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Using accident precursor events for supporting a dynamic risk analysis at lean

Conference Paper · September 2015

DOI: 10.1201/b19094-428


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3 authors:

Vincenzo Duraccio Serena Andriulo

Università del Salento Università del Salento


Maria Grazia Gnoni

Università del Salento


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Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems – Podofillini et al. (Eds)
© 2015 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-1-138-02879-1

Using accident precursor events for supporting a dynamic

risk analysis at lean workplace

Serena Andriulo & Maria Grazia Gnoni

University of Salento, Lecce, Italy

Vincenzo Duraccio
University Niccolò Cusano, Rome, Italy

ABSTRACT:  Lean management is a performance-based strategy to reduce costs, achieve higher quality
levels and increase competitive advantage of companies. A synergy may be found between the accident
precursors analysis, required by the safety management systems, and the knowledge sharing principle,
typical of lean approaches. A structured framework for supporting a dynamic interaction between the
actual condition of the workplace and risk analysis is proposed. The framework will integrate knowledge
derived from leading indicators (e.g. accident precursor events, near misses) with company risk analysis
approaches applied to evaluate occupational risks. This approach is in line with lean safety strategies
where feedback loops derived from the operational field are essential to re-define company strategies
towards occupational safety. The framework will be quantitatively tested in a real case study regarding
a manufacturing firm which widely applies lean management. Collected data about accident precursors
will be analyzed according to results derived from the company risk analysis document aiming to evaluate
a more dynamic process for evaluating risks at workplace. The proposed framework will aims to “trans-
late” practices applied in high risk level sectors (e.g. the process industry) according to the most wide-
spread strategy applied in the manufacturing sector (i.e. the lean management). The general framework
proposed will support companies to apply dynamic risk analysis with a reduced effort required by the

1  introduction enhance safety level of a firm have to be pulled

by actual system requirement rather than pushed
Lean management is a performance-based strat- uniformly onto workers and procedures (Rozen-
egy to reduce costs, achieve higher quality levels feld et al., 2010; Longoni et al., 2013). According
and increase competitive advantage of companies. to a safety management point of view, lean safety
Leadership, team-based culture, communication strategy introduces new issues problems mainly
and continuous improvement are the pillars. Lean due to stressing objectives and the multitasking;
approaches were firstly applied in the automotive on the other hand, it also offers interesting oppor-
sector, and now they are wide spreading in many tunities, related to the workers’ participation (Bra-
industries worldwide. One effective strategy is the gatto et al., 2014).
Lean Thinking or Lean Manufacturing concept Feedback loops derived from the operational
(Womack and Jones, 1990): in brief, the aim is to field become essential to re-define company strat-
reduce “waste” in all processes which are involved egies towards occupational safety management
for supplying a product or a service. Although (Andriulo, and Gnoni, 2014). Learning from
a huge number of studies have been focused on leading indicators (e.g. near miss) could heav-
lean management in manufacturing processes, few ily contribute to increase the effectiveness of
recent works are facing with the integration of the company safety management system (Payne
safety issues in lean thinking approaches (Brown et al., 2010; Drupsteen and Wybo, 2015; Leveson,
and O’rourke, 2007; Taubitz, 2010; Hafey, 2011). 2015).
This strategy determines a new way to design The paper proposes a quantitative cross analysis
and control manufacturing processes and conse- between data collected from a Near Miss Manage-
quently health and safety issues. Safety manage- ment (NMM) system and assessments of risk level
ment in lean manufacturing environments have to defined in the Risk Analysis Document (RAD).
change their traditional prospective: activities to Data derived from a real case study regarding a

