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A Thesis entitled,

“The Amount of Basic Informations of HRM Students

at South-East Asia-ITT About Guest Accommodation;
Basis for the Future Guest’s Satisfaction.”

submitted to
the faculty of Senior High School Department
South-East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology

Abigail Labaday

Bennedict Castro

Edmar Tamayo

Jovani Anne Bantilan

of Hotel and Restaurant Management

In partial fullfillment of the requirements

for our Subject, "Practical Research II"

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent


In partial fulfillment of our requirements

for our subject Practical Research II entitled,

“The Amount of Basic Information of HRM Student

at South-East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology

About Guest Accommodation;

Basis for the Future Guest’s Satisfaction”

is hereby recommended for oral examination.

Constructed and Submitted by:

Abigail Labaday

Jovani Anne Bantilan

Edmar Tamayo

Bennedict Castro

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

This research paper entitled “The Amount of Basic Informations of HRM
Students at South-East Asia-ITT About Guest Accommodation; Basis for the Future
Guest’s Satisfaction.” was made and submitted by Abigail Labaday, Bennedict Castro,
Edmar Tamayo and Jovani Anne Bantilan in partial fulfillment of the requirements in
Practical Research II for the Hotel and Restaurant Management course has been
examined and approved by the examination comitees.

Jun S. Foronda
Thesis Adviser

Sherman Mendoza

________________ ___________________ _________________

Adriane Dela Cruz Ciarra Allyssa Gutierrez Rafael Anacleto
Statistician Grammarian Social Acceptability

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

This is to certify that this research paper is our original work and made by the
researchers who conducted this study to their best knowledge and beliefs. We also
assure you that the papers attached here does not contain any material previously
published or written by another person nor material. We also identified all the sources
of the informations together with the citations. Besides, the names of the authors are in
bold. We also used a quotation marks in every quotations to identify which one are the
word of the researches and are italicized. Our name are listed below with our signatures.

Abigail Labaday

Bennedict Castro

Edmar Tamayo

Jovanni Anne Bantilan

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Abigail Labaday “I dedicate this research to my mother and grandmother, love ones
and friends for giving us strength and helped us to understand this study and overcome
pressure while doing this thesis. For my groupmates who strive to finish this research

Bennedict Castro “This work is exclusively dedicated for my family, friends,

classmates and to my groupmates who gave me a new happy memories together as we
make the research paper and helped me get over the pressure while doing this study.”

Edmar Tamayo “I dedicate this to our almighty God, Who guide and never leave us
in making this research, to my parent, school and every member of this group for
making this research possible.”

Anne Bantilan “I wholeheartedly dedicate this to my mother, who’s been the reason
why I keep on going in life even if life’s really sucks. She’s my strength that’s why I
overcome this challenge. To my friends, who keeps on supporting us, and especially to
my groupmates which led to fulfill this.”

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

With boundless love and appreciation, we would like to thank the following
person who supported and helped us to make this research paper possible.

Our instructors, Mr. Jun S. Foronda and Ms. Thea B. Nang, who gave their time to
help us and guide us throughout the making of this study.

To the Panels; Sherman Mendonza, Rafael Anacleto, Ciarra Allyssa Gutierrez and
Adriane Dela Cruz, for giving their time as we defend our study. Also, for their
comments, critiquing and suggestions about our research paper.

Our friends and family who were always there to give their support and share their
knowledge in making a research paper for us to understand our study even more as we
finish this research paper. This research paper will not be possible unless they give us
the constant courage and strength to overcome the pressure as we do this study.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

“The Amount of Basic Information of HRM Students at South-East

Asia Institute of Trade and Technology About Guests’

Accommodation; Basis for the Future Guests’ Satisfaction”




In the beginning, there was a fire at the hearth, a warm meal and a roof over

one’s head. Thus begins the history of the hotel industry. People have been providing

hospitality for weary travelers since our ancestors inhabited the Earth about 100,000 to

200,000 years ago. Some year down the line, in the age of antiquity for those who seek

for rest and relaxation..

Research Paradigm

It shows the effectiveness of a good teaching of the HRM instructors to their

students that will be future employees in the hospitality industry.

Conceptual Framework

Conceptual Framework shows that the hotel industry’s main priority is to

provide the highest possible level of hospitality and good accommodation. To achieve

this, we need our HRM instructors to know the subject that they teaching and to be

organized for their students to gain more knowledge about hospitality industry.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Theoretical Framework

This theory states that the more interesting products provide to customers, the

less regret emotions customer will feel in the process of buying, but the product benefits

cannot make customer satisfaction, only when the customer perceived profits reached

a certain level, the customer will be satisfied with the turn to buy.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know the amount of basic informations that the Grade 12

HRM students of South-East Asia ITT knows about the guests’ accommodation.


The researcher’s main aim is to enhance the skills of the HRM students and let

them gain a lot of knowledge about the hotel industry by the help of their instructors in

terms of giving activities that will lead them to be a professional and successful

employee of hospitality industry. In the future, if the HRM students became an

employee and had a high level of services and good relationship with their guests, then

the hotel’s demand will increase and became popular.

Significance of the Study

This study will be benefited by the School since they will be aware about the

amount of information that their students have regarding the basic informations in terms

of guests’ accommodation. The students, because they will have a working knowledge

and can enhance their skills more. The future guests, that will be satisfied on the level

of performance of future employees. The future business owners, they will benefit when

the hotel became in demand and got a lot of feedback. The researchers, because they
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

will gained knowledge through their experiences while doing a research. The future

researchers, this study will help them and can be use as reference for research paper.

Scope and Limitation

This study’s primarily for purpose of identifying the amount of basic

information that the HRM students of South-East Asia ITT have about the guests




Local Literature

According to Cornell, D.A. (2017), "Service quality is one of the main

ingredients for success in the hospitality industry.”

Lewis Grand Hotel Angeles City (2014) asserted that “Online reviews provide

us hotelier (Lewis Grand) with data that is significantly rich with guest satisfactions

and comments to help them improve their customer service transactions.”

Elbo, R. (2013) claimed that “Customer is king, no matter how trite it has

become as a corporate mantra. For one, customer satisfaction is imperative in total

quality management.”

As stated by Balagosa, J., “Mishandling of any hotel system can be disastrous

to your business.” If the hotel can't manage their services and accommodation to their

guests correctly, then it will cause great suffering or loss of business.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

MEC Networks Corporation (2017) declared that “If any industry typifies the

need for high standards of customer service, as well as 24×7 reliability, then it’s the

hotel sector.”

Foreign Literature

In accordance with Jana, A., Chandra, B. (2016), "In hospitality

industry obtaining customer satisfaction is considered to be the fundamental for growth

and expansion of the business.”

As specified by Musyoka, K. (2013), "Service quality and customer

satisfaction are key concepts that organizations must appreciate in order to remain

competitive in any business environment." Since, hospitality industry is all about

lodging, transportation and such, companies must focus on their services’ quality and

guests’ satisfaction to keep their business in demand and continue.

In the article of Shafiq, Y., Shafique, I., Din, M., Cheema, K. (2013), "Theory

tells us that if the customers are satisfied then the hotels are providing higher service


It was stated that Phd. Turgay Bucak Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

(2014), "Quality is defined as the collection of features based on the ability to meet the

determinate or possible requirements of a product or service.”

As sighted by Archakova, A. (2013), "To satisfy its customers, the company

should listen and accept their feedback and improve service and goods if it needed to

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

be so."

Local Studies

In the statement of Desamito, C.N., Jorge JR, J., Perez, M.R., Flordeliz, E.

(2013), “There is significant responsiveness and the service quality on assurance, and

there is a significant relationship between the service quality on responsiveness and the

service quality on empathy.”

In the study of Arafat, H. (2014), “Solid waste management is a key aspect of

the environmental management of establishments belonging to the hospitality sector.”

