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Oracle® Retail Order Management System

Installation Guide
Release 19.0

December 2019
Oracle® Retail Order Management System Installation Guide, Release 19.0


Copyright © 2018, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Pavan Savlani

Contributors: Scott Kagels

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Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Language

Oracle Retail VAR Applications

The following restrictions and provisions only apply to the programs referred to in this section and
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applications may include:

(i) the MicroStrategy Components developed and licensed by MicroStrategy Services Corporation
(MicroStrategy) of McLean, Virginia to Oracle and imbedded in the MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail
Data Warehouse and MicroStrategy for Oracle Retail Planning & Optimization applications.

(ii) the Wavelink component developed and licensed by Wavelink Corporation (Wavelink) of
Kirkland, Washington, to Oracle and imbedded in Oracle Retail Mobile Store Inventory

(iii) the software component known as Access Via™ licensed by Access Via of Seattle, Washington,
and imbedded in Oracle Retail Signs and Oracle Retail Labels and Tags.

(iv) the software component known as Adobe Flex™ licensed by Adobe Systems Incorporated of
San Jose, California, and imbedded in Oracle Retail Promotion Planning & Optimization

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The VAR Applications contain trade secrets of Oracle and Oracle's licensors and Customer shall
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other reduction of the VAR Applications to a human perceivable form. Oracle reserves the right to
replace, with functional equivalent software, any of the VAR Applications in future releases of the
applicable program.

Send Us Your Comments ............................................................................................... vii
Preface .............................................................................................................................. ix
Audience ................................................................................................................................ ix
Related Documentation........................................................................................................ ix
Customer Support ................................................................................................................. ix
Review Patch Documentation ...............................................................................................x
Improved Process for Oracle Retail Documentation Corrections ....................................x
Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Help Center .................................................x
Conventions .............................................................................................................................x
Pre-installation Tasks ....................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites ............................................................................................................................ 1
Implementation Capacity Planning .............................................................................. 1
Check Supported Database Server Requirements ....................................................... 1
Check Supported Application Server Requirements .................................................. 1
Check Supported Business Intelligence Publisher Server Requirements ................ 2
Supported Oracle Retail Products ................................................................................. 2
Linux User Account Privileges to Install the Software ............................................... 2
WebLogic User Privileges to Configure WebLogic ..................................................... 2
Oracle WebService Manager – Policy Manager ........................................................... 2
WebLogic Security ........................................................................................................... 2
Installation Steps .............................................................................................................. 3
Before You Start....................................................................................................................... 3
Third-Party Integrations ................................................................................................. 3
Download the Installation Package ...................................................................................... 3
Order Management System Application Information ....................................................... 3
Required Information ...................................................................................................... 3
Database ................................................................................................................................... 5
Application Installation........................................................................................................ 10
Servers in Cluster ........................................................................................................... 11
Data Sources .......................................................................................................................... 11
Data Source for OrderManagementNonXADS.......................................................... 11
Messaging / JMS Modules ........................................................................................... 12
Cache Coherence ............................................................................................................ 13
Security Realms Provider ............................................................................................. 13
SerenadeSeam Deployment .......................................................................................... 14
Modern View Deployment ........................................................................................... 14
Server Start and Deployment Start .............................................................................. 15
Business Intelligence Publisher Setup ......................................................................... 15
Validation Prior to OKM Encryption ................................................................................. 16

Testing the Order Management Application .................................................................... 17
Testing the Modern View Application ....................................................................... 18
Creating Users and Additional Configuration Options ........................................... 18
Deployment Hardening ................................................................................................ 19

Send Us Your Comments
Oracle Retail Order Management System, Installation Guide, Release 19.0

Oracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of
this document.
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Note: Before sending us your comments, you might like to

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offices is available on our Web site at

The Oracle Retail Order Management System Installation Guide describes the steps
required to install the application.

This Installation Guide describes the requirements and procedures to install Release 19.0
Order Management System.
This installation guide is written for the following audiences:
 System administrators and operations personnel
 Database administrators
 System analysts and programmers
 Integrators and implementation staff personnel

Note: These steps require working knowledge in Linux

administration, Oracle database administration, and
WebLogic administration.

Related Documentation
For more information, see the following documents in the Order Management System
Release 19.0 documentation set:
 Order Management System Release Notes
 Order Management System Administration Guide
 Order Management System Online Help
 Order Management System Implementation Guide
See the Order Management System documentation library at the following URL:

Note: The Order Management System documentation

library includes documents that apply to both Order
Management System for installation on premises, and Order
Management System Cloud Service.

Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
 Product version and program/module name
 Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
 Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
 Exact error message received
 Screen shots of each step you take

Review Patch Documentation
When you install the application for the first time, you install either a base release (for
example, 16.3) or a later patch release (for example, 16.3.1). If you are installing the base
release or additional patch releases, read the documentation for all releases that have
occurred since the base release before you begin installation. Documentation for patch
releases can contain critical information related to the base release, as well as information
about code changes since the base release.

Improved Process for Oracle Retail Documentation Corrections

To more quickly address critical corrections to Oracle Retail documentation content,
Oracle Retail documentation may be republished whenever a critical correction is
needed. For critical corrections, the republication of an Oracle Retail document may at
times not be attached to a numbered software release; instead, the Oracle Retail
document will simply be replaced on the Oracle Technology Network Web site, or, in the
case of Data Models, to the applicable My Oracle Support Documentation container
where they reside.
This process will prevent delays in making critical corrections available to customers. For
the customer, it means that before you begin installation, you must verify that you have
the most recent version of the Oracle Retail documentation set. Oracle Retail
documentation is available on the Oracle Technology Network at the following URL:
An updated version of the applicable Oracle Retail document is indicated by Oracle part
number, as well as print date (month and year). An updated version uses the same part
number, with a higher-numbered suffix. For example, part number E123456-02 is an
updated version of a document with part number E123456-01.
If a more recent version of a document is available, that version supersedes all previous

Oracle Retail Documentation on the Oracle Help Center

Oracle Retail product documentation is available on the following web site:

Navigate: This is a navigate statement. It tells you how to get to the start of the procedure
and ends with a screen shot of the starting point and the statement “the Window Name
window opens.”
This is a code sample
It is used to display examples of code

x Oracle Retail Order Management System

Pre-installation Tasks
This chapter discusses the tasks to complete before installation and introduces basic
concepts and terms.

Note: Oracle Retail assumes that the retailer has applied all
required fixes for supported compatible technologies.

Implementation Capacity Planning
There is significant complexity involved in the deployment of Oracle Retail applications,
and capacity planning is site specific. Oracle Retail strongly suggests that before
installation or implementation you engage your integrator (such as the Oracle Retail
Consulting team) and hardware vendor to request a disk sizing and capacity planning
Sizing estimates are based on a number of factors, including the following:
 Workload and peak concurrent users and batch transactions
 Hardware configuration and parameters
 Data scarcity
 Application features utilized
Additional considerations during this process include your high availability needs as
well as your backup and recovery method.

Check Supported Database Server Requirements

General requirements for a database server running Oracle Retail Order Management
System include:

Supported On Versions Supported

Database Server Operating System Oracle Linux 7

Database Server Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 19c recommended, but
12c also supported
SQLPlus (ensure the version matches the database version)

Check Supported Application Server Requirements

General requirements for running the Order Management System application include the

Supported On Versions Supported

Application Server Operating Oracle Linux 7 with JAVA_HOME configured

Application Server WebLogic 12c, v12.
Java: Latest Java 8 JDK

Installation Guide 1

Check Supported Business Intelligence Publisher Server Requirements

General requirements for running the Business Intelligence Publisher application include
the following.

Supported On Versions Supported

BI Publisher Server Operating Oracle Linux 7

BI Publisher Server Oracle BI Publisher

Supported Oracle Retail Products

The following Oracle Retail products can be integrated with Order Management System.
Each product may integrate with various pieces of Order Management System
functionality and not necessarily all features available within Order Management System.
Each product is optional.
 Oracle Retail Customer Engagement Cloud Service, 16.0+, 18.2
 Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service 16.0+, 19.0
 Oracle Retail Order Broker 16.0+, 19.0
The above products can be installed before or after Order Management System. However,
it is helpful to know the connection details for the other products when configuring Order
Management System.

Linux User Account Privileges to Install the Software

A Linux user account is needed to install the software. The Linux user that is used to
install the software should have write access to the Installation directories.

WebLogic User Privileges to Configure WebLogic

The user who configures the application in the WebLogic console must have
read/write/execute authority in the WebLogic domain.

Oracle WebService Manager – Policy Manager

The Oracle Web Services Manager (OWSM) must be installed with the domain.

WebLogic Security
The Order Management System applications run on a WebLogic 12c application server.
Proper configuration of this application server is important to insure a secure
environment. The following are links to WebLogic security considerations:
For more information about security recommendations, see the Oracle Retail Order
Management System Technical Security Guide.

2 Oracle Retail Order Management System

Installation Steps
The following basic steps are required to install and set up Oracle Retail Order
Management System for the first time.

Before You Start

Note: These steps require working knowledge of Linux
administration and Oracle database administration.

Third-Party Integrations
All integrations with third-party systems will need to be configured prior to using the
Order Management System Application. For details refer to the Oracle Retail
Documentation on the Oracle Help Center.

