successfully man- cant impairment of height attained. Studies of stim-
aged through adjustments in the dosage or schedule ulant use have found little or no decrease in expected
of medication. Approximately 15% to 30% of chil- height, with any decrease in growth early in treat-
dren experience motor tics, most of which are tran- ment compensated for later on.49 –54 Many clinicians
sient, while on stimulant medications. In addition, recommend drug holidays during summers, al-
approximately half of children with Tourette syn- though no controlled trials exist to indicate whether
drome have ADHD. The effects of medication on holidays have gains or risks, especially related to
tics are unpredictable. The presence of tics before weight gain.
or during medical management of ADHD is not an 3A: For children on stimulants, if one stimulant does
absolute contraindication to the use of stimulant not work at the highest feasible dose, the clinician
medications.41,42 A review of 7 studies comparing should recommend another.
stimulants with placebo or with other medications
indicated no increase in tics in children treated with At least 80%3 of children will respond to one of the
stimulants.2 stimulants if they are tried in a systematic way. Chil-

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dren who fail to show positive effects or who expe- play therapy) or thought patterns (eg, cognitive ther-
rience intolerable side effects on one stimulant med- apy or cognitive-behavior therapy). Although these
ication should be tried on another of the psychological interventions have great intuitive ap-
recommended stimulant medications. The reasons peal, they have little documented efficacy in the
for this recommendation include the following: treatment of children with ADHD,56 and gains
achieved in the treatment setting usually do not
• The finding that most children who fail to respond
transfer into the classroom or home. By contrast,
to one medication will have a positive response to
parent training in behavior therapy and classroom
an alternative stimulant
behavior interventions have successfully changed
• The safety and efficacy of stimulants in the treat-
the behavior of children with ADHD.6
ment of ADHD compared with nonstimulant
Parent training typically begins with 8 to 12
weekly group sessions with a trained therapist. The
• The numerous crossover trials that indicate the
focus is on the child’s behavior problems and diffi-
efficacy of different stimulants in the same child2,4
culties in family relationships. A typical program
• The idiosyncratic responses to medication55
aims to improve the parents’ or caregivers’ under-
Children who fail 2 stimulant medications can be standing of the child’s behavior and teaching them
tried on a third type or formulation of stimulant skills to deal with the behavioral difficulties posed by
medication for the same reason. (As indicated in ADHD. Programs offer specific techniques for giving
Recommendation 4, lack of response to treatment commands, reinforcing adaptive and positive social
also should lead clinicians to assess the accuracy of behavior, and decreasing or eliminating inappropri-
the diagnosis and the possibility of undiagnosed co- ate behavior. Programs plan for maintenance and
existing conditions.) relapse prevention. Parent training improves the
child’s functioning and decreases disruptive behav-
Behavior Therapy ior but (as with stimulant medications) does not
Behavior therapy represents a broad set of specific necessarily bring the behavior of a child with ADHD
interventions that have a common goal of modifying into the normal range on parent rating scales.56,57
the physical and social environment to alter or Classroom management also focuses on the child’s
change behavior. Along with behavior therapy, most behavior and may be integrated into classroom rou-
clinicians, parents, and schools address a variety of tines for all students or targeted for a selected child
changes in the child’s home and school environment, in the classroom. Classroom management often be-
including more structure, closer attention, and limi- gins with increasing the structure of activities. Sys-
tations of distractions. Such environmental modifica- tematic rewards and consequences, including point
tions have not undergone careful efficacy assess- systems or use of token economy (see Table 2), are
ment, but most treatment plans include them. included to increase appropriate behavior and elim-
Behavior therapy usually is implemented by train- inate inappropriate behavior. A periodic (often daily)
ing parents and teachers in specific techniques of report card can record the child’s progress or perfor-
improving behavior. Behavior therapy then involves mance with regard to goals and communicate the
providing rewards for demonstrating the desired be- child’s progress to the parents, who then provide
havior (eg, positive reinforcement) or consequences reinforcers or consequences based on that day’s per-
for failure to meet the goals (eg, punishment). Repet- formance. Classroom behavior management also
itive application of the rewards and consequences may improve a child’s functioning but may not bring
gradually shapes behavior. Although behavior ther- the child’s behavior into the normal range on teacher
apy shares a set of principles, it includes different behavior rating scales.57 Table 2 outlines specific be-
techniques with many of the strategies often com- havior therapies that have been demonstrated as ef-
bined into a comprehensive program. fective for ADHD.17
Behavior therapy should be differentiated from Evidence for the effectiveness of behavior therapy
psychological interventions directed to the child and in children with ADHD comes from a variety of
designed to change the child’s emotional status (eg, studies. The diversity of interventions and outcome

TABLE 2. Effective Behavioral Techniques for Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Technique Description Example
Positive reinforcement Providing rewards or privileges contingent on Child completes an assignment and is
the child’s performance. permitted to play on the computer.
