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Topical fluoride-antibacterial agent

combined therapy versus topical fluoride

monotherapy in preventing dental caries: a
systematic review and meta-analysis

A. Gupta, S. Sharda, Nishant, N. Shafiq,

A. Kumar & A. Goyal

European Archives of Paediatric


ISSN 1818-6300
Volume 21
Number 6

Eur Arch Paediatr Dent (2020)

DOI 10.1007/s40368-020-00561-7

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Author's personal copy
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646


Topical fluoride‑antibacterial agent combined therapy versus topical

fluoride monotherapy in preventing dental caries: a systematic review
and meta‑analysis
A. Gupta1   · S. Sharda1 · Nishant1 · N. Shafiq2 · A. Kumar1 · A. Goyal1

Received: 26 June 2020 / Accepted: 24 August 2020 / Published online: 1 October 2020
© European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry 2020

Purpose  To compare the effectiveness of topical fluoride—antibacterial agent combined therapy versus topical fluoride
monotherapy in preventing dental caries among 1- to 16-year-old children.
Methods  PubMed, EbscoHost, Scopus, Web of Science and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched
for randomised controlled trials. The trials should have assessed the caries-preventive effectiveness of topical fluoride-
antibacterial agent (Povidone Iodine/Chlorhexidine/Xylitol/Triclosan/Cetylpyridinium Chloride) combined therapy versus
topical fluoride monotherapy among children. Out of 3475 records that were screened, full text of 41 articles was assessed
for potential inclusion. Sixteen trials that fulfilled the eligibility criteria were subjected to qualitative synthesis. The risk of
bias was assessed using the Cochrane Collaboration’s tool. Continuous data from nine trials were pooled using Inverse Vari-
ance test in meta-analysis function of Review Manager (version 5.4). GRADE approach was used to analyse the certainty
of evidence. Statistical heterogeneity was quantified using the I2 statistic. A p-value of < 0.05 was considered as statistically
Results  With respect to the caries increment, combined therapy showed superior caries-preventive effectiveness than topi-
cal fluoride monotherapy [SMD − 0.12, 95% CI (− 0.2 to − 0.04), p = 0.004; (I2 = 20%, p = 0.29)]. No significant difference
was noted between the two groups for the post-intervention salivary S mutans count [SMD − 0.11, 95% CI (− 0.33 to 0.1),
p = 0.3; (I2 = 0%, p = 0.77)].
Conclusion  The pooled analysis indicates towards an added benefit of topical fluoride-antibacterial agent combined therapy
over topical fluoride monotherapy in preventing dental caries incidence among children. However, the results may be inter-
preted with caution since the evidence generated is of low certainty and is driven by two studies on Xylitol, thus it demands
further good quality trials.

Keywords  Dental caries · Streptococcus mutans · Topical fluoride · Antibacterial agent

Introduction malnutrition, delayed speech development, early tooth loss

and loss of school hours in children. Besides, it carries sig-
Untreated dental caries constitutes a significant public health nificant financial implications associated with its treatment
problem with a global prevalence of 7.8% and 34.1% in at any stage of diagnosis (Casamassimo et al. 2009). In
deciduous and permanent dentition, respectively (Peres et al. recent years, the management of this global epidemic has
2019). Dental caries is a leading cause of pain, discomfort, shifted from an exclusively surgical restorative approach to
a medical model based on preventive and minimally invasive
strategies (Pitts 2004).
* A. Gupta The anticariogenic potential of fluoride has been a criti- cal area of research in the past few decades. Strong evi-
Oral Health Sciences Centre, Postgraduate Institute dence has been well established in favour of topical fluoride
of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India (TF) application for the prevention and control of dental
Department of Pharmacology, Postgraduate Institute caries (Marinho 2009). Fluoride has a multi-pronged caries
of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India inhibitory effect. It strengthens tooth enamel against new

