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Application for


Some notes about this application form: 1 2 Part 1 of this form is the main application form, which will be used as a basis for shortlisting and selection. Part 2 of this form requests information that will be used to monitor the effectiveness of our diversity code of practice. This information will be treated confidentially and will not be made available to those who will be selecting candidates for interview. In completing the application form please bear in mind the following: a) b) c) you are required to sign the declaration in Part 1 of the form certifying that all the information you have provided is accurate in submitting the application form you are agreeing that we may check any of the details you have provided providing incorrect information or omitting or concealing any relevant facts may result either in disqualification from the selection process or, where the discovery is made after an appointment, in dismissal.

The information you provide is covered by the provision of the Data Protection Act 1998. In submitting your application, you are consenting that we may handle and store the information given for recruitment and diversity monitoring purposes, and for your personal record should you be the successful candidate. If you have insufficient space in any section, please continue on a separate sheet attaching it securely to the main part of the form. Please use black ink or typescript so that the form can be photocopied. To complete this form electronically you will need Adobe Acrobat Version 7 or higher. This software can be downloaded from our website: The completed form should be returned to: HR & Development Group Henson House, Building 29 Cranfield University Cranfield Bedfordshire MK43 0AL Email:

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Part 1

Position applied for

Ref. No.

CONTACT DETAILS Surname Initials Day phone Evening phone Mobile Email SECONDARY AND HIGHER EDUCATION Please start with your most recent education. Dates From To School, college or university Results/grades obtained, scholarships & other distinctions Postcode Address

Examinations taken

OTHER RELEVANT PROFESSIONAL, OCCUPATIONAL OR SKILLS TRAINING Please start with your most recent training. Dates Training provider From To Type of training, eg full time, distance learning, short course

Subjects studied

Qualifications gained

MEMBERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL BODIES Please state current grade of membership of professional and/or scientific bodies with dates of election, and/or qualification.

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (this may include voluntary work) Please start with your most recent employment.

Dates From To

Employer's name, address and type of business

Positions held and brief description of duties

Reason for leaving / considering leaving

OTHER RELEVANT DETAILS Please describe below how your work experience, knowledge, skills and abilities match our particular job requirements. Also, give details of any key achievements you believe to be relevant.

(If you are applying for an academic or research post, please give particulars of the main fields or spheres in which you have undertaken research. Details of published work, contributions to learned societies and membership of advisory committees should be submitted on a separate sheet).

EMPLOYMENT SITUATION Notice required Current/previous salary and benefits package Current/previous pension scheme Salary requirements Would you require a work permit to take up this post? REFERENCES Please give details of three referees who can give an opinion on your academic and/or professional work experience. These references should include your last two employers and cover at lest the previous two years of your employment. If you have not previously been employed, please include your head teacher/tutor. If a referee knows you by a different surname, please give details. Most recent employer first Name and address Name and address

Postcode Telephone Fax Email Referee's status Can we contact this referee before interview?

Postcode Telephone Fax Email Referee's status Can we contact this referee before interview?

Name and address

Postcode Telephone Fax Email Referee's status Can we contact this referee before interview?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION If appointed, do you have any business and/or financial interests that might conflict with the duties of the post? If you have any, please give details below. This will not normally exclude you from the post, but must be declared.

If you are related to, or a partner of, Cranfield staff please give the person's name and relationship to them.

Please state where you saw the post advertised.


I confirm that the information contained in this form is correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any wilful or negligent mis-statement could lead to my application being rejected or to my dismissal if engaged.

Signature of applicant Note: If you are applying electronically you will be required to sign this application form if you are selected for interview. This will form part of the interview process.

Date of application

Part 2
Diversity Monitoring At Cranfield University we value diversity and recognise that people from different backgrounds can bring fresh ideas and perceptions, enabling greater opportunity for innovation, creativity and improved competitiveness. We aim to create an environment in which people from all backgrounds can work and study together harmoniously. We therefore welcome and encourage job applications from all sections of the local, national and international community, and seek to ensure that individuals are selected solely on the basis of their knowledge, skills and abilities to do the job. Discrimination based on gender, marital or parental status, race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, age, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation or any other reason will form no part of the selection process. Post applied for Department/school Title (please select) Maiden name (if applicable) Date of birth Your gender Ethnic Origin: I would describe my cultural and ethnic origin as: (please select from the dropdown list) Disability: Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined in the Disability Discrimination Act 1995?
'a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day duties'

Post reference

Surname Forenames Nationality

If yes, please state the nature of your disability Do you have any requirements, e.g. equipment, special access arrangements, or facilities in order to attend and complete the interview process If you would require any adjustments to be made to the job to accommodate your needs, please give full details here Note: if you are selected for interview, information on any adjustments required will be provided in confidence to the interview panel members in order that your needs may be discussed further with you. Have you ever been convicted of an offence that is not 'spent' under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, or do you have any prosecutions pending against you? If you have answered yes, please provide full details in a separate sealed envelope addressed to the HR Manager and marked 'confidential'. The nature of the conviction and its relevance to the job in question will be carefully considered.

Thank you for your co-operation

To apply electronically, save this document as a PDF file and attach it in an email to the address given at the front of the form. To apply by post, click the Print button below. You can either complete the fields electronically or write by hand. The return address is at the front of this form.
Print Form


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