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April 9 2023

Hi dude, how are you?

I hope you are doing really great, that we, I dont know how
the time its going to change us, but in this moment we are
still the same person.

So, if all continues in the same way, we already have done our
career, congrats now you are a engineer, im really proud of
you. And, how is our health? Do we have to take our medicine
yet? Are we in the hospital? Did we come back again? I wish
that no, that the last time was years ago in this moment.

Do you took german lessons again? Because I want to study

german, we still want to study german? At least, another
language, you know that we can do it. We are good a it.

If you are single, it doesnt matter, we are good, how do you

feel? Have you been feeling lonely in this time? Say hi to
mom, and dad, have you talked with our siblings in this time?

I wish we are doing the right things, but you know we have
should taken another decisions, we have time yet, to change
and be better.

I love you, remember, we are capable

and worth enough, try to socialize.
Take care, and workout.


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