Author's personal copy

630 European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

acid attacks, remineralises lost enamel and inhibits meta- articles: ‘Topical Fluoride’, ‘Povidone-Iodine’, ‘Chlorhex-
bolic processes of cariogenic bacteria (Featherstone 1999; idine’, ‘Xylitol’, ‘Triclosan’, ‘Cetylpyridinium’, ‘Dental
Hamilton 1990; Thylstrup 1990). Although the use of topi- Caries’, ‘Lactobacillus’ and ‘Mutans Streptococci’. The
cal fluoride therapies, like mouthrinses, gels and varnishes search strategy is presented in Table 1. Additional records
in addition to fluoride toothpaste reduces caries by about were manually searched from cross-references. Grey lit-
10% compared to toothpaste use alone, the additional cari- erature was searched in OpenGrey and TRIP databases.
ostatic effects of combined topical fluorides is only slight A two-phase search strategy was adopted. In the
and mostly not significant (Marinho et al. 2004). As caries first phase, two authors, ‘AG1’ and ‘SS’, independently
is a diet-dependent, vertically transmissible, infectious con- screened the records based on titles and abstracts. In the
dition, an antimicrobial approach to control the cariogenic second phase, same authors assessed the full-text arti-
bacteria is believed to be an effective strategy to prevent cles for eligibility and final inclusion in the qualitative
and control dental caries (Caufield and Griffen 2000). The and quantitative syntheses. Discrepancies, if any, were
conclusions drawn from International Conference on Novel resolved by discussion and consensus.
Anti-caries and Remineralizing Agents (ICNARA 2008,
2012) suggest that an all-round approach to prevent and
control dental caries must incorporate agents that primarily Inclusion criteria
target enamel remineralisation and also exhibit substantial
antimicrobial properties (ten Cate 2009; ten Cate, Zaura Randomised controlled trials published in the English
2012). Additionally, if the pH of plaque or saliva falls below language or those with original English translation were
4.5, it hampers the remineralisation phase of fluoride action assessed for potential eligibility. All trials that evalu-
and any addition of fluoride at this point might not give ated the effectiveness of combined therapy (experimen-
additional benefits. The use of fluoride with the addition of tal group) using an antibacterial agent (Povidone-Iodine
antimicrobials has been suggested to be a cariostatic meas- /Chlorhexidine/Xylitol/Triclosan/CPC) along with TF as
ure, being especially beneficial during the state of low pH. compared with TF monotherapy (control group) on den-
Over the years, caries preventing potential of various tal caries and salivary/plaque S mutans count and/or Lac-
other antibacterial agents, such as Cetylpyridinium Chlo- tobacillus count among 1- to 16-year-old children were
ride (CPC), Chlorhexidine, Povidone-Iodine (PI), Triclosan, considered for inclusion. In order to evaluate the added
Xylitol and essential oils, has been evaluated with varied benefit of the antibacterial agent, only the studies with
outcomes. Cochrane reviews assessing the caries-preventive identical fluoride exposure in terms of dosage, delivery
effectiveness of individual agents, like Xylitol (Riley et al. vehicle and fluoride concentration in the two groups were
2015) and Triclosan (Riley and Lamont 2013), in children included. The PICOT strategy for the inclusion criteria is
and adults have not focused on the antibacterial effect of the summarised in Table 2.
combination. Therefore, conclusive evidence is still lack-
ing in regard to the additional benefit brought by combining
these antimicrobial agents with fluoride. Thus, this system- Exclusion criteria
atic review aims to compare the effectiveness of combined
therapy using TF along with an antibacterial agent (PI/Chlo- In vitro studies; animal studies; reviews; letters to the editor;
rhexidine/Xylitol/Triclosan/CPC) versus TF monotherapy in case report/series and observational studies were excluded.
preventing dental caries among 1- to 16-year-old children. Any trial with unbalanced co-intervention (i.e. an added
intervention in one group alone) which is likely to impact
the outcome variables in that particular group was excluded.
Materials and methods

This systematic review and meta-analysis was registered Outcome variables

with the International prospective register of systematic
reviews (PROSPERO Registration ID: CRD42019145136). In the present study, for a direct evaluation of the caries-pre-
ventive effectiveness, the primary outcome recorded was the
Search strategy mean increment in dental caries seen at a minimum follow-
up of one year in the combined therapy (TF and antibacte-
Five databases (PubMed, Web of Science (Core Collec- rial agent) versus TF monotherapy. The secondary outcomes
tion), EBSCOhost, Scopus and the Cochrane Library) were assessed were post-intervention mean salivary Streptococ-
searched for articles published till May 2020. Follow- cus mutans (S mutans) and Lactobacillus colony counts at a
ing terms were used to search the databases for relevant minimum follow-up of 2 weeks.

Author's personal copy
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646 631

Table 1  Search strategy showing the total number of results obtained across the five databases
Database Search strategy Number of
search results

Cochrane (Topical Fluoride) AND ((cetylpyridinium) OR (CPC) OR (povidone iodine) OR (chlorhex- 93

idine) OR (triclosan) OR (xylitol) OR (antibacterial)) AND ((caries) OR (Lactobacillus)
OR (Lactobacilli) OR ((mutans) AND ((Streptococcus) OR (Streptococci)))) in All Text
EbscoHost ((Topical Fluoride) AND ((cetylpyridinium) OR (CPC) OR (povidone iodine) OR (chlorhex- 1038
idine) OR (triclosan) OR (xylitol) OR (antibacterial)) AND ((caries) OR (Lactobacillus)
OR (Lactobacilli) OR ((mutans) AND ((Streptococcus) OR (Streptococci))))) (Dentistry &
Oral Sciences Source, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, OpenDissertations)
PubMed (“fluorides, topical”[MeSH Terms] OR (“fluorides”[All Fields] AND “topical”[All 223
Fields]) OR “topical fluorides”[All Fields] OR (“topical”[All Fields] AND “fluoride”[All
Fields]) OR “topical fluoride”[All Fields]) AND ((“cetylpyridinium”[MeSH Terms] OR
“cetylpyridinium”[All Fields]) OR (“cytidylyl-(3’-5’)-cytidine”[Supplementary Con-
cept] OR “cytidylyl-(3’-5’)-cytidine”[All Fields] OR “cpc”[All Fields]) OR (“povidone-
iodine”[MeSH Terms] OR “povidone-iodine”[All Fields] OR (“povidone”[All Fields]
AND “iodine”[All Fields]) OR “povidone iodine”[All Fields]) OR (“chlorhexidine”[MeSH
Terms] OR “chlorhexidine”[All Fields]) OR (“triclosan”[MeSH Terms] OR “triclosan”[All
Fields]) OR (“xylitol”[MeSH Terms] OR “xylitol”[All Fields]) OR (“anti-bacterial
agents”[Pharmacological Action] OR “anti-bacterial agents”[MeSH Terms] OR (“anti-
bacterial”[All Fields] AND “agents”[All Fields]) OR “anti-bacterial agents”[All Fields]
OR “antibacterial”[All Fields])) AND ((“dental caries”[MeSH Terms] OR (“dental”[All
Fields] AND “caries”[All Fields]) OR “dental caries”[All Fields] OR “caries”[All
Fields]) OR (“lactobacillus”[MeSH Terms] OR “lactobacillus”[All Fields]) OR
Lactobacilli[All Fields] OR (mutans[All Fields] AND ((“streptococcus”[MeSH Terms] OR
"streptococcus"[All Fields]) OR Streptococci[All Fields])))
Scopus ALL ((topical AND fluoride) AND ((cetylpyridinium) OR (cpc) OR (povidone AND iodine) 2623
OR (chlorhexidine) OR (triclosan) OR (xylitol) OR (antibacterial)) AND ((caries) OR
(lactobacillus) OR (lactobacilli) OR ((mutans) AND ((streptococcus) OR (streptococci)))))
Web of science (core collection) ALL FIELDS: ((Topical Fluoride) AND ((cetylpyridinium) OR (CPC) OR (povidone 38
iodine) OR (chlorhexidine) OR (triclosan) OR (xylitol) OR (antibacterial)) AND ((caries)
OR (Lactobacillus) OR (Lactobacilli) OR ((mutans) AND ((Streptococcus) OR (Strepto-
Total—All databases 4015

