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think you're rare

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Video Blogging RPF, Minecraft (Video Game)
Relationship: Clay | Dream/GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging RPF)
Character: Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging
RPF), Sapnap (Video Blogging RPF), Karl Jacobs
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Title from a
Waterparks Song, Exes to Lovers, Sharing a Bed, Angst with a Happy
Ending, Coffee Shops, Protective GeorgeNotFound (Video Blogging
RPF), Idiots in Love, Guitarist Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF)
Language: English
Collections: Valentine's Bookclub
Stats: Published: 2023-02-14 Words: 11,254 Chapters: 1/1

think you're rare

by snowchcster


The more George sat there in relative silence with Dream, the more questions
began to spin through his head. How did Dream even remember his address?
Scratch that, how was Dream in London in the first place? And where were
Karl and Sapnap? Most importantly, what happened?

Dream spoke before George could voice any of the questions buzzing through
his mind.

“Sometimes I wish we never accepted that record deal.”

Going their separate ways seemed like the best choice once they graduated high school,
with George attending university in London and Dream's band growing bigger than he'd
ever imagined. But when Dream shows up on George's doorstep after three years of radio
silence, George is forced to confront ideas he'd never let himself entertain before: ideas of
second chances.


title from rare by waterparks

See the end of the work for more notes

London was gray. At times, it felt like rain clouds had taken permanent residence above the busy
streets and towering buildings, the spot the sun held seeming vacant. It never bothered George, not
after he’d grown up surrounded by rain clouds and thunderstorms in Florida, but part of him knew
that London rain clouds would never be the same as Florida thunderstorms. Because in Florida, the
sun still shone onto the suburban houses he grew up in even through the rain, onto the now-wet
pavement that had been filled with youthful laughter just moments before the first raindrop hit the
grass. And even if the sun wasn’t shining above him, in Florida the sun — his sun — was always
right next to him.

George had gotten used to the gray of London, but sometimes he wondered what could’ve
happened if he stayed in the gold that was Florida.

“George, look at this!”

Dream all but threw himself into the space on the sofa next to George, proudly holding out his
phone to show George.

“Wow, a black screen. Truly amazing, Dream,” George teased, watching Dream’s face flush with
embarrassment for a moment as he quickly turned his phone back on.

“No, not that, idiot,” Dream mumbled, voice void of any bite that his words would typically carry
as he put his passcode into his phone — eleven-oh-one, George’s birthday — and showed George
the phone again. “This.”

On Dream’s phone was a currently-paused YouTube video from the channel he’d made with Karl
and Sapnap for the band the three of them had started. It had started off as more of a joke than
anything, but George had been to enough of their rehearsals to know they had genuine talent too.
He was even there when they recorded the video — a song they’d written the week prior — in
Dream’s garage, and he even helped Dream edit the video.

George apparently wasn’t the only one who thought that, either, considering the million views and
hundred-thousand likes on the video.

“Holy shit,” George whispered, his voice growing along with his smile as he looked at Dream
beaming back at him. “Holy. Fucking. Shit! Dream, you- this is amazing-”

“I know. And it's not the only one, look-” Dream began to scroll through the band’s YouTube
channel — which now had ten thousand subscribers — and George’s smile grew impossibly wider
as he realized not a single video was under fifty thousand views.

“People actually like us, like even the comments we’ve-”

George couldn’t help but cut Dream’s sentence off with a kiss. Dream didn’t seem to mind, not if
the way he melted into it was anything to go by.

The sun had long set, only the moon’s glow left to aid the small salt lamp on Dream’s bedside table
in illuminating the room. George laid on the side of Dream’s bed closest to the window, his head
resting on Dream’s chest while Dream mindlessly combed through coffee-colored curls,
occasionally scratching at George’s scalp in a way that was definitely not distracting as George
rambled about the university he’d been accepted into.

“It just seems so amazing,” George eventually sighed, beginning to end his rambling, “it’ll be nice
to be in London again, I haven’t been since Mum and I visited Gran last year. But I’m going to miss
this too.”

“I know,” Dream replied, his voice soft in the way that seemed reserved only for moments like this,
“We’ve still got all summer left to have this, though. I don’t want to think too much about what’ll
happen after that yet.”

George scoffed at Dream, but the smile on his face betrayed him as he spoke. “Of course you’d say
that, idiot. You haven’t even picked which university you’re going to.”

“Actually,” Dream drew out the word as he spoke, doing it in such a way that he knew would pique
George’s interest, “I did choose.”

George turned so he could see Dream’s face from where he was laying, and that was when he
finally noticed the mischievous glint in Dream’s eyes. “And?”

“I’m not going to any of them.”


George knew his shock must have been written all over his face with how quickly Dream began to
explain. It was fully justified in his opinion though, considering that Dream had been accepted into
all of his top three schools, ones he’d been talking about for years now.

“Okay, hear me out,” Dream smiled sheepishly under George’s questioning stare, “I’m not going
to any of them because I was offered something even better.”

“Wh- you were offered something better?”


“What the hell could possibly be better?”

Dream’s smile grew into something more confident. “Oh, I don’t know, maybe just Karl, Sap, and
I were offered a record deal after our last show, no big deal or anything.”

George’s confusion melted away immediately, and he tackled Dream into a hug. Dream fell back
even further onto the bed, and both he and George ended up breathless as George landed on top of

“Dream!” George all but squealed into Dream’s shoulder before pressing a quick kiss to his
collarbone. “You’re serious?”

George lifted his head from Dream’s shoulder enough to see the soft blush that painted Dream’s
face as he nodded. “So serious. Karl and Sap already started apartment hunting in LA, the three of
us are flying out there after summer’s over.”
The pure awe in Dream’s tone was enough confirmation for George that this wasn’t some
elaborate prank, and Dream’s excitement was practically contagious.

“You’re wonderful,” George murmured, his face only mere inches from Dream’s. “You are so
incredibly wonderful.”

Dream replied by closing the last bit of distance between them, making sure George knew that he
was nothing short of incredible to Dream in the form of a gentle hand cupping his cheek and
whispered adorations in between soft kisses.

Later that night, while George laid awake in Dream’s arms despite the even breaths and steady
heartbeat that he could count from where his head rested on Dream’s chest once more, he couldn’t
help but wonder just how many people must know his partner and best friends if someone had
approached them with the offer that they’d been given.

He tried to ignore the pit that slowly formed in his stomach at the thought of being known like that,
instead letting the warmth of Dream’s embrace and the sound of rain beginning to hit the window
outside lull him to sleep.

“We’re fucking free!” Sapnap cheered, pointedly ignoring the look he received from their history
teacher for his word choice as they walked out of their school’s auditorium, diplomas in hand.

The sun welcomed them as they stepped outside, excitement and nerves and relief swirling through
the air around them as they walked further from the school for the last time.