Time-out Removing access to positive reinforcement Child hits sibling impulsively and is
contingent on performance of unwanted or required to sit for 5 minutes in the
problem behavior. corner of the room.
Response cost Withdrawing rewards or privileges contingent Child loses free time privileges for
on the performance of unwanted or not completing homework.
problem behavior.
Token economy Combining positive reinforcement and Child earns stars for completing
response cost. The child earns rewards and assignments and loses stars for
privileges contingent on performing desired getting out of seat. The child cashes
behaviors and loses the rewards and in the sum of stars at the end of the
privileges based on undesirable behavior. week for a prize.

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measures makes meta-analysis of the effects of be- medications and/or behavioral/environmental in-
havior therapy alone or in association with medi- terventions. As noted in 3A, when one stimulant
cations very difficult. Double-blind, randomized, medication appears ineffective (despite appropriate
placebo-controlled trials are difficult to perform, in titration), clinicians should carry out a trial of a sec-
part because of the difficulty of keeping examiners ond stimulant medication. Continuing lack of re-
and participants unaware of whether the child is sponse to treatment may reflect 1) unrealistic target
receiving treatment or placebo. Thus, the usual symptoms; 2) lack of information about the child’s
evidence-based medicine searches turn up few stud- behavior; 3) an incorrect diagnosis; 4) a coexisting
ies for review.2 Alternative experimental methods, condition affecting the treatment of the ADHD;
such as rigorous single-subject designs, are used fre- 5) lack of adherence to the treatment regimen; or 6) a
quently in the psychological literature. Studies that treatment failure. As discussed previously, treatment
compare the behavior of children during periods on of ADHD, while decreasing a child’s level of impair-
and off behavior therapy demonstrate the effective- ment, may not fully eliminate the core symptoms
ness of behavior therapy17; however, behavior ther- of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Simi-
apy has been demonstrated to be effective only while larly, children with ADHD may continue to have
it is implemented and maintained. difficulties with peer relationships despite adequate
A number of individual studies indicate positive treatment, and treatment for ADHD frequently
effects of behavior therapy in addition to medica- shows no association with improvements in aca-
tions. Almost all studies comparing behavior therapy demic achievement as measured by standardized in-
with stimulants alone indicate a much stronger effect struments.
from stimulants than from behavior therapy. When Evaluation of treatment outcomes requires a care-
comparing behavior therapy to stimulant medica- ful collection of information from multiple sources,
tions, efficacy of their combined treatment could not including parents, teachers, other adults in the
be demonstrated to be greater than medication alone child’s environment (eg, coaches), and the child. If
for the core symptoms of ADHD.2 The MTA study3 the target symptoms are realistic and the lack of
found that the combined treatment (medication man- effectiveness is clear, the primary care clinician
agement with behavior therapy), compared with should reassess the accuracy of the diagnosis of
medication alone, offered improved scores on aca- ADHD. This reassessment should include review of
demic measures, measures of conduct, and some the data initially obtained to make the diagnosis, as
specific ADHD symptoms (although not on global described in the AAP clinical practice guideline for
the diagnosis of children with ADHD.1 Reassessment
ADHD symptom scales). Although these trends were
usually will require gathering new information from
consistent, few reached statistical significance. In ad-
the child, school, and family about the core symp-
dition, parents and teachers of children receiving
toms of ADHD and their impact on the child’s func-
combined therapy were significantly more satisfied
tioning. Clinicians should reconsider other condi-
with the treatment plan.13,14,58 – 60
tions that can mimic ADHD.