In the writings of Chan, E. S.W., Lam, D. (2013), “Safety and security are

important factors in guests’ selection of a hotel.”

The insights of Legrand, W., Sloan, P., Chen, J. (2013), “Present and future

hospitality executives need to know how sustainable management systems can be

integrated into their businesses while maintaining and hopefully improving the bottom


Perez, A., Manzano, A. (2016-2017) revealed that “The industry was not only

designed to give accommodation service but also to provide a place to eat where food

would be good or at least palatable--- and safe to eat.”

Foreign Studies

In reference with Bernazzani S. (2018), “Customer satisfaction is a

measurement used to quantify the degree to which a customer is happy with a product,

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

service, or experience.”

The research of Poku, K., Zakari, M., Soali, A. (2013) shows that “Customer

loyalty can therefore be achieved in some cases by offering a quality product with a

firm guarantee or through free offers, coupons, low interest rates on financing, high

value trade-ins, extended warranties, rebates, and other rewards and incentive


In the research paper of Mbuthia, S., Muthoni, C., Muchina, S. (2013),

“Quality concept can be viewed in various perspectives in order to fully appreciate the

role it plays in the many parts of business organization especially in the hotel industry.”

Abd-EL-Salam, E. Shawky, A.Y., El-Nahas T. (2013) confirmed that,

"Excellent service is a profit strategy because it results in more new customers, more

business with existing customers, fewer lost customers, more insulation from price

competition, and fewer mistakes requiring the re-performance of services.”

Base on the research of Elnaga, A., Imran, A. (2013), “Employee is a blood

stream of any business.”



Research Methodology

Research methodology is a science of studying how research is to be carried

out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing,

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

explaining and predicting phenomena are called research methodology. It is also

defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained.

Descriptive Research was the chosen method for this study by the researchers
Descriptive because the researcher will conduct a survey since the instrument that is
used for the study was a questionnaire made by the researchers which consists of 5
questions that has 5 sub-questions in each question. It was made in a Likert scale form,
consisting of 5 options: 5-Less Important 4-Somewhat Important 3-Neutral 2-Important
1-Very Important. In addition, Purposive Sampling Technique is used to conduct the

Upon the approval of the conduct of the study, the researchers asked for the

approval from the academic head of their school. They personally conducted the survey

and distributed the questionnaires to the one hundred fifty (150) HRM students at

South-East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology S.Y. 2018-2019 and allowed them

to take their time in answering the questionnaire base on their knowledge about the

basic informations regarding the guest accommodation.

Research Design

The research design that we used in this study is a tabular. As it illustrates the

result of the survey that the researchers conducted. It aims to know the amount of basic

informations that the HRM students have in terms of guests’ accommodation and also

to help the school to improve their way of teaching so that their students will gain more

knowledge and to be well skilled employee in the future. Based on the result of the

survey, HRM students know the basic informations and how important it is in the

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

hospitality industry.

Statistical Treatment

Upon the retrieval of the instrument, the data was tallied, collated and analyzed

with the following statistical tools: Average Weighted Mean. This is used in

measuring the preference of the respondents as a whole in the use of research materials:

search engine or library database in terms of accessibility, quantity and quality of data.

The formula is shown below:

𝝆= 𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎

Where: 𝒇 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚

𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔

𝑿 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒒𝒖𝒆

Moreover, in arriving at a definite interpretation of the computed average weighted

mean on respondents preference in materials used in research:



1.5 – 2.4 IMPORTANT

2.5 – 3.4 NEUTRAL



Table 1. Adopted Hypothetical Mean Range and Interpretation for Respondents

Research Material Preference

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent




GENDER: Majority of the respondents are female with a frequency of 103 or that is

equivalent to 69% while the male respondents had a frequency of 47 or equivalent to

39% percent.

AGE: The age bracket of 16 to 18 years old garnered the highest frequency of 110 and

percentage of 73% followed by the age of 19 to 21 years old with the frequency of 34

and percentage of 23%. Lastly, the age bracket of 22 to 25 years old got a frequency of

6 with a percentage of 4%.

1. Characteristics of a Good Employee

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important for a good

employee to be well groomed with a frequency of 98, percentage of 65, total weighted

mean of 204, average weighted mean of 1.4% and an interpretation of important. On

item number two (2), majority of the respondents answered that it is very important that

a good employee should have a pleasing personality with a frequency of 90, percentage

of 60, total weighted mean of 269, average weighted mean of 1.8% and an interpretation

of important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very important that

a good employee is professional with a frequency of 56, percentage of 37, total

weighted mean of 243, average weighted mean of 1.6% and an interpretation of

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

important. While on item number four (4), the respondents answered that it is very

important for a good employee that they are committed with a frequency of 78,

percentage of 52, total weighted mean of 289, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an

interpretation of important. For last item, which is the item number five (5), the majority

answered that it is very important for a good employee that they have a good

communication skills with a frequency of 100, percentage of 67, total weighted mean

of 274, average weighted mean of 1.8% and an interpretation of important.

2. Things to Consider to Ensure Guests’ Satisfaction

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important that the

employees are considering their courtesy to the guests to ensure their satisfaction with

the frequency of 76, percentage of 51%, total weight mean of 267, average weighted

mean of 1.8 and an interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of

the respondents answered that it is very important to consider the cleanliness of the

facilities of the hotels to ensure the satisfaction of the guests with a frequency of 93,

percentage of 51, total weighted mean of 267, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an

interpretation of important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very

important to consider the safety and security of the guests to ensure their satisfaction

with a frequency of 91, percentage of 61, total weighted mean of 268, average weighted

mean of 1.8% and an interpretation of important. For the item number four (4), the

respondents answered that it is very important for that the hotel is considering the high

quality of their services to ensure the satisfaction of the guest with a frequency of 79,

percentage of 53, total weighted mean of 284, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

interpretation of important. And lastly, which is the item number five (5), the majority

answered that it is very important that the hotel is considering the ambience of the

facilities to ensure the satisfaction of the guest with a frequency of 91, percentage of

61, total weighted mean of 278, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an interpretation

of important.

3. Benefits of Having a Good Relationship with the Guests

On item number one (1), majority answered that the satisfaction of the guest is

very important and a benefit of having a good relationship with the guest. With the

frequency of 81, percentage of 54%, total weight mean of 275, average weighted mean

of 1.8 and an interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of the

respondents answered that it is very important to have the word of mouth of the guest

and it is a benefit of having a good relationship with the guests with a frequency of 76,

percentage of 51, total weighted mean of 288, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an

interpretation of important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very

important to have the loyalty of the guests and it is a benefit of having a good

relationship with the guest. With a frequency of 80, percentage of 33, total weighted

mean of 289, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an interpretation of important. For

the item number four (4), the respondents answered that it is very important for that the

hotel one of the benefits of having a good relationship with the guests with a frequency

of 63, percentage of 42, total weighted mean of 270, average weighted mean of 1.8%

and an interpretation of important. And lastly, which is the item number five (5), the

majority answered that it is very important to have the hotel’s good reputation and it is
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

a benefit of having a good relationship with the guests with a frequency of 89,

percentage of 59, total weighted mean of 276, average weighted mean of 1.8% and an

interpretation of important.

4. Good Relationship with the Guests of the Receptionist, Housekeeper,

Security Guard, Custodian and Porter.

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important that the

receptionist should have a good relationship with the guests with the frequency of 78,

percentage of 52%, total weight mean of 295, average weighted mean of 2 and an

interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of the respondents

answered that it is very important for the housekeepers to have a good relationship with

the guest with a frequency of 79, percentage of 53, total weighted mean of 295, average

weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of important. On item number three (3)

majority answered that it is very that the security guard have a good relationship with

the guests with a frequency of 74, percentage of 49, total weighted mean of 308, average

weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of important. For the item number four (4),

the respondents answered that it is very important for custodian to have a good

relationship with the guests with a frequency of 67, percentage of 45, total weighted

mean of 313, average weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of important. Lastly,

in item number five (5), the majority answered that it is very important for the porter to

have a good relationship with the guests with a frequency of 67, percentage of 45, total

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

weighted mean of 315, average weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of


5. Guest Satisfaction About Their Needs, Expectation, Cleanliness of the

Facilities, Ambience of the facilities and High Quality Services.

