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Submitted for the

partial fulfillment of
requirement for the
degree of

B.Tech of Computer Science and Engineering



Submitted To: Submitted By:

Mrs. Kiran Narang Atul Parashar

A.P (CSE/IT) CSE –IVth year (8th Sem)
Mr. Ashu Bansal

Dr. Naveen Kumar Malik



I hereby declare that the Training Report was submitted by me under the supervision and
guidance of Ms. Kiran Narang project guide, Ducat in Partial Fulfillment for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering is my original work. This Training
Report has not formed the basis for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship or any
other similar titles.

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my

I further declare that I am solely responsible for omission and commission of errors if any.

Place: (Signature)

Name: Mr. Ankur

Date:…………………….. Registration No-19011001007



Amongst the wide panorama of people who provided me the inspiration, guidance
andencouragement, I take this opportunity to thank those who gave me indebted assistance
and constant encouragement for completing this project.

I would like to thank Mr.Nitin, HR Executive of DUCAT Pvt. Ltd., Delhi for his continuous help in
completion of this project. She motivated me and was available whenever her assistance was
sought. She was actively involved throughout the project and was also kind enough to tell me
the strengths and weaknesses and howI could improve myself to face the corporate world.
Without her support the completion of this project would be impossible.

I would like to extend my thanks to all the employees/staff of the DUCAT Pvt. Ltd. for their

I would also like to thank my college project guide Ms. Kiran Narang, Hindu College of
Engineering for his valuable guidance and support.

Thanking you All

Place: Delhi (Deepanshu)



This training provided me an in-depth exploration of web development using python full stack.
This report covers key concepts, techniques, and practical examples related to these technologies
that I learned in the training. The objective of the training was to equip participants with the
fundamental knowledge and skills required to build modern and interactive web applications.

Throughout the training, practical examples and hands-on exercises were provided to reinforce
the theoretical concepts. I was able to apply their learning by building interactive web pages,
implementing responsive designs, and developing dynamic applications using python.

The training report concludes with a summary of the topics covered, emphasizing the importance
of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and django in modern web development. It highlights the benefits of
component-based architecture, the efficiency of asynchronous programming with callbacks and
async/await, and the vast ecosystem of libraries and tools available for enhancing web
development workflows.

Overall, this training report serves as a comprehensive resource for individuals interested in
gaining a solid foundation in web development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and django The report
provides a clear understanding of the technologies, their applications, and best practices for
creating engaging and interactive web experiences

Title Page no.

Institute Certificate (i)

Industry Certificate (ii)
Acknowledgement (iii)

Table of Contents (iv

Introduction about company 1-
Exectutive Summary 11

Role of Python Developer 12-

Skills required to become a 14-
successful python developer
Job at glance & 36-
Responsibility in the job
Projects 39-
Conclusion 51
The Industrial Training Ducat Courses deliver a broad range
of fundamental and specialty industrial training courses
designed to help build a competent, qualified, and efficient
Ducat India Courses provide a powerful training tool that can
be used directly where training is required, e.g., in the
classroom, at the plant, in the office. It offers all the important
content in the appropriate context, comprehensive assessments,
and the latest tools to evaluate performance. With seamless
integration into Mind- Sight, the Ducat Courses provide a
multitude of ways to fulfill industrial training needs.
● Broad range of fundamental and specialty industrial
training courses
● Used by top-tier manufacturing, industrial, and
technical associations
● Comprehensive assessments
● Seamless integration within the Mind-Sight learning and
content management system.
● Project Based Industrial Training is conducted by
Ducat India with a range of courses to be delivered across a
number of locations. The programs are usually conducted
twice a year, beginning in the month of January and July.
The duration of the program varies from 4 to 6 months
depending on student needs and qualified partner
professionals are engaged to deliver the program and guide
the trainees throughout the program. There are around 50-
60 participants in a batch with a good student-trainer ratio
for effective learning. Upon completion of the program, a
training certificate and project letter will be provided to
successful students.
● Ducat is providing great opportunities in the growing field
to the students. We have the best career-boosting options
for learners. At Ducat, we provide training to the BCA
and BSc. IT,, and MCA students are required to get
engage in large software, web development, and internet
marketing companies. It has been observed that after
completing education from the colleges with a very good
percentage, it becomes difficult for the fresher to get a
suitable job. It is not their fault; however, in colleges, they
don’t get a chance to learn job-oriented education. We are
here to make them efficient so that it became easy for them
to get jobs in any required field in the IT industry. We
focus to give the best training sessions to the students that
help them in their skill enhancement. We provide different
training courses to our employees that include
complete teaching sessions and live project-handling
experience. It helps them to enhance their basic as well as
practical knowledge. We also provide job opportunities to
our trainees if they learn and grow with our training