manufacturing firm which widely applies lean analysis will be based on the well know concept
management are discussed. Collected data about Learning From Experience which traditionally, in
accident precursors will be analyzed according to occupational safety management, refers to apply-
results derived from the company RAD aiming to ing root cause analyses of both accidents and inju-
evaluate a more dynamic process for assessing risks ries occurred at workplace (Pasman, 2009; Dechy
at workplace. et al., 2012).
By focusing on the occupational safety manage-
ment system, the company risk assessment model is
2  THE CASE STUDY: A LEAN based on risk matrix: risks for each task, which can
MANUFACTURING COMPANY be performed in one or more departments of the
plant, have been quantitatively assessed through
2.1  The production system in analysis a risk matrix based on occurrence and magnitude
The company in analysis has developed its own scales.
model for applying lean principles, the so called The company has been divided in 10 organiza-
Bosch Production System (BPS). Main principles tional areas which are the most critical according
constituting the BPS are depicted in Figure 1. In to risk level. A brief description of each area is
brief, the BPS aims to achieve customer satisfac- reported as follows:
tion trough high quality, shorter delivery times • DEP1: this is a staff department as it supports
and lower costs. Furthermore, all these targets the application of the BPS in all plant areas from
have to be reached by increasing the satisfac- production to administrative ones;
tion and motivation of all workers, standardizing • DEP2: this is a staff department which supports
processes and by involving—in a “pull” logic ver- company management for external and internal
sus traditional “push” process—high involvement communication process using different media
of all employments in continuous improvement and tools;
processes. • DEP3: this is the company ICT department;
Since from 2008, the firm has started a project • DEP4: it carries out logistic and warehouse
for applying continuous improvement philosophy activities supporting all production areas;
in all sectors from production planning to environ- • DEP5: it’s responsible for producing and assem-
ment and safety management. bly products with low demand (i.e. brakes for the
The Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) automotive market);
within an organization offers the opportunity • DEP6: it carries out the production and the
for all firm activities (e.g. production, logistics, assembly of components for high demand prod-
administration) to improve day by day as syn- ucts ( i.e. diesel pumps);
ergies derived from all firm functions allows to • DEP7: it’s responsible for quality control of
leverage knowledge within the firm. Several products and processes;
tools and “knowledge sources” belonging to CIP • DEP8: it carries out facility management in all
have been analysed aiming to highlight most firm areas and it’s responsible for the manage-
effective areas of intervention for introducing a ment and maintenance of the facilities within
NMS. the plant;
Based on the CIP process, the aim of this work • DEP9: it’s responsible for the manufacturing
is to define how knowledge provided by the com- and the assembly of the components of the gear
pany Near Miss Management system could sup- pump;
port a more dynamic risk analysis. The prosed • DEP10: it’s responsible of all R&D activities for
the improvement of the products.
Risk types evaluated in the company RAD are
20: they have been reclassified by using a stand-
ardized methodology proposed by ESAW (ESAW,
2012). A full description is in Table 1.
The company has proposed a six level evaluation
scale for the assessment of the risk gravity level: it
is proposed in Table 2.
Next, risks previously outlined have been
assessed for all departments based on the magni-
tude scale: results are proposed in Table 3.
Data outlined DEP9 as the most critical area at
the workplace; DEP1, 2 and 3 are the less critical
Figure 1.  Main pillars of the BPS. ones.

Table 1.  Risk categories evaluated in the company.