Table 2  PICOT strategy
showing the inclusion criteria Population (P) 1- to 16-year-old children
Intervention (I) Combined therapy using TF along with an antibacterial agent
Comparator (C) TF monotherapy
Outcome (O) Primary: dental caries
Secondary: CFU of S mutans and Lactobacillus in plaque or saliva
Type of study (T) Randomized controlled trials

Data extraction and quality assessment bias, reporting bias and other bias based on the Cochrane’s
Collaboration Tool (Higgins et al. 2011). Disagreements,
Two authors (‘NN’ and ‘AK’) independently extracted data if any, were resolved after consulting other authors (‘NS’
from each included study on the clinical and methodologi- and ‘AG2’). Besides, the quality of the evidence was
cal aspects, such as country of origin, study design, study assessed using the GRADE (Grading of Recommenda-
site, sample size estimation, age of subjects, treatment regi- tions, Assessment, Development and Evaluations) Frame-
men followed and the reported results––using a specially work (GRADEpro, Version 20. McMaster University,
designed form. Discrepancies were discussed with ’AG1’ 2014). Based on the five domains (risk of bias, impreci-
and ‘AG2’ and consensus was reached. sion, inconsistency, indirectness and publication bias) of
Two authors (‘AG1’ and ‘SS’) scaled the articles for the GRADE framework, the certainty in evidence/quality
selection bias, performance bias, detection bias, attrition

Author's personal copy

632 European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

of evidence was assigned as one among the four levels of Five studies published between years 1995 and 2015
certainty (very low, low, moderate and high). were included in the Xylitol group. Xylitol has been used in
For quantitative analysis, only those trials that reported various forms, such as chewing gum (Campus et al. 2009),
outcomes as continuous data (summarised as mean ± SD) toothpaste (Chi et al. 2014; Sintes et al. 1995, 2002) and
could be pooled. Owing to variability in reporting of the gummy bear (Lee et al. 2015). Only one study (Perala and
outcome variables, results from all the trials could not be Bhupathiraju 2016) was included in the Triclosan group that
pooled. Because of the different scales used to record the used a mouthwash containing 0.3% Triclosan. The two stud-
primary and secondary outcomes among the included stud- ies included for TF-PI combined therapy had used PI in solu-
ies, standardised mean difference (SMD) with 95% Confi- tion form (Zhan et al. 2006) and foam form (Xu et al. 2009).
dence Interval (95% CI) statistic was used in Review Man- No study was found eligible to be included in the qualitative
ager Version 5.4 for the quantitative analysis (Deeks et al. review to assess the effectiveness of CPC.
2019). p-value of less than 0.05 was considered as statisti-
cally significant. Sub-group analysis was carried out for indi- Quality of included trials
vidual antibacterial agents (Chlorhexidine, Povidone-Iodine,
Triclosan and Xylitol). The data (mean ± SD values) of the Out of the 16 randomised controlled trials included in this
two experimental groups administering Chlorhexidine gel in review, only one trial (Perala, Bhupathiraju 2016) was
the study by Sundell et al. (2013) and the three experimen- assessed to have an overall low risk of bias, while two
tal groups administering Chlorhexidine varnish in the study (Duarte et al. 2008; Xu et al. 2009) were assessed to have an
by Ribeiro et al. (2008) were combined to form one repre- overall unclear risk of bias. The main reason for the unclear/
sentative experimental group to avoid double counting of high risk of selection bias in all the included trials except in
the comparator group in the respective studies (Deeks et al. one trial by Xu et al. (2009) was non-reporting of the method
2019). Due to the observed clinical heterogeneity across the of random sequence generation or failure for allocation con-
included studies with respect to the intervention regimen, cealment. Since in few trials, the participants and/or person-
there exists variability in the measured intervention effects nel were not blinded, the trials were assessed to have a high
and thus a random effects model using the Inverse variance risk of performance bias (Chi et al. 2014; Paul et al. 2014;
method was applied (Deeks et al. 2019). Statistical hetero- Petersson et al. 1998; Sintes et al. 1995, 2002; Ribeiro et al.
geneity was quantified using I2 statistic, where I2 values over 2008; Martínez et al. 2012). Risk of bias for all the included
50% indicated moderate to high heterogeneity (Higgins et al. trials is shown in Fig. 2.
2011). Primary outcome: A total of 2237 participants in the
experimental group and 2205 participants in the control
group were compared for mean dental caries increment in
Results 5 studies included in the meta-analysis. Overall, there was
a significant difference in the primary outcome between
The literature search identified 4015 records which were the experimental and control groups favouring combined
transferred into an Endnote Library. Nine records were therapy [SMD − 0.12, 95% CI (− 0.2 to − 0.04), p = 0.004].
added from additional search. After removing 549 dupli- However, this result was driven by two studies on TF-Xylitol
cates, the titles and abstracts of 3475 studies were screened combined therapy by same authors (Sintes et al. 1995, 2002).
in the first phase and 41 studies were subjected to phase The sub-group analysis from the two studies for Chlorhex-
2 full-text screening. Finally, 16 studies were selected for idine (Pukallus et al. 2013; Sundell et al. 2013) did not show
qualitative analysis and 9 studies were subjected to meta- any significant difference. Similar results were reported by
analysis. The PRISMA flow diagram is shown in Fig. 1. the single study pooled for Povidone-Iodine (Zhan et al.
2006). Statistical heterogeneity among the pooled studies
Characteristics of included studies was not significant (I2 = 20%; p = 0.29). The forest plot for
the primary outcome is shown in Fig. 3.
The characteristics of the studies included in the qualita- Secondary outcome: A total of 193 participants in the
tive synthesis are presented in Table 3. Eight studies were experimental group and 163 participants in the control group
included for the Chlorhexidine group, published between were compared for post-intervention salivary mean S mutans
1998 and 2016. Variation in dosage and form of Chlorhex- count in the five studies included in the meta-analysis. Over-
idine application was observed. It has been used in con- all, there was no significant difference between the two
centrations of 0.12% solution (Duarte et al. 2008), 0.12% groups [SMD − 0.11, 95%CI (− 0.33 to 0.1), p = 0.3]. None
gel (Pukallus et al. 2013), 1% gel (Sundell et al. 2013) and of the agents in sub-group analysis showed a significant dif-
varnish (Ribeiro et al. 2008; Petersson et al. 1998; Naidu ference. Heterogeneity among the pooled studies was not
et al. 2016; Paul et al. 2014; Martínez et al. 2012). significant (I2 = 0%, p = 0.77) (Fig. 4).