“We did it,” George whispered. He had meant it as more of a reminder to himself, but when a
familiar hand intertwined with George’s, he knew that he wasn’t the only one who heard.

“We did.” Dream’s reply was just as soft, meant only for George to hear. Their hands stayed
intertwined even as Karl and Sapnap ran ahead, and they took their time instead as they walked
across pavement George had walked on so many times that he had memorized where every crack
was without even looking.

Dream had just pointed out all four of their families standing together on the pavement when he
heard Karl cheer loud enough to make a few heads turn, “We’re going to LA, baby!”

George looked at Dream, and it only took a moment of eye contact for them both to burst into a fit
of laughter.

Maybe things would be okay. Maybe all the worries that George had about the distance and
unwanted eyes on them were nothing to truly worry about after all.

“What are you trying to say, George?”

Rain fell from the sky outside unforgivingly. Usually, George would find comfort in the sound, but
it wasn’t enough to distract him from the pained look on Dream’s face, one that he was to blame

“Please, don’t make me say it again.” George didn’t dare to let his voice rise above a whisper,
afraid that it would betray him if he spoke any louder. “I don’t want to lose you, but I’m scared-”
he ignored the way his voice broke and Dream’s expression softened slightly, “I’m scared of being
known like that, and it’s inevitable if things stay how they are. Maybe someday I’d be fine with it,
but the thought of seeing my name in some random news article, or opening twitter and seeing
photos of myself I didn’t even know were taken is terrifying, Dream, I don’t know how you deal
with it all. I can’t do that, but I would never hold you back from something this important to you-”

“Wait,” Dream stopped George’s rambling, and George could tell the exact moment he realized
what George was saying by the way his expression broke and tears gathered in the corners of his
eyes. “You’re breaking up with me?”

George nodded, trying to blink the tears from his own eyes. “I think it’s for the best right now.”


The defeated look on Dream’s face only grew, and George was filled with desperation to fix it. “I
think, maybe we should go back to how things were during sophomore year for now.”

Sophomore year. A year before their friendship had snowballed into something more, a year before
butterflies made their home in George’s rib cage and Dream’s voice seemed to soften whenever he
addressed George.

A year when they were nothing more than best friends.

A small flicker of hope seemed to dance behind Dream’s eyes. “You’d be okay with that? Staying

George managed a small smile at that. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.”

One thing George quickly grew to love about London was its winters. Most of his flatmates hated
the chill in the air and frost-covered pavement, but the sight of snow never failed to enamour
George, stealing his attention from any and everything the moment he saw it.

“Right, George?”

Quackity, one of George’s flatmates scoffed when he realized George had heard nothing Wilbur
said. “He’s not listening. He’s too busy staring out the window like he’s never seen snow before.

George finally broke his attention from the window behind Wilbur and Quackity, turning to glare
at them. “To be fair, I haven’t really seen snow before,” George defended himself, absentmindedly
playing with the guitar pick he wore attached to a necklace chain. “I moved to Florida when I was
five, the only snow I can remember is when I went to New York City around Christmas with

“Next time he calls you I’m telling him how you can’t go two sentences without mentioning him,”
Quackity teased.

George glared at Quackity. “I’m perfectly able to go more than two sentences without mentioning
him, what-”

“That’s his necklace, isn’t it?” Quackity smirked.

“He made it for me, yeah, but I don’t see why that’s important-”

George’s phone began ringing, and he cursed under his breath when he saw the contact name.

Wilbur leaned over to see who was calling, and a knowing smile grew on his face. “Speak of the

George rolled his eyes as he stood, pointedly ignoring the way Wilbur dramatically winked at him.
“I have to take this,” George said as he began to walk to his room.

“Say hi to Dream for us!” Wilbur called out behind him. “We’ve heard so much about you!”

“Oh, have we!” Quackity added, “You’re like a celebrity even without the music thing around here
with how-”

George shut the door to his bedroom and locked it as he answered the call.

He just hoped the walls were thick enough that the rest of Quackity’s rambling wouldn’t be heard.

“George!” Dream’s voice echoed through the empty apartment from George’s phone.

“Dream!” George set his phone on the kitchen island, making sure the call was on speaker before
returning to unpacking one of the many boxes littering the apartment.

“Why did you just send me a random address?”

“Oh I don’t know,” George knew his smile was evident in his voice, “maybe I signed the lease on
that apartment and am currently unpacking my things.”

George couldn’t help but roll his eyes when he heard Dream cheer loudly.

“You’re an idiot,” George scoffed lightheartedly as he began placing silverware in one of the
kitchen drawers.

“Let's go!” Dream cheered, ignoring George’s previous comment, “Now I can visit!”

“Oh, inviting yourself over now, are we?” George teased as he began stacking plates on the island
and flattening the now-empty box. “Someone’s eager.”
“Oh shut up,” Dream scoffed, but George could hear the fondness in his tone, “You know what I

George leaned against the counter, letting the plates go ignored for a moment as his tone dropped
to something less teasing. “Yeah, I do.”

“I’ve missed you.” The confession was so quiet George was almost sure he misheard Dream.

“Me too,” George replied just as softly.

Silence stretched between them for a moment, and George could tell that it wasn’t the typical type
of silence they often shared. It was something new, and uncertainty bubbled in his chest when he
couldn’t decipher if it was a good or a bad thing.

“At least Wilbur and Quackity can’t barge in anymore,” George began to ramble, desperate to
break the silence. “I gave Tina the spare key though, but she promised she’d always give me a
heads up before she visited. I’m sure that Niki and Sylvee will use it as well and they’ll all visit
sometimes, but no more impromptu visits from now on.”

“Yeah,” Dream replied, “I’ve got you all to myself now.”

George was left speechless after that, unable to fill the silence that felt more suffocating with each
passing minute.

God, Dream was going to be the end of him.



can u call?


sure :]



heard ur new song on the radio today

really liked it


thanks :)
call tonight?
i've missed talking with you

sorry just woke up
maybe tomorrow? I know you’re probably asleep now



so how have you been?

call soon maybe?



congrats on the sold out tour

maybe if you come to the uk i'll come to one of ur shows :]
i miss you

Could Nightmare Frontman Dream and bassist Karl Jacobs dating rumors be true?
Speculation on the status of the two Nightmare members’ relationship has been circulating on
Twitter recently, leaving us all wondering what’s the truth versus what isn’t. We were able to get in
touch with an anonymous inside source this morning, who stated that….

George closed out of Twitter, rolling his eyes as the article disappeared. He knew that the tabloids
refused to let Dream’s name leave their mouths over the past couple years, but this time it was
almost laughable. Dream and Karl? Anyone who spent more than five minutes in a room with Karl,
Dream, and Sapnap would be able to tell how absurd of a thought that was. Or maybe Karl and
Sapnap were better at hiding their relationship now than they were before.

It had been a while since George had seen any of them, after all.