Risks Description

R1 Risks related to the workplace: these are all risks related to the work environment but not directly connected
to the specific task performed by workers
R2 Risks related to the microclimate and lighting: these are all risks related to environmental condition of the
R3 Risk related to work in confined spaces: these are all risks related to workplace characterized by limited
R4 Risk related to work at height: these risks are related to all activities performed at an altitude higher than the
stable surface
R5 Fire risk: this are mainly due to the presence of combustible and/or flammable materials, or with presence of
ignition sources
R6 Risks to the presence of explosive atmospheres: these are all risks related to work environments (indoor or
outdoor) where there are gases, flammable fumes and liquids, or combustible dusts
R7 Seismic risk and natural disasters: these are all risks related to physical phenomena and natural elements
R8 Risks associated with the use of machinery and work equipment: these are risks due to the interaction
between worker’s tasks and machinery
R9 Risks associated with installation and electrical equipment: these involves the use of electrical systems, equip-
ment and tools for performing tasks
R10 Risk related to pressure equipment: these are connected to the use and/or the presence of pressure equipment
R11 Risk related to transportation: these are all risks related to the use of handling systems
R12 Risks related to exposure to chemicals: these are all risks related to the use of dangerous chemical substances
R13 Risks related to exposure to carcinogens and mutagens: these are all risks related to the presence of carcino-
gens or mutagens in the workplace
R14 Risks related to exposure to asbestos: these are all risk related to the presence of asbestos in plant areas
R15 Work-related stress: these depend on tasks that could cause physical or mental stress to the worker
R16 Risks related to exposure to noise: these are all risks related to tasks which involve noisy equipment and tools
R17 Risks from vibration: these are all risks related to the use of powered machinery, equipment and tools caus-
ing strong vibration
R18 Risks from artificial optical radiation: these are all risks related to the use of equipment or machinery that
cause artificial optical radiation
R19 Manual handling of loads: these are all risks related to activities that require manual handling of loads
R20 Use of video terminals: these are all risks related to the use of video terminals for a long time

Table  2.  Proposed qualitative scale for 3  A cross analysis based on

assessing magnitude of risk categories. leading indictors and risk
Magnitude level Description
The focus of this analysis is to outline the con-
NA (1) Not applicable
tribution of leading indicators (i.e. accident pre-
N (2) Null
cursors) to support CIP process in company risk
NE (3) Negligible
L (4) Low
assessment: in detail, data collected from the Near
M (5) Medium
Miss Management System will be used to improve
H (6) High the risk assessment phase.
Three main steps will be carried out:
Step 1: at first, a cross analysis for verifying if all
Table 3.  Results of the company risk assessment ­process types of risk evaluated in the RAD will be car-
for each analysed area. ried out;
Step 2: following, the analysis will focus on verify-
ing if the assessment of each type of risk in each
area of the plant reflects analysis developed in
the RAD in terms of presence and magnitude;
Step 3: it consists of analysing critical points out-
lined by previous analyses, to identify future
actions for CIP of the company risk assessment

The first step of the study has been to analyse R9; the same in DEP9, with 66% of reports with
the near miss reporting data for classifying them R8 as risk type, 16% of reports with R1, 6% of
according to risk categories outlined in the previ- reports with R20 and 3% with R9; In DEP4 both
ous section, i.e. applied in the RAD development. of R8 and R20 have 33% of classified reports, and
Data have been collected from June 2014 to Febru- both of R1 and R9 have 17% of classified reports;
ary 201: the total number of events is equal to 119, DEP7 has 30% of reports with R8 as risk type,
where 106 events have been classified as Unsafe 30% with R9, and both of R20 and R1 with 10%
Situation, 10 as Near Miss and 3 as Unsafe as of classified reports. The high presence of these
depicted in Figure 2. 4 risk categories, in particular the R8, in these
The ESAW methodology (ESAW, 2012) have departments could be due to the types of tasks
been used, in order to perform a properly classi- carried out in this area: DEP6 and DEP9 are the
fication of the precursor events reported accord- production departments where the machining and
ing to the risk categories explained above. Results the assembly of the work-pieces are carried out;
outlined a greater presence of four types of risk: for DEP4, the strong presence of R20 and R8 is
R8 (risks associated with the use of machinery and deductible as it’s the department that performs all
work equipment) with slightly more than 50%, R1 the logistic tasks and the material handling; also
(risks related to the workplace) with about 17%, R9 for DEP7 these risks are associable as it’s the qual-
(risks associated with plants and electrical equip- ity department, where all the laboratory checks are
ment) with more than 8% and R20 (risk associated performed for considering products suitable by
to manual handling of loads) with about 7%. using machinery and powered equipment.
Furthermore, collected data about accident pre- This first analysis has underlined an interest-
cursors have been grouped for each department: ing result: some reports didn’t fall in any of risk
results are in Figure 3. by analysing data based on categories evaluated in the RAD; so these reports
each department, the most critical working area have been classified according to their kind, and
is the DEP6, with more than 60% of reports with this has allowed to define three new risk categories
R8 as risk type, about 9% of reports with R1, 8% that could be inserted in the risk assessment phase.
of reports with R20 and about 6% of reports with These three new risk categories are:
1. Risk connected to wrong work procedures;
2. Risk related to human factor;
3. Risk related to facilities.
The second step of the study has been to verify
for each department if the risks categories out-
lined by the NMM system have been outlined by
the RAD Results are in Table  4 information col-
lected by the NMM system are compared with
ones derived from the RAD.
This analysis has highlighted in general that the
presence of risk categories identified for precursor
events reported have been already evaluated in the
Figure 2.  Collected data from the company Near Miss risk assessment phase. One anomaly could be out-
Management system. lined for DEP9, i.e. the absence in the risk assess-
ment of DEP9 of the R8 as risk type.
The last phase of the study has been to verify
if the evaluation of risk categories in the risk

