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1. The analysis of the strategies in recruiting the new staff of an English Course 

To get qualified staff, it is necessary to pay attention to several strategic stages in the
recruitment of new staff. The first is to find out about the applicant's educational background,
work experience, motivation, and other information. This information will be used to
determine the abilities, talents, interests, and competencies of applicants as well as to
determine placement and compensation in accordance with the contents of the applicant. For
example, if an English tutoring agency needs an English tutor, then explain the requirements
on the form regarding the minimum TOEFL score that must be owned by prospective
candidates if they want to work at an English language course institution. The second strategy
is that each institution needs to consider the job position the English language course
institution needs. That is, place them in positions that suit their respective expertise.
Inaccuracy in placing employee positions will cause work to become substandard and unable
to obtain maximum results. Likewise in English language training institutions, managers who
manage human resources must be able to position newly recruited prospective staff according
to their needs, skills, and talents so that these new staff can work with maximum effort and
energy. Then if the new candidate meets the requirements and exists and has passed the
selection of new staff candidate data an interview is conducted. In this interview process, the
human resource manager also needs to consider the questions that will be asked of the new
staff to be selected. Where the questions asked will later be able to see how the actual
character, attitude, and life principles of the newly registered staff. After the interview
process is complete and the new staff pass at that stage, then carry out coaching for the new
staff who are selected by training them during their orientation period, where the human
resources manager at the English language course institution can see the performance of the
new staff who are directly involved in the field. Seeing how their skills, seriousness, and
attitude when given a job at the English language course institution. After that, the placement
is carried out on the new staff who are accepted and work positions that are by their

Every institution or organization in running each certain task needs someone to be

responsible for it. They are called staff or employees. The employee basically joins an
organization through the recruitment process. Recruitment is attracting and finding a
competent pool of candidates according to the requirements of the job or key position. For a
newly established institution, the recruitment process needs to think of the strategy to use in
attracting a new employee. Arranging the strategy of recruiting facilitates the recruiter to
perform recruitment activities in an efficient and cost effective path ( Yaseen : 2015 ).

The strategy in recruiting a new staff begins with considering the future staffing need, job
specification, and seeing a vacant position. Second, deciding which candidates to select,
outsiders or companies own employees. Three, choose the method of recruitment. Herman
(1994) gives two methods to hire the staff, that is internally and externally. Internally method
means the recruiter recruits the employee who is already working in the organization for a
new position. External method means vacant positions are filled from outsiders. In the case of
an English institution, specially for a new institution it is recommended to choose the
recruitment method from an outsider, since a newly opened institution surely has many
vacant positions to be filled such as the administration, finance, instruction and so on.