Author's personal copy
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646 633

Records idenfied through database


PubMed: 223 Addional records idenfied through other

Cochrane: 93 sources
Scopus: 2623 (n=9)
EbscoHost: 1038
Web of Science: 38

Records excluded aer screening

Records screened aer duplicate of tle and abstract
removal (n=3434)

Full-text arcles excluded

(Reason for exclusion: No. of
Full-text arcles assessed for

arcles excluded)
eligibility 1. No Fluoride exposure in one or
(n=41) both groups: 10
2. Adult populaon: 3
3. Fluoride exposure not similar in
the two groups: 6
4. Study design (split mouth/ non-
randomized): 3
5. Outcome variable (Plaque/
gingival index): 1
Studies included in qualitave 6. Co-intervenon: 1
synthesis 7. Follow up study of already
(n=16) included trial: 1
Chlorhexidine: n = 8
CPC: n = 0
PI: n = 2
Triclosan: n = 1
Xylitol: n = 5

Studies included in quantave

synthesis (meta-analysis)
Chlorhexidine: n = 3
CPC: n = 0
PI: n = 2
Triclosan: n = 1
Xylitol: n = 3

Fig. 1  PRISMA flow diagram showing systematic review process


Table 3  Characteristics of included studies


S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction

Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen

1. Petersson et al. Randomized 12-year-old N = 115 N = 104 Approximal car- 3 years Not addressed Mean + SD of –
(1998) (school class children 1:1 mixture of 0.1% F (Fluor ies incidence caries incre-
units) con- 0.1% F (Fluor protector) ment:
trolled trial protector) applied semi- Experimental:
and Cervitec annually 3.78 + 4.32
(CHX) applied Control:
semi-annually 3.01+ 3.74
p > 0.05
2. Duarte et al. Randomized 11–15 year-old N = 85 N = 85 Mean number of 28 days Not addressed Mean + SD of –
(2008) controlled trial school children 0.05% NaF + 0.05% NaF solu- active carious active carious
0.12% CHX tion applica- lesions Caries lesions:
solution appli- tion once per arrest propor- Experimental
cation once day for 14 tions group:
per day for 14 consecutive Baseline = 6.55
consecutive school days ± 4.23
school days Final =
p < 0.05
Control group:
Baseline = 6.49
± 4.45
Final = 0.95 ±
Author's personal copy

p < 0.001
Caries Arrest-
ment propor-
group = 85.3%
Control group =
p > 0.05
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646
Table 3  (continued)
S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction
Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen

3. Ribeiro et al. Randomized 11–16 year old N = 43 N = 12 S mutans (CFU/ 1, 4 and 8 Not addressed – Post interven-
(2008) controlled trial children 1% CHX varnish placebo varnish ml of saliva) weeks after tion salivary S
+ use of 1500 application final applica- mutans count (4
ppm F denti- once a day for tion weeks)
frice 3 consecutive Experimental
days + use of group: 5.42 +
1500 ppm F 0.64
dentifrice Control group:
5.68 + 0.5
p > 0.05
4. Martínez et al. Randomized Mean age: 6.2 + N = 36 N = 37 S mutans (CFU/ 1 week after the Not addressed – Reduction in den-
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