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important to consider

and give all the needs of the guests for them to satisfy with the frequency of 75,

percentage of 50%, total weight mean of 291, average weighted mean of 2 and an

interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of the respondents

answered that it is very important to consider and do everything to meet the

expectations of the guests for them to satisfy with a frequency of 69, percentage of 46,

total weighted mean of 290, average weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of

important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very to maintain the

cleanliness of the facilities in order to satisfy the guests with a frequency of 80,

percentage of 53, total weighted mean of 30284 average weighted mean of 1.9% and

an interpretation of important. For the item number four (4), the respondents answered

that it is very important to consider the ambience of the facilities to get the guests’

satisfaction with a frequency of 76, percentage of 51, total weighted mean of 287,

average weighted mean of 1.9% and an interpretation of important. Lastly, in item

number five (5), the majority answered that it is very important to give high quality

services to have the guests’ satisfaction with a frequency of 100, percentage of 67, total

weighted mean of 216, average weighted mean of 1.7% and an interpretation of

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent



The researchers in this study assessed the knowledge of HRM students in SEA
ITT about the guests’ satisfaction. Guests’ satisfaction is the cornerstone of the lodging
industry, as discussed in this study. It is the supreme thing to consider in this kind of
industry. Alternatively, guests’ satisfaction can be obtained if the hotel provides the
highest possible level of hospitality and good accommodation. To achieve it the HRM
instructors needs to know the subject that they are teaching and should be organized as
they discuss for their students to gain more knowledge about hospitality industry. In
addition, they can be also creative by giving activities that will practice their student’s
skills and give a lot of experiences to their students to be a professional and successful
employees in the hotel industry.

It takes a highest possible level of hospitality and good accommodation to earn
the guests’ satisfaction. This kind of level starts with the employees, business owners,
future employees and everyone that ensure that there is a smile in every guest’s face
during their visit. Let us take the full responsibility in this kind of industry to make our
community a better place.

1. HRM instructors must teach well, be organized on their lectures and give
activities that will enhance their student’s skills, confidence, and
2. The school can give activities, tours, workshops that will enhance the skills of
the students concerning the hostel industry and improve their confidence as well
as their fluency in English.
3. The HRM students must participate in every activity that the school or their

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

instructors gave for them to gain knowledge and experiences as well as the
skills in the field of hospitality.
4. The school must provide a facilities for the HRM students with complete
equipments and tools so that they will be able to enhance their skill through
practical activities.
5. The student’s on the job trainings experience must be great and let them
experience different things that an employee of hotel industry do in the field of

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent




APPROVAL SHEET.…………………………………...……………………….….. iii

CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY.………...……….……………………….……..iv

DEDICATION..……………………..…………………………..……………...…..... v

ACKNOWLEGDEMENT.…...……….………………………………….......…..…. vi

ABSTRACT.…...……….…………………...……….……….……………… vii – xxi



Introduction ...……….…………………………………...……….……................... 2-3

Research Paradigm …………….....……….……………………………………..... 3-4

Conceptual Framework ...……….………..……………………………...………… 5-6

Theoretical Construct of the Study ...……….………………………………….….. 6-7

Statement of the Problem ...……….………………………………….........………. 7-8

Hypothesis ...……….…………………………………...……….…………………. 8-9

Significance of the Study ...……….………………………..….….……....……… 9-10

Scope and Limitations ...……….………………………….....…………...………… 10

Definition of Terms ...……….…………………………….………...……….………10

II. Review of Related Literature and Studies

Local Literature...……….…………………………………...………….…….…. 11-13

Foreign Literature...……….…………………………………...………..…….….13-14
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Local Studies...……….…………………………………...……….……………..14-16

Foreign Studies...……….…………………………………...……….……......… 16-18

III. Research Design and Methodology

Research Methodology ...……….…………………………………...…………….... 19

Research Design ...……….…………………………………...……….………….19-20

Statistical Treatment ...……….…………………………………...……….…………20

IV. Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation ...……….………..…… 21-27

V. Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations ...……….………. 27-28

Bibliography ……………….....……….………………………………….... xxii - xxiv

Appendices ....……….…………………………………...….…...…...…… xxv-xxviii

Vicinity map …………………………………………………………………….…xxix

Actual photos of survey disctribution …………………………………….… xxx- xxxi

Actual photos of oral examination …………………………………….…xxxii - xxxiii

Curriculum Vitae …………………………………..………………….… xxxiv-xxxvii

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent


Figure1. Research Paradigm ...……….…………………………………...…………. 4

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework ...……….…………………………………...….… 5

Figure 3. Theoretical Construct of the Study ...……….…………………………….. 6

Figure 4. Formula of Average Weighted Mean ……………………………………. 20

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent


Table 1. Adopted Hypothetical Mean Range and Interpretation

for Respondents Research Material Preference ………..…………………..………..20
Chapter 4
Table 4.1 Characteristics of a Good Employee ……………………………………. 21

Table 4.2 Things to Consider to Ensure Guests’ Satisfaction …………………...… 22

Table 4.3 Benefits of Having a Good Relationship with the Guests …..………...… 24

Table 4.4. Good Relationship with the Guests of the Receptionist, Housekeeper,

Security Guard, Custodian and Porter ……………………………………………… 25

Table 4.5 Guest Satisfaction About Their Needs, Expectation, Cleanliness of the

Facilities, Ambience of the facilities and High Quality Services …………………... 26

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent



This chapter presents the introduction as well as the research paradigm,

conceptual framework, theoretical construct of the study, statement of the problem,
hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitation together with the definition
of terms.

In the beginning, there was a fire at the hearth, a warm meal and a roof over
one’s head. Thus begins the history of the hotel industry. People have been providing
hospitality for weary travelers since our ancestors inhabited the Earth about 100,000 to
200,000 years ago.
Some years down the line, in the age of antiquity, spas and bathhouses often
provided sleeping facilities and were popular attractions for those who seek for rest and
In medieval times, it was mostly cloisters and abbeys that provided travelers
with accommodation. It was during this period that more and more inns and
guesthouses were opened on popular trade routes to provide food and lodging for
travelling merchants and their horses.
These were not hotels as we know them today. Hotel chains such as the “Ritz”
only came into being hundreds of years later and were a manifestation of the growing
prosperity of developing industrial nations.
The hotel industry, which always strove to meet a changing society’s needs and
demands, has meanwhile developed into a highly complex branch of the economy.
Today, the hotel industry includes all categories of establishments from inexpensive
guesthouse to luxurious 5 star hotel. Hotel management strategies have had to adapt to
these developments and it could be said that these strategies have even entered the realm

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Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

of science. The demand for and the choice of subjects that can be studied such as hotel
or hospitality management show the increasing academisation of the hotel industry.
In addition, in the beginning of the Philippine’s Hospitality Industry, there was
war. And not just the big one, World War II - the battle of the Pacific that left Manila
in smoking ruins - but that was merely the opening act - a condition which set the stage
for the origin of the HRAP more than 60 years ago, according to Jose Cobarrubias, one
of the founders of the Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines.
The Hotel and Restaurant Association of the Philippines was founded on
September 12, 1951 by executives from 10 of the leading hotels and restaurants in
Manila and nearby areas.
The Association's main goal was to upgrade the caliber of the local hospitality
industry by improving management, skills, personnel services, and overall standards
while keeping abreast of trends and developments abroad.
It begun only with a handful of hotels and restaurants as its founding members
since the hospitality industry during the post-war was not as dynamic as we know today.
Fine dining restaurants exist only in a few establishments and there were no casual
dining restaurants in the country except for family-run eateries.
Tourism was trifling other than foreign journalists engrossed in detailing
Manila’s wreckage and these few tourist still fall into prey of peddlers who would steal
guests from competing hotels.
In order to unravel the existing setbacks, HRAP instituted the “Meet-and-
Assist” service in all main ports of Manila – a service until these days exist in all hotels
in the country.