DUCAT Corporate provides corporate education and custom-

content training solutions to some of Indias largest private,
public and Government organizations .We serve clients in
Various sectors such as information technology, financial
communications,education,professional services. Ducat
corporate is proud of its ability to assess learning needs and
develop and deliver training solutions to support and enhances
return on learners training investments.
Ducat envisages strengthening its training base on industry
scenario and technology development issues, developing its
training capabilities. it further acts as an interface with software
companies to promote exchange of innovations, training
methodologies, design on training curriculum and monitoring
the software industry trends, country wide.
Ducat corporate has been offering software training, drawn from
experience in research ,training and facilitation in the areas of
process improvement, product engineering,quality and
knowledge management. Our holistic approach to process
improvement training is based on the objective of integrating
people, process, and technology, which are critical to the
performance of a trainee.
Our #1 Highest Priority is on Building Your Job-
oriented Skills

We are thriving to establish ourselves as an education provider

that focuses on giving you job-oriented skills. We understand
what the monthly paycheck will make you and your family feel.

Our Mission
Back in 2000, keeping in mind to train and educate youngsters,
we started our journey. When we started DUCAT IT Institute,
our passion was and is to train youngsters in job-oriented
subdomains in the IT industry to secure a career by offering you
the best IT Training. We are here to guide you to reach the
pinnacle of your career. We are aware of the fact that getting a
job is the prime motive of students after course completion, here
at DUCAT we provide 100% Job assistance.

Our IT Institute has 6 branches at Delhi NCR, with more than

180 courses and skill sets. Our Institute is helping youngsters to
be trained in job-oriented courses and improve their career.
DUCAT is a Registered IT Training Institute. We train students
from both local and PAN India in a variety of nationally
recognised professional IT courses.
With our streamlined and adaptable course delivery model, we
ensure that you thoroughly grasp the information and develop
useful skills in your selected course.
When you enrol with us, you'll be joining hundreds of other job
searchers and IT professionals who got employment or
promotion after completion of training from us.
We offer a customised approach in training to elevate and build
your IT skills which makes you stand out from the crowd.

Ducat Trainers and Quality

We have highly qualified trainers and educators specialising in
the IT industry. Top IT professionals will educate you with deep
knowledge of the course and as per current IT industry needs.
Our education strategy is primarily based on Industry
requirements. To make sure you're educated on the most recent
industry standards, we are very responsive to the variable needs
of the IT Industry.
Your career Matters to us
All of our students are entitled to a perk: affiliate consulting,
professional services, and placement services.
The follow-up meetings with each student individually, free of
charge, are conducted by our trainers, who are also skilled IT
consultants and professionals. These meeting sessions are
nothing but our learning and training strategies to secure a
candidate placement.
These meetings include career counselling, resume preparation,
and mock job interviews with feedback and analysis reports
which are provided on a regular basis during training. Your
attention will be drawn to class topics that are frequently
covered in technical interviews by our trainers.
We have developed strong relationships with several IT firms
and are interacting with more new and renowned ones that are
creating sizable ERP, E-Commerce, and QA programmes, and
we are on their preferred vendor list. Our corporate partners are
aggressively recruiting our students.
We also support our students in advancing in their professional
careers, settling into new work environments after being
employed, and maintaining their employability and
competitiveness by picking up cutting-edge new skills.
Software Development Services:

For Software Development we work with key

enterprise technologies:

1. Amazon Web Services

2. BI and DW
3. Business Analyst
4. Google Apps
5. Infor
6. Microsoft Technologies
7. Oracle Apps
8. Project Management
9. Salesforce/CRM
10. SAP
11. Databases
12. Microsoft SQL
13. Mongo
14. MySQL
15. Oracle
16. PostgreSQL
17. Programming languages
18. Dot net
19. Java
20. JavaScript
21. PHP
22. Python
23. Ruby on Rails
24. Mainframe technologies: CICS, COBOL, IMS
25. Automated and Manual Testing
26. Digital Marketing Services
27. Content Marketing
28. Display Ad Marketing
29. Email Marketing
30. Landing Pages
31. Paid Search
32. Remarketing
33. SEO
34. Business Process Outsourcing
35. Call Center to support roll out of mobile service
36. Lead Generation.