Download the Installation Package

The installation package is available on the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud: Search for Oracle Retail Order
Management System on the Linux platform to find and download the installation

Order Management System Application Information

Required Information
Note: Be sure to match secure ports with secure protocols
when configuring the systems. For example use the secure
port when choosing https.

The following information is needed in order to complete the installation. All values are
required. Fill in the Value column of this table as a reference to be used later in the

Information Value

The path of the Order Management System Domain in WebLogic. For

example, if the domain to use for this instance of Order Management
System in WebLogic is
/u00/webadmin/OROMS/config/domains/OROMS/OMSDomain then this is
what you will replace.
Note: Do NOT include the ending slash.
The database server containing the ORDER_MANAGEMENT database.
The port on the database server open to allow the Order Management
System to communicate with the ORDER_MANAGEMENT database.
The name of the ORDER_MANAGEMENT instance.

Installation Guide 3
Order Management System Application Information

Information Value

The password associated with the ORDER_MANAGEMENT user ID.

The name of the application server. This can be the DNS name or IP
The port used for the application server above.
The names of all application servers and ports to be used by the Order
Management System application in the format as follows. The example
shows three application servers:
The user ID of the Order Management System initial user. Use the initial
user to initially sign in to the application, and to set up other users. The
user is initially granted all access authority, but should be restricted once
other users are created. The user ID is a maximum of 10 characters and
must be all uppercase.
The user ID of the Order Management System default user. The default
user is needed in Order Management System in order to run certain
background jobs and web services. The default user ID must be different
from the initial user ID. The user ID is a maximum of 10 characters and
must be all uppercase.
The default date format to use for this Order Management System
installation. Valid values are DMY, MDY, and YMD.
The default decimal separator to use for this Order Management System
installation. Valid values are comma (,) and period (.).
The default thousands separator to use for this Order Management System
installation. Valid values are comma (,) and period (.).
The URL of the Business Intelligence Publisher Server.
The port to use in correlation with the Business Intelligence Publisher
The user ID used to connect to the Business Intelligence Publisher Server.
The password used to connect to the Business Intelligence Publisher
The URL and port to connect to the Oracle Retail Order Broker server. An
example format is server:Port
The tax system to use. Valid responses are AVATaxProduction,
AVATaxTest, VertexTax, and None.

Credit Card Encryption

For information on the use of OMS Key Management (OKM) for credit card encryption,
see the Data Security and Encryption Guide at

4 Oracle Retail Order Management System


The Order Management System database is made up of one database with one user /
schemas. The Order Management System install contains a Database folder with SQL
scripts for creating the database objects and data. The SQL scripts can be used to
complete the following database set up tasks. Do the following manual steps with the
answers from the information supplied in the above chart.

Note: All scripts were designed and tested using SQLPlus.

1. Open the file oms_tablespace.sql under the Directory Database, replace below tokens
and save the file:
 $(DbTablspaceData)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_DATA
 $(DbTablspaceLobs)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_LOBS
2. Login as sys user to Database Server, using SQL Plus and execute the file created in
step 1. Verify that following table spaces got created.
3. Open the file oms_users.sql under the Directory Database, and replace below tokens
with username and password and save the file:
 &DbUserPassword
4. Login as sys user to Database Server, using SQL Plus and execute the file created in
step 3.
5. Open the file build_database.sql under the Directory Database, and replace below
tokens and save the file:
 $(DbTablspaceData)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_DATA
 $(DbTablspaceLobs)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_LOBS
6. Login as DB user created in step 4, to Database Server, using SQL Plus and execute
the file created in step 5. This will take a few minutes to complete.
7. Open the file oms_base_data_common_script.sql under the Directory
Database/base_data, and replace below tokens and save the file:

Information Supplied Token Action

The path of the Order Management System $(OMSDOMAINPATH) And

Domain in WebLogic. For example if the &OMSDOMAINPATH
domain to use for this instance of Order
Management System in WebLogic is
MS/OMSDomain then this is what you will
Note: Do NOT include the ending slash.
The name of the application server. This can $(SSL_APP_SERVER_NAME) and
be the fully qualified DNS name or IP &SSL_APP_SERVER_NAME

Installation Guide 5

Information Supplied Token Action

The port used for the application server $(SECURE_OMS_PORT) and

The names of all application servers and $(VALIDSERVERLISTANDPORTS) and
ports to be used by the Order Management
System application in the format as follows.
The example below shows three application
The user ID of the Order Management $(ADMINUSER) and
System initial user. Use this initial user to &ADMINUSER
initially sign in to the application and also to
set up other users. This user is initially
granted all access authority, but should be
restricted once other users are created. The
user ID is a maximum of 10 characters and
must be in all uppercase.
The user ID of the Order Management $(DEFAULTUSER) and
System default user. The default user is
needed in Order Management System in
order to run certain background jobs and
web services. The default user ID must be
different from the initial user ID. The user ID
is a maximum of 10 characters and must be in
all uppercase.
The default date format to use for this Order $(DATEFORMAT) and
Management System installation. Valid
values are DMY, MDY, and YMD.

