Gender Essay Outline Eng102

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Introductory Paragraph

A. Girls will take home economics classes and boys will take manual classes such as
woodshop or auto mechanics.

B. If a girl wants take a mechanics class, she is obviously weird and god forbid a boy
decides he wants to learn how learn how to be a homemaker, he’s obviously gay. Over the years,
we have been led to believe that there are certain roles which are specifically designed for
particular gender and should not be done otherwise.

C. Are gender roles in society conditioned by the media/

II. Body

First Body Paragraph (1st supporting point)

A. typical family”

B. One might have a hard time defining a “typical family” these days but for our
parents and their parents before them, television shows identified a family as a unit consisting of
a mom, a dad, some kids, and maybe even a pet.

C. The dad would be painted as having a successful career and stable job to help him
support the family and all their needs. The woman on the other hand would stay at home to get
the kids off to school, clean the house, and then prepare dinner for her family upon their return.

D. society expects men to provide for their families while the women take care of all
the other activities around the house.

Second Body Paragraph (2nd supporting point)

A. False advertising

B. The media is capable of molding future generations to conform to certain

doctrines and anecdotes. Media includes anything that is seen or can be seen through television,
movies, and the internet.

C. How we are portrayed tells us on one level or another how we are supposed to be
from the athletic figure who’s clearly successful from the car he drives and the mansion that he
lives in to the beautiful female who’s… just beautiful. These images of what we are supposed to
be are everywhere and what it does to us when we can’t achieve or more importantly don’t want
to achieve these standards is really where the damage occurs.

D. the media is full of information that is both positive and negative. Its important to
ensure that we are consuming the right kind of information to help our society progress forward.

Third Body Paragraph (3rd supporting point)

A. we cannot change anything in our lives.

B. Children learn gender roles from their parents and people further learn gender
roles from information gleaned from the media

C. why don’t we all fit into these defined roles? Because one is born and grows with
naturally attributed strengths and weaknesses, they will not always be able to force themselves
into these society defined roles. Society tells us men to be tough and not to cry from an early age.
The fear is that we don’t want boys to grow up into pussies… But we can be strong leaders and
strong men and still be in touch with our emotions.

D. We should be teaching our children about these types of subjects and making
them aware of their self-worth and abilities and not necessarily just what society says they
should be based on gender.

fourth Body Paragraph (4rd supporting point)

a. Positive reinforcement for boys

b. Society favors the male gender when it comes to certain activities and roles. One might
have a hard time coming up with activities and roles in society that being a man
disqualifies you.
c. . For instance, what kind of things are boys told they can’t do? They can be cowboys,
soldiers, pilots, firefighters, astronauts, kings, and the U.S. President. They could even be
cheerleaders, artists, and models if they wanted to be. Leaders and alpha males are the
role models presented for boys to emulate. Boys are told that they cannot cry and need to
be tough but what does that really mean?
d. Society has polluted the young minds to believe that there are some task jobs that are
gender sensitive

Fifth Body Paragraph (5th supporting point)

a. Negative reinforcement for girls

b. . Much of what is witnessed in the media shows that women are either in distress,
sexual objects and/or conquests, or that they are supposed to be mothers and/or wives.
c. The media has contributed to casting women in a less that favorable light by their
biased reporting. They have for the longest time taught and broadcasted information
that has misguided various members of the public. They have subconsciously taught
girls that beauty is more important than intelligence and that men run the world
d. The media should not portray women as weak if they truly intend to empower them.
By doing so, they may lose them the respect and fairness they deserve.

III. Conclusion

A. gender roles are learned from parents, media, but are also natural occurring
attributes of who we are.

B. Boys should learn to express themselves in order to better understand how to treat
the opposite sex. Girls should also be taught the value of self-worth and made aware that they are
just as capable as or more than boys. It is also fully reasonable to be a successfully empowered
woman instead of a homemaker. Just because you’re a mother it does not mean that you cannot
help support your family

C. . If we continue to be a “man led” society, we will be missing out on the contributions the
opposite sex brings to the table.

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