A wide range of clinicians, including psycholo-
As indicated in the diagnostic clinical practice
gists, school personnel, community mental health guideline,1 other conditions commonly accompany
therapists, or the primary care clinician, can imple- ADHD in children, especially oppositional/conduct
ment behavior therapy directly or train others to disorders, anxiety, depression, and learning disor-
implement behavior therapy. Many clinicians prefer ders. These conditions often complicate the treat-
to refer to community resources for behavior ther- ment of ADHD; clinicians should determine if chil-
apy because behavior therapy with parents is time- dren who do not respond to treatment have these
consuming and often does not lend itself to the struc- conditions, either by direct determination in their
ture and schedule of the primary care office. Schools offices or by referral to appropriate subspecialists
may provide behavior therapy with teachers in the (eg, developmental-behavioral pediatricians, child
context of a Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) plan or psychiatrists, psychologists, or other mental health
an individual education plan. Where ADHD has a clinicians) or the school system (eg, school psychol-
significant impact on a child’s educational abilities, ogists for learning disabilities) for further evaluation.
Section 504 requires schools to make classroom ad- These coexisting conditions may not have been fully
aptations to help children with ADHD function in evaluated initially because of the severity of the
that setting. Adaptations may include preferential ADHD, or the child may have developed another
seating, decreased assignment and homework load, condition with time. Standard psycho-educational
and behavior therapy implemented by the teacher. testing may clarify the role of learning and language
RECOMMENDATION 4: When the selected manage- disorders, although other disorders require different
ment for a child with ADHD has not met target assessments.
outcomes, clinicians should evaluate the original Treatment plans for ADHD typically require chil-
diagnosis, use of all appropriate treatments, adher- dren, families, and schools to enter into a long-term
ence to the treatment plan, and presence of coexisting plan that includes a complex medication schedule
conditions (strength of evidence: weak; strength of along with environmental and behavioral interven-
recommendation: strong). tions. Environmental and behavioral interventions
will require ongoing efforts by parents, teachers, and
Most school-aged children with ADHD respond the child. A common cause of nonresponse to treat-
to a therapeutic regimen that includes stimulant ment is lack of adherence to the treatment plan.

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Ongoing monitoring of a child’s progress should information. As with the diagnosis of ADHD, clini-
assess the implementation of the plan and determine cians should have active and direct communication
key problems with, and barriers to, implementation. with schools. The MTA study indicates the benefit of
The clinician should assess adherence to medication teacher information over parent-derived information
and behavior therapy. Lack of adherence is not the when titrating the medication to maximum bene-
equivalent of treatment failure; clinicians should fit.3,62 Adherence to medication and the behavior
help families find solutions to adherence problems therapy program should be reviewed at each en-
before considering a plan as a failure. counter.
The following can be considered true treatment The frequency of monitoring depends on the de-
failure: 1) lack of response to 2 or 3 stimulant medi- gree of dysfunction, complications, and adherence.
