Anatomy Study Plan

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The purpose of this anatomy study plan is to serve as a daily guideline in helping
you learn anatomy in a regular,
efficient and structured way. The plan is structured from the interior anatomy to
the outside anatomy, working from the skeletal system,
to the musculature and then to the skin surface level of study. Anatomy image
resources and more can be found in the Anatomy Resources Document.

KEEP IN MIND!: Studying anatomy is a long term and or life-long practice. Once
adequate studies have been engaged in, a general knowledge is established,
however a refined knowledge can take many years. Please engage in anatomical study
optimistically, and take it one step at a time.


The below study list describes the topic and order in which to study each element,
and prescribes a recommended number of pages, and drawings per page.

FREQUENCY: It is advised that one page of anatomical study be done per day, the
time will vary based on the complexity of the observed anatomical form, but 1 Hour
or less is advised.

DETAILS: Multiple angles of the Skeleton, Musculature and Skin Surface Anatomy
should be drawn to ensure a holistic knowledge of the details of the anatomy.
Strive to solidify the basic ¾ front and ¾ back views, and then create multiple
other views.

It is important specifically with the musculature drawings to label the musculature

once the drawing is done to aid memory retention.


• Note the Eye socket size
• Note the jaw connection
• Note the Roundness of the teeth and jaw in the front
• Note the ear canal positioning
• Note the cartilage mass of the nose

10 Pages | 4 Observational Drawings per Page

Full Skeleton, Basic Detail Level

5 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Clavicle and Scapula

• Note the front joining of the clavicle bones
• Note the Acromion end of Scapula

7 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Spine and Ribcage
• Note the connection point of the spine into the Skull
• Note the connection point of the spine into the Pelvis

10 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Humerus, Ulna and Radius

• Note the Scapula to Humerus Connection

• Note the Ulna and Radius twisting mechanism

10 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Bones of the Hand

• Note the wrist and palm bone elements

3 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

• Note the Ilium Crest
• Note the width variance between male and female pelvic bones

8 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

• Note the Great Trochanter protrusion
• Note the connection point into the pelvis
• Note the angle of the femur as it travels down to the knee
• Note the Patella position and protrusion

8 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Tibia and Fibia

• Note the joint to the Femur
• Note the position of the Patella
• Note the joint into the bones of the foot

8 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Bones of the Foot

• Note the elements of the heel

5 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page


Muscles of the Face

2 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page
Muscles of the Neck Front and Back
• Note the front and back bone attachment points
• Note the main attachments behind the jaw, below the ear

6 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Neck Back

• Note the overall Diamond shape of the trapezius
• Note connection points to Scapula bones

6 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Shoulder

• Note 3 Bulk masses
• Note attachment points to Clavicle and Scapula
• Note Acromion position

10 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Upper Arm

• Biceps, Triceps, Brachialis
• Note the Connection point of the Deltoid between the Biceps and Triceps

• Note the Extensor originating from behind the Bicep

• Note the unique Tricep connection to the elbow in rear-view

10 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Lower Arm

• Extensors and Flexors

• Brachioradialis
• Note the connections into the upper arm

10 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Hands

• Note the length of the muscles
• Note the Thumb base muscles
• Note the tendon wrapping around the wrist

5 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Muscles of the Chest and Trunk – Front
Pectoralis Major (Male and Female), Abdominals, Serratus Anterior, External
Obliques, Latisimus Dorsi,
• Note the Pectoralis Major connection under the Deltoid
• Note the T-shape pattern of the Serratus Anterior
• Observe the Abdominal muscles shapes and quantity (8-Pack)

10 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Chest and Trunk – Back

Latisimus Dorsi, External Obliques, Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus
• Note the shape of the trapezius into the Latisimus Dorsi
• Note the Shape and wrap-around of the Gluteus Maximus

5 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Upper Legs – Front

Adductors, Vastus Lateralis, Rectis Femoris, Vastus Medialis, Sartorius
• Note the angle of connection of the adductors to the pelvis
• Note the long curve of Vastus Lateralis and the short curve of Vastus Medialis
• Note the connection points to the bones
• Specifically note the line and angle of the Sartorius wrapping from the inside of
the knee to the top of the leg (the skin surface line often shows)

10 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Lower Legs – Front

Tibialis Anterior, Peroneus Longus, Extensor Digitorum Longus, Gastroncnemius
(Front showing elements)
• Note the short inside curve of the Gastrocnemius and the long outside curve of
the Peroneus Longus
• Note the shin bone view in the front lower leg

5 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Upper Legs – Side

Tensor Fascia Lata, Gluteus Medias, Gluteus Maximus, Vastus Lateralis
• Mainly note the wrapping nature of the Fascia Lata and the wrap-around of the
Gluteus Maximus
• Fascia Lata’s connection down near the knee (Somewhat like an external Sartorius
of sorts)

5 Pages | 2 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Upper Leg – Back

Vasus Lateralis, Biceps Femoris, Semitendinosus, Adductors, Semimembranosus
• Note how the muscles wrap around to the front of the knee
• Note the diamond shape of “space” formed behind the knee between the top and
bottom leg muscles
10 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Lower Leg – Back

Inner and Outer Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Calcaneal Tendon (Achilles Heel)
• Note the shape of the Gastrocnemius
• Note the shape of the calcaneal tendon as it moves upward into the gastrocnemius
• Note the connection point of the calcaneal tendon to the heel

10 Pages | 3 Observational Drawings per Page

Muscles of the Feet

• Note the wrapping tendons
• Note the length of the striated muscles

5 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page


Male Full Figure
• Note more rigid angles, more bunched muscles

10 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Female Full Figure

• Note more curvature and longer, slender muscles

10 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Male Head

• Note typically angular jaw (idealism)

5 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Female Head

• Note typically rounder jaw, particularly when connecting to the ear (idealism)

5 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Male and Female Shoulders and Arms

• Note Acromion protrusion
• Note Elbow protrusion
• Note Wrist bone protrusion

10 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Male and Female Legs
• Note Knee protrusion
• Note protrusion of the Tibia, Fibia and Femur at the knee, especially when bent
• Note angle change at the Great Trochanter

10 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Male Chest and Trunk

• Note sternum indentation
• Note ribcage protrusion at front (upside down V)
• Note protruding Ilium Crest

10 Pages | 2 Observational Drawing per Page

Female Chest and Trunk

• Note breast shape and volume
• Note pectoralis connection point under the deltoid front
• Note Rib-cage surface view
• Note protruding Ilium Crest

10 Pages | 2 Observational Drawing per Page

Male and Female Chest and Trunk Back Views

• Note Scapula and Acromion Protrusion
• Note slight spine vertebrae protrusion

5 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

Male and Female Hands

20 Pages | 10 Observational Drawing per Page

Male and Female Feet

20 Pages | 10 Observational Drawing per Page

Human Eyes
• All observed anatomical elements of the eyes

20 Pages | 10 Observational Drawing per Page

Human Ears
10 Pages | 5 Observational Drawing per Page

Human Noses
20 Pages | 5 Observational Drawing per Page
Human Mouth and Lips
20 Pages | 5 Observational Drawing per Page

Observational Face Studies

• Including hair and eyebrows

10 Pages | 1 Observational Drawing per Page

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