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2023-03-28 SENT OF Ty resent: Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT”: DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA cor, Quezon Avenue, West Triangle, Quezon tify ht MEMORANDUM FOR : ALL DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS SUBJECT : CALL FOR ASSESSMENT USING THE LRMPAT AND SURVEY ON BOOKING OF LOCAL ROAD ASSETS DATE : 24 March 2023 The Department, through the Office of Project Development Services (OPDS), is issuing a call for assessment of local government units using the Local Road Management Performance Assessment Tool (LRMPAT). The provinces will be covered in this assessment excluding the cities and municipalities. With regard to the 2022 survey on the booking of local roads, 1,181 LGUs submitted their responses. It showed that 711 booked their assets, but only 352 completed the process. The survey results of each region were presented during the LRAM training conducted in 2022. It must be noted that the training provided the LGUs with the latest information on the processes for booking of assets which may be different from what they were doing prior to the intervention. The booking of local road assets will ensure that the LGUs concerned will allocate maintenance funds to maintain fair-to-good local roads. Kindly disseminate this information and remind the provinces to take note of the following: Current year / Year 3: 2022 Previous / Preceding / Prior year / Year 2: 2021 Two years prior / Year 1: 2020 Immediate preceding year: 2021 As a follow up to last year’s collection of data on booking of local road assets, we shall likewise request the provinces, cities and municipalities to accomplish the attached survey form to know their progress in this respect. In view of this, please refer to the schedules below, to wit: Activity Schedule and Deadline LRMPA self-assessment of provinces ‘April — May 2023 Survey on booking of assets April — May 2023 “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ‘Trunkline No.: 8876-34-54 Activity Schedule and Deadline Validation of LRMPA results June — August 2023. Provide DILG-CO with copies of the accomplished survey forms on booking dune 30, 2023 of local road assets in MS Excel file Provide DILG-CO with copies of the validated LRMPA results of provinces in September 30, 2023 MS Excel file As regards the accomplished survey forms on booking of assets of the provinces, the Regional Offices are requested to include the verification of the answers in the forms. during the LRMPA results validation. Please use the following means of verification, namely: 4, Local Road Asset Management Plan (either separate plan or included in the LRNDP); 2. Local Road Inventory as of FY 2022; 3. Report of the Physical Count of the Local Road Network (RPCLRN) submitted to COA Auditor and Accounting Division/Unit per Annex C of COA Circular No. 2015-008. Kindly email the above-stated documents at Attached are the LRMPA consolidation tool and the survey form for your ready references. For your information and appropriate action. INGAN for Local Government OUSLEMLVOPDSIRQZIUPMO-LRSIae Page 2 of 2 Updates on Booking of Local Road Assets Name of LGU: Date Accomplished: 'nstructions: If you answer Yes to the question put "1" inside the box opposite to the word Yes '¥ you answer No to the question put "2" inside the box opposite to the word No. 1 Does your local government unit have an approved Local Road Asset Management (LRAM) Plan? Yes No 2. What i the total length of roads of your local government unit in kilometers (km)? Total length in km 3. From the total length, what isthe length of roads already booked as asses? Tota length of roads booked as assets inkm [——] 4. Has your local government unit completed the booking of assets? Yes No Ifyou answered "2", proceed to question number 8. 5. What year did you complete the booking process? ver [J 8 How many road projects funded under the Local Goverment Support Fund wore beoked oases 2021 and 2022 2021 2022 7. Are there roads for booking as assets in 20237 Yes [1 No How many of these are funded under the Local Government Support Fund? i 8. What is the total Iength of roads to be booked as assets? Total length of roads for booking as assetsinkm = EL] Prepared by: Name Designation Office/Unit ‘Approved by: ‘Namo Designation Office/urit Presence, or Absence of Documents Yes No. |. Local Road Asset Management Plan (either separate plan, or included in the LRNDP. 2. Local Road Inventory as of FY 2022 }3. Report of the Physical Count of the Local Road Network (RPCLRN) submitted to COA Auditor, and Accounting Division/Unit per Annex C of COA Circular 2015-008 ‘opacity tment Orparizatonl trace, Roles and Responses Ineatr 1 Functoaty oan incre ond management strc for oad mangement, uation steve 3 eal ond management ace? [La Does the engineering office cont oer ofa epaal [2 Is the road management sucure formalized? 3 1sthe road management svucureinterofce? Is the oad management trucure functioning? espns 1 Brace 0 otes/Annotton: ‘ease indore nomeof the sear any, nd competion. [rons othr offarmatied per empat2020 12 13 aa [erotics —[Fonevoningnet ST ertts wat cen nmin en pone! . Sa) eee

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