37. Medical Billing and Collection.

38. Medical Transcription.
39. Recruitment Process Outsourcing.
40. Telemarketing.
41. Technical Help Desk
42. UX/UI Design
43. Graphic Design
44. Animation
45. Product design
Team leader at Ducat Institue.pvt

Nitin is an accomplished Python Full Stack trainer and a

competent team leader with extensive experience in leading
development projects and training individuals in full- stack
Python web development. With his strong technical expertise
and leadership skills, Nitin has successfully guided and
mentored numerous professionals and aspiring developers in
building robust and scalable web applications.

As a Python Full Stack trainer, Nitin possesses a comprehensive

understanding of the entire web development stack, including
front-end technologies, back- end frameworks, databases, and
deployment strategies. He is adept at teaching the complete
development cycle, from designing user interfaces to
implementing server-side logic and managing databases.

Nitin's training sessions are highly regarded for their practicality

and relevance to real-world scenarios. He ensures that trainees
gain hands-on experience by providing them with coding
exercises, projects, and challenges that simulate the challenges
faced in industry. Nitin's approach encourages trainees to apply
their knowledge and develop problem-solving skills.
Executive Summary:

Python is an object-oriented programming language that has

gained popularity over the years due to its simplicity, ease of
use, and versatility. It has found applications in various fields,
including web development, data science, artificial
intelligence, and machine learning. The demand for Python
developers is increasing, and it is expected to remain high in
the future.

This report provides an overview of the role of a Python

developer, the skills required to become a successful Python
developer, the job market for Python developers, and the
future outlook of the field. The report also includes a detailed
discussion of the job responsibilities of a Python developer,
the tools and frameworks used in Python development, and
the salary and career prospects of a Python developer.
Role of python web development

The role of a Python developer involves designing,

developing, and maintaining software applications using the
Python programming language. Python developers typically
work on a range of tasks related to application development,

1. Writing Code: Python developers write clean, efficient, and

scalable code to implement software solutions. They utilize
Python's syntax and libraries to build various components of
an application, such as data processing algorithms, business
logic, and user interfaces.
2. Web Development: Python is widely used for web
development, and Python developers often work with
frameworks like Django or Flask to build web applications.
They create server-side logic, handle data storage and
retrieval, and implement user authentication and
3. Data Analysis and Manipulation: Python has become popular
in the field of data science and analytics. Python developers
may work with libraries like NumPy, Pandas, or SciPy to
perform data analysis, manipulate datasets, and build machine
learning models.
4. Integration and APIs: Python developers integrate different
systems and services by building APIs (Application
Programming Interfaces) or utilizing existing APIs. They may
work with
technologies like REST, SOAP, or GraphQL to facilitate
data exchange between different applications.
5. Testing and Debugging: Python developers write unit tests
to ensure the correctness and robustness of their code. They
also perform debugging to identify and fix any issues or bugs
that arise during the development process.
6. Collaboration and Communication: Python developers
often work as part of a development team, collaborating with
other developers, designers, and stakeholders. They
participate in meetings, discuss project requirements, and
provide regular updates on their progress.
7. Continuous Learning: Python is a versatile language with
a broad ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Python
developers are expected to stay updated with the latest
developments in the Python community and continuously
improve their skills and knowledge.
Overall, the role of a Python developer is to leverage their
expertise in Python programming to develop reliable,
scalable, and efficient software
Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for
its simplicity and readability. It was created by Guido van Rossum and
first released in 1991. Python has gained immense popularity among
developers due to its versatility and extensive range of applications.

Key features of Python include:

1. Easy-to-Read Syntax: Python uses a clean and intuitive syntax

that emphasizes code readability, making it easier to understand
and maintain. This feature is particularly beneficial for beginners
and collaborative projects.

2. Extensive Library Support: Python provides a vast standard library,

offering a wide range of pre-built modules and functions that can be
easily imported and used to perform various tasks, such as handling
strings, performing mathematical operations, working with databases,
and more. Additionally, there is a rich ecosystem of third-party
libraries and frameworks available for specialized purposes.

3. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python is a cross-platform language,

meaning it can run on various operating systems such as Windows,
macOS, Linux, and more, without requiring major modifications.
portability enables developers to write code once and run it
on different platforms.

4. Dynamic Typing and Automatic Memory Management: Python uses

dynamic typing, allowing variables to be assigned without explicitly
specifying their data types. Additionally, Python employs automatic
memory management through garbage collection, relieving
developers from manual memory allocation and deallocation.

5. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Support: Python supports

object-oriented programming, enabling developers to create
reusable and modular code structures using classes, objects, and
inheritance. This promotes code organization, encapsulation, and
code reusability.