cations at maximum dose without side effects or at No controlled trials clearly document the appropri-
any dose with intolerable side effects; 2) inability of ate frequency of follow-up visits. In the MTA trial,
behavioral therapy or combination therapy to control children in the medical management groups had
the child’s behaviors; and 3) the interference of a better outcomes and more frequent follow-up than
coexisting condition. In each of these situations, re- those in the standard community category, but
ferral to mental health specialists who are knowl- whether the frequency of follow-up was a determin-
edgeable about behavioral interventions in children ing factor in outcomes cannot be determined from
is the next step unless the primary care clinician has currently published materials.3 Once the child is sta-
expertise and experience in managing these situa- ble, an office visit every 3 to 6 months allows for
tions. assessment of learning and behavior. These visits
also allow assessment of potential side effects of
RECOMMENDATION 5: The clinician should peri- stimulants, such as decreased appetite and alteration
odically provide a systematic follow-up for the child of weight, height, and growth velocity. Periodic re-
with ADHD. Monitoring should be directed to target quests for medication refills offer an additional op-
outcomes and adverse effects by obtaining specific portunity for communication with the family. At the
information from parents, teachers, and the child refill request, the family can be asked about the
(strength of evidence: fair; strength of recommenda- child’s functioning in school and interpersonal rela-
tion: strong). tionships, as well as updates on communication from
the school. If any of the follow-up evaluations reveal
Clinicians should establish a plan for periodic
a decrease in the targeted outcomes, the clinician
monitoring of the effects of treatment. Research on
must first establish that the family is adhering to the
adherence to medical regimens in chronic diseases
treatment plan.
highlights the importance of identifying patient and
family concerns and goals and jointly designing a AREAS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH
management plan in a way that addresses these con- Tailoring Treatments to Children and Outcomes
cerns and promotes these goals.61 Plans should in- At the present time, the clinician’s initial choice
clude obtaining information about target behaviors, of a specific treatment program—the exact stimu-
educational output, and medication side effects pe- lant medication and the precise form of behavior
riodically through office visits, written reports, and therapy—is an area of uncertainty. Research to date
phone calls. Monitoring data should include the date has not shown clear advantages of one stimulant
of refills, the medication type, dosage, frequency, medication over others. The process of prescribing
quantity, and responses to treatment (both medica- an effective and comprehensive plan based on the
tion and behavior therapy). Data can be recorded in characteristics of the child and family and tailored in
a flow sheet, ideally, or in a progress note within terms of type, intensity, and frequency would help
each patient’s chart. The plan also should include a clinicians to improve treatment plans. What is re-
system for communication among parent, child, and quired is information relating specific sociodemo-
clinician between visits as well as a method for pe- graphic characteristics (eg, age or sex) or clinical
riodic contact with the teacher or other school per- characteristics (eg, subtype of ADHD) to optimal
sonnel before a follow-up visit. The monitoring plan responses to stimulant medication or type of behav-
should consider normal developmental changes in ior therapy. Moreover, relating treatments to specific
behavior over time, educational expectations that in- behaviors or components of ADHD rather than the
crease with each grade, and the dynamic nature of a whole symptom complex would allow the clinician
child’s home and school environment, because to better tailor the treatment plan.
changes in any of these factors may alter target be- Many children with ADHD have coexisting con-
haviors. All participants should share the plan ditions, including anxiety, depression, oppositional
agenda. Clinicians should provide information and defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and learning dis-
support at frequent intervals in a way that enables abilities. The literature provides minimal informa-
the child and family to make informed decisions that tion about how to treat these coexisting conditions in
promote the child’s long-term health and well-being. conjunction with ADHD and how the conditions
Information about target symptoms will continue affect the effectiveness and safety of treatments. Re-
to come from the parents, child, and teacher. Office search on how ADHD and coexisting conditions in-
interviews, telephone conversations, teacher narra- teract to affect treatment and outcomes will help
tives, and periodic behavior report cards and check- determine if children require multiple concurrent
lists are among the methods used to obtain needed treatments. Such studies can identify sensible, effec-

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tive, and comprehensive treatment plans for children most effective and efficient methods for affecting
with these conditions. change in clinician practices need to be determined.
