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Christian Dave C.

Evangelista April 1, 2022

Arts 1-WFW

Module 3 Sub-Module 2: Support Systems of the Arts

The most important thing I learned

this week is that the different forms of
art are disseminated through different
support systems. Art is distributed to the
public through different groups and
organizations: institutions and bodies that
aim to provide art to their diverse
audiences. I learned the importance of
support systems such as the academe,
cultural organizations, community
organizations, and religious entities to
name a few. They are the ones that are
trusted by the public, thus making it
easier to distribute the wonders of art. I
find it also compelling that even the
most unexpected groups can serve as a
support system for the arts.
This learning will have an effect
on me especially when it comes to seeing
the different organizations existing in
our society. As a student, it will be
beneficial for me to interact with these
organizations in promoting different
forms of arts. This lesson also opened my
eyes to look at the potential of groups in
playing an active role in society and in
disseminating the culture of Filipinos
through art.
For this week, I did not encounter
any problems when it comes to learning
the module. I find it easier to study since
the reading is the same as last week’s.
Also, learning has been more fun this
time around, especially with my
groupmates as we research and report
the support system assigned to us.
I will apply the lessons I learned
in my life as I partake in various
dealings in society. The module made me
realize that I can do a lot, especially in
promoting and disseminating arts to
other people. It also allowed me to be
more appreciative of our art culture as
Filipinos and our unitedness in
preserving such culture. With these
learnings, I will surely support and
eventually join an institution that
serves as a support system for the arts.

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