6. Versatility: Python can be used for a wide range of applications,

including web development, data analysis, scientific computing,
artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, scripting,
game development, and more. Its versatility and extensive library
support make it a popular choice for various domains.

7. Community and Support: Python has a large and active community

of developers who contribute to its growth and development. The
Python community provides extensive documentation, tutorials,
forums, and resources, making it easy to find assistance and support
when needed.
Due to its ease of use, flexibility, and powerful capabilities, Python
has become one of the most widely adopted programming languages.
It continues to evolve and adapt to emerging trends, making it an
excellent choice for beginners, experienced developers, and
organizations seeking efficient and scalable solutions.


Operators in Python are symbols or special characters that perform

specific operations on operands (values or variables). Python
provides various types of operators to perform arithmetic, logical,
comparison, assignment, and other operations. Here are the
commonly used operators in Python:

1. Arithmetic Operators:

- Addition (+): Adds two operands.

- Subtraction (-): Subtracts the second operand from the first.

- Multiplication (*): Multiplies two operands.

- Division (/): Divides the first operand by the second (returns a

float result).
- Floor Division (//): Divides the first operand by the second
and returns the quotient (integer division).

- Modulus (%): Returns the remainder of the division.

- Exponentiation (**): Raises the first operand to the power of

the second.

2. Comparison Operators:

- Equal to (==): Checks if two operands are equal.

- Not equal to (!=): Checks if two operands are not equal.

- Greater than (>): Checks if the first operand is greater than

the second.

- Less than (<): Checks if the first operand is less than the second.

- Greater than or equal to (>=): Checks if the first operand is

greater than or equal to the second.

- Less than or equal to (<=): Checks if the first operand is less than
or equal to the second.

3. Logical Operators:

- Logical AND (and): Returns True if both operands are True.

- Logical OR (or): Returns True if at least one of the operands is True.

- Logical NOT (not): Returns the opposite boolean value of
the operand.

4. Assignment Operators:

- Assignment (=): Assigns a value to a variable.

- Add and assign (+=): Adds the right operand to the left operand
and assigns the result to the left operand.

- Subtract and assign (-=): Subtracts the right operand from the
left operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

- Multiply and assign (*=): Multiplies the left operand by the

right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

- Divide and assign (/=): Divides the left operand by the right
operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

- Modulus and assign (%=): Applies modulus to the left operand

and the right operand and assigns the result to the left operand.

- Exponentiation and assign (**=): Raises the left operand to the

power of the right operand and assigns the result to the left

5. Membership Operators:

- In: Returns True if a value is found in a sequence.

- Not in: Returns True if a value is not found in a sequence.

6. Identity Operators:

- is: Returns True if two variables refer to the same object.

- is not: Returns True if two variables do not refer to the same object.

These are some of the commonly used operators in Python.

Understanding and utilizing operators effectively is essential for
performing various operations and calculations in Python


Python provides several built-in data structures that allow
efficient organization, storage, and manipulation of data. Here are
some commonly used data structures in Python:

1. Lists:
- Lists are ordered, mutable (changeable), and can store multiple
data types.
- Elements are enclosed in square brackets ([]), and each element
is separated by a comma.
- Lists can be indexed and sliced to access specific elements
or sublists.
- Example: ```my_list = [1, 'hello', 3.14, True]```

2. Tuples:
- Tuples are similar to lists but are immutable (cannot be
changed after creation).
- Elements are enclosed in parentheses (()) and separated by commas.
- Tuples can be indexed and sliced like lists.
- Example: ```my_tuple = (1, 'hello', 3.14, True)```

3. Sets:
- Sets are unordered collections of unique elements.
- Elements are enclosed in curly braces ({}) or created using the
`set()` function.
- Sets do not allow duplicate values and can perform set
operations like union, intersection, and difference.
- Example: ```my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}```

4. Dictionaries:
- Dictionaries are key-value pairs that allow efficient lookup
and retrieval of values.
- Elements are enclosed in curly braces ({}) and consist of key-
value pairs separated by colons (:).
- Dictionaries are mutable and can store heterogeneous data types.
- Example: ```my_dict = {'name': 'John', 'age': 25, 'city': 'New York'}```

5. Strings:
- Strings are sequences of characters enclosed in single quotes ('')
or double quotes ("").
- Strings are immutable, meaning they cannot be modified
after creation.
- Strings support various operations like concatenation, slicing,
and string formatting.
- Example: ```my_string = "Hello, World!"```

6. Arrays:
- Arrays are collections of elements of the same data type, stored
in contiguous memory locations.
- Arrays in Python are implemented using the NumPy library,
which provides efficient array operations and mathematical
- Example: ```import numpy as np; my_array = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

These data structures in Python serve different purposes and provide

various functionalities for organizing and manipulating data. The choice
of data structure depends on the specific requirements of your
program and the type of operations you need to perform.

