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RS 106 – Christian Social Responsibility

NAME: Dorothy N. Santiago COURSE: BSTM-3 SCORE: _________

I. Instruction. Choose one subject listed below. Develop a position paper based on the
particular issue presented under the subject. NOTES: Computerized or Typewritten
– Font is Times New Roman; Font Size is 12. Not more than Two (2) Pages. Deadline
for submission is on or before May 20, 2023.

The Role of Religion in the Public Realm

Issue: Church’s Teachings is Relevant to Peaceful Society

Let us pause for a moment to reflect, close our eyes, and take a deep breath. And consider
this question. What exactly is peace? I'm prepared to bet that hundreds of ideas regarding peace
were simply served. Some of us may have explored big-picture, philosophical thoughts of peace
somewhere out there someday, while others may have considered how peace is lived and practiced
in the present. Thus, the beauty of peace is that it is both personal and intimate, while yet being
something larger than each of us. There is no single definition of peace, and consequently
numerous approaches to achieving it. Henceforth, the local church now has the ability to affect the
nation and worldwide nations. We Christians must see that the community requires our assistance,
and while we may not know how, we must simply state, “Lord, whatever it takes, whatever you
want me to do, I will be available,” and God will make a way.

I began to recognize the critical role that the church should play in the community as well
as the Christian individual, and that is what I am going to convey in this position paper; not just
the importance of doing, but also how to do it. You see, God did not create this world to be run
from the top down; rather, God created this world to be run from the bottom up. We, the people,
are a light, and when we bring it out from under the bushel, or as I like to put it, the bushel is our
church walls, and the bushel that we've been hiding our light under is behind that our stained-glass
buildings, and say this is where God can operate, we are a light. But, in reality, God desires the
influence of God's light in us to move outside of those walls, to begin to bring light into a dark
neighborhood, and to alter our communities and/or societies. However, the problem is that we have
problems with drugs, crime, and poverty in every community, but the answer to those problems is
we, “Christian.” But it is not just praying that gets us involved, because God will give us ideas on
how to change our community; to drive the devil out and become prosperous in order to attain

The question now is. How can God use us to help reduce crime? By assisting others and
becoming involved in the community, might we contribute to reduce crime? or to deal with what
is going on in our town or on our school community? The issue is that we lack the Christian
involvement that we require. In reality, the most we can do is vote. I am not suggesting it's the
most insignificant thing, but it's the simplest thing we can do. However, if Christians do not feel
that God want to use something as a witness, they do not act on it. We must “see” God in order to
move forward. Voting is God's way of “us” providing a witness to the community about what we
stand for. Therefore, when we vote, we vote based on our belief system, and this is a way for our
witness to be an influence in our community, which includes local, state, and federal elections.
Sometimes we believe that voting in national elections will settle everything. Nevertheless, the
church was established, and God established the church in every place. Therefore, the church
would be alight in that community, and God's blessing us peace would be on all societies.

Furthermore, pastors and the church must come to see themselves as pastoring a
community that is an influence rather than merely pastoring their congregation. Yes, they might
not come to us for advice. Yes, they may not come to us and the people in our community as
attendees, but we can still go outside of our four walls and carry the power that God has engraved
inside ourselves into that community and make the society peaceful. Now here’s the catch, each
one of us should state these phrases, “God, I am just available”, and when you say yourself
available, then God will give you a place where He can use you, but unless you realize that God
can use you in those areas and you’re not in the church; you’re not teaching your kids, you’re not
teaching the youth, you’re not teaching the adults how to be involved at this grassroots level, we
will never see the results in our societies like we should. Consequently, we must do our part, only
then it will become an inner quality. Subsequently, peace becomes something others can pick up
on, notice on an energy level, and emulate in their own actions. This way, peace becomes
contagious. As a result, there is no reason not to get involved; we only need to discover that it is
God's intention for us to get involved.

RS 106 – Christian Social Responsibility (Final Examination) 2

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