The default decimal separator to use for this $(DECIMALSEPARATOR) and

Order Management System installation.
Valid values are comma (,) and period (.).
The default thousands separator to use for $(THOUSANDSEPARATOR) and
this Order Management System installation.
Valid values are comma (,) and period (.).
The URL of the Oracle Retail Business $(BIPUBURL) and &BIPUBURL
Intelligence Publisher server.
The port to use in correlation with the Oracle $(BIPUBPORT) and &BIPUBPORT
Retail Business Intelligence Publisher server.
The user ID used to connect to the Oracle $(BIPUBUSER) and &BIPUBUSER
Retail Business Intelligence Publisher server.
The password used to connect to the Oracle $(BIPUBPASSWORD) and
Retail Business Intelligence Publisher server. &BIPUBPASSWORD
The URL and port to connect to the Oracle $(LOCATESERVERANDPORT) and
Retail Order Broker server. An example &LOCATESERVERANDPORT
format is server:Port.

6 Oracle Retail Order Management System


8. Login as DB user created in step 4, to Database Server, using SQL Plus and execute
the file created in step 7.
9. Open the file oms_company_49_script.sql under the Directory Database/base_data,
and replace below tokens and save the file:
 $(DbTablspaceData)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_DATA
 $(DbTablspaceLobs)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_LOBS

The user ID of the Order Management System initial user. Use this $(ADMINUSER) and
initial user to initially sign in to the application and also to set up &ADMINUSER
other users. This user is initially granted all access authority, but
should be restricted once other users are created. The user ID is a
maximum of 10 characters and must be in all uppercase.
The user ID of the Order Management System default user. The $(DEFAULTUSER)
default user is needed in Order Management System in order to run and
certain background jobs and web services. The default user ID must &DEFAULTUSER
be different from the initial user ID. The user ID is a maximum of 10
characters and must be in all uppercase.
The default date format to use for this Order Management System $(DATEFORMAT)
installation. Valid values are DMY, MDY, and YMD. and

10. Login as DB user created in step 4, to Database Server, using SQL Plus and execute
the file created in step 9.
11. Open the file oms_company_51_script.sql under the Directory Database/base_data,
and replace below tokens and save the file:
 $(DbTablspaceData)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_DATA
 $(DbTablspaceLobs)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_LOBS
The user ID of the Order Management System initial user. Use this $(ADMINUSER) and
initial user to initially sign in to the application and also to set up &ADMINUSER
other users. This user is initially granted all access authority, but
should be restricted once other users are created. The user ID is a
maximum of 10 characters and must be in all uppercase.
The user ID of the Order Management System default user. The $(DEFAULTUSER)
default user is needed in Order Management System in order to run and
certain background jobs and web services. The default user ID must &DEFAULTUSER
be different from the initial user ID. The user ID is a maximum of 10
characters and must be in all uppercase.
The default date format to use for this Order Management System $(DATEFORMAT)
installation. Valid values are DMY, MDY, and YMD. and
12. Login as DB user created in step 4, to Database Server, using SQL Plus and execute
the file created in step 11.
13. Open the file 1099_build_JIRAupdates.sql under the Directory Database, and replace
below tokens and save the file:
 $(DbTablspaceData)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_DATA

Installation Guide 7

 $(DbTablspaceLobs)  ORDER_MANAGEMENT_LOBS
14. Login as DB user created in step 4, to Database Server, using SQL Plus.
a. Execute the file created in step 13.
If you check the import log there will be a warning "SP_SCHEMA_DIFF created
with compilation warnings". This is okay, it will be fixed in step 15.
b. Ensure that OROMS is properly configured for on premise by checking that the
following property is set to true.
Select * from property where property = ' ON_PREMISE_ENABLED';
c. Ensure that IDCS is disabled by checking that the following property is set to
Select * from property where property = 'IDCS_ENABLED';
d. Update the user table to set only one user as the “system user.”
Select * from users where name = 'DEFAULTCSU';
Update as needed using,
Update USERS set SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 'N' where name = 'DEFAULTCSU';

15. Database Core Schema Validation

Core schema is used to compare with the production schema to validate schema
structure against a known snapshot. The sp_schema_diff procedure exists to perform this
validation. Any inconsistencies should be investigated and you should work with Oracle
Support if needed to remedy any issues.