Packages in Python are a way of organizing and structuring related
modules and code. A package is simply a directory that contains
multiple Python modules, along with a special file called ` init
Packages provide a hierarchical structure for organizing and
managing code, making it easier to maintain and reuse.

To create a package, you need to follow these steps:

1. Create a new directory: Start by creating a new directory with

a descriptive name for your package.

2. Add an ` init .py` file: In the package directory, create a file named
` init .py`. This file can be empty or can contain initialization
code that will be executed when the package is imported.
3. Add Python modules: Within the package directory, you can add
multiple Python module files (.py). Each module can contain
classes, functions, or variables related to a specific aspect of your
package's functionality.

4. Sub-packages: Packages can have sub-packages, allowing for further

organization and division of code. To create a sub-package, create a
new directory within the package directory and repeat the steps above.

Once you have created the package structure, you can use it in your
Python code by importing modules or sub-packages using the
package name. Here's an example:

Pandas is a powerful open-source data manipulation and analysis
library for Python. It provides easy-to-use data structures and
analysis tools, making it popular among data scientists and analysts.
Here are some key features and functionalities of Pandas:

1. Data Structures:
- Series: A one-dimensional labeled array that can hold any data type.
- DataFrame: A two-dimensional labeled data structure, similar to a
table or spreadsheet, with columns of potentially different data
- Panel: A three-dimensional data structure for handling data
with dimensions such as time, space, and variables.

2. Data Manipulation:
- Reading and writing data: Pandas can read data from various file
formats, such as CSV, Excel, SQL databases, and more. It can also
write data to these formats.
- Data cleaning and preprocessing: Pandas provides functions for
handling missing data, removing duplicates, transforming data
types, and more.
- Data filtering and selection: Pandas allows for intuitive data
indexing, slicing, and filtering based on conditions.
- Data aggregation and summarization: Pandas supports
grouping, pivot tables, and various statistical and mathematical
operations on data.
- Data merging and joining: Pandas provides functionality to
merge, join, and concatenate data from multiple sources based on
common keys or indices.
- Time series analysis: Pandas has built-in support for handling time
series data, including date/time indexing, resampling, and time-
based calculations.

3. Data Visualization:
- Pandas integrates well with other data visualization libraries like
Matplotlib and Seaborn, allowing you to create insightful plots,
charts, and graphs.
- It provides convenient methods for generating basic
visualizations and supports customization options.

4. Performance and Efficiency:

- Pandas is designed for efficient data handling and processing,
even with large datasets.
- It leverages optimized algorithms and data structures, resulting
in faster computations.

Pandas is widely used in various domains, including data analysis,

machine learning, finance, social sciences, and more. Its user-
friendly API and comprehensive functionality make it a powerful tool
for data manipulation, analysis, and exploration in Python.

NumPy (Numerical Python) is a powerful open-source library
for numerical computing in Python. It provides efficient and
performance multidimensional array objects, along with a collection of
mathematical functions to operate on these arrays. NumPy is widely
used in scientific computing, data analysis, machine learning, and
other areas where numerical operations are crucial. Here are some key
features and functionalities of NumPy:

1. Ndarray: NumPy introduces the ndarray (n-dimensional array)

object, which is a powerful data structure that allows efficient storage
and manipulation of homogeneous arrays. Ndarrays are more efficient
than Python's built-in lists for numerical operations and can have
multiple dimensions.

2. Mathematical Functions: NumPy provides a vast collection of

mathematical functions that operate on arrays, such as trigonometric
functions, logarithmic functions, statistical functions, linear algebra
operations, and more. These functions are designed to work
efficiently on large arrays and support vectorized operations, which
can significantly improve performance.

3. Broadcasting: NumPy's broadcasting feature allows for performing

operations on arrays with different shapes, automatically adjusting
the dimensions and sizes to match. This simplifies operations and
eliminates the need for explicit loops.

4. Array Manipulation: NumPy provides various functions to

manipulate arrays, including reshaping, slicing, merging, splitting, and
operations. These operations allow for efficient data manipulation
and extraction.

5. Integration with Other Libraries: NumPy seamlessly integrates with

other scientific computing libraries in the Python ecosystem, such as
SciPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib. This integration enables a
comprehensive set of tools for scientific computing and data analysis.

6. Performance and Efficiency: NumPy is implemented in C, which

makes it faster and more efficient than pure Python alternatives. It
leverages optimized algorithms and memory management
techniques to achieve high-performance computations, even with
large datasets.