(2012) controlled trial 1.4 years Alternate Weekly topical mg dental final applica- tal biofilm was
application of application of biofilm) tion greater in the
1.23% APF 1.23% APF gel experimental
gel and 1% for four weeks group.
chlorhexidine p > 0.05
varnish for
four weeks
5. Pukallus et al. Randomized 2–4-year-old N = 110 N = 89 Incidence of 2 years None reported. Mean + SD car- Prevalence of
(2013) controlled trial children Tooth brushing Tooth brushing dental caries; ies increment: children with
twice daily twice daily Prevalence of Experimental high S mutans:
with 304% F with 304% F children with group = Experimental
toothpaste and toothpaste S mutans and 3.3±3.2 group = 46%
Author's personal copy

once-daily Lactobacillus Control group = Control group =

application of > ­105 CFU/ 3.0±3.3 47%
0.12% CHX Ml. p > 0.05 p > 0.05
gel Caries Prevalence of
prevalence in children with
control group high Lactobacil-
= 5% lus:
Caries Experimental
prevalence in group = 63%
experimental Control group =
group = 7% 66%
p > 0.05 p > 0.05


Table 3  (continued)

S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction

Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen

6. Sundell et al. Randomized 2–5 year old N = 47; Basic N = 41; Basic Mean number 2 years Not addressed Mean + SD ds –
(2013) controlled trial pre-school preventive preventive of decayed increment:
children (mean program (7 program (7 surfaces (ds) Experimental
age: 4 years) times in two times in two group = 2.34
years): (oral years): (oral ± 2.59
health educa- health educa- Control group =
tion, dietary tion, dietary 1.9 ± 1.9
counselling, counselling, p > 0.05
F- varnish F -varnish
application and application
250 ppm F- and 250 ppmF
toothpaste) + -toothpaste)
1% CHX gel
7. Paul et al. Randomized 6–10 year old N = 29; Cervitec N = 17; Placebo S mutans CFU/ 3 months None reported. – Median log CFU
(2014) controlled trial children plus (CHX/T varnish (cavity mL of plaque. of MS:
varnish) + Use varnish–copal Baseline:
of F toothpaste rosin with Experimental:
diethyl ether as 4.28
solvent) + Use Control: 4.33
of F toothpaste 3 months:
Experimental: 4.2
Control: 4.31
p > 0.05
Author's personal copy
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646
Table 3  (continued)
S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction
Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen

8. Naidu et al. Randomized 3–6-year-old N = 20 primary N = 20 primary Reduction in 3 months Not addressed Reduction of –
(2016) controlled trial preschool teeth; Fluoride teeth; Fluoride the number white spot
children with and Chlorhex- varnish appli- of white spot lesions:
incipient idine varnish cation once a lesions; Experimental
lesions. application week for one Mean DIAG- group= 55%
once a month month NOdent scores Control group =
p > 0.05
in mean
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

group = 3.9
Control group
= 1.3
p < 0.05
Author's personal copy


Table 3  (continued)

S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction

Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen
9. Zhan et al. Randomized 2–6-year-old N = 11; N = 11; Change in S 3 weeks and 1 Not addressed Mean dental S mutans:
(2006) controlled trial children Oral prophy- Oral prophy- mutans, Lacto- year caries incre- Experimental
laxis+ laxis+ com- bacillus count ment in one group:
complete plete restora- and incidence year: Mean log CFU/ml
restorative tive therapy+ of dental Experimental at baseline = 6.4
therapy +2-ml 2-ml phosphate caries group = 4.4 ± 1.2
PI application buffer solution ± 5.3 Mean log CFU/ml
+ 1.23% APF application+ Control group = at 3 weeks = 4.7
gel application 1.23% APF gel 5.0 ± 7.8 ± 0.7
for 2 minutes. application for p value > 0.05 Control group:
2 minutes Mean log CFU/ml
at baseline = 6.2
± 1.7
Mean log CFU/ml
at 3 weeks = 5.3
± 2.1
p value > 0.05
Mean log CFU/ml
at baseline = 4.0
Author's personal copy

± 1.8
Mean log CFU/ml
at 3 weeks = 1.0
± 1.5
Control group:
Mean log CFU/
ml at
baseline = 3.7
± 2.2
Mean log CFU/ml
at 3 weeks = 1.0
± 1.8;
p value > 0.05
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646
Table 3  (continued)
S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction
Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen

10. Xu et al. (2009) Randomized 6–9-year-old- N = 30; N = 31; Change in S 6 months and 1 Not addressed Mean + SD S mutans:
controlled trial children 10% PI & F - F- foam applica- mutans count year DIAGNOdent Experimental
foam applica- tion once a and mean readings: group:
tion once a week for four DIAGNOdent Experimental Mean + SD log
week for 4 weeks readings and group: CFU/ml at
weeks dental caries Baseline = baseline = 5.76
incidence 17.23 ± 8.53 ± 1.04
At one year = Mean + SD log
14.2 ± 7.29 CFU/ml at 6
Control group: months = 4.74
Baseline = ± 0.77
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

17.78 ± 9.84 Control group:

