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End Term

characteristics of sound business idea

1. Fulfill a customer need: A successful business idea is one that solves a problem
or meets a need that customers have. The idea should address a pain point or
offer a solution that customers are willing to pay for.

2. Clear focus: A good business idea should have a clear and specific focus. It
should be able to answer questions like, "What problem are we solving?" and
"Who is our target customer?" A clear focus helps to keep the business on track
and allows for better decision-making.

3. Innovation: A strong business idea should be innovative and bring something

new to the market. It could be a new product or service, a new way of doing
things, or a new business model. Innovation sets a business apart from its
competitors and creates a competitive advantage.

4. Unique: A unique business idea is one that is not easily replicated or imitated by
competitors. It could be a unique product, service, or approach that is not easily
duplicated. Being unique helps a business stand out in a crowded marketplace.

5. Sustainable: A sound business idea should be sustainable over the long term. It
should be able to adapt to changes in the market and be able to withstand
challenges and obstacles. It should also have a strong foundation, such as a
solid business plan and a clear path to profitability.

6. Profitable in the long run: A good business idea should have the potential to be
profitable over the long term. It should have a clear revenue model and a path to
profitability. A profitable business is able to sustain itself and grow over time,
which is key to long-term success.

Business Idea Sources

1. Trend: One source of business ideas is to look at current trends in the market.
This could include trends in consumer behavior, technological advancements, or
changes in societal values. By identifying trends, entrepreneurs can develop
business ideas that address emerging needs or capitalize on new opportunities.

2. Society Need: Another source of business ideas is to identify societal needs that
are not being adequately addressed. This could include needs in areas like

End Term 1
healthcare, education, or environmental sustainability. By developing businesses
that address these needs, entrepreneurs can make a positive impact on society
while also building a successful business.

3. Government Policy: Government policies can also be a source of business

ideas. For example, new regulations or incentives can create opportunities for
businesses in certain industries. Entrepreneurs can also look for ways to
address societal problems that the government is trying to solve through policy

4. Existing market: Sometimes, the best business ideas come from identifying gaps
in existing markets. Entrepreneurs can look for opportunities to offer a better
product or service than what is currently available, or to serve a niche market
that is not being adequately addressed.

5. Research and Knowledge: Finally, research and knowledge can be a valuable

source of business ideas. This could involve staying up-to-date on the latest
research in a particular industry or field, or using your own expertise to develop a
business idea that addresses a specific problem or need. Entrepreneurs can
also seek out mentors or advisors who can provide guidance and insights based
on their own experience and knowledge.

method of generating business idea

1. Focus group: A focus group is a method of gathering feedback from a group of
individuals about a particular topic or idea. In the context of generating business
ideas, a focus group could be used to gather feedback from potential customers
or industry experts about potential products or services. The insights gained
from a focus group can help entrepreneurs to refine their ideas and identify
potential opportunities or challenges.

2. Brainstorming: Brainstorming is a popular method of generating business ideas

that involves generating a large number of ideas in a short period of time. The
goal of brainstorming is to encourage creativity and generate a wide range of
potential ideas. Once a list of ideas has been generated, entrepreneurs can then
evaluate and refine them based on factors like feasibility, market demand, and

3. Brainwriting: Brainwriting is a variation of brainstorming that involves generating

ideas in writing rather than through verbal discussion. In a brainwriting session,
each member of a group writes down their ideas on a piece of paper, which are
then passed around the group for feedback and further development.

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Brainwriting can be a useful method for generating a large number of ideas in a
short period of time, while also allowing individuals to think through their ideas in
more depth.

4. Problem inventory analysis: Problem inventory analysis involves identifying

problems or pain points in a particular market or industry and then brainstorming
potential solutions to those problems. This method of generating business ideas
is particularly useful for entrepreneurs who are looking to address a specific
need or gap in the market. By identifying problems and pain points,
entrepreneurs can develop solutions that are more likely to meet customer
needs and be successful in the market.

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