George shook his head like he could physically rid the thoughts from his mind, ignoring how the
necklace tucked under the collar of his sweatshirt seemed to feel heavier. He refused to spiral down
that train of thought again, instead opening his Instagram feed. It didn’t take much scrolling for
him to shut off his phone completely though, the influx of sappy Valentine’s day posts already
appearing in his feed enough to leave a pit in his stomach and the half-finished bowl of cereal in
front of him looking much less appealing.

The gentle hum of the city outside served as background noise as George set his bowl in the
kitchen sink and made his way to his office. He knew that the coding commissions he needed to
work on would serve as a distraction, and if not, online apartment searching definitely would (even
if he would rather ignore the fact that he was still living in his university apartment and his lease
was ending soon).

It didn’t take long for him to become lost in lines of code, only taking a break when he noticed the
sun beginning to set from the rain-splattered window next to his desk to place a delivery order from
the sushi restaurant that he and Wilbur frequented. The two hour wait that was displayed above his
order confirmation was expected given that it was Valentine’s day, and George was determined to
finish the last of the code he was working on before then.
Numbers and letters eventually began to blur together in George’s mind, the light of the screen
beginning to sting at his temples. He really should have gotten those blue light glasses Quackity
showed him, maybe he-

George’s attention was caught by knocking on his apartment door. Strange, it had only been an
hour since he’d placed the order. Maybe they were running ahead of schedule?

George saved his work one last time before shutting down his computer, making his way to his
front door.

The polite smile George had plastered on his face immediately dropped into wide-mouthed shock
as he opened the door. Because standing outside his apartment was not a delivery driver with the
ungodly amount of sushi he had ordered for one person. Instead, George was left feeling like he’d
opened the door to find a ghost at his doorstep.

Dream tried to force a small smile at George, but it fell flat in a way that would be obvious even to
someone who didn’t know him as well as George did. His clothes were soaked from the rain that
was still falling outside, and dirty blonde curls were turned to an almost-brown color by the
rainwater that plastered them across his forehead. Dream held his hands together in front of him,
nervously fidgeting with one of the rings he was wearing, and George could feel his heart splinter
when he noticed the way still-familiar emerald eyes were red and swollen from tears.

“Dream?” Out of the millions of questions swirling through his head, Dream’s name was the only
one George could voice.

“Yeah. Hi, George-” Dream’s voice broke slightly as he said George’s name, and George could tell
he was fighting back tears as he continued, “God, I'm so sorry. I just, everything’s so fucked right
now, and I didn’t know where else to go-”

George wasn’t sure what the appropriate response was for when your currently distraught ex
boyfriend-slash-best friend shows up at your apartment after you haven’t spoken in three years, but
he knew Dream enough to know how much overthinking and second-guessing he must have done
leading up to this moment, so George did the only thing he could think to do: George closed the
last bit of distance between himself and Dream and held him in a loose embrace.

Dream remained frozen in George’s embrace and George began to panic, afraid that he had
overstepped, but just as George was about to step away Dream melted fully into his arms. George
was the only thing stopping Dream from crumbling onto his apartment complex’s hallway floor,
but he couldn’t find it in himself to mind as a sob was muffled into his shoulder and his hold
around Dream’s waist tightened.

“I’ve got you, Dream,” George whispered. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

George gently guided Dream into his apartment, refusing to let go of him even as he kicked the
door to his apartment shut with his foot. Dream already got enough shit from the tabloids, and
protectiveness flared in George’s chest at the thought of one of his neighbors giving them their
next story.

He led them to the sofa and Dream fell back onto the plush cushions, exhaustion radiating from
him. George sat down next to him tentatively — still worried about overstepping — but any
hesitation evaporated from him when Dream let his head rest on George’s chest, his ear pressed
against George’s heart in the same way he did when they were younger to ground himself. George
found himself falling back into old habits too, letting an arm wrap around Dream’s back and fingers
twist through damp curls in the same way Dream had liked before.
Maybe much hasn’t changed since I last saw him, George hoped when Dream leaned into his
touch, feeling some of the tension melt from Dream as he did.

The more George sat there in relative silence with Dream, the more questions began to spin
through his head. How did Dream even remember his address? Scratch that, how was Dream in
London in the first place? And where were Karl and Sapnap? Most importantly, what happened?

Dream spoke before George could voice any of the questions buzzing through his mind.

“Sometimes I wish we never accepted that record deal.”

George’s breath hitched, and he was sure Dream could feel it from where his head still rested on
George’s chest. One sentence held so many implications, and George wasn’t sure if Dream truly
understood the gravity of it.

“We could’ve found a way to make it on our own, maybe we would’ve gotten a better offer later
on. But I was just so excited. So I took it, and now I can’t breathe without management on my ass
about it.” Dream laughed bitterly, but the once-sweet sound was weighed down with the sob that
clawed its way through Dream’s throat along with it. “And the fucking tabloids too, they make up
so much bullshit and everyone believes them because my team won’t let me respond, and half the
time their idea of damage control only furthers the damage — just like it did again tonight! So
everyone sees me as this fucking stuck-up prick because that’s how all these articles paint me, and
I’m not allowed to prove them wrong.” Dream’s voice dropped to a whisper so quiet George
almost missed it. “Sometimes I don’t even remember who I really am.”

“You’re Dream,” George replied softly. “Your favorite color is green, and when you weren’t
allowed to paint your bedroom green in high school you filled it with so many plants that you
could barely see the wall behind them. You like poetry, and making friendship bracelets, and
guitar. You cried when you heard New Year’s Day by Taylor Swift for the first time, but it was
okay, because I did too.” Words were spilling from George’s lips faster than he could stop them,
and dread filled his veins at the thought of them being too much, of driving Dream away again.
But when George noticed Dream looking up at him with a hint of awe shining in his eyes, George
realized he might have been saying exactly what Dream needed to hear. “You love anything
lavender, and you write songs by hand in a journal you got for your sixteenth birthday. You’re one
of the most caring people I know, and you love so fucking strongly. I don’t think you have the
ability to even be mean-spirited. Fuck what the tabloids say — you’re nothing like they think.
You’re incredible, Dream, and I feel so incredibly lucky that I was able to see the real you. I hope
one day they all get to see it too.”

Dream didn’t let his eyes leave George’s, even as they began to shimmer slightly. “You
remembered all of that?” Dream’s voice was breathless.

Embarrassment flooded through George as he nodded slightly. Maybe his rambling had been too
much — had he read Dream’s expression wrong? He thought he had seen awe in his eyes, but
maybe it was apprehension instead. He’d poured the gasoline and the match was about to fall out of
his hand, more than ready to burn.

But Dream was unmistakably beaming at George’s response, and the light in his eyes was enough
to douse the match in George’s hand.

“I- thank you. For remembering.”