At one year = Mean + SD log
14.4 ± 6.93 CFU/ml at
p > 0.05 baseline = 6.26
± 1.04
Mean + SD log
CFU/ml at 6
months = 4.74
± 0.76
p > 0.05
11. Perala and Randomized 6-14 years old N = 33; N = 33; Change in mean 15 days Not addressed – Mean + SD
Author's personal copy

Bhupathiraju controlled trial school children Mouthwash Mouthwash CFU counts of Reduction in S
(2016) containing containing S mutans mutans count:
0.2% NaF and 0.2% NaF once Experimental
0.3% Triclosan a day for 14 group I = 6.64
usage once a days ± 6.02
day for 14 days Control group =
6.6 ± 6.0
p-value > 0.05


Table 3  (continued)

S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction

Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen
12. Sintes et al. Randomized 8–10 year old N = 840; N = 837; Mean DFS 3 years Not addressed Mean + SD –
(1995) controlled trial children Twice daily Twice daily increment DFS incre-
tooth brushing tooth brushing ment:
with toothpaste with toothpaste Experimental
containing containing group = 5 ±
10% xylitol + 1100 ppm F 3.7
1100 ppm F Control group =
5.7 ± 4.1
p value = <
13. Sintes et al. Randomized 7 to 12-year-old N = 1280; N = 1259; Mean DFS 30 months Not addressed Mean + SD –
(2002) controlled trial children Twice daily Twice daily increment DFS incre-
tooth brushing tooth brushing ment:
with toothpaste with toothpaste Experimental
containing containing group = 1.3 ±
10% xylitol + 1100 ppm F 1.89
1100 ppm F Control group =
1.51 ± 2.0
p value = <
14. Campus et al. Randomized 7–9 year old N = 80; N = 85; Concentration 3 months None reported – Mean + SD
(2009) controlled trial Xylitol chew- Placebo chew- of S mutans in log CFU/ml S
Author's personal copy

ing gum + ing gum + saliva mutans in saliva

fluoridated fluoridated Baseline
toothpaste con- toothpaste con- Experimental
taining 1450 taining 1450 group: 5.37 +
µg/g NaF) µg/g NaF) 2.81
Control group:
5.36 + 1.88
After 3 months
group: 5.28 +
Control group:
5.36 + 1.84
p < 0.05
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646
Table 3  (continued)
S. no. Author Study design Study popula- Experimental Control group Outcome vari- Follow-up Adverse drug Summary of findings
Year tion group Number of sub- ables reaction
Number of sub- jects analysed Dental caries Bacterial count
jects analysed (N); Intervention
(N); Intervention regimen

15. Chi et al. (2014) Cluster rand- 4–5 year old N = 95 N = 101 Caries incre- 6 months None reported Mean + SD Mean + SD S
omized con- school children Toothpaste Toothpaste con- ment (dmfs); dmfs incre- mutans count
trolled trial Experimental containing taining 1400 S mutans reduc- ment: reduction:
group = 95 1400 ppm ppm F +5% tion Experimental Experimental
Control group F and 31% NaF varnish group = 2.5 group = 0.9
= 101 xylitol + 5% application ± 2.8 ± 0.8
NaF varnish every three Control group = Control group =
application months 1.4 ± 2.5 0.9 ± 0.9
every three p > 0.05 p > 0.05
16. Lee et al. (2015) Cluster Kindergarten N = 215; N = 212; Change in mean 1 year Not addressed Adjusted mean –
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

(classroom) school children F-toothpaste, F-toothpaste, dmfs/DMFS dmfs differ-

randomized Oral health Oral health score ence between
controlled trial education education Experimental
twice a year, twice a year, group and
5% NaF var- 5% NaF var- control group
nish applica- nish applica- = 0.0 (95% CI
tion twice a tion twice a = − 1.6 to 1.1)
year + two year p > 0.05
gummy bears Adjusted mean
containing 1.3- DMFS differ-
gram xylitol ence between
thrice a day for Experimental
Author's personal copy

nine months group and

control group
= − 0.11 (95%
CI = − 0.21 to
0.00) p > 0.05

APF gel acidulated phosphate fluoride gel, CHX chlorhexidine, DMFSa decayed missing filled surface in permanent teeth, dmfs decayed missing filled surface in primary teeth, DFS decayed
filled surfaces in permanent teeth, DSe decayed surfaces in enamel, F Fluoride, NaF varnish sodium fluoride varnish, PI Povidone Iodine, S mutans Streptococcus mutans
Statistical significance set at p < 0.05

Author's personal copy

642 European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

Certainty of evidence

Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)

We adjudged the certainty of the evidence to be low with
respect to dental caries (primary outcome) and very low with
respect to S mutans count (secondary outcome). The cer-

Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)

Random sequence generation (selection bias)
tainty of the evidence was downgraded due to unclear/ high
risk of bias. Moreover, the studies were assessed to exhibit

Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)

Allocation concealment (selection bias)
serious concerns with respect to ‘indirectness’ due to the
variability in the treatment regimen and follow-up period.

Selective reporting (reporting bias)

Furthermore, the quality of the evidence for the secondary
outcome was downgraded due to ‘imprecision’ owing to the
small sample sizes in the included studies. The summary of
GRADE quality assessment is shown in Table 4.