Research Paradigm
A research paradigm is an approach or a research model to conducting a
research that has been verified by the research community for long and that has been in
practice for hundreds of years. Most of the research paradigms emerge from one of the

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two of the approaches to research that are positivist approach and interpretivism
approach. Every research uses one of the research paradigms to use as a guideline for
developing research methodology and to take on the research venture in a manner that
is most valid and appropriate.

Effectiveness and the Increase of Future
of the HRM Wllingness the Professional
Instructor Instructor's of the Knowledge Employee in
Way of HRM of HRM the Industry
Teaching Students to Students of Hospitality

Figure 1. The Research Paradigm

As what you saw in the figure 1 above, it shows the effectiveness of a good
teaching of the HRM instructors to their students that will be future employees in the
hospitality industry. You saw that every single thing can be the factors for the increase
of professional employees in the hotel industry. If the instructor has an effective way
of teaching and their students are willing to learn and hardworking, then the knowledge
of the HRM students increase and can be a professional employee in the hospitality
industry in the near future.

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Conceptual Framework
A conceptual framework is an analytical tool with several variations and
contexts. It can be applied in different categories of work where an overall picture is
needed. It is used to make conceptual distinctions and organize ideas. Strong conceptual
frameworks capture something real and do this in a way that is easy to remember and

Input Process Output

Increase of
Organized Knowledge of
the Students
Way of
Know their Increase of
Instructor Subject
Creativeness Activities Industry

Figure 2. The Conceptual Framework

The figure 2 above shows the conceptual framework of the study. In the hotel
industry, the main priority is to provide the highest possible level of hospitality and
good accommodation. To achieve this, HRM instructors must know the subject that
they are teaching and needs to be organized in their activities and lectures for their
students to gain more knowledge about hospitality industry. Also, they can be also
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Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

creative in giving activities that will practice their student’s experiences to be a

professional and successful employees in the hotel industry.

Theoretical Construct of the Study

It is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study. Also, it
introduces and describes the theory that explains why the research problem under study

Input Process Output

Method Feedback
People Strategy Evaluation


Figure 3. The Theoretical Construct of the Study

The researchers adapted the theory of CHEN Jingdong and LIU Yidan. This
theory states that the more interesting products provide to customers, the less regret
emotions customer will feel in the process of buying, but the product benefits cannot
make customer satisfaction, only when the customer perceived profits reached a certain
level, the customer will be satisfied with the turn to buy.
In the hotel industry, the more interesting services and facilities the hotel give,
the less complains and decrease of the demand. Therefore, if the instructors of HRM
students teach well and give a lot of activities that enhance their student’s skills and
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knowledge about their course plus the students strive to learn and practice their skills
then, that can lead them to be a professional employee in the hotel industry someday.

Statement of the Problem

It describes a problem or issue that needs to be solved in your thesis.
This study aims know the amount of basic informations that the Grade 12 HRM
students of South-East Asia ITT knows about the guests accommodation.
Particularly, it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the characteristics of a good employee like:
1.1 Receptionist;
1.2 Security Guard;
1.3 Custodians;
1.4 Porters; and
1.5 Housekeepers?
2. What are the things that you need to consider to ensure the satisfaction of the
guests in terms of their:
2.1 Needs;
2.2 Expectations;
2.3 Safety;
2.4 High Quality Services; and
2.5 Experience?
3. What are the benefits of having a good relationship with the guests for:
3.1 The hotel owner;
3.2 Employees;
3.3 Themselves;
3.4 Employers; and
3.5 Hotel Industry?
4. How important it is to have a good relationship with the guests for the:
4.1 Receptionists;

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Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

4.2 Custodians;
4.3 Porters;
4.4 Security Guards; and
4.5 Housekeepers?
5. How important it is to have the satisfaction of the guests regarding their:
5.1 Needs;
5.2 Expectations;
5.3 Cleanliness of the facilities;
5.4 Ambiance of the facilities; and a
5.5 High quality services?

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more
variables. It is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in a study.
Fundamentally, if the instructors of the HRM students teach well and give
activities that will enhance their skills and let them gain a lot of knowledge about the
hotel industry, then they will be a professional and successful employee in the hotel
In addition, if the school give tours, programs or workshops and activities that
will give opportunities to their students to learn more and enhance their skills about the
hospitality, then it will be a great experience for them.
In the future, if the HRM students became an employee in the hotel industry and
had a high level of services and a good relationship with their guests, then the hotel’s
demand will increase and get a lot of recommendations. Their future guests will be
satisfied to the service, amenities, facilities and will have a memorable stay in this hotel.
The guests will also choose this hotel again and again for their stay whenever they have
a business trip or a vacation and recommend this hotel to the other people.
When the hotel’s demand increased, the hotel will be known as a good hotel
with a high quality of services, good amenities, facilities and can be featured in some

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magazines or best hotels recommendations website. In addition, the hotel will also be
able to compete with other famous hotels and have a lot of branches nationwide. In that
case, this hotel will be chosen by the travelers, famous people and etc. for their stay or
The hotel can also help our economy to grow in means of the unemployed will
have a work because there is a lot of career opportunities to grab. Besides, this study
can help the future HRM students in conducting their research by using this study as
their reference.

Significance of the Study

It includes how your research benefits or impacts others in part or whole. Also,
it discuss what people or groups of people might benefit from reading your research.
The findings of this study will redound to the benefits of the following;
To the School: The school will benefit the most since they will be aware about the
amount of knowledge that their students have regarding the basic informations in terms
of guest accommodations. Therefore, they could improve their instructor’s way of
teaching and add a lot of activities that can improve their HRM student’s skills and
To the Students: Students will have working knowledge about the guest
accommodation and can enhance their skills more by participating in the school’s
activities and discussions. In addition, they will have a lot of chance to be a professional
employee in the hotel industry
To the Future Guests: The future guests will be satisfied on the level of performance
of the future employees in guests’ accommodation and services and will have a nice
experience or memorable stay.
To the Future Business owners: The owner of the hotel will also benefit when the
hotel became in demand and got a lot of good feedback from their guests.
To the Researchers: Researchers will benefit the study through the experience in the
conduct of the research and for better understanding of the communities needs in

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material for researches. This study will also help us uncover critical areas in the lodging
industry that many researchers are not able to explore.
To the Future Researchers: This study can be used as a reference for the future
researchers for their research paper. In addition, they can get ideas and knowledge from
this research paper.

Scope and Limitation

It is a restriction on an audit that is caused by the client, issues beyond the
control of the client, or other events that do not allow the auditor to complete all aspects
of his or her audit procedures.
This study is primarily for purpose of identifying the amount of basic
knowledge that the Grade 12 HRM students at South-East Asia ITT have about the
guests’ accommodation. There is a limited number of sample size which is 100 HRM
students that will be serve as our respondents.

Definition of terms
It is intended to assist you in understanding commonly used terms and concepts
when reading, interpreting, and evaluating scholarly research in the social sciences.
Academise - to reduce (a subject) to a rigid set of rules, principles, precepts, etc.
Ancestor - It refers to one from whom is descended and who is usually more remote in
the line of descent than a grandparent.
Hearth - It is the floor of a fireplace.
Ritz - used in reference to luxurious accommodation.