George smiled back at Dream, trying to ignore the creeping feeling of butterflies in his stomach
and the implications that came along with their presence as he nodded once more.
“Here, I’ll go get you a change of clothes, and you can shower if you want as well,” George
explained as he abruptly stood. “We can talk about what happened tonight after if you’d like, I just
don’t want you to get sick from the rain.”

Dream nodded softly. “All of that sounds nice. Thank you.”

George led Dream to the bathroom, showing him how to work the shower quickly before grabbing
a towel for him from underneath the sink. “I’ll leave a change of clothes out on my bed, just across
the hall. Or I can bring them to you now! If you don’t mind waiting, it might just take a minute-”

“You can leave them out there, it's okay. I don’t mind,” Dream cut off George’s rambling, his
smile a bit more genuine than it was when George first answered the door.

“Right. I’ll be in the kitchen then, if you need anything.” George turned and made his way across
the hall before Dream could notice the blush tinting his face.

He let his mind wander slightly as he searched his closet for something that Dream could wear,
entertaining thoughts he hadn’t dared to in years.

What could have happened if you never let him go?

The thought had plagued him since he first stepped foot in London again, since he’d thought he
was saving both of them by ending things before they could crash and burn around them. At first
he imagined lazy mornings, ones where Dream was enamored by the snow just like George was
when he first left for university. He’d wondered if maybe they could make things work again, if
maybe he could brave the spotlight if he had Dream by his side to help him through it. As time
passed Dream slipped from reach, and the possibility of fixing what George had broken in a selfish
attempt to shield his own heart seemed to leave as well. But Dream was back within reach for the
first time in years — leaving implications floating in the air with both words and actions — and
George wasn’t sure if he was foolish to wonder if second chances existed for them.

George pulled an oversized hoodie out of his closet — one with his old university logo on it — and
set it on his bed along with a pair of sweatpants and boxers before going to the kitchen to put the
kettle on. As the water was boiling he searched through his pantry, eventually finding the lavender
tea he’d always bought and eventually became Dream’s favorite. He set the tea bag into a mug, and
just as he finished pouring the water over the tea bag there was a knock on his door.

His guess was correct this time as he opened the door to a delivery driver, and he was suddenly
glad when he remembered the amount of sushi he ordered now with Dream’s unexpected but still-
welcome presence. He tipped the driver and took the bag of food from him before closing the door,
only to find Dream standing in the hallway — looking slightly like a lost puppy — when he turned

“He didn’t see you, did he?” George asked.

Dream shook his head, a couple drops of water falling from his hair onto the hoodie — George’s
hoodie — that he wore. “I don’t think so.”

“Good.” George smiled at Dream, holding up the bag of food slightly. “You still like sushi, right?”

They ended up back on the sofa together, the television quietly playing some sitcom rerun in the
background and takeaway containers spread across the coffee table.
They sat in relative silence as they ate, neither sure exactly what to say to start the conversations
that needed to still be had.

Dream finally broke the silence once they finished eating.


“So,” George parroted.

“Have you seen the articles they’ve posted about me and Karl?” Dream asked timidly.

George nodded. “They were really out of their minds with that one, and that’s saying something
considering the shit they typically come up with.”

Dream rolled his eyes, a small smile forming on his face. Even if it disappeared once Dream began
to speak again, George still considered it a win.

“Yeah, our management wasn’t too happy about it, either. They got pissed at both me and Karl
about it, but I ended up taking most of the fall for it. Karl didn’t want me to, but I knew if they
went after Karl more they would try and pressure him and Sapnap into going public, and I know
they aren’t necessarily ready to, and they want to on their own terms anyway. So they yelled at me
for half of the ‘emergency meeting’ they called, and spent the other half coming up with bullshit
ideas on how to ‘fix the problem I caused,’” Dream’s voice was laced with venom as he explained
the last part, and George tentatively put a comforting hand on his knee as he took a deep breath
before continuing. “We’ve been in London for the past month doing photoshoots and such for our
next album- oh shit, don’t tell anyone I told you that-” George couldn’t help but smile at that, but
he squeezed Dream’s knee as a silent promise as Dream continued. “Anyway, they weren’t exactly
sure what to do because we weren't in LA, and won’t be again for a couple more weeks. I told them
we could just ignore it until we get back to LA, and then if it’s still an issue we could address it
then, or I could even put out a tweet clearing things up now, but they weren’t having any of it.
They decided to set me up on a fucking publicity stunt date. On Valentine’s day.” George could
hear the tremble in Dream’s words as he spoke, and George silently flipped his hand so his palm
was resting upwards instead of on Dream’s knee. Dream noticed immediately, and he didn’t waste
a moment before letting his hand fall into George’s. George tried to ignore the familiar warmth of
Dream’s hand in his or the way Dream seemed to feel it too, instead focusing on Dream’s voice as
he continued speaking. “I told them I didn’t think it was a good idea, but they didn’t listen.
Apparently our manager had a friend whose daughter was starting to get into modeling and lived in
London, so they got a reservation for us at some five star place and hired paparazzi to get a couple
photos of us. Her name was April, and she was really nice, none of this was her fault. I feel bad that
she got roped into this fucking trainwreck, though, fuck-” Dream shook his head, “-because there
was only supposed to be the paparazzi our manager sent, but a lot more showed up. And they
didn’t care that I was on the date with April, and we put on a fucking oscar-worthy performance,”
Dream laughed bitterly, and George squeezed his hand reassuringly. “They only cared about what
was going on between me and Karl, and there were so many of them that we had to be escorted
back to April’s car by the restaurant staff afterwards.”

“Oh, Dream,” George whispered when he noticed the tears beginning to fall from Dream’s eyes.
Without thinking he reached out, gently catching them with his thumb before they could fall any
further. He froze, panic surging through him when he realized what he did, but before he could
begin to pull away Dream’s eyes fluttered shut at the action, gently letting his head rest against
George’s palm for a moment before they both moved away, ignoring the faint blush that had
settled onto both their cheeks.

“I was just going to go back to the airbnb I’ve been sharing with Karl and Sap afterwards, but our
manager called me when we were on our way there.” Dream’s voice was soft, and the fire that was
usually burning behind his words had been doused by remorse until it was nothing but embers. “He
was really upset about everything. Told me it was my fault everything went to shit, that I wasn’t
convincing enough. He told me I might as well have just told the tabloids that they were right,
because it would’ve been better than the mess that I caused.” George’s heart broke for Dream as he
spoke. Dream, who had always been unabashedly himself and never afraid to stand his ground, was
sitting next to George, nervously fidgeting with his hands and reduced to a timid shell of the Dream
that George knew. George would have done anything to get that Dream — his Dream — back, but
for now he let himself fall into old habits once more and grabbed one of Dream’s hands, letting
Dream fidget with his fingers instead like he’d done countless times before. “I just sat there and
took it. I couldn’t say anything, I didn’t know what to say. I just apologized, but he hung up before
I could even finish. April heard the whole thing, and I think she could tell I needed someone who
knew me more than she did, but she knew that Karl and Sap were out, so she asked if I knew
anyone else in the area. I still had your address saved from when you sent it to me, but I didn’t even
know if you still lived here. I didn’t know what else to do, though, so I just gave her your address,
and hoped you were still here. And you were. So here I am.”