1. From the directory Database/core_schema of the OROMS release package.

a. Copy Database/core_schema/OMS_190_CORE.dmp file to a location on
the Database server.
Example: /scratch/u00/oracle/import
b. Login to database as a SYS User
c. Edit the Database/core_schema/data_pump_import.sql and replace the
directory location at top of file with the location where you placed the
dmp file in the previous step
OMS_DATA_PUMP_DIR as '/scratch/u00/oracle/import';
d. Execute data_pump_import.sql.
i. Data Pump will create the new ORDER_MGT_190_CORE
ii. After running this script it should output "PL/SQL procedure
successfully completed." but the import job is still running.
iii. It will take about 5 minutes to finish on average. To check the
status you can query DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS.

select * from DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS

iv. Once the job is complete (no rows will be returned from
DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS) you can continue with the upgrade.

8 Oracle Retail Order Management System


v. If you check the import log there will be a warning

"SP_SCHEMA_DIFF created with compilation warnings". This is
okay, it will be fixed in the next step.
e. Run oms_user_core.sql (logged in as SYS user)
There are 2 define variables at the top of this script that must be replaced
with the appropriate values. These values are for the core user name and
the oms user name.
Example: DEFINE dbUserCore = 'ORDER_MGT_190_CORE';
f. Compile any invalid objects (triggers, procedures, views etc.) in the
ORDER_MGT_190_CORE schema. The SP_SCHEMA_DIFF procedure
will now compile at this time.
2. Execute oms_sys_jira_update.sql as SYS user. Note that this is to Grant to the

Installation Guide 9
Application Installation

Application Installation
1. Copy the contents of the OMSApplicationServer folder to the folder that contains the
Order Management System Domain in WebLogic. For example:
/u00/webadmin/OROMS/config/domains/OROMS/OMSDomain. Overwrite anything if asked.
Verify that the files are owned by a user ID that has authority to run WebLogic.
a. Unzip the <OMS Domain folder>/< OMSApplicationServer>/oms-conf- to <OMS Domain folder>. This will create the folder and contents for
<OMS Domain folder>/conf
b. Unzip the <OMS Domain folder>/< OMSApplicationServer>/oms-sharedLibs- to <OMS Domain folder>. This will create the folder and contents for
<OMS Domain folder>/lib.
c. Copy the <OMS Domain folder>/< OMSApplicationServer>/OMSToDeploy
folder to <OMS Domain folder>/OMSToDeploy. This contains the OROMS
EAR and WAR files that get deployed to WebLogic.
d. File and folder privileges should be set properly from the zip file.
e. Ensure the owner of these files and folders is the user that runs WebLogic.
2. Do the following manual steps with the answers from the information supplied in
the above chart. All files are located in the Order Management System Domain
within the conf folder.

Information Supplied Manual Action

The path of the Order Management  Search for &TECHREPLACEWITHOMSDOMAINPATH

System Domain in WebLogic. For in and
example if the domain to use for this replace with your value.
instance of Order Management System in  Search for &TECHREPLACEWITHOMSDOMAINPATH
WebLogic is in and replace with your
OROMS/OMSDomain then this is what you
will replace.
Note: Do NOT include the ending slash.
The name of the Order Management  Search for
Application Server. This can be the DNS &REPLACE_WITH_SSL_APP_SERVER_NAME
name or IP address. in and
replace with your value.
The port used for the application server  Search for &SECURE_OMS_PORT in
above. and replace
with your value.

10 Oracle Retail Order Management System

Data Sources

Information Supplied Manual Action

The tax system to use.  If using AVATaxProduction, search for

Valid responses are AVATaxProduction, &TECHREPLACEWITHTAXINTERFACE in
AVATaxTest, VertexTax, and None. and replace
 If using AVATaxTest, search for
 If using VertexTax or None, search for

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for each server.

4. Log into the WebLogic Admin Console so that you can create the required items in
5. Restart the Managed and Admin Servers in WebLogic.

Servers in Cluster
Change the following settings on the servers in the cluster.
1. Go to Environment > Clusters and click on the cluster to get to the cluster settings.
2. Click on the Control tab.
3. Make sure the servers in the cluster are not running. If they are running, shut the
servers in the cluster down using the Force Shutdown Now option.
4. Click on one of the servers to get its properties, and go to the Server Start tab.
5. Click the Lock & Edit button in the upper left to allow editing of this server.
6. Enter the following into the Argument field:
-Xms1024m -Xmx4096m -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -
DUseSunHttpHandler=true - -
Click the Save button.
7. Click the Activate Changes button in the upper left corner to activate the changes.
8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 for each server in the cluster.