Chapter 2


In this chapter, the Local literature, Foreign literature, Local Studies and
Foreign studies are presented by the researchers. Each of it has five examples together
with its reference list.

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Local literature

Local literature is an informative booklet or other means of information that

informs people about the local environment. Local Literature is important because it

enables students and adults alike to identify with local themes, languages, creeds,

settings, cultures, identities and lifestyles, as well as national issues and perspectives.

Local literature is vital to preserving our rich heritage. Sometimes, we underestimate

its importance in the history that is continually evolving here in Philippines. Our hope

is that literature will gain more traction as we evolve into a more gracious society.

According to Cornell, D.A. (2017), "Service quality is one of the main

ingredients for success in the hospitality industry.” The service quality can be measured

by the consumer’s satisfaction and in order to be successful in the market it is not

sufficient to attract new customers, managers must concentrate on retaining existing

customers implementing effective policies of customer satisfaction and loyalty. If there

is any place where customers are likely to be paying attention to the type of service they

receive, it is within the hospitality industry. In hotel industry customer satisfaction is

largely hooked upon quality of service. A management approach focused on customer

satisfaction can improve customer loyalty, thus increasing the positive image of the


Lewis Grand Hotel Angeles City (2014) asserted that “Online reviews provide

us hotelier (Lewis Grand) with data that is significantly rich with guest satisfactions

and comments to help them improve their customer service transactions.” The feedback

and comments of the guests through online views helps the hotel to be more popular
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and have a good reputation. Also, improve their services and accommodation. It also

helps them to attract more guests and gain trust from the future guests.

Elbo, R. (2013) claimed that “Customer is king, no matter how trite it has

become as a corporate mantra. For one, customer satisfaction is imperative in total

quality management.” The sentence, “Customer is always right” means that no matter

what attitude the guests has, they are always right and the hotel’s employee must always

provide their needs and satisfy them with their services.

As stated by Balagosa, J., “Mishandling of any hotel system can be disastrous

to your business.” If the hotel cannot manage their services and accommodation to their

guests correctly, then it will cause great suffering or loss of business. It may lead into

decrease of demand, income and have a bad reputation.

MEC Networks Corporation (2017) declared that “If any industry typifies the

need for high standards of customer service, as well as 24×7 reliability, then it’s the

hotel sector.” Giving a high-standard services to the customers is also giving their

expectation and satisfaction. A good example of hotel with a high quality of services

has a lot of guests that are satisfied and loyal to their services.

Foreign Literature

These are the materials printed in other countries with information related to the

current study and are found in books, professional journals, magazines, articles, and

other publication. It is to convey to the reader what knowledge and ideas have been

established on a topic, and what their strengths and weaknesses are.

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In accordance with Jana, A., Chandra, B. (2016), "In hospitality industry

obtaining customer satisfaction is considered to be the fundamental for growth and

expansion of the business." It explains that in a hospitality industry as well as in the

hotel industry, satisfying the guests by giving their needs and their expectations with a

high quality service are the key to increase the demand and the recommendation of the

hotel for the development of the hotel.

As specified by Musyoka, K. (2013), "Service quality and customer

satisfaction are key concepts that organizations must appreciate in order to remain

competitive in any business environment." Since, hospitality industry is all about

lodging, transportation and such, companies must focus on their services’ quality and

guest’s satisfaction to keep their business in demand and continue.

In the article of Shafiq, Y., Shafique, I., Din, M., Cheema, K. (2013), "Theory

tells us that if the customers are satisfied then the hotels are providing higher service

quality." In the real life, most of the companies conduct a survey to know if their guests

are satisfied to the quality of their services or not. Also, by conducting a survey, they

will have an idea to know how they will improve and increase the level of their services

as well as its demand.

It was stated that Phd. Turgay Bucak Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University

(2014), "Quality is defined as the collection of features based on the ability to meet the

determinate or possible requirements of a product or service.” Therefore, the hotel

must provide the needs of the guests in a high quality of services to achieve the

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satisfaction of the guest and loyalty.

As sighted by Archakova, A. (2013), "To satisfy its customers, the company

should listen and accept their feedback and improve service and goods if it needed to

be so." By doing this, the company can enhance their employee's skills and the quality

of their services as well as their accommodation to get their guests' loyalty and


Local Studies

These are studies or investigations already completed to which the present study

is related. They are usually unpublished materials such as manuscripts, theses and

dissertations conducted in the Philippines and other research publications.

In the statement of Desamito, C.N., Jorge JR, J., Perez, M.R., Flordeliz, E.

(2013), “There is significant responsiveness and the service quality on assurance, and

there is a significant relationship between the service quality on responsiveness and the

service quality on empathy.” In the lodging industry, the quality of the services and the

satisfaction of the guests are some of the primary factors that needs to be considered in

a hotel. Therefore, the hotel must consider the needs of the guest and their expectation

to satisfy them and give them a good experience in staying there.

In the study of Arafat, H. (2014), “Solid waste management is a key aspect of

the environmental management of establishments belonging to the hospitality sector.”

Satisfaction of the guests includes the entire experience of the guests in the hotel

including the aroma of the hotel, the amenities, the food presentation and the cleanliness
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of the facilities. The ambiance of the hotel is one of the big factor for the satisfaction of

the guests. Because of that a hotel must choose the right place for their business.

In the writings of Chan, E. S.W., Lam, D. (2013), “Safety and security are

important factors in guests’ selection of a hotel.” Since the guests trusted and choose

the hotel for their stay, the hotel must provide not only a room to stay in but also and

their safety and security. The hotel should provide a non-poisonous food for the guests

and keep their hotel secured as well as their belongings while the guest are inside the


The insights of Legrand, W., Sloan, P., Chen, J. (2013), “Present and future

hospitality executives need to know how sustainable management systems can be

integrated into their businesses while maintaining and hopefully improving the bottom

line.” In the lodging industry, proper management is one of the most important factor

to consider. Every organization needs to manage well. Your guests would not be

satisfied if you can't manage your hotel well. That's why proper management matters

for the satisfaction of the guests

Perez, A., Manzano, A. (2016-2017) revealed that “The industry was not only

designed to give accommodation service but also to provide a place to eat where food

would be good or at least palatable--- and safe to eat.” Nowadays, the hospitality

industry is much broader than most other industries. People, especially the travelers

need a place to stay in and take a rest. Since, the guests go to hotel to take a rest and

stay in, the hotel must provide foods and beverages for the guests so they have food to

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eat during their stay. Therefore, the hotel must provide food that are delicious and safe

to eat.

Foreign Studies

Foreign studies are defined as studying cultural, political, economical, and other

aspects of different global societies. Thesis learning and understand the history,

languages, and government of these societies.

In reference with Bernazzani S. (2018), “Customer satisfaction is a

measurement used to quantify the degree to which a customer is happy with a product,

service, or experience.” She stated that the satisfaction of the guests is the cornerstone

of the hotels. The relevance of this citation to this study is to know the satisfaction of

the guests. The satisfaction of the guests is very important in the lodging industry. If

your guests are not satisfied in the services of the hotel, they will leave or they won't

come back again to stay in the hotel. Since the hotel’s goal is to increase the demand of

their business, they need to give their high quality service and serve them with a

pleasing personality.

The research of Poku, K., Zakari, M., Soali, A. (2013) shows that “Customer

loyalty can therefore be achieved in some cases by offering a quality product with a

firm guarantee or through free offers, coupons, low interest rates on financing, high

value trade-ins, extended warranties, rebates, and other rewards and incentive

programs.” The hotel wants to develop the guest’s loyalty to come again and to

persuade others to stay in this hotel. Since the guest is the main source of their income,
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the loyalty of the guests is a big help to the lodging industry. Therefore, in order to

attract a lot of guests, the hotel must give some promos and a high level of service.