7. Linear Algebra and Fourier Transformations: NumPy includes

functions for linear algebra operations, such as matrix multiplication,
eigenvalue calculations, and solving linear systems of equations. It
also provides fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithms for signal
processing and image analysis.

NumPy's versatility, performance, and extensive functionality make it

an essential library for numerical computing in Python. Its efficient
handling of arrays and mathematical operations make it an ideal
choice for data processing, modeling, and scientific simulations.

Frontend development involves creating the user interface and user
experience of a website or web application. HTML, CSS, JavaScript,
and Bootstrap are commonly used technologies in frontend
development. Here's a brief overview of each technology:

1. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language):

- HTML is the standard markup language used for structuring
the content of web pages.
- It provides a set of tags that define the structure and semantics
of the web page elements.
- HTML tags are used to define headings, paragraphs, images,
links, forms, tables, and more.
- It forms the backbone of a web page, providing the structure
and content.

2. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):

- CSS is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation
and styling of HTML elements.
- It allows you to define colors, fonts, layouts, and other
visual properties of the web page.
- CSS works by selecting HTML elements and applying specific styles
to them.
- It helps in achieving consistent and visually appealing designs
across different devices and screen sizes.
3. JavaScript:
- JavaScript is a programming language that adds interactivity
and dynamic behavior to web pages.
- It allows you to manipulate and modify HTML and CSS
elements dynamically.
- JavaScript can be used to handle user interactions, validate
forms, perform calculations, create animations, fetch data from
servers, and more.
- It enhances the user experience and enables client-side functionality.

4. Bootstrap:
- Bootstrap is a popular CSS framework that provides pre-
built responsive design components and utilities.
- It simplifies frontend development by offering ready-to-use
HTML and CSS templates and components.
- Bootstrap's grid system helps in creating responsive layouts
that adapt to different screen sizes.
- It includes styles for buttons, forms, navigation menus,
alerts, modals, and other common UI elements.
- Bootstrap enables developers to build modern and mobile-
friendly websites quickly.

By combining HTML for structure, CSS for styling, JavaScript for

interactivity, and Bootstrap for responsive design, frontend
developers can create visually appealing, interactive, and user-friendly
websites or
web applications. These technologies work together to provide
a seamless and engaging user experience on the frontend.


Django is a high-level Python web framework that follows the Model-

View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It provides a robust set
of tools and features for building web applications quickly and
efficiently. Here's an overview of Django's key components and

1. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern:

- Django follows a variation of the MVC pattern called Model-

View- Template (MVT).

- Models: Defines the data structure and handles

database interactions.

- Views: Handles the logic and processes user requests, retrieves

data from models, and returns responses.

- Templates: Defines the presentation layer by rendering

dynamic HTML pages.

2. Object-Relational Mapping (ORM):

- Django's ORM allows you to interact with databases using
Python code instead of writing SQL queries directly.

- It provides an abstraction layer that simplifies database

operations and supports multiple database backends.

3. URL Routing:

- Django uses a URL routing system to map URLs to specific views.

- URLs are defined in a central URL configuration file, which

directs requests to appropriate views.

4. Template Engine:

- Django's template engine allows for the creation of dynamic

HTML templates.

- It provides a powerful syntax for rendering data and applying logic

in templates.

5. Form Handling:

- Django simplifies form handling by providing form classes and

built- in form validation.

- It handles form rendering, validation, and error handling, making

it easier to work with user input.
6. Authentication and Authorization:

- Django provides robust authentication and

authorization mechanisms out of the box.

- It includes user registration, login, logout, and password

reset functionality.

7. Admin Interface:

- Django offers an automatic admin interface for managing data in

the backend.

- It provides a user-friendly interface for CRUD operations on models.

8. Security Features:

- Django incorporates various security features, including protection

against common web vulnerabilities like cross-site scripting (XSS),
cross- site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection.

- It provides built-in mechanisms for handling user authentication

and session management securely.

9. Testing and Debugging:

- Django includes tools for automated testing and debugging of
web applications.

- It allows developers to write tests to ensure the correct

functioning of their code and catch potential issues.

Django's design philosophy revolves around simplicity, reusability, and

efficiency, enabling developers to build scalable and maintainable web
applications with less code. Its extensive documentation, active
community, and vast ecosystem of reusable packages make it a
popular choice for web development in Python.