Data Sources
Note: Take the default setting if the setting is not mentioned
in these instructions.

Create the following data sources in WebLogic by going to Services > DataSources >
New > Generic Data Source.

Data Source for OrderManagementNonXADS

Installation Guide 11
Data Sources

1. Type: Generic Data Source

2. Name: OrderManagementNonXADS
3. Scope: Global
4. JNDI Name: OrderManagementNonXADS
5. Database type: Oracle
6. Database Drive: Oracle’s Driver (Thin) for pooled instance connections; Versions:
7. Supports Global Transactions: Yes (unchecked)
8. Database Name: The name of the ORDER MANAGEMENT database instance
9. Host Name: The name or IP of the machine where the ORDER MANAGEMENT
database instance exists
10. Port: The database port used by the ORDER MANAGEMENT database +instance
11. Database User Name: ORDER_MANAGEMENT
12. Password: Password for user name above
13. Properties: add maxStatements=50 and implicitCachingEnabled=true

14. Statement Cache Size: 0

15. Target: All servers in the cluster
16. Set Initial Capacity to 10
17. Set Maximum Capacity to 200

Messaging / JMS Modules

Note: Take the default setting if the setting is not mentioned
in these instructions.

Create the following JMS Modules in WebLogic by going to Services > Messaging > JMS

1. Name: OROMSJMSModule
2. Descriptor File Name: jms/oromsjmsmodule-jms.xml
3. Target: All servers in the cluster
4. Resource:
a. Type: Foreign Server
b. Name: AqJmsForeignServer
c. Target: All servers in the cluster
d. JNDI Initial Context Factory: oracle.jms.AQjmsInitialContextFactory

12 Oracle Retail Order Management System

Data Sources

e. JNDI Properties: datasource= OrderManagementNonXADS

f. Default Targeting Enabled: Yes (checked)
g. Connection Factories:
i. Name: AqJmsForeignServerConnectionFactory
ii. Local JNDI Name: AqJmsConnectionFactory
iii. Remote JNDI Name: XAQueueConnectionFactory

Cache Coherence
1. At the administration console, expand the Environment section at the Domain
Structure box and then click on Coherence Clusters. Create a default coherence
cluster configuration with name "defaultCoherenceCluster".
2. Click next, enter cluster mode as unicast, cluster listen port and multicast listen
3. Click next and select cluster members i.e. AdminServer, oms_cluster, then click
fininsh. Activate changes if necessary.
4. Now from the left panel “Domain Structure” click on Environment then click on
5. Select OMS1 server, and then go to server start tab from top navigation, click on Lock
and Edit from top left corner.
6. Add this argument -Dtangosol.coherence.distributed.localstorage=true to Argument
section, if it does not already exist.
7. Do it for all OMS servers in cluster, i.e OMS1, OMS2, OMS3 ….. etc.
8. This will look something like below:

Security Realms Provider

Note: Take the default setting if the setting is not mentioned
in these instructions.

Create the following Security Realms Provider in WebLogic.

1. Go to Security Realms Provider and edit the myrealm Security Realm.
2. Click Lock & Edit in the upper left corner to allow you to change it.
3. Click on the Providers tab.
4. Click on the DefaultAuthenticator to edit it.

Installation Guide 13
Data Sources

5. Change the Control Flag to SUFFICIENT.

6. Click Save.
7. Click Activate Changes in the upper left corner to commit these changes.
8. A manual change needs to be added to the provider. To do this do the following:
a. Edit the config.xml in OMS_DOMAIN/config/ where OMS_DOMAIN is the WebLogic
domain on the application server.
b. Search for </security-configuration> and insert the following line immediately
before this line:
c. If the below line exists in this same section, delete it:
d. Save this file.
e. Repeat steps 9a – 9d for each application server.

SerenadeSeam Deployment
Install the SerenadeSeam distribution in WebLogic by doing the following:
1. Go to Deployments and click Lock & Edit in the upper left corner.
2. Click Install on top of the table.
3. Change the path to OMS_DOMAIN/OMSToDeploy where OMS_DEPLOY is the location of the
Order Management System domain directory. An example is
/scratch/u00/webadmin/OROMS/config/domains/OROMS/OMSDomain1/OMSToDeploy then
press enter.
4. Select SerenadeSeam-19.0.ear and click Next.
5. Take the defaults on the Installation Type and Scope screen. Click Next.
6. Set the target to All servers in the cluster. Click Next.
7. Take the default on the last screen by clicking Finish.
8. When prompted give it a name such as SerenadeSeam.
9. Click Activate Changes in the upper left corner to prepare this distribution.