In the research paper of Mbuthia, S., Muthoni, C., Muchina, S. (2013),

“Quality concept can be viewed in various perspectives in order to fully appreciate the

role it plays in the many parts of business organization especially in the hotel industry.”

It explains that quality concept can be viewed in different kind of points of view to fully

understand its role in a business, especially in the hospitality industry because they need

a strong organization to increase the demand. Good and excellent service can attract

customers since they are the one who consume the resources and services. By giving

them a satisfying service, you will assure that many customers will choose your

company. And, by having a lot of guests and their loyalty, the hotel’s demand and

income will also get higher.

Abd-EL-Salam, E. Shawky, A.Y., El-Nahas T. (2013) confirmed that,

"Excellent service is a profit strategy because it results in more new customers, more

business with existing customers, fewer lost customers, more insulation from price

competition, and fewer mistakes requiring the re-performance of services.” Since

guests are like hotels that has a good services, excellent services is the key to achieve

it. By doing this, you can get the loyalty and word of the mouth of the guests. This will

end up having new guests, and fewer bad feedbacks. Because of it, the hotel’s income

and demand will increase.

Base on the research of Elnaga, A., Imran, A. (2013), “Employee is a blood

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stream of any business.” Employees are the second foundation of the lodging industry.

If there are no employees, the company will not run in its normal ways. In addition, the

hotel must also take a good care of their employees. Since the employees are the one

who accommodate the guest, they should be professional in order to satisfy the guests

in their performance and have a memorable experience in the hotel. Fundamentally, the

employees are the one who communicate with the guests since they take a reservation

until time they check out. If the employees does not have a pleasing personality, then

the hotel will not have any guests. Therefore, the hotel will not have any income too.



In this chapter, researchers discussed the research methodology, research

design, research instrument, validation of instrument, data gathering, statistical
treatment and average weighted mean.

Research Methodology
Research methodology is a science of studying how research is to be carried
out. Essentially, the procedures by which researchers go about their work of describing,
explaining and predicting phenomena are called research methodology. It is also
defined as the study of methods by which knowledge is gained.

Descriptive Research was the chosen method for this study by the
researchers because the researcher conducted a survey which consists of 5 questions
that has 5 sub-questions in each question. It was made in a Likert scale form, consisting
of 5 options: 5-Less Important 4-Somewhat Important 3-Neutral 2-Important 1-Very
Important. In addition, Purposive Sampling Technique is used to conduct the study.

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Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Upon the approval of the conduct of the study, the researchers asked for the
approval from the academic head of their school. Researchers personally conducted the
survey by visiting the HRM students in their classrooms, distributed the questionnaires
to the one hundred fifty (150) HRM students at South-East Asia Institute of Trade
Technology S.Y. 2018-2019 and allowed them to take their time in answering the
questionnaire based on their knowledge about the basic informations regarding the
guest accommodation.

Research Design

The research design that the researchers used in this study is a tabular. As it
illustrates the result of the survey that the researchers conducted. The questionnaire
aimed to know the amount of basic informations that the HRM students know in terms
of guests accommodation and also to help the school to have an idea on how will they
improve the skills and knowledge of the students for them to be a professional employee
in the future. Based on the result of the survey, HRM students know the basic
informations and how important it is in the hospitality industry.
Statistical Treatment

Upon the retrieval of the instrument, the data was tallied, collated and analyzed
with the following statistical tools: Average Weighted Mean. This is used in measuring
the preference of the respondents’ knowledge about the basic informations that the
HRM Students at South East Asia Institute of Trade and Technology know about
guests’ accommodation. The formula is shown below:

𝝆 = 𝑿 𝟏𝟎𝟎
Figure 4. Formula of Averagae Weighted Mean

Where: 𝒇 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒏𝒄𝒚

𝒏 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒍 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
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Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Moreover, in arriving at a definite interpretation of the computed average

weighted mean on respondents preference in materials used in research:
1.5 – 2.4 IMPORTANT
2.5 – 3.4 NEUTRAL
Table 1. Adopted Hypothetical Mean Range and Interpretation for Respondents
Research Material Preference



This chapter includes the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data that
have been gathered from the questionnaires distributed to the respondents. This also
contains the presentation of data in tabular from along with their corresponding


GENDER: Majority of the respondents are female with a frequency of 103 or that is
equivalent to 69% while the male respondents had a frequency of 47 or equivalent to
31% percent.

AGE: The age bracket of 16 to 18 years old garnered the highest frequency of 110 and
percentage of 73% followed by the age of 19 to 21 years old with the frequency of 34
and percentage of 23%. Lastly, the age bracket of 22 to 25 years old got a frequency of
6 with a percentage of 4%.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Characteristics of a Good Employee
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) TW
1 AWM Interpretation

1.1 16 65% 9 6% 8 5% 19 13% 98 65% 204 1.4%
1.2 13 9% 7 5% 8 5% 31 21% 90 60% 269 1.8% IMPORTANT
1.3 11 7% 8 5% 11 7% 34 23% 56 37% 243 1.6% IMPORTANT
1.4 11 7% 10 7% 16 11% 34 27% 78 52% 289 1.9% IMPORTANT
1.5 17 11% 7 5% 9 6% 17 11% 100 67% 274 1.8% IMPORTANT

Table 4.1: Characteristics of a Good Employee

The table above shows the Frequency (F), Percentage (P), Total Weighted Mean
(TWM), Average Weighted Mean (AVM) of the answers of the respondents about the
Characteristics of a Good Employee as well as the Interpretations.

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important for a good
employee to be well groomed with a frequency of 98, percentage of 65, total weighted
mean of 204, average weighted mean of 1.4% and an interpretation of important. On
item number two (2), majority of the respondents answered that it is very important that
a good employee should have a pleasing personality with a frequency of 90, percentage
of 60, total weighted mean of 269, average weighted mean of 1.8% and an interpretation
of important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very important that
a good employee is professional with a frequency of 56, percentage of 37, total
weighted mean of 243, average weighted mean of 1.6% and an interpretation of
important. While on item number four (4), the respondents answered that it is very
important for a good employee that they are committed with a frequency of 78,
percentage of 52, total weighted mean of 289, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an
interpretation of important. For last item, which is the item number five (5), the majority
answered that it is very important for a good employee that they have a good
communication skills with a frequency of 100, percentage of 67, total weighted mean
of 274, average weighted mean of 1.8% and an interpretation of important.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Things to Consider to Ensure Guests’ Satisfaction
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1) TW
2 AWM Interpretation

2.1 12 8% 6 4% 15 10% 41 27% 76 51% 267 1.8% IMPORTANT

2.2 11 7% 12 8% 13 9% 22 15% 93 62% 279 1.9% IMPORTANT
2.3 11 7% 3 2% 17 11% 29 19% 91 61% 268 1.8% IMPORTANT
2.4 9 6% 12 8% 12 8% 38 25% 79 53% 284 1.9% IMPORTANT
2.5 10 7% 6 4% 17 11% 31 21% 91 61% 278 1.9% IMPORTANT

Table 4.2: Things to Consider to Ensure Guests’ Satisfaction

The table above shows the Frequency (F), Percentage (P), Total Weighted Mean
(TWM), Average Weighted Mean (AVM) of the answers of the respondents about the
Things to Ensure the Guests’ Satisfaction together with the Interpretations.

