PDS Acetic Acid

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Product Description
Acetic Acid can be used in place of, or in conjunction with Hydrochloric Acid in both matrix and fracture
acidizing. Acetic Acid is often used in conjunction with Hydrochloric Acid and when equipment with limited
corrosion resistance to Hydrochloric Acid is employed. Sometime operators custom blend Acetic Acid and
Hydrochloric Acid for particular applications.


Prevents crosslinking of polymers and other chemical products by multi-valent ions.

Help to prevent Corrosion of metal

Protection of exotic alloys or in high-temperature wells.
It can also be used as a chelating agent.

Physical Properties
Appearance Colourless liquid
Specific gravity 1.03 – 1.05 gm/cc
Flash Point N.A. Non-Flammable
Solubility Soluble in Aqueous solutions like Water, Brine, Acids
Packaging 5-gal & 55-gal drum. Custom packaging is available on request

Recommended Treatment and Method of use

Treatment doses depends on Type of reservoir and nature of job. Generally 2 to 3 % Used as intensifier
during Acidizing Job and up to 10% Blend or alone Acetic acid used for some mild acidizing jobs.

Health & Safety

ACETIC ACID exhibits low level of toxicity however, precautions should be taken to avoid inhalation,
ingestion, or contact with skin or eyes. Refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for specific details.

MIK Chemicals
Iraq - Basra - Burjesia - Oil Operations St.

Sales of products and services will be in accord solely with the terms and conditions contained in the contract between MIK and the customer that is
applicable to the sale. Actual results may vary in accordance with conditions and other variables.

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