“Here you are,” George whispered.

“I’m sorry for all of this,” Dream kept his gaze glued to the sofa, “I shouldn’t have bothered you

“Hey, Dream. Look at me.” George smiled softly at Dream as he hesitantly looked up. “Don’t
apologize. I’m glad you came here.”

George knew how many meanings and confessions were hidden in those five words. He wondered
if Dream understood them all.

Dream let his head rest on George’s shoulder, wrapping him in an embrace that George quickly

“Thank you.”

“Of course.” George smiled when he could feel Dream try to hide a yawn in his shoulder. “It’s
getting late, you can stay here for the night if you want.”

“Mhm,” Dream hummed, still not letting go of George. “I’ll sleep here.”

George couldn’t help but laugh when Dream unceremoniously flopped backwards so he was laying
on the sofa.

“You’re such an idiot,” George muttered in a voice that was far too fond. “C’mon, you’re not
sleeping there. Go to bed.”

Dream opened his eyes at that, his brow furrowed in confusion. “Where are you sleeping then?”

“The sofa,” George replied.

“No, you aren’t.” Dream sat up so he could look at George directly. “I’m not taking your bed on

“Yes, I am.”

“I’m not making you sleep on the sofa, Dream-”

“We could share the bed.”

Dream’s suggestion was enough to silence any retort George had planned.

“If that’s okay with you, I mean. If not I totally get it, it’s-”

“I’m okay with that.” George didn’t process his response until after he said it.

Maybe it was a trick of the moonlight filtering in through the windows, but George could have
sworn Dream’s smile grew a little wider, softer.

“It’s settled then.” Dream’s tone was gentle in a way that left George’s head spinning.

“C’mon.” George wasn’t sure what confidence had possessed him as he led Dream towards his

Sheets were pulled back as George got into the bed, and he tapped the space next to him in a silent
invitation when he noticed Dream’s hesitance.

Dream carefully laid next to George, and George could practically feel the apprehension radiating
from him.

“I can hear you thinking from over here,” George mumbled softly. “You okay?”

“Yeah, I just-” George looked over to Dream who had his arms open in a silent question.

George knew that this would only lead to his own heartbreak in the morning, that it would reopen
old wounds he’d patched up himself.

Maybe it was the hour, or maybe it was just pure recklessness, but he couldn’t find it in himself to
care when he found himself in Dream’s embrace for the first time in years, the tension and anxiety
practically melting from Dream’s body as the same steady heartbeat echoed where his head was
pressed to Dream’s chest.

“Is this okay?” Dream asked softly.

“Yeah.” More than okay.

George could feel Dream relax at his response. “Goodnight, George.”

“Goodnight, Dream.”

George laid awake as Dream’s breathing evened out with sleep, memories replaying through his
mind of a time where this was normal, of times where he didn’t have to wonder if he would ever
see Dream again once the sun rose.

Just for tonight, George’s mind echoed as he gave into the pull of sleep and the warmth of Dream’s
embrace. You can have this one last time. You’ll have to let go again in the morning, but you can
let him hold you like this just for tonight.
Early morning light was illuminating the room when George slowly stirred the next morning. He
was almost tempted to go back to sleep — Dream still had an arm draped over George as he slept
and it made George want to give into the comfort of sleep even more — but the persistent buzzing
of a phone on his nightstand that had woken him up in the first place forced him to wake up more
than he would have liked to.

George carefully reached for the phone on the nightstand, answering it without even looking at the
caller ID in an attempt to silence it as quickly as possible.

“What?” He mumbled into the phone, but he was almost drowned out completely by the rambling
on the other end.

“Dream! Where the fuck are you? Karl and I have been trying to call you for hours- wait. You’re
not Dream.”

It was then that George noticed the obnoxiously green case on this phone wasn’t the subtle navy
blue case that his own phone had. Dream must have left his phone in George’s room after he
changed last night. And it might have been a few years, but George could still recognize the voice
on the other end easily.

“Sap?” George’s tone was cautious, bracing himself for an impact he wasn’t sure if he’d receive or
not. “I- it’s George.”

“Holy shit- George? Oh my god-” George could hear some of the anxiety melt from Sapnap’s tone
as he spoke. “Karl’s here too, by the way.”

“Hey,” Karl’s voice echoed through the phone speaker.

“Hi.” George shook his head slightly, trying to comprehend his current situation. Out of all the
ways he thought he’d reunite with his friends, this definitely wasn’t it. “Dream’s with me. He’s

George could hear Karl sigh in relief.

“Did he tell you what happened?” Sapnap asked.

“Uh, yeah. He did.” George looked at Dream, who was still sleeping next to him. All of the stress
that his expression held last night had been smoothed over with sleep. He looked so peaceful like
this, and George found himself wishing that Dream could be this at ease forever. “I’ll let him
explain it all to you later, but management fucked him over, again, apparently.”

“Those fucking-”

George tuned out Sapnap’s cursing when Dream began to stir slightly. He was still clinging to the
last remnants of sleep that he could hold onto, but George knew it wouldn’t be long until they left
him completely.

“Here, I’ll send you my address. You can come pick him up, and we can talk more then.” George
quickly moved to text Sapnap from Dream’s phone, knowing well enough that the last thing Dream
would want would be to get an Uber back to where he was staying from a random apartment
building in the middle of London. “He’s still asleep right now, but he should be awake by the time
you guys get here.”

George could hear rustling in the background, most likely Sapnap checking the address George
sent him. “We’ll be there soon. And George?”

Sapnap’s words were full of sincerity. “It was good to hear from you.”

“You too.” George smiled. “Both of you.”

Dream’s eyes began to flutter open slowly as the line went dead.

“Morning,” George smiled at Dream as he set the phone aside.

“Morning.” Dream’s voice was deep with sleep, and George watched as he blinked a few times to
rid the sleep from his eyes. “Who was that?”

“Sapnap and Karl,” George answered. “They were worried about you.”

George went to move from the embrace that Dream still held him in, and Dream attempted to
tighten his grip around George’s waist, humming disappointedly when George still managed to sit
up fully and Dream’s arm fell back to his side. Dream pouted for a moment, but it didn’t take long
until he let his head fall onto George’s chest instead, a satisfactory smile spreading across his face
once he did. Dream had always been clingy in the mornings — maybe less had changed than
George thought.

“Yeah, well, they’re idiots,” Dream mumbled, closing his eyes once more.

“They’re your friends,” George corrected, “and they will be here soon, so we both need to get up.”
When Dream made no effort to get up, George added, “I could make pancakes for us too, if we
actually made it out to the kitchen.”