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language

specifically designed for managing and manipulating relational
databases. It provides a standard way to interact with
databases, perform operations such as querying, inserting,
updating, and deleting data, and managing database

Here are some key concepts and features of SQL:

1. Database Management Systems (DBMS):

- SQL is used with Database Management Systems such

as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, and SQL Server.

- DBMS handles the storage, retrieval, and management

of data in a structured format.

2. Data Definition Language (DDL):

- DDL statements are used to define and manage the

structure of the database.

- DDL statements include creating tables, defining

relationships between tables, creating indexes, and
3. Data Manipulation Language (DML):

- DML statements are used to interact with data within

the database.

- Common DML statements include SELECT (retrieve

data), INSERT (insert data), UPDATE (modify data), and
DELETE (remove data).

4. Querying Data:

- SQL provides a powerful syntax for querying data from

the database using the SELECT statement.

- Queries can involve filtering data with conditions,

sorting results, joining multiple tables, and aggregating
data using functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc.

5. Data Integrity and Constraints:

- SQL allows the definition of data integrity rules and

constraints to maintain the accuracy and consistency of

- Constraints include primary keys, foreign keys, unique

keys, and check constraints.
6. Transaction Management:

- SQL supports transaction management to ensure

the integrity and consistency of data.

- Transactions allow for grouping multiple database

operations into a single unit that is either committed
(made permanent) or rolled back (undone) as a whole.

7. Views and Stored Procedures:

- SQL allows the creation of views, which are virtual

tables based on the results of a query.

- Stored procedures are precompiled SQL statements that

can be stored and executed within the database.

SQL is a widely adopted language for working with relational

databases. It offers a standardized way to manage and
manipulate data, regardless of the specific DBMS being used.
Understanding SQL is essential for interacting with
databases, retrieving information, performing data analysis,
and building data-driven applications.
The Job at the glance

The job that I was offered at DUCAT INDIA was the position
a web developer we have to make web applications or websites
as per the client need. It is a 6 month long internship program.
All the team members have to work five days a week .Like the
team members, I also had to work almost 5 days a week. It is a
home-based job. On-the-job training were provided and
sometimes and I was privileged to attend some of the special
workshops. I had another intern co-worker with me. We used to
have a roster-based work plan. The remuneration was
according to the organization’s policy, some other facilities
including internet allowances were also provide


As a Python Django web developer, your responsibilities can

vary depending on the project and organization. However, here
are some common responsibilities associated with the role:
1. Web Application Development: Develop web applications
using Python and Django framework. This includes building
and implementing backend functionality, integrating frontend
components, and ensuring the application is responsive,
scalable, and secure.

2. Backend Development: Design and develop the server-side

logic of the application, including database modeling, API
development, authentication and authorization mechanisms,
and business logic implementation.

3. Frontend Integration: Collaborate with frontend developers

to integrate the backend functionality with the frontend
components. This involves connecting frontend templates with
backend views, handling data retrieval and updates, and
ensuring a seamless user experience.

4. Database Management: Design and implement database

models using Django's Object-Relational Mapping (ORM).
This includes defining database tables, relationships, and
optimizing database queries for performance.

5. API Development: Build RESTful APIs using Django's

REST framework to enable data exchange between the frontend
and backend. Implement authentication and authorization
mechanisms for API endpoints.
6. Testing and Debugging: Write unit tests and conduct
thorough testing to ensure the quality and functionality of the
code. Debug and fix issues and bugs reported during testing
or production.

7. Performance Optimization: Optimize the application's

performance by analyzing and improving database queries,
caching data, and implementing performance best

8. Security: Implement security measures to protect the

application from common vulnerabilities, such as cross-site
scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and
SQL injection. Ensure secure handling of user
authentication and sensitive data.

9. Version Control and Collaboration: Use version control

systems like Git to manage codebase and collaborate with
other developers. Follow coding standards and best practices
for maintainability and readability of the code.

10. Documentation: Create and maintain documentation for

the codebase, including API documentation, code comments,
and technical specifications. This helps in knowledge sharing
and future maintenance of the project.

11. Deployment and Infrastructure: Collaborate with DevOps

or system administrators to deploy the application to production
servers, manage infrastructure configurations, and ensure
smooth deployment processes.

12. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Stay updated

with the latest web development trends, tools, and
technologies. Continuously improve your skills and
knowledge in Python, Django, and related frameworks.

These responsibilities may overlap or vary depending on the

project requirements, team structure, and organization. It's
important to communicate and collaborate with team members,
follow development best practices, and deliver high-quality and
efficient web applications.