Other bias
In this review, the most commonly used antibacterial
agents––Xylitol, Triclosan, Povidone-Iodine, CPC and
Campus et al. 2009 + ? + + – + + Chlorhexidine––that are being used along with TF have
been included to evaluate the effectiveness of the combined
Chi et al. 2014 – – – + – + + therapy versus TF monotherapy in preventing dental caries.
Most of the trials have not addressed the probable adverse
Duarte et al. 2004 + ? + + + + +
effects that might be associated with the respective agents.
Lee et al. 2015 + ? + + – + + However, a few trials reported no adverse effects due to the
agents used in the experimental and control groups (Campus
Martinez et al. 2012 ? ? – – + – ? et al. 2009; Chi et al. 2014; Paul et al. 2014; Pukallus et al.
Naidu et al. 2016 – – ? ? + – –
Literature suggests that additional topical fluoride therapy
Paul et al. 2014 ? ? – – + + + along with the recommended daily use of fluoride toothpaste
in children at high risk of dental caries exerts an enhanced
Perala et al. 2016 + + + + + + + caries inhibiting effect compared to fluoride toothpaste use
alone. The updated European Academy of Pediatric Den-
Petersson et al. 1998 – – – – + + ?
tistry (EAPD) fluoride guidelines also indicate towards sup-
Pukallus et al. 2013 + ? – + – + + plemental therapy using fluoride gels, rinses and varnishes
(Toumba et al. 2019). However, the size of the estimated
Ribeiro et al. 2008 ? ? – ? + + + benefit (10% reduction in decayed, missing and filled tooth
surfaces) is not substantial to recommend use of supplemen-
Sintes et al. 1995 ? ? + + – + +
tal topical fluoride therapy (Marinho et al. 2004). Moreover,
Sintes et al. 2002 ? ? + + – + + the association between the use of fluoride supplements and
dental fluorosis cannot be overlooked. Nonetheless, fluoride
Sundell et al 2013 ? ? ? ? ? + – therapy must take into account cumulative fluoride exposure
especially in young children (Toumba et al. 2019). Thus,
Xu et al. 2009 + ? + + ? + + the use of additional therapies that reduce the cariogenic
Zhan et al. 2006 ? ? + + ? + +
bacterial load (like antibacterial agents) seems to be a viable
option in effectively controlling dental caries (Horst et al.
Fig. 2  Risk of Bias assessment of the included randomized controlled
The results of the pooled analysis showed significant
trials caries-preventive effect with a combination of TF and
antibacterial agents compared to TF alone. However,
this significant result in favour of the combined therapy
was driven by two trials that assessed the effect of twice
daily use of 1100  ppm F-10% Xylitol toothpaste over

Author's personal copy
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646 643

Fig. 3  Forest plot showing antibacterial agent-wise sub-group analysis for caries increment

Fig. 4  Forest plot showing antibacterial agent-wise sub-group analysis for post-intervention S mutans count

TF toothpaste alone at a 3-year follow-up among 7- to reported no significant difference between the two groups
12-year-old children (Sintes et al. 1995, 2002). Contrary at the end of one year.
to the results reported by these two trials, other trials failed For the secondary outcome, no additional benefit was
to demonstrate superiority of TF-Xylitol combination over observed in using the 1400 ppm F-31% Xylitol toothpaste
TF alone for preventing dental caries (Chi et al. 2014; Lee on S mutans reduction at 6 months of follow-up(Campus
et al. 2015). This could be due to variability in the form, et al. 2009). This may be attributed to the sub-optimum dos-
dosage and delivery vehicle used across the studies. Chi age as the bacteriostatic action of Xylitol is evident at doses
et al. (2014) have used toothpaste containing 31% Xylitol of more than 1.7 gm/ day with higher doses of 6gms/ day
and 1400 ppm F for six months and have showed no sig- for high-risk groups (Stecksen-Blicks et al. 2008; Milgrom
nificant difference in between the experimental and control et al. 2009). However, contrary to the results reported by
group. Lee et al. (2015) have used gummy bear contain- Chi et al. (2014), Campus et al. (2009) reported superiority
ing 1.3gm Xylitol thrice a day for nine months and have of using 36.6% Xylitol chewing gum five times a day for

Author's personal copy

644 European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646

Table 4  Quality assessment according to GRADE

Quality assessment Summary of findings
No. of patients Effect Quality
No. of Design Combined TF monotherapy Relative Risk with TF Risk difference with combined therapy
studies therapy (95% Cl) mono-therapy

Primary outcome: dental caries

5 RCT​ 2237 2205 – – SMD 0.12 lower (0.2 lower to 0.04 lower) ⊕⊕O O
Secondary outcome: S mutans
5 RCT​ 193 163 – – SMD 0.11 lower (0.33 lower to 0.1 higher) ⊕ O OO
Very Low