2. Concept of Recruitment a New Staff for English Course Institution

Recruitment is the process of finding candidates for jobs and stimulating them to apply
for jobs in organizations. It is a process of bringing together those who are offering jobs and
those who are looking for jobs. Recruitment is a positive process in which a pool of potential
employees is created and management selects the right person for the right job from this pool.
This provides the basis for the selection process. Then in this recruiting concept we as course
owners have to take steps in recruiting applicants.
In the Concept of Recruiting New Staff for our English Language Course Institute as an
institution, we must have a concept that can be used as a reference in finding new employee
candidates in our institution. This concept can be in the form of anything you want to look for
from an employee such as how skills, cv, career, and interviews, and this is used as a concept
for accepting new employees.
Every course institution wants an effective recruitment concept to get the best candidates.
An effective recruiting process will bring out the best human resources. There are several
concepts for recruiting new staff at English language course institutions, namely: (1)
Analyzing needs and planning recruitment. That is, English language course institutions must
identify the need for new staff and must also be by the required position. (2) Determine the
recruitment methods that must be utilized by English language course institutions such as
making advertisements on social media. And process incoming job applications. English
language course institutions must choose the criteria or meet the requirements for staff
candidates who apply. (3) Conduct a selection of job applicants in which English language
course institutions select prospective staff candidates who apply to fill vacant positions. (4)
Making job offers where prospective staff candidates who have passed the selection of job
applicants will be taken. Contracts with English language course institutions.
Concept of recruiting a new staff always concerns what we call the process of finding and
hiring the best qualified candidate for a job opening. Concept that is used for each institution
to recruit someone to be the member of an institution has different ways. Some institutions
might require the candidate to array the needed file and walk the interview only. Whereas, in
other institutions the candidate perhaps do more phases such as complete all requirement
files, have a written-test and walk the interview process and training. As the one assigned to
organize the concept of Recruiting A New Staff of an English Institution, ensure first what the
concept of recruiting a new staff would be. 
In addition, the thing that needs to be considered when thinking about the concept of
recruiting is technique and method. According to Rao (2009, 106), “Recruitment techniques
are the means or media by which management contacts prospective employees or provides
necessary information or exchange ideas in order to stimulate them to apply for jobs.” The
recruitment methods refer to the ways of establishing contacts with potential job seekers.
3. The Right Placement of Staff in English Course Institution
According to Marihot T. E. Hariandja (2005: 156) states that: "Placement is the process of
assigning filling positions or reassigning employees to the duties of a new position or a
different position". Placement, namely the process of handling new employees who have re-
registered to be notified in which section they are placed. The assignment is made according
to the area of expertise and the needs of the English language course institution. For example,
for the placement of workers for kindergarten children, what is needed is a workforce staff
that has been selected. The right placement of workers will produce good quality staff, in the
sense that these staff fulfill high productivity and performance which of course will provide
distinct advantages for English language course institutions because the vision and mission
goals will be easily achieved in English language course institutions.
Placing new staff in an English institution can be a challenging task as it requires a
thorough understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each position, as well as the skills
and qualifications of the new staff members. The right placement of new staff can lead to
improved performance, increased job satisfaction, and better overall outcomes for the
institution. According to Drs. H. Malayu S.P. Hasibuan (1990: 60), the qualifications used as
the basis for the right placement of new staff are age, skill, physical health, education,
appearance, talent, temperament, work experience, willingness to cooperate, honesty,
discipline, initiative and creativity.
Beside that, there are some factors affecting the placement of new staff. The first factor to
consider is the qualifications and experience of the new staff member. For example, if the
position requires teaching experience, the new staff members should have prior teaching
experience. Likewise, if the position requires a particular qualification, the new staff member
must possess that qualification. This will ensure that the new staff member is able to perform
their duties effectively and efficiently. The second factor to consider is the needs of the
institution. The new staff member should be placed in a position where their skills and
expertise are needed the most. For example, if the institution is in need of an English
language specialist, the new staff member should be placed in that position. Likewise, if the
institution needs someone to manage administrative tasks, the new staff member should be
placed in an administrative role. The third factor to consider is the compatibility of the new
staff member with the institution's culture and values. It is important to ensure that the new
staff member is a good fit for the institution's culture and values. This will help to ensure that
the new staff members are able to work effectively with their colleagues and students, and
will be able to contribute to the overall success of the institution. The fourth factor to
consider is the training and support that new staff members will require. It is important to
provide the new staff members with the necessary training and support to help them adjust to
their new roles and responsibilities. This will help to ensure that the new staff member is able
to perform their duties effectively and efficiently. By taking these factors into account,
institutions can ensure that they are able to place new staff members in positions that will
enable them to contribute to the overall success of the institution.
4. The Steps or the Stages of Personal Recruitment for an English Course
According to Muhammad Fuad added "Methods or procedures for recruitment from start
to finish, namely the first stage is opening vacancies for teaching staff according to the
expertise or knowledge of any field of study, then the second stage is calling to carry out
tests, there are 3 tests, namely:
1) Interview
2) Psycho test
3) Micro teaching.
4) Then the final stage is the announcement of acceptance.
Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the procedures and procedures for
hiring teaching staff at this English language course institution are like recruitment
procedures in general, there are several stages, namely the initial process of applying for a
position that matches the qualifications of the prospective staff required using a CV file. The
second process is calling prospective applicants after passing the CV file selection. The third
process is carrying out tests that have been determined by English language course
institutions in the form of interview tests with prospective staff candidates. The fourth
process is the psychological test. After passing the interview test, then there will be a
psychological test. The fifth process is the microteaching test. This is where prospective staff
will be tested on how to teach in the classroom. then the sixth process informs whether or not
prospective staff candidates are accepted by the English course. and the last process of
placing educators according to the background of the field of study applied for.
 Identify the type of work
Gather information about the nature and type of work, especially for new positions that
have never existed before at your institution. Before hiring, make it clear what the staff will
do in the future and how this role will support the achievement of institutional goals. Think
