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Bivesh Bhusal

Butwal, Nepal


Professor Mallesha M

SEA collage of Engineering and Technology


Respected Professor Mallesha M,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere interest in receiving financial aid to
support my education at SEA collage of Engineering and Technology .

As an aspiring student, I strongly believe that education is the key to unlocking my potential and
achieving my goals. However, my family’s financial circumstances present a significant barrier in pursuing
higher education without external assistance.

I come from a low-income background, and my parents have been struggling to make ends meet. They
have always emphasized the value of education, but unfortunately, their limited income and financial
obligations prevent them from fully supporting my educational pursuits. As a result, I am seeking
financial aid to bridge the gap and fulfill my dream of attending SEA collage of Engineering and

Attending SEA collage of Engineering and Technology is not only a personal aspiration but also a strategic
investment in my future. I am determined to make the most of the opportunities it provides and
contribute meaningfully to society. With a deep passion for Computer Science and Engineering, I am
committed to acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact in this field.
However, the financial burden associated with tuition fees, textbooks, housing, and other educational
expenses creates a significant obstacle in achieving these aspirations.

Receiving financial aid would not only alleviate the financial strain on my family but also enable me to
fully focus on my studies, extracurricular activities, and involvement in the university community. It
would provide me with the peace of mind necessary to excel academically and actively participate in
internships, research projects, and community service, which are integral to my personal and
professional growth.

I assure you that if granted financial aid, I will approach my education with the utmost dedication and
commitment. I am aware of the importance of maintaining good academic standing and fulfilling any
requirements associated with the financial aid received. Furthermore, I am open to exploring work-study
opportunities, scholarships, and other forms of financial aid that would allow me to contribute to my
educational expenses.

Enclosed with this letter, please find all the necessary financial documents, including tax returns, income
statements, and any other supporting materials that may aid in evaluating my financial need. I am also
willing to provide any additional information or documentation required to complete my financial aid

I am grateful for the opportunity to be considered for financial aid and sincerely hope that my
circumstances and dedication to my education resonate with the values and mission of SEA collage of
Engineering and Technology . I eagerly await a positive response and the opportunity to discuss my
financial aid application further.

Thank you for your time, consideration, and commitment to assisting students in achieving their
educational aspirations. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information or
have any questions. I can be reached at

Thank you once again for your attention and support.


Bivesh Bhusal

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