six months in reducing the cariogenic bacterial load. Thus, control groups alike. As opposed to these outcomes, TF-PI
authors suggest that TF and Xylitol combination exerts a was found to be more effective than TF alone in preventing
significant caries-preventive effect over TF use alone, when new carious lesions and reducing the cariogenic bacterial
used at optimum dosage for longer durations. However, the count in primary teeth by Milgrom et al. (2011). However,
low quality of the included trials limit the generalisability shorter follow-up, lesser sample size and lack of randomi-
of TF-Xylitol combination as a standard caries-preventive sation limit the generalisability of the results of this quasi-
method. These results are also in line with the findings of experimental trial.
a Cochrane review which assessed the effectiveness of TF- The present analysis showed that there was no difference
Xylitol combination on dental caries increment (Riley et al. in between the TF-Chlorhexidine combined therapy and
2015). TF monotherapy in prevention of dental caries. Naidu et al.
To assess the effectiveness of TF-Triclosan combined (2016) reported that weekly application of TF-Chlorhexidine
therapy, only a single randomised controlled trial could varnish is more effective in remineralising incipient carious
be included (Perala and Bhupathiraju 2016). There was no lesions than the application of TF varnish alone at a 3-month
significant difference in the S mutans count reduction in follow-up. This is attributed to the increased salivary levels
between the experimental and the control groups. Such a of calcium, fluoride and phosphate, indicating a beneficial
result can be attributed to the small follow-up period of just action of the combined therapy. However, other trials have
two weeks and further research on this topic is advocated not reported any added benefit of Chlorhexidine over fluo-
(Perala and Bhupathiraju 2016). Moreover, with the increase ride use alone in preventing dental caries incidence (Pukal-
in concern regarding bacterial resistance to antimicrobials lus et al. 2013; Sundell et al. 2013; Petersson et al. 1998;
worldwide, the addition of Triclosan in mouthwashes for Duarte et al. 2008). Authors suggested regular and frequent
children may not be recommended (Perala and Bhupathiraju sensitisation sessions of children with dental professionals
2016). Findings of a Cochrane review by Riley and Lamont to be the cause of improvement in both the experimental
(2013) have also reported no additional benefit of adding and control groups. Duarte et al. (2008) explained that the
Triclosan to topical fluoride for preventing dental caries. lack of any added advantage of 0.12% Chlorhexidine solu-
Sub-group analysis for Povidone-Iodine also yielded tion can be due to the bactericidal activity of Chlorhexidine
similar results. Zhan et al. (2006) showed no statistically being limited only to the first 90 min post application after
significant difference in preventing caries incidence after which there is no further change in the metabolic activity in
a single application of 1.23% TF gel and 10% PI versus dental plaque.
1.23% TF gel alone at one-year follow-up period. Xu et al. Only one trial has reported superior effectiveness of
(2009) also reported similar results for dental caries experi- combined therapy (1.23% TF gel and 1% Chlorhexidine var-
ence in both deciduous and permanent dentition. Similarly, nish) applied on alternate weeks for one month in reducing
on pooling the studies for evaluating the post-treatment S S mutans load (Martínez et al. 2012). In contrast, Pukallus
mutans count, no statistically significant differences were et al. (2013), Paul et al. (2014) and Ribeiro et al. (2008)
noted between the two groups (Xu et al. 2009; Zhan et al. concluded that the additional use of Chlorhexidine along
2006). Restorations of the carious lesions, extractions of with the TF application has no added advantage in reducing
the carious teeth or creating awareness regarding mainte- the bacterial load. Pukallus et al. (2013) reported a possibil-
nance of good oral hygiene might have led to a considerable ity that tooth-brushing alone might have resulted in caries
reduction in the bacterial load in both the experimental and prevention and that the additional effect of Chlorhexidine

Author's personal copy
European Archives of Paediatric Dentistry (2020) 21:629–646 645

is therefore not apparent. Ribeiro et al. (2008) had done a the advocated professional fluoride therapy (Fluoride
three-day intervention that might not be sufficient to exert varnish/fluoride gel) especially in high-risk individuals.
a promising effect on reducing the S mutans load. Thus, 2. Future randomised controlled trials need to keep gener-
the variability in the results obtained might be attributed to alisability as well as internal validity of study in mind
the different dosages and regimen followed across different and focus on deriving an appropriate treatment regimen
studies. for the antibacterial agent-TF combined therapy. This
Limitations of this systematic review include the paucity should comprise the adequacy of follow-up period, dos-
of randomised controlled trials on the effectiveness of com- age requirement, frequency of application needed and
bined therapy using an antibacterial agent (Povidone-Iodine/ suitable delivery vehicle separately for primary and
Chlorhexidine/Xylitol/Triclosan/CPC) versus TF monother- permanent dentition. Feasibility of application in com-
apy in preventing dental caries among 1- to 16-year-old chil- munity programmes and its cost-effectiveness should
dren. There exists a vast variability in the dosage and inter- further be assessed.
vention regimen across the included studies. In the present 3. Long-term trials should also assess possible adverse
review, even though appropriate method of analysis (ran- effects as an additional outcome.
dom effects model using inverse variance method) is used to
counter the clinical heterogeneity present across the studies,
such variability might have brought some inconsistencies in Acknowledgements  The authors thank Prof Krishan Gauba (Head,
Oral Health Sciences Centre, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Educa-
the results. We did not aim to evaluate the agents in terms of tion & Research, Chandigarh) for his contributions in designing this
the delivery vehicles/treatments regimen. Very few clinical review and for his constructive inputs on the manuscript.
trials (Pukallus et al. 2013; Zhan et al. 2006) have assessed
the effect of combined therapy using an antibacterial agent Compliance with ethical standards 
along with TF on Lactobacillus colony count and none of
the studies could be included in the quantitative synthesis. Conflict of interest  The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
The focus of this review has been the caries preventive
effect of the combined therapy versus TF monotherapy.
However, the present study was not aimed to assess the
possible effects which the antibacterial agent-TF combined References
therapy might have exerted on the gingival health and dental
plaque. Similarly, the effectiveness of using herbal agents Campus G, Cagetti MG, Sacco G, Solinas G, Mastroberardino S, Ling-
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