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important that the
employees are considering their courtesy to the guests to ensure their satisfaction with
the frequency of 76, percentage of 51%, total weight mean of 267, average weighted
mean of 1.8 and an interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of
the respondents answered that it is very important to consider the cleanliness of the
facilities of the hotels to ensure the satisfaction of the guests with a frequency of 93,
percentage of 51, total weighted mean of 267, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an
interpretation of important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very
important to consider the safety and security of the guests to ensure their satisfaction
with a frequency of 91, percentage of 61, total weighted mean of 268, average weighted
mean of 1.8% and an interpretation of important. For the item number four (4), the
respondents answered that it is very important for that the hotel is considering the high
quality of their services to ensure the satisfaction of the guest with a frequency of 79,
percentage of 53, total weighted mean of 284, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an
interpretation of important. And lastly, which is the item number five (5), the majority
answered that it is very important that the hotel is considering the ambience of the

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

facilities to ensure the satisfaction of the guest with a frequency of 91, percentage of
61, total weighted mean of 278, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an interpretation
of important.
Benefits of Having a Good Relationship with the Guests

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

3 TWP AWM Interpretation

3.1 7 5% 13 9% 9 14% 40 27% 81 54% 275 1.8% IMPORTANT

3.2 9 6% 8 5% 21 14% 36 24% 76 51% 288 1.9% IMPORTANT
3.3 11 7% 10 7% 16 11% 33 22% 80 33% 289 1.9% IMPORTANT
3.4 8 5% 10 7% 29 19% 40 27% 63 42% 270 1.8% IMPORTANT
3.5 12 8% 11 7% 7 5% 31 21% 89 59% 276 1.8% IMPORTANT

Table 4.3: Benefits of Having a Good Relationship with the Guests

The table above shows the Frequency (F), Percentage (P), Total Weighted Mean
(TWM), Average Weighted Mean (AVM) and Interpretations of the answers of the
respondents about the Benefits of Having a Good Relationship with the Guests.

On item number one (1), majority answered that the satisfaction of the guest is
very important and a benefit of having a good relationship with the guest. With the
frequency of 81, percentage of 54%, total weight mean of 275, average weighted mean
of 1.8 and an interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of the
respondents answered that it is very important to have the word of mouth of the guest
and it is a benefit of having a good relationship with the guests with a frequency of 76,
percentage of 51, total weighted mean of 288, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an
interpretation of important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very
important to have the loyalty of the guests and it is a benefit of having a good
relationship with the guest. With a frequency of 80, percentage of 33, total weighted
mean of 289, average weighted mean of 1.9% and an interpretation of important. For
the item number four (4), the respondents answered that it is very important for that the
hotel one of the benefits of having a good relationship with the guests with a frequency
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

of 63, percentage of 42, total weighted mean of 270, average weighted mean of 1.8%
and an interpretation of important. And lastly, which is the item number five (5), the
majority answered that it is very important to have the hotel’s good reputation and it is
a benefit of having a good relationship with the guests with a frequency of 89,
percentage of 59, total weighted mean of 276, average weighted mean of 1.8% and an
interpretation of important.

Good Relationship with the Guests of the Receptionist, Housekeeper,
Security Guard, Custodian and Porter.

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

4 TWP AWM Interpretation

4.1 16 11% 7 5% 16 11% 33 22% 78 52% 295 2% IMPORTANT

4.2 12 8% 7 5% 24 16% 28 19% 79 53% 295 2% IMPORTANT
4.3 11 7% 12 8% 25 17% 28 19% 74 49% 308 2% IMPORTANT
4.4 8 5% 15 10% 26 17% 34 23% 67 45% 313 2% IMPORTANT
4.5 10 7% 15 10% 26 17% 34 23% 67 45% 315 2% IMPORTANT

Table 4.4: Good Relationship with the Guests of the Receptionist,

Housekeeper, Security Guard, Custodian and Porter

The table above shows the Frequency (F), Percentage (P), Total Weighted Mean
(TWM), Average Weighted Mean (AVM) with the Interpretations of the answers of the
respondents about the Good Relationship with the Guests of the Receptionist,
Housekeeper, Security Guard, Custodian and Porter.

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important that the
receptionist should have a good relationship with the guests with the frequency
of 78, percentage of 52%, total weight mean of 295, average weighted mean of 2 and
an interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of the respondents
answered that it is very important for the housekeepers to have a good relationship with
the guest with a frequency of 79, percentage of 53, total weighted mean of 295, average
weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of important. On item number three (3)
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

majority answered that it is very that the security guard have a good relationship with
the guests with a frequency of 74, percentage of 49, total weighted mean of 308, average
weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of important. For the item number four (4),
the respondents answered that it is very important for custodian to have a good
relationship with the guests with a frequency of 67, percentage of 45, total weighted
mean of 313, average weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of important. Lastly,
in item number five (5), the majority answered that it is very important for the porter to
have a good relationship with the guests with a frequency of 67, percentage of 45, total
weighted mean of 315, average weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of

Guest Satisfaction About Their Needs, Expectation, Cleanliness of the Facilities,
Ambience of the facilities and High Quality Services.

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

5 TWP AWM Interpretation

5.1 10 7% 10 7% 16 4% 39 26% 75 50% 291 2% IMPORTANT

5.2 6 4% 12 8% 19 3% 43 29% 69 46% 290 2% IMPORTANT
5.3 12 8% 8 5% 12 8% 38 25% 80 53% 284 1.9% IMPORTANT
5.4 10 7% 10 7% 17 11% 35 23% 76 51% 287 1.9% IMPORTANT
5.5 13 9% 6 4% 10 7% 21 14% 100 67% 261 1.7% IMPORTANT

Table 4.5: Guest Satisfaction About Their Needs, Expectation, Cleanliness

of the Facilities, Ambience of the facilities and High Quality Services

The table above shows the Frequency (F), Percentage (P), Total Weighted Mean
(TWM), Average Weighted Mean (AVM) with the Interpretations of the answers of the
respondents about the Guest Satisfaction About Their Needs, Expectation, Cleanliness
of the Facilities, Ambience of the facilities and High Quality Services.

On item number one (1), majority answered that it is very important to consider
and give all the needs of the guests for them to satisfy with the frequency of 75,
percentage of 50%, total weight mean of 291, average weighted mean of 2 and an
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

interpretation of important. On item number two (2), majority of the respondents

answered that it is very important to consider and do everything to meet the
expectations of the guests for them to satisfy with a frequency of 69, percentage of 46,
total weighted mean of 290, average weighted mean of 2% and an interpretation of
important. On item number three (3) majority answered that it is very to maintain the
cleanliness of the facilities in order to satisfy the guests with a frequency of 80,
percentage of 53, total weighted mean of 30284 average weighted mean of 1.9% and
an interpretation of important. For the item number four (4), the respondents answered
that it is very important to consider the ambience of the facilities to get the guests’
satisfaction with a frequency of 76, percentage of 51, total weighted mean of 287,
average weighted mean of 1.9% and an interpretation of important. Lastly, in item
number five (5), the majority answered that it is very important to give high quality
services to have the guests’ satisfaction with a frequency of 100, percentage of 67, total
weighted mean of 216, and average weighted mean of 1.7% and an interpretation of



The researchers in this study assessed the knowledge of HRM students in SEA
ITT about the guests’ satisfaction. Guests’ satisfaction is the cornerstone of the
lodging industry, as discussed in this study. It is the supreme thing to consider in this
kind of industry. Alternatively, guests’ satisfaction can be obtained if the hotel
provides the highest possible level of hospitality and good accommodation. To
achieve it the HRM instructors needs to know the subject that they are teaching and
should be organized as they discuss for their students to gain more knowledge about
hospitality industry. In addition, they can be also creative by giving activities that will
practice their student’s skills and give a lot of experiences to their students to be a
professional and successful employees in the hotel industry.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

It takes a highest possible level of hospitality and good accommodation to earn
the guests’ satisfaction. This kind of level starts with the employees, business owners,
future employees and everyone that ensure that there is a smile in every guest’s face
during their visit. Let us take the full responsibility in this kind of industry to make
our community a better place.