a. Scope of duties and responsibilities of work
b. Requested work output
c. Suitability of roles with institutions
d. Skills required to perform the role
 Create a job description
This is an important stage of recruitment, where you have to outline the job description
and the criteria required for candidate selection. You will also need to identify the
competencies required to fulfill the role you are seeking, including:
a. Skills, talents, knowledge, and experience
b. Qualifications required to do the job, unless candidates are recruited based on
future potential such as fresh graduates
c. Job-relevant personal qualities, such as the ability to work in a team, leadership,
and communication
 Looking for candidates
Searching for candidates can be done by two methods, namely internal and external
search. Internal methods include referrals from staff, succession planning, and secondary
recruitment. Before looking on the outside, it's important that you don't lose sight of the
institution's internal talent pool. Giving your staff the first opportunity for development and
career advancement can increase their motivation as well as increase staff retention.
Meanwhile, the external method gives you a large selection of talent from outside the
institution. You can attract them through online recruitment, media advertising, and
networking. Job advertisements are still the most popular way to attract more candidates.
 Manage applications
There are two main application formats commonly used for initial screening by HR,
namely a curriculum vitae (CV) or resume and a job application form. Both can be in the
form of physical paper or electronic files. The application form is a way of collecting and
compiling applicant information in a consistent format. With systematic data, it is easier for
recruiters to objectively assess the suitability of candidates for the type of work needed.
Meanwhile, a CV or resume is made without a consistent format. Each applicant has his own
way of writing a CV and has no restrictions on entering information. Often, some candidates
include irrelevant material, making the assessment more difficult than the assessment on the
application form.
 Selecting candidates
Selecting candidates involves two main processes, namely shortlisting and assessing
applicants to decide who will be given a job offer. Shortlisting really depends on the number
of candidates. When deciding whom to shortlist, you can list your criteria using job
specifications and staff profiles. Each application is then assessed against this standard. You
can use a variety of methods to assess candidate qualities. Common assessment methods
include general interviews, competency-based interviews, demonstrations, and presentations.
 Make a contract
Job offers should always be made in writing. But it's important to remember that a verbal
job offer in an interview that the candidate agrees to is also legally binding, as is a written
contract signed by both parties. If your hiring policy requires references, you should establish
clear rules for when references are used in the recruitment process, including what types of
references are required, for example from former employers. These rules must be applied
 Induction
Induction is an important part of the recruitment process, both for employers and new
staff. Induction is an orientation program for candidates who have been recruited and placed
in their new roles, which include:
 Clear outline of job/role requirements
 Orientation to workplace location and facilities
 Orientation to the work team, values, and organizational culture
 If you don't have time to make the optimal stages as above, you can leave the
employee recruitment process to external professional recruiters.
5. Elaborate the Appraisal and Punishment for the Staff in Your Institution
According to Dessler (2014), Appraisal means evaluating staff performance in the present
or in the past relative to their performance standards. In essence, performance appraisal
always involves a three-step performance appraisal process:
1. Setting work standards. Where management must choose specific goals that are believed
to be the most important and can realistically be achieved by setting performance criteria.
2. Assess the actual performance of staff in relative terms and evaluate it based on the
performance standards that have been set. Where this assessment process starts with the
manager who takes care of human resources printing the assessment form and then
filling in the period when carrying out the assessment, after that the form that has been
filled in for the period is handed over to the appraiser to conduct a performance
appraisal, after conducting a performance appraisal, the results of the assessment are
returned to part of the human resource manager at an English language course institution
to process and produce a performance appraisal report.
3. At the end of the appraisal period, appraisers and employees jointly assess performance
in work and evaluate it based on predetermined performance standards. Provide feedback
to staff to help them to eliminate performance deficiencies or to continue perform above
The punishment that can be done:
 Staff who make mistakes can be given verbal punishment in advance. This is intended
so that staff can improve themselves so as not to repeat mistakes, meaning the staff to
be more careful. And this is done privately, not in public because we also need to
appreciate the staff. If we give a warning in public, we are afraid that parents or
students in that course will think negatively about our institution.
 Then, we also give a written warning if the staff at the English language course
institution repeats the mistake and this can disrupt the course of our institution's
activities. If the verbal warning is not heeded by the staff, then the English language
course institution can issue the first warning letter (SP) to the employee. Warning
letters can be given at most 3 times. If it has passed 3 times, then there will be a name,
Dismissing Staff.
 Carry out punishment by way of demotion. Sanctions in the form of demotion can
also be carried out for staff who make mistakes that can affect the condition of the
 Dismissing staff. The criteria for dismissal are also objective, meaning that the
dismissal is not due to personal grudges but a fair dismissal. The dismissal also has
procedures contained in the work contract explaining why they can be fired. Possibly
due to incompetence or redundancy violations.
In English institutions, staff are typically appreciated and rewarded or punished based on
their job performance. Here are some common practices related to appraisal and punishment
for staff in English institutions:
1. Performance Appraisals: Performance appraisals are typically conducted annually or
bi-annually and are designed to assess an employee's job performance, behavior, and
contributions to the organization. During the appraisal process, employees are
typically evaluated based on factors such as productivity, quality of work,
communication skills, teamwork, and adherence to company policies and procedures.
The results of the performance appraisal can impact an employee's salary, promotions,
bonuses, and even their job security.
2. Rewards: Employees who perform well during the appraisal process are typically
rewarded with bonuses, salary increases, promotions, and other incentives. These
rewards can serve as a form of motivation for employees and help increase
productivity and job satisfaction.
3. Punishment: In cases where an employee's performance is deemed unsatisfactory,
punishment may be administered. This could include verbal or written warnings,
suspension, demotion, or termination of employment. The type of punishment
administered will depend on the severity of the infraction and the policies of the
4. Feedback and Development: Performance appraisals also serve as an opportunity for
employees to receive feedback on their performance and to identify areas for
improvement. Employers may provide training and development opportunities to help
employees improve their skills and job performance.
5. It's important to note that the specific practices related to appraisal and punishment for
staff may vary depending on the institution and the industry. However, in general,
English institutions prioritize performance appraisals, rewards for good performance,
and appropriate punishment for unsatisfactory performance or behavior.

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