Modern View Deployment

Install the Modern View distribution in WebLogic by doing the following:
1. Go to Deployments and click Lock & Edit in the upper left corner.
2. Click Install on top of the table.
3. If necessary change the path to OMS_DOMAIN/OMSToDeploy where OMS_DEPLOY is the
location of the Order Management System domain directory. An example is
/scratch/u00/webadmin/OROMS/config/domains/OROMS/OMSDomain/OMSToDeploy then
press enter.
4. Select ContactCenter-19.0.war and click Next.
5. Take the defaults on the Installation Type and Scope screen. Click Next.
6. Set the target to All servers in the cluster. Click Next.
7. When prompted give it a name such as ModernView.
8. Take the default on the last screen by clicking Finish.
9. Click Activate Changes in the upper left corner to prepare this distribution.

14 Oracle Retail Order Management System

Data Sources

Note: you may want to read about the CC_RESOURCE_URI in the documentation to see
if using this property applies to your environment.

Server Start and Deployment Start

At this point you are ready to start the servers in the clusters.
1. Restart the NodeManager and WebLogic.
2. Launch the WebLogic Admin Console.
3. Click on Deployments and then click on the Control tab.
4. Check the check box next to SerenadeSeam, and ContactCenter and click the Start >
Servicing all requests from the menu above the table.
5. Go to Environment > Clusters and click on the cluster to get to the cluster settings.
6. Click on the Control tab.
7. Check the box next to All servers in the cluster and click the Start button above the
table. When prompted, click Yes to start the servers.
8. At this point the application should be available for you to login.

Business Intelligence Publisher Setup

1. Copy the contents of the BIPublisherServer folder of the install into a folder on your
2. Sign in to the Business Intelligence Publisher server using the credentials you were
given. For example, the URL should be something like
3. Create the OMS folder to contain the reports:
a. Click Catalog.
b. Create a new folder: click Shared Folders, then click the plus sign (+) in the
upper left corner, and then click Folder.
c. Name the folder OMS, with a description of OMS Reports. If a different folder
name is used, you will need to change the setting of the
4. Give the OMS folder permissions:
a. Click the OMS folder.
b. Click Permissions in the lower left corner.
c. Make sure the BI Consumer and BI Content Author have Run Report Online,
Schedule Report, and View Report Output permissions.
d. Make sure the BI Service Administrator has Read, Run Report Online, Schedule
Report, and View Report Output permissions.
5. Create a data source for the Order Management System reports to use:
a. Click Administration in the upper right corner of the screen.
b. Click JDBC Connection.
c. Click the Add Data Source button.
d. Fill in as follows:
i. Data Source name should be OMSDS
ii. Driver type should be Oracle 12c

Installation Guide 15
Validation Prior to OKM Encryption

iii. Database Drive Class should be oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver

iv. Connection String should be
ME where OMS_DB_SERVER_NAME is the name of the Order Management System
Database server name, the OMS_DB_SERVER_PORT is the Order Management
System database port, and OMS_DATABASE_NAME is the Order Management
System database container. An example would be
Note the / (slash) separator should be used for the
OMS_DATABASE_NAME and not the default : (colon).
v. Use System User should be unchecked.
vi. Username should be ORDER_MANAGEMENT.
vii. Password enter your password for ORDER_MANAGEMENT schema.
viii. Pre Process Function should be left empty.
ix. Post Process Function should be left empty.
x. All other fields are left to the default.
xi. Click the Test Connection button to confirm the connection was successful.
e. Click Apply to save the JDBC Connection.
6. Import the Order Management System reports to the Business Intelligence Publisher
a. Sign in to the Business Intelligence Publisher server using the credentials you
were given. For example, the URL should be something like
b. Click Catalog.
c. Click Shared Folders and then click Upload.
d. Select the OMS.xdrz from the folder on your PC that was copied from the
BIPublisherServer folder of the install.
7. Verify the reports got imported:
a. Sign in to the Business Intelligence Publisher server using the credentials you
were given. For example, the URL should be something like
b. Click Catalog.
c. Click OMS folder.
d. You should now see the DataModels, Reports, and SubTemplates folders.

Validation Prior to OKM Encryption

You must verify the following check prior to performing the OKM data encryption steps
in the Data Security and Encryption Guide. You will want to do this test after you have
created your Order Management application user.

1. Log into the Order Management application with your new user.
2. Navigate using the fast path to the “CPRP” menu option.
3. Search for “OKM” in the property column.
4. Verify that the “value” field is empty for both rows for the following properties

16 Oracle Retail Order Management System

Testing the Order Management Application

5. If either rows contain “ADMIN” or any other value, clear the field for only those two
6. You may also review this in the ORDER_MANAGEMENT database schema in the
“property” table.