Dream seemed to contemplate it for a moment before sighing dramatically. “Fine,” he said, making
a show of sitting up and stretching. George rolled his eyes, but he knew the blush was evident on
his face.

Dream smirked at George, and George braced himself for whatever teasing comment Dream was
most definitely going to make. But it never came, and George could only roll his eyes when Dream
said, “But we’re not making your one-two-three crepes or whatever they’re called. We’re making
actual pancakes.”

Now, it was George’s turn to sigh dramatically. “Deal. And they’re not crepes, by the way.”

“They literally are-”

A half hour — and a mini flour fight — later, a knock on the front door echoed through George’s
apartment as he finished washing the plates and bowls they had used to make breakfast.

“I’ll get it,” George said to Dream — who was wiping the last bit of flour off the countertop after
insisting on helping clean up — as he set the last plate on the drying rack.

Karl and Sapnap smiled at him when he opened the door.

“Hey.” George smiled.

Karl didn’t hesitate to pull George into a hug in place of a reply. “I missed you. We all did.”

George didn’t have time to overthink the meanings within Karl’s words, Sapnap clearing his throat
from behind them distracting him. “I’d like a turn too, Karl.”

George rolled his eyes playfully at Sapnap. “I guess you get to say hello too.”

“Yep. Definitely still George.” Sapnap smiled as Karl stepped to the side so he could hug George
as well.

“Still me,” George replied.

Things had changed — it was inevitable with the amount of time they’d spent apart. But some
things never would, and maybe that would be enough.

Karl very obviously-fake coughed from behind Sapnap. George turned around to find Dream
awkwardly standing a few feet from the door, a sheepish smile on his face.

“Dream! You had your mother and I worried sick! No texts, no calls? And you ignored your phone
all night!” Sapnap quipped in an attempt to ease the guilt and tension that was clearly weighing on
Dream’s shoulders.

It seemed to work, when Dream rolled his eyes and shook his head fondly at Sapnap. “I’m fine
guys. I promise I’ll tell you later,” Dream added when Karl gave him a pointed look, “but I think
I’ve definitely overstayed my welcome and then some.”

“Don’t be an idiot,” George chimed in, “you didn’t.”

“Okay. You have everything, Dream?” Sapnap asked, changing the topic slightly. George
wondered if the fondness in his tone was really that obvious, or if Sapnap was simply better at
picking up on it after dealing with both Dream and George’s pining for the first half of high school.
Either way, he was grateful for the diversion.

“Yeah, I’ve got everything.” Dream replied, patting the pockets of his jeans to double-check that
his phone and wallet were there.

“Wait, give me your phone,” George blurted out in a moment of nothing but pure stupidity and

Dream didn’t hesitate to give his phone to George though, and George tried to feign confidence as
he added his phone number to Dream’s contacts. “Just in case you need to find me again, you
won’t have to hope I still live in the same place I did in university.”

Dream smiled softly at George as he took his phone back. “Thanks.”

“You better send that number to us too,” Sapnap said to Dream, glaring at him pointedly.

“I will, I will,” Dream replied, putting his hands up in mock surrender.

“C’mon, we’ve got a manager to fight,” Karl said, pausing for a moment before adding, “joking!”

George had a feeling it wasn’t as much of a joke as Karl was trying to portray it as.

“Thank you for everything last night, seriously,” Dream turned to George, and George knew his
face was flushed with the same pink that was dusting Dream’s face as well. “You didn’t have to
even let me in last night, let alone help me as much as you did. I really appreciate it.”

“It was nothing,” George mumbled, his gaze falling to the floor at Dream’s words.
“See you around, maybe?” Dream asked. George could have sworn there was a hint of hope in his

“Maybe, yeah.” George replied softly. “Bye, Dream.”

Dream waved slightly as he stepped into the hallway of George’s apartment complex. “Bye,

The door closed, and George couldn’t help but wonder if any second chances had been closed
away with it.

Move on, a part of his mind scolded him, it’s been three years. None of them are as stuck on what
used to be as you are.

And maybe that part of his mind was right. Sure, Karl said they all missed him, but it couldn’t have
been the same way he felt. Because they were doing world tours together, they were in London for
a photoshoot for their new album and would be going back to their homes in LA soon. But George
was still living in the same apartment he and Dream had their last phone call in, still wearing
memories on the silver chain around his neck and holding onto every bit of the past that he could
because he was afraid of a future that would overshadow what came before it. And maybe that was
why he hadn’t signed the lease for any of the newer, nicer apartments he toured yet. Maybe that
was why he’d had an email in his drafts to his landlord asking if he could renew his lease rather
than let it end. Because maybe the memories that haunted him comforted him too, and maybe
letting go of the only place he had left that held them other than the home they’d all left behind in
Florida seemed like a final goodbye he didn’t have the heart to say.

George hadn’t moved from where his back leaned against the door when he heard his phone buzz
with a notification from his pocket.

Dream :)

hey it’s dream :)

would you ever want to get coffee or something sometime ?
i thought it might be nice to catch up
no worries if not tho

George smiled despite the tears that had gathered in the corners of his eyes as he replied.

George :]

i’d like that

i know the perfect place as well

Maybe it wouldn’t be a final goodbye after all.

If someone had told George from a month ago that he would be taking a break from packing his
apartment to go to a cafe with Dream, he would’ve laughed in their face. But here he was,
unlocking the door to Tina’s cafe with the key she lended him five minutes before Dream was
meant to arrive. Tina had opened the cafe earlier in the year, and George had even worked for her
part-time before his coding commissions were enough to cover the month’s rent. It had taken a bit
of convincing, but she eventually gave George the spare key, allowing Dream and George to go
after-hours so they didn’t have to worry about being caught by paparazzi as much as if they had
gone somewhere that other people would be around.

It had been two weeks since Tina had lent George the spare key, and he and Dream had already
spent several nights at the cafe.

At first it felt weird, getting to know each other again. Small talk like they barely knew each other
when George was certain that he knew almost all of Dream’s deepest secrets and Dream knew all
of his. But he knew that they weren’t the same people they were before Dream’s name faded from
the forefront of his mind and found a new home on the front page of news articles and gossip
magazines. They’d developed new secrets that hadn’t been shared, they’d grown out of the all-or-
nothing outlook they’d held in their teenage years and into seeing in grayscale. They didn’t know
each other like they had before, and maybe it was just George’s heart leading him into wishful
thinking once more, but Dream seemed willing to try to change that from the first night he stepped
into the cafe. Calls became more frequent between them, and slowly the remaining awkwardness
and hesitation had been replaced with lighthearted remarks and a sense of unguardness. Dream,
Karl, and Sapnap had all even visited his apartment, the four of them falling back into familiarity
with ease.

Now, with his best friends by his side once more, George was certain that second chances existed
for them.

