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Good afternoon my dear audience

Today, I want to talk about a very important issue that affects all of us – lookism.
Lookism is the practice of judging people based on their physical appearance
rather than their character, abilities or personality. This problem is not new, but
it has become increasingly prevalent in today’s society, where social media and
advertising often promote unrealistic and unattainable beauty standards. Lookism
can have serious consequences, leading to discrimination, inequality, and low self-
esteem among those who do not fit the so – called “ideal” physical image.

We need to start addressing lookism as a serious issue, and work towards creating
a more inclusive and accepting society. We should focus on valuing people for
their individuality and talents rather than their appearance. We should encourage
diversity and promote positive body image . Let’s create a world where people
are judge based on their actions and character rather than their physical
appearance. Only then can we truly embrace the beauty that lies within us all,
regardless of our external appearance. Thank you.

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