A login page is a crucial component of many web applications that

require user authentication. It allows users to securely access
their accounts by providing their credentials, typically a username
and password. Here's a general outline of a login page:

1. HTML Structure: Create an HTML form that contains input fields for
the username and password, along with a submit button. You can
use the <form>, <input>, and <button> tags to structure the form.

2. CSS Styling: Apply CSS styling to the login page to make it visually
appealing and user-friendly. You can use CSS properties to
customize the appearance of the form elements, such as colors,
fonts, spacing, and alignment.

3. Authentication and Session Management: If the provided credentials

are valid, create a session or token to authenticate the user for
subsequent requests. Store this session or token securely and
associate it with the user's account.

4. Error Handling: Display appropriate error messages if the login

attempt fails. For example, if the username or password is
incorrect, notify the user and provide instructions to retry.

5. Password Reset and Account Recovery: Include links or options

for users to reset their password or recover their account if they
have forgotten their login credentials. This can be done by sending
password reset link or verification code to their registered
email address.





To create a website using Django, follow these steps:
1. Set up Django: Install Django by running `pip install django` in
your command line interface. Create a new Django project by
`django-admin startproject projectname`.

2. Create an app: Inside your project directory, create a new Django

app by running `python startapp appname`.

3. Define models: Open the `` file inside your app and
define your database models using Django's ORM. This includes
creating classes that represent database tables and their fields.

4. Create database tables: Run `python makemigrations` to

generate the migration files based on your models. Then, run `python migrate` to apply those migrations and create the
necessary database tables.

5. Design URL routing: Open the `` file inside your project and
define URL patterns for your website. Map URLs to corresponding
views within your app.

6. Implement views: Create view functions inside your app's

`` file to handle HTTP requests and return responses. You can
render templates, fetch data from the database, and pass it to

7. Design templates: Create HTML templates inside your app's

`templates` directory to define the structure and layout of your website.
Use Django's template language to incorporate dynamic content
and variables.

8. Apply CSS and static files: Create a `static` directory inside your
app and add CSS files, images, or other static files. Link the CSS file in
your templates to apply styling to your website.

9. Test and debug: Run the development server using `python runserver` and test your website in the browser. Debug
any issues that arise by checking logs and using Django's error
handling features.

10. Extend functionality: Add additional features to your website,

such as user authentication, form handling, API integration, or any
other requirements specific to your project.

11. Deploy your website: Once you are satisfied with your website, you
can deploy it to a web server of your choice. This can involve
configuring the server, setting up a production database, and
optimizing performance.

Remember to refer to the Django documentation for detailed

information on each step and to explore the wide range of
features Django offers.
This is the web site with Django framework, it is designed to maintain
the data of students in the ducat ,it include database of every
employee and the students.
In Django, the file is where you define the view functions
that handle HTTP requests and return responses. Views are
responsible for processing data, interacting with models, rendering
templates, and generating the appropriate HTTP response.

In Django, the file is where you define the URL patterns and
map them to corresponding view functions. It acts as a router that
directs incoming requests to the appropriate views for processing.
Here's an example of a file in Django:

In Django, the file is where you define the URL patterns and
map them to corresponding view functions. It acts as a router that
directs incoming requests to the appropriate views for processing.
Here's an example of a file in Django:




from django.urls import

path from . import views

urlpatterns = [

path('', views.home, name='home'),

path('post/<int:post_id>/', views.post_detail,

name='post_detail'), path('about/', views.about, name='about'),
In Django, a model is a Python class that maps to a database table.
Models define the structure of your data and provide an
abstraction layer for interacting with the database.
In Django, templates are used to generate HTML dynamically and
present data to the user. Templates separate the presentation logic
from the business logic in your views, allowing you to create
reusable and maintainable HTML files.
Some screenshot of the website:-
I am so happy that, I could complete the last phase of my
undergraduate life working in such an IT Company. For a young
blood like me working with the creative minds and
professionals definitely was a great experience for me. The
office and people there were great like home. We used to have
fun, work lately with high encouragement because we felt like,
we are working not only for the client but also for the nation
and its people.

Every communication counts. Few month attachments is not

enough for a person to learn all those, but the relationships
made there are a lifetime asset who are still with me helping
learn so many things. It has been a great learning opportunity
for me. This has been a great learning experience for my
career. I conclude that for this internship as a Data Analyst, the
knowledge of tools and software proved to be beneficial for the
tasks that were assigned to me and the results I delivered were
well appreciated. It was a great time interning for this company
and I'm glad I was able to deliver results and submit my reports
on time. I have become more skilled and acquired business
acumen after interning for the company. Again, this report is
done with a lot of limitations and obstacles. Thanks to so many
people who helped me doing this report.

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