Testing the Order Management Application

1. Once the Order Management System application has been installed you can give it a
quick test by doing the following:
a. Start up the Order Management System server.
b. Open a browser and point it to the Order Management System application. The
URL is https://applicationServer:applicationSeverport/jenasys/OMS.html
where applicationServer:applicationSeverport is the IP address and port of the
Order Management System application server that you named in the installation.
c. Log in to the Order Management System application using the user ID of the
Order Management System initial user created earlier in this process.

Note: Be patient, since the first time you log in to the Order
Management System application it may take longer than
normal for the first screen to come up. If you happen to get
a blank screen, close the browser and launch Order
Management System again.

d. At this point you should be logged in to the application. On the first log in, it
may take the initial screen a couple minutes to completely load. Allow the screen
to completely load before starting to maneuver around from screen to screen.
This is necessary only after the Order Management System service is restarted
and not on every login.
e. To check the application level and database level do the following:
i. Click on the My Jobs icon to get to the My Jobs screen.
ii. Click on the About button located on the side bar.
iii. On the About window, make sure the settings below match what is on the
Version = 19.0.0

Installation Guide 17
Testing the Order Management Application

Database Level = 19.0.0

f. Sign off using the Order Management System initial user.
g. Sign back on using a user other than the Order Management System initial user
that you created in User Profiles and in the Work with Users (WUSR) menu
option. Perform this step to make sure a user other than the Order Management
System initial user can sign in to Order Management System.
2. If you have additional application servers where you have installed Order
Management System, repeat the Testing the Order Management Application step for
each of these machines.
3. Once you have verified that all of the application servers are on the correct version,
the final step is to make sure all of the application servers share the same cache. To
do this, use the following steps:
a. Open a browser and point it to the Order Management System application.
b. Log in to the Order Management System application.
c. Click on the My Jobs icon to advance to the My Jobs screen.
d. Click on Advanced Commands to advance to the Commands screen.
e. Click on the My Cache button on the side bar to get to the Cache screen.
f. In the Servers in Cluster part of the screen, make sure you can see the IP
addresses of all the other Order Management System application servers,
excluding the one you are currently using. For example, if you have three Order
Management System application servers that you just completed upgrading, you
should see the IP address of the two additional application servers. If you do not
see the correct application servers or see additional servers that you don’t believe
you should, contact support for assistance.
g. Repeat steps 3a - 3f for each Order Management System application server.

Testing the Modern View Application

Before testing the Modern View, please be sure that you have set a default company for
the user that will be used to log in. Set the default company using Order Management
System application and going to WUSR for the user.
1. Once the Modern View application has been installed you can test the installation by
opening Order Management System in a browser and then selecting the Modern

View icon ( ) in the upper right.

2. If you have additional application servers where you have installed Modern View,
repeat the Testing the Modern View Application for each of these machines.

Creating Users and Additional Configuration Options

For more information on system configuration, see the Implementation Guide.
For more information on creating and configuring users, see the Administration Guide.
Both documents are available at

18 Oracle Retail Order Management System

Testing the Order Management Application

Deployment Hardening
HTTP Header X-Frame-Options
To prevent site content from being embedded into other sites (clickjacking), it is strongly
recommended that an Apache web server or Load balancer be placed in front of the
WebLogic application server. X-Frame-Options in the HTTP response header can be used
to indicate whether or not a browser should be allowed to open a page in frame or
iframe. This option should be set to SAMEORIGIN.

Use SSL/TLS (HTTPS) only between Browser and Web Server

Information sent over the network and across the Internet in clear text may be
intercepted. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL/TLS) is an encryption scheme that negotiates an
exchange of encryption keys. These keys are packaged in Certificates issued by a
Certificate Authority (CA). It is strongly recommended that you use TLS 1.2.

Use No-Cache Option for Cookies

It is strongly recommended that the no-cache option for cookies be used.
The WebLogic Server allows setting this option in the weblogic.xml file.
Set the http-proxy-caching-of-cookies element to false. The WebLogic Server adds the
following header with the following response:
Cache-control: no-cache=set-cookie
This setting indicates that the proxy caches do not cache the cookies.

Restrict Insecure Cipher Suites

It is strongly recommended that all insecure cipher suites be restricted. To do this at the
java level, locate the file associated with the java used by WebLogic, and
make sure the jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms parameter is set to at least contain the following
(it can include more):
jdk.tls.disabledAlgorithms=SSLv3, RC4, MD5withRSA, DH keySize < 768, DESede,
TLSv1, TLSv1.1

More Information
For more information on secure configuration, see the Technical Security Guide on My
Oracle Support Doc ID 1988467.1.

Installation Guide 19

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