The door to the cafe opened just as George set two mugs onto a table towards the back of the cafe.

“I didn’t know you knew how to make latte art.” Dream smiled as he looked at the mug of hot
chocolate George had made for him, a slightly-lopsided smiley face made out of milk foam sitting
on top.

“Tina had us all learn when I worked here,” George explained, a timidness he wasn’t used to
behind his words. “I was never that great at it, though.”

“Are you kidding? This is amazing! I didn’t realize you were an artist, George.” George tried to
find any hint of teasing in Dream’s words as he sat down, but even in the joking tone he adapted at
the end still held a sincerity George wasn’t used to.

“Oh, shut up.” Any bite his words should have held was drowned out by a fondness George hadn’t
even meant to use, and he hoped his blush wasn’t noticeable as he sat across from Dream.

He just hoped Dream wouldn’t notice the classic latte art on his own hot chocolate from across the

“So,” George started, “a little birdy told me that someone still hasn’t finished the final song for
their album.”

George smiled as Dream rolled his eyes. “I regret giving Karl your number. So much. And it’s not
even that it isn’t finished! I have like three different ideas, I just don’t know how I feel about them

“Maybe I could help.” Memories flashed through George’s mind of sitting in Dream’s childhood
bedroom, listening to the gentle hum of his guitar as Dream brainstormed lyrics, his voice like
honey as verses slowly formed and choruses were completed.

Dream seemed to light up at the suggestion. “Yeah, I’ll have to show you sometime. But for now,
you and Karl need to stop plotting against me.”

“No promises.” George smirked.

Dream sighed, but George could hear the fondness in it over any exasperation it held. “Any
apartment hunting updates?” Dream tried to change the subject.

“Not really,” George replied, “I’ve found a couple potential places, but I’ve been holding off
applying to anything because I’m not sure if I want to stay in London.” George took a sip of his
drink after he spoke, but even through the burn of the still-hot cocoa, he didn’t miss the way
Dream’s interest seemed to grow even more at the mention of George considering leaving London.

“You aren’t staying here?” Dream asked, feigning nonchalance as he raised his mug to his lips,
carefully sipping on the still-steaming drink after witnessing George’s reaction to how warm his
still was.

“I’m not sure,” George settled on after a moment. “I mean, I think it might be nice to go back to the
states or something, but I’m not sure where I’d go. Not the easiest to apartment-hunt from across
an ocean. My lease is up this week though, and Wilbur offered to let me stay with him until I
decide what to do.” I don’t want to return to our hometown when everything that made it home
isn’t there, George didn’t add. I’m trying to hold onto all of these memories but I think they might
suffocate me there. I don’t want to let go but the past won’t let me. Our past won’t let me.

“You could stay with me in LA while you look.” George’s shock at the suggestion must have been
evident on his face, because Dream quickly began to ramble. “We fly back this weekend, and I
have a spare bedroom now that Sap moved in with Karl so you could stay there. And even if you
don’t want to stay in LA, it might make it easier to find somewhere in the states, but you don’t
have to, obviously, I just-”

“Dream, it’s okay.” George smiled softly at Dream. “I’ll think about it, let you know later this

The reply had left George before he could fully comprehend what he said, but he knew it was the
right choice when Dream’s expression melted into something softer, almost bordering on hopeful.

“Yeah, okay.” George could almost see galaxies in Dream’s eyes swirling, almost like stars
aligning. “That’s good.”

“Good,” George smiled. He wondered if the galaxies in Dream’s eyes held the universe. He
thought they might. “So, Karl also told me you guys got to do the buzzfeed kitten interview?”

“All in favor of kicking Dream out of the band, raise your hand.”

Karl immediately raised his hand at Sapnap’s words, followed by both George and Sapnap.

“What- why does George get a vote?” Dream exclaimed from where he sat next to George on the

George flopped back into the sofa, feigning annoyance. “You beat us all at Mario Kart, Dream. I
think I should get a say after you so rudely won every single round we’ve played.”
It was the night before Dream, Karl, and Sapnap were set to fly back to the states. George had until
he left their airbnb tonight to tell Dream if he was going with them or staying in London, and he
still hadn’t fully made up his mind. He knew what choice he should make, but there were so many
unknowns that still filled him with enough uncertainty to hesitate. His apartment was packed away
in boxes though, and tomorrow morning he would either be in Wilbur’s guest room, or on a plane
back home with the same people that earlier that month reconnecting with had seemed like nothing
but wishful thinking.

“You’re all so dumb,” Dream mumbled.

“Maybe a rematch will change our minds.” Karl shrugged noncommittally.

“Fine, but if I win again you guys just have to admit that I’m better than all of you.” Dream
selected a map — fucking rainbow road again — as he shook his shoulders out dramatically,
preparing for the race.

George smirked at Dream as the countdown to the first round played on the screen. “Good thing
you won’t be winning this time.”

It only took two more races — George winning both this time — for Karl and Sapnap to call it a

“I can drive him home, it’s fine,” Dream said to Sapnap, who gave him a warning glance before he
added, “The car will be fine, we have to return it tomorrow morning anyway.”

“Fine, but I better see that car in this driveway when I wake up tomorrow morning,” Sapnap
replied, turning to follow Karl, who had already disappeared into their room, “I will leave you both
in London if that car isn’t back here in the morning.”

George couldn’t help but smile to himself as Dream sighed, shaking his head as Sapnap made his
way down the hall.

“So,” Dream said after a moment, turning to face George from where they still sat together on the
sofa, “did you still want to hear that song I’ve been working on?”

If George didn’t know any better, he’d say Dream almost sounded nervous.

Still, George nodded his head. “Yeah, of course.”

“I’ve narrowed it down to one of the ideas now, I think,” Dream said as he led George to his room,
which was packed away into the suitcases near the door, “Unless this one is terrible. Then I have
other options.”

Dream pulled a guitar case from the pile of luggage near the bedroom door as George sat on the
foot of the bed.

“I’m sure it’s fine, Dream,” George said as Dream pulled his guitar from its case, sitting next to
George as he anxiously triple-checked that it was properly tuned.

George sent Dream a reassuring smile. It’s just me, he tried to say through it, it’s just like when we
were kids and you always wanted my input on your songs before you decided what you wanted to
do with them.
Dream returned the smile slightly, but his gaze dropped to the floor as he took a deep breath and
the hum of Dream’s guitar began to fill the air around them.

I save my metaphors for rainy days

When I'm too phased, but that's not here
Or there so I'll give you the phrase that pays
'Cause we're not seventeen, but you're my teenage dream
If there's a chance we'll sink then I don't even wanna try
To sleep or dream

Dream’s voice was soft, the sound nothing short of comforting to George. It sounded like the scent
of vanilla spice candles, like ocean waves crashing against the shore. It sounded like sticky stars on
the ceiling, like pillow fights and sneaking out in the middle of the night to go driving and talk
about everything and nothing at the same time. It sounded like the naive promise that only made
sense to a six year old’s mind of being best friends forever, no matter what, yet somehow keeping
that promise even after thinking it was broken.