This determination must be broad, taking into ac-
Expanded Treatment Options count clinician, practice, family, community, and
A major research challenge pertaining to the treat- policy issues that affect treatment. Research also
ment of ADHD is the development and evaluation of should evaluate the role of school- and community-
new treatments for this condition. The 2 current treat- based professionals, as well as primary care clini-
ments (stimulant medication and behavior therapy) cians, in delivering treatment services. Little is
reduce the symptoms and functional consequences known about how short- or long-term effectiveness
of ADHD, but only for as long as they are adminis- varies as a function of the school and community-
tered. Treatments with more lasting or even curative based professional involvement. Further, the studies
effects are needed. A significant number of children of service delivery need to include a public health
do not respond to stimulant medications or have and service system approach. They should consider
severe side effects. Some families cannot implement child and family outcomes and cost-effectiveness of
behavioral programs. Expanding the available med- care. Linking outcomes to service parameters is an
ical and behavioral treatment regimens with addi- important step in encouraging practice or system
tional safe and effective options would be useful change.
for such a prevalent chronic condition where not
all children respond to current treatments or adhere Epidemiology and Etiology
to them. Studying common-sense approaches, such The great growth in the diagnosis of ADHD has
as decreasing environmental distraction, should be led to major new work in the study of treatments. As
done. There is also the need for well-designed rigor- indicated previously, these efforts should continue
ous studies of currently promoted but less well- and expand. Less investigation has addressed the
established therapies such as occupational therapy, etiology of ADHD (ie, its biological and socioenvi-
biofeedback, herbs, vitamins, and food supplements. ronmental causes) and the opportunities arising from
These interventions are not supported by evidence- that understanding for prevention. For example,
based studies at the present time. would different social and behavioral arrangements
Long-term Outcomes in young families affect the onset of ADHD symp-
toms? Would early intervention in some way de-
Most studies about ADHD and its treatment have crease rates of ADHD? A clear need exists for active
been short-term. The long-term outcome of children work in understanding the etiology and prevention
with ADHD with or without coexisting conditions of ADHD.
has not been well studied. Furthermore, there is min-
imal information about the role of stimulant medica-
tion and/or behavior therapy in the natural history CONCLUSION
of the disorder. Future research should correct these This clinical practice guideline offers recommen-
deficits. For this chronic condition, efficacy and dations for the treatment of school-aged children
safety studies must be extended from weeks or with ADHD in primary care practice. The guideline
months to years. Long-term outcome studies must be emphasizes 1) consideration of ADHD as a chronic
prospective in design and consider changes over condition; 2) explicit negotiations about target
time in core symptoms of ADHD, coexisting condi- symptoms; 3) use of stimulant medication and be-
tions, and functional outcomes such as occupational havior therapy; and 4) close monitoring of treat-
successes and long-term relationships. ment outcomes and failures. The guideline further
provides suggestions for pediatric office-based
Service Delivery management of ADHD. It should help primary
Another major research area should address the care clinicians in their treatment of a common child
optimal services and procedures for successful man- health problem.
agement of ADHD in the real world (ie, in clinical
Subcommittee on
practice and classrooms). Much of the popular con- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
troversy over the inappropriate use of stimulant James M. Perrin, MD, Cochairperson
medication relates to how clinicians actually pre- Martin T. Stein, MD, Cochairperson
scribe them. Future research needs to study how Robert W. Amler, MD
medications are actually prescribed and what factors Thomas A. Blondis, MD
affect physician practice patterns. Research that in- Heidi M. Feldman, MD, PhD
cludes monitoring the outcomes of training will lead Bruce P. Meyer, MD
to the ability to develop better methods to assist Bennett A. Shaywitz, MD
clinicians in using effective treatment practices. Spe- Mark L. Wolraich, MD
cifically, basic information such as who are the most Consultants
appropriate clinicians to manage ADHD; the best Anthony DeSpirito, MD
schedule for follow-up; and the most valid, reliable, Charles J. Homer, MD, MPH
sensitive, and cost-effective ways to monitor treat- Esther Wender, MD
ment is essential. Such research must go beyond Liaison Representatives
physician self-reporting and into scrutinizing and Ronald T. Brown, PhD
