EVANGELISTA Arts1 Journal Module#2 Sub-Module#2

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Christian Dave C.

Evangelista March 25, 2022

Arts 1-WFW

Module 2 Sub-Module 2: The Language of Art

My most important takeaway from

this week’s lesson, The Language of Art, is
the importance of elements of various
art forms, particularly Cinema. Among
the different art forms tackled during this
week, I appreciate the lesson about
cinema the most! I grew up watching a
lot of movies, especially superhero
blockbuster films from different studios
and companies. This lesson gave me a
broader perspective on how motion
pictures are made as well as the
important elements that should be
considered during production. These
include (but are not limited to) time,
space, framing, cutting, shooting angles,
and camera movement.
My learning will undoubtedly
impact how I view movies individually
and collectively. It allowed me to be more
appreciative of cinema as an art form
and be more aware of how big studios or
even indie filmmakers do what they do.
As a student who learned these things, I
will be more critical and meticulous in
the future when writing a film
analysis for academic purposes or when
posing movie reviews on the internet.
There are little to no difficulties at
all with this week’s lesson. I did not
encounter any problem with the
materials except for the file on Cinema.
The slides were somewhat hard to read at
times since there are white texts imposed
on a white background, but the content
itself is very insightful and helpful.
Having learned the different elements,
I will surely use these if we were to
have a short film project in the future. I
will also use the learnings in critiquing
and appreciating the films of this
generation. I will continue to learn as I
analyze the framing, camera work, and
special effects used in today’s movies.

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