1. HRM instructors must teach well, be organized on their lectures and give
activities that will enhance their student’s skills, confidence, and
2. The school can give activities, tours, workshops that will enhance the skills of
the students concerning the hostel industry and improve their confidence as
well as their fluency in English.
3. The HRM students must participate in every activity that the school or their
instructors gave for them to gain knowledge and experiences as well as the
skills in the field of hospitality.
4. The school must provide a facilities for the HRM students with complete
equipment and tools so that they will be able to enhance their skill through
practical activities.
5. The student’s on the job trainings experience must be great and let them
experience different things that an employee of hotel industry do in the field of

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Cornell, D. A. (2017), Guest Satisfaction Towards the Services of Staffs of
Fernandina 88 Suites Hotel, UNP Research Journal, Vol. 23,
Lewis Grand Hotel Angeles City (2014), Clark Angeles City Hotel- Rethinking
Guest Satisfaction, Angeles City News and Hotel Promotions, Page 1,
Elbo R. (2013), Customer Satisfaction: An Elderly Customer is Always Right,
Manila Times, Page 1,
Balagosa J., (2014), Hotel Systems Can Affect Customer Satisfaction, A
Software Engineering Company, Page 1.
MEC Networks Corporation, (2017) Richmonde Hotels Improve Productivity
and Customer Satisfaction with Network Upgrade, Page 10.
Jana, A., Chandra, B. (2016). Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction in the
MidMarket Hotels: An Empirical Analysis. Indian Journal of Science and Technology,
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Universities in Kenya.
Shafiq, Y., Shafique, I., Din, M., Cheema, K. (2013). Impact of Service Quality
on Customer Satisfaction: A Study of Hotel Industry of Faisalabad, Pakistan. Journal
of Leadership & Organizational Studies. 2.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent
Phd. Turgay Bucak Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University, School of Tourism and
Hotel Management, Terzioglu Campus ÇANAKKALE / TURKEY (2014), The Effect
of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: A Research on Hotel Businesses, Vol. 2
No. 1
Archakova, A. (2013), Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Case study:
Company X,
Desamito, C.N., Jorge JR, J., Perez, M.R., Flordeliz, E. (2013). Level of
Expectation and Satisfaction of Starbucks Customers in Balanga, Page 19.
Arafat, H. (2014). Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 146, Pages
Chan, E. S.W., Lam, D. (2013). International Journal of Hospitality
Management: Safety and Security are Important Factors in Guests' Selection of a Hotel.
Volume 32, Pages 202-216.
Legrand, W., Sloan, P., Chen, J. (2013). Sustainability in the Hospitality
Industry 2nd Ed. London: Routledge.
Perez, A., Manzano, A. (2016-2017), Food Safety and Sanitary Practices of
Selected Hotels in Batangas Province, Philippines: Basis of Proposed Enhancement
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Bernazzani, S. Originally (2018), Customer Satisfaction.
Poku, K., Zakari, M., Soali, A. (2013), Impact of Service Quality on Customer
Loyalty in the Hotel Industry, Vol. 2 Issue. 2, Page 601.
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Mbuthia, S., Muthoni, C., Muchina, S. (2013), Hotel Service Quality:

Perceptions and Satisfaction Among Domestic guests in Kenya. Vol. 2, No.8 Page 23.
Abd-EL-Salam, E. Shawky, A.Y., El-Nahas T. (2013). The impact of corporate
image and reputation on service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty:
testing the mediating role. Case analysis in an international service company. Vol.3 No.
2, Page 180.
Elnaga, A., Imran, A. (2013), The Effect of Training on Employee Performance.
Vol.5, No.4, Page 137.

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

“The Amount of Basic Informations that the HRM Students at South-East Asia-
ITT Know About Guest Accommodation; Basis for the Future Guest’s
Please fill in the blank for your answers.
Name (optional): ________________________________________________
Age: _________ Gender: _________

I. Please encircle the appropriate number that describe how important the
following given informations about guests accommodation to ensure guest’s
satisfaction base on your knowledge as a HRM student.
5- Less Important 4- Somewhat Important 3- Neutral
2- Important 1= Very Important
1. Characteristics of a good employee.
1.1 Well groomed 1 2 3 4 5
1.2 Pleasing personality 1 2 3 4 5
1.3 Professionalism 1 2 3 4 5
1.4 Committed 1 2 3 4 5
1.5 Good Communication Skills 1 2 3 4 5
2. Things to consider to ensure the guests’ satisfaction.
2.1 Courtesy to the guests 1 2 3 4 5
2.2 Cleanliness of the facilities 1 2 3 4 5
2.3 Safety and security of the guests 1 2 3 4 5
2.4 High quality services 1 2 3 4 5
2.5 Ambiance of the facilities 1 2 3 4 5

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

3. Benefits of having a good relationship with the guests.

3.1 Satisfaction of the guests 1 2 3 4 5
3.2 Word of mouth 1 2 3 4 5
3.3 Loyalty of the guests 1 2 3 4 5
3.4 Increase of demand 1 2 3 4 5
3.5 Hotel's good reputation 1 2 3 4 5
4. Good relationship with the guests of the following:
4.1 Receptionist; 1 2 3 4 5
4.2 Housekeeper; 1 2 3 4 5
4.3 Security Guard; 1 2 3 4 5
4.4 Custodian; and 1 2 3 4 5
4.5 Porter 1 2 3 4 5
5. Guest satisfaction about:
5.1 Their needs; 1 2 3 4 5
5.2 Expectation; 1 2 3 4 5
5.3 Cleanliness of the facilities; 1 2 3 4 5
5.4 Ambience of the facilities; and 1 2 3 4 5
5.5 High quality services. 1 2 3 4 5

Thank you so much for your cooperation!

Noted by:
Jun S. Foronda

Respondent’s Signature

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

October 10, 2018

Dr. Danilo Villena
Academic Head

We are the Grade 12 students of Hotel and Restaurant Management at South
East Asia-Institute of Trade and Technology this school year, 2018-2019. We are
currently making our research paper for our subject, “Practical Research II” entitled,
“The Amount of Basic Informations of HRM Students at South-East Asia-ITT About
Guest Accommodation; Basis for the Future Guest’s Satisfaction”. Therefore, we
would like to ask for permission to let us conduct our survey to the HRM students of
South East Asia-ITT.
Thank you so much in your cooperation for this request.

Truly yours,


Abigail Labaday

Group Leader

Anne Bantilan

Bennedict Castro

Edmar Tamayo
Noted by:
Jun S. Foronda
South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

October 10, 2018

Grade 12 of SEA-ITT
HRM Student
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City

In partial fulfillment of our requirements for our subject, “Practical Research
II’, we, Grade 12 students of Hotel and Restaurant Management at South East Asia-
Institute of Trade and Technology would like to ask for your permission to let us
conduct a survey for our research paper entitled, “The Amount of Basic Informations
of HRM Students at South-East Asia-ITT About Guest Accommodation; Basis for the
Future Guest’s Satisfaction”.

Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain confidential data and to be
use for academic purpose only. Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly
appreciated. Thank you very much!
Truly yours,

Abigail Labaday
Group Leader

Anne Bantilan

Bennedict Castro

Edmar Tamayo
Noted by:
Jun S. Foronda

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent


South East Asia

Institute of Trade
and Technology

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent


South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent


South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

2919 King Solomon St. Area C, Camarin Caloocan City |


AGE: 18 years Old

BIRTHDATE: March 14, 2000




South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

222 Melchora Aquino Street Pag-asa Brgy. 178 Area D
Camarin, Caloocan City


AGE: 20 years old

BIRTHDATE: February 25, 1998
RELIGION: Born Again




South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent


2787 Bueno st. Area C, Camarin Caloocan


AGE: 17 years old

BIRTHDATE: February 11, 2001
RELIGION: Catholic




South East Asia- Institute of Trade and Technology
Crownlink 1, Regalado Avenue, Greater Lagro, Quezon City
Hotel and Restaurant Manageent

Baustista st. Maligaya park subd. Caloocan City


AGE: 18 years old

BIRTHDATE: November 23, 1999
RELIGION: Catholic





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