evaluating actual practices in clinics and offices. The Society for Pediatric Psychology

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Theodore G. Ganiats, MD 8. Epstein JN, Conners CK, Erhardt D, et al. Familial aggregation of
American Academy of Family Physicians ADHD characteristics. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2000;28:585–594
9. Hinshaw SP, Owens EB, Wells KC, et al. Family processes and treat-
Brian Grabert, MD
ment outcomes in the MTA: negative/ineffective parenting practices in
Child Neurology Society
relation to multimodal treatment. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2000;28:
Karen Pierce, MD 555–568
American Academy of Child and Adolescent 10. Hoza B, Owens JS, Pelham WE Jr, et al. Cognitions as predictors of child
Psychiatry treatment response in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. J Ab-
norm Child Psychol. 2000;28:569 –583
11. March JS, Swanson JM, Arnold LE, et al. Anxiety as a predictor and
Carla T. Herrerias, BS, MPH outcome variable in the multimodal treatment study of children with
Committee on Quality Improvement ADHD. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2000;28:527–541
Charles J. Homer, MD, MPH, Chairperson 12. Pelham WE Jr, Gnagy EM, Greiner AR, et al. Behavioral vs behavioral
Richard D. Baltz, MD and pharmacological treatment in ADHD children attending a summer
treatment program. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2000;28:507–525
Gerald B. Hickson, MD
13. Conners CK, Epstein JN, March JS, et al. Multimodal treatment of
Paul V. Miles, MD ADHD (MTA): an alternative outcome analysis. J Am Acad Child Adolesc
Thomas B. Newman, MD, MPH Psychiatry. 2000;40:159 –167
Joan E. Shook, MD 14. Wells KC, Epstein JN, Hinshaw SP, et al. Parenting and family stress
William M. Zurhellen, MD treatment outcomes in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD):
an empirical analysis in the MTA study. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2000;
Liaison Representatives
Betty A. Lowe, MD 15. Wells KC, Pelham WE Jr, Kotkin RA, et al. Psychosocial treatment
National Association of Children’s Hospitals strategies in the MTA study. Rationale, methods, and critical issues in
and Related Institutions design and implementation. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2000;28:483–505
Ellen Schwalenstocker, MBA 16. Hinshaw SP, March JS, Abikoff H, et al. Comprehensive assessment of
National Association of Children’s Hospitals childhood attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in the context of a
and Related Institutions multisite, multimodal clinical trial. J Attention Disorders. 1997;1:217–234
Michael J. Goldberg, MD 17. Pelham WE Jr, Fabiano G. Behavior modification. Child Adolesc Psychiatr
Council on Sections Clin North Am. 2001;9:671– 688
Richard Shiffman, MD 18. Barkley RA, Fischer M, Edelbrock CS, Smallish L. The adolescent out-
Section on Computers and Other come of hyperactive children diagnosed by research criteria: I: an 8-year
prospective follow-up study. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 1990;
29:546 –557
Jan Ellen Berger, MD 19. Biederman J, Faraone S, Milberger S, et al. A prospective 4-year fol-
Committee on Medical Liability low-up study of attention-deficit hyperactivity and related disorders.
F. Lane France, MD Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1996;53:437– 446
Committee on Practice and Ambulatory 20. Mannuzza S, Klein R, Bessler A, Malloy P, LaPudula M. Adult psychi-
Medicine atric status of hyperactive boys grown up. Am J Psychiatry. 1998;155:
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21. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children With Disabil-
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Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the McMaster genetic disorders and other chronic health conditions. Pediatrics. 1997;
University Evidence-based Practice Center for its work in devel- 99:643– 644
oping the evidence report, and William E. Pelham, Jr, PhD, and 23. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children With Disabil-
Peter Jensen, MD, for their continuous input and insight into the ities. Care coordination: integrating health and related systems of care
evidence about treatment of ADHD. for children with special health care needs. Pediatrics. 1999;104:978 –981
24. American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Psychosocial Aspects
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Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of the School-Aged Child With
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Subcommittee on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Committee on Quality
Pediatrics 2001;108;1033
DOI: 10.1542/peds.108.4.1033

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Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of the School-Aged Child With
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Subcommittee on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Committee on Quality
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