Dream’s voice sounded like home.

I just hope it's nicer where you are

'Cause I only want to lift you up
I guess I never really said enough
For you to hear me where you are
'Cause I only want to lift you up
I guess I never really said enough
So let me tell you now
My tired thoughts don't take vacations, oh no
You float up in conversations, oh no
You're my final destination, I know
You're probably fine there
Just know I think you're rare

Dream slowly looked up towards George as he continued singing, a soft smile accompanying the
rose softly painting his face. George held his eyes for as long as he let him — he’d float through
the galaxies within Dream’s eyes endlessly if he’d allow it.

You know I think you're rare

I wasn't prepared
I've got to say
I think it's weird I need your love

It was in that moment, Dream’s gaze still on him as he kept singing, that the lyrics began to wrap
themselves around George’s mind. Observations from earlier that night and the past month began
to spin through George’s head along with the lyrics, and slowly everything began to fall into place.
He wasn’t imagining the implications in Dream’s words the night he showed up at George’s
apartment, or the hope in Dream’s voice at the coffee shop. Even the nervous edge to his tone just
moments ago on the sofa and the look in Dream’s eyes right now finally made sense.

Because the song Dream wanted to show him — wanted to include on his next album — was about

You're my final destination, I know

You're probably fine there
Just know I think you're rare
The final chord rang out from Dream’s guitar, and the sound settled in George’s veins leaving
something akin to bravery and hope behind as it melded to his bones.

“So.” Dream glanced at George nervously before looking to the ground once more. “What do you

I thought it was incredible, George could have said, I think you’re incredible. I think I was an idiot
for ever thinking we couldn’t make this work, and I don’t believe in any higher power but I think
something like fate brought you back to me. I think I’m ready to step into the spotlight, even if my
name ends up next to yours in the tabloids, because at least we’d be side by side and you make me
brave. I think I don’t want to give up our late night coffee dates, or the nights you’ve ended up
spending at my apartment because it was ‘closer to Tina’s shop’ and the following mornings that
I’ve woken up in your arms. I think I don’t want to have to pretend like everything we do is platonic
— I think I want to love you loudly. I think I want to scream it from the top of my apartment
building for everyone to hear, and I know it’s cliche but I know you love things like that anyway. I
think I’ve wanted to tell you all of this for a while, and I think, if you don’t hate me for this, that I
know where I’ll be going tomorrow. I think I love you, and as terrifying the thought of you not
feeling the same is, I don’t think I can keep it to myself anymore. I never stopped loving you. I
don’t think I ever will.

“Who was the song about?” George asked softly. He just needed to know, he needed Dream to say-

“You,” Dream whispered, his gaze still on the floor. “It’s about you.”

That was all George needed to know.

“Can I kiss you?”

Dream’s head sprung up at George’s words, his eyes finally finding George’s once more. It
seemed to take him a moment to process George’s question fully, but after a moment he responded
by closing the last of the distance between them, leaving George drowning in the still-familiar taste
of vanilla and spearmint.

Everything else George had thought before could be said another day. For now, he focused on the
way his fingers were caught in the soft curls at the base of Dream’s neck, how Dream held his
waist just a little bit tighter and gently cupped his cheek as he deepened the kiss.

Dream pulled away first, letting his forehead rest against George’s as they both caught their breath.

“I’m going with you tomorrow,” George said after a moment, breathless. “I’m going to LA.”

Dream’s smile grew impossibly wider, and George let out a surprised yelp when Dream tackled
him so he fell back into the mattress. Dream began to pepper kisses across George’s face, and
George dissolved into a fit of laughter at the action.

George couldn’t remember the last time he felt this happy. He had always felt like a piece of him
had been left behind when he first came to London, like a shard of his heart had been forgotten
somewhere along the way. But he’d found that piece of himself again — he’d found Dream. And
he wasn’t planning on losing him again.

George’s laughter melted into a soft smile as Dream pressed a gentle kiss to the underside of his
jaw, letting his arms wrap around Dream’s waist as he moved to lay next to George.

Dream’s eye seemed to catch on something, though, and George’s smile dropped slightly, concern
beginning to seep into the corners of his mind.
“Your necklace,” Dream said after a moment, “is that…?”

George smiled sheepishly at Dream. “It is,” he confirmed, pulling the necklace out from where it
disappeared under his tee shirt and revealing the guitar pick attached to the chain — the same
guitar pick Dream had made into a necklace for him years ago. “I’ve worn it ever since you gave it
to me. Every day.”

Dream’s eyes filled with something that looked like adoration, and in that moment George knew
that the galaxies behind them must have held the universe — his universe. “I missed you so much,”
Dream whispered, letting his head fall to George’s chest.

“I missed you too,” George admitted, his honesty fueled by the security that the hour of night that
was so late it was technically early always seemed to hold, “I’m glad you found me again.”

“So am I.” Dream hummed softly. George let his hand trail across Dream’s back for a moment,
gently tracing shapes against his spine as his eyes began to flutter closed.

“Love you,” Dream mumbled, half asleep.

“Love you too,” George whispered back confidently, honestly.

They would talk about it in the morning. They’d make sure George was certain he was ready for
the potential of being thrown into the tabloids (he was), they’d talk about what had happened when
they lost contact (Dream would have to talk George down from marching into his manager's office
the minute they got off the plane). They’d take things slow, take it all one day at a time. They
would cherish sleepy mornings and domestic evenings, and Dream’s bedroom would become their
bedroom. They would relearn to love, and in turn how to let themselves be loved in return. No
goodbyes would be had, and newer, grander memories wouldn’t be as frightening when they had
each other.

They would talk about it all later, but for now, George let himself fall asleep — they had a flight to
catch in the morning.

When George stepped out of the airport and into the afternoon warmth, he couldn’t help but smile.
Dream grabbed his hand, squeezing it slightly before adjusting his sunglasses and leading George
towards his car, suitcases trailing behind them.

As Dream drove away from the airport and closer to home, his hand still intertwined with George’s
over the center console, George was certain of one thing.

He might have gotten used to the gray of London, but nothing could ever compare to the gold that
was never a place, but had always been Dream.

End Notes

hi there !! thank you so much for reading !!

i had so much fun writing this fic, i had been wanting to write exes to lovers and a band au
for a while now so this was the perfect excuse for me to do both lol

this fic was for blue, who if you aren't following yet, you should go follow & user sub to
her !! (they are posting a fic today as well !! go check it out !!)

a huge thank you as well to sage for beta reading this fic, as well as rey and wolf for
helping me navigate html formatting for the first time (i seriously would have been so lost
without them, please go show them all some love !!)

as always, comments and kudos are appreciated :D until the next one, see ya !

my twitter

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