Table  4.  Comparison between risks outlined by data

collected from the NMM system and RAD.

Figure 3.  Number of events collected for each company

department and for each risk category.

a­ ssessment phase has been done effectively in terms Table  6.  Comparison between risk levels evaluated in
of magnitude, verifying the presence of poten- RAD and information collected from the NMM system.
tial criticalities that can be underline continuous
improvement points, to refine upon the risk assess-
ment analysis. This has been performed by com-
paring the magnitude of each risk type, assigned in
the risk assessment of each department, with the
level of criticality of each risk categories identi-
fied in the precursors reported in each department.
At first, the total number of occurrence have been
evaluated for each risk category in each depart-
ment; results are reported in Table 5.
A level of criticality has been assigned to each
risk category, by calculating the relative occurrence
(expressed in percentage) about how each risk type
is present in each department. The level of criti-
cality have been assigned based on the following
• If (risk type presence ≤ 1%), the level is defined
have to be improved as there’s yet something not
well monitored.
• If (1%  <  risk type presence  ≤  20%), the level is
DEP5, that is the production departments of
brakes, has two criticalities, respectively for R1 and
• If (20% < risk type presence ≤ 40%), the level is
for R8. These two risk types have been identified in
defined as LOW CRITICAL (3);
the risk assessment with a low level of magnitude,
• If (40%  <  risk type presence  ≤  60%), the level
so there are already several procedures and safety
is defined as CRITICAL (4).
systems that restrain these risks; NMMS provides
• If (60% < risk type presence ≤ 80%), the level is
more suggestions for not underestimate these two
defined as VERY CRITICAL (5);
risk categories.
• If (80% < risk type presence ≤ 100%), the level is
DEP6 and DEP9 present a very critical point
defined as HIGHLY CRITICAL (6).
for R8: this risk type is obviously considered in
A comparison between data collected by the the risk assessment for the production depart-
NMS and RAD have been developed; data are ments, but the NMMS underlines an higher level
reported in Table 6. of criticality respect to the magnitude considered
These last phase of the analysis has outlined that in the risk assessment; These information are a
in general the magnitude has been assigned effec- good point to adjust and improve the safety pro-
tively, and the several risk types are kept well under cedures for DEP6; for DEP9 the non presence of
control. Some critical point have been identified. the R8 evaluation could be due to the fact that is
DEP1, DEP2, DEP3 have respectively for R9, R1 a new department that is on-going from about 8
and R2 an high criticality: they are staff depart- months, so the qualitative risk assessment analy-
ments, so is difficult to have high risk; the pres- sis sure needs revisions; the NMMS information
ence of reports in these departments outlines that could be considered a good source for starting the
some procedures that manage that risks (in terms risk assessment improvements.
of workplace, illumination system and equipment) Finally, DEP10 has a very critical point for R1;
it is a staff department so this report has high-
lighted that there’s an underestimation of risks
Table 5.  Distribution of events based on risk category related to the workplace; this could be an informa-
for each department. tion for increasing the monitoring and the safety
procedures that can control this risk type.


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