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Christian Dave C.

Evangelista March 11, 2022

Arts 1-WFW

Module 1 Sub-Module 2: The Art Experience

The most important thing I've

learned this week is that art is both an
experience of the artist and the perceiver.
It is a product made out of one’s
experience, which we can also experience
hereafter. An artist usually makes art
to communicate his experience, which he
intends to share with other people. Also,
the process of creating art is a satisfying
experience for the artist since he can
express himself and the experience he
had through art. On the other hand,
perceivers experience art through their
perception or how they look at art.
Through this, they may relate their own
experience with the artwork they are
seeing. Thus, art is a rewarding
experience for both the artist and
perceiver since it connects us with one
another–another thing why we should
appreciate art.
The learning I had with this module
can impact me in different ways. First,
it made me realize that art is a two-
way communication. Artists create and
perceivers respond; it is how our shared
experiences connect us as humans.
Second, it made me recount long-forgotten
but significant events in my life, which I
may share and express through art. In
fact, it came to me that almost any
experience can be transmitted through
art. Last, it made me appreciate art
more since it reflects the experience of
others to which we can relate our own.
It is an indication that at some point in
our lives, we experience the same thing;
we are humans, and we have
something in common.
I have a little bit of a setback for this
week’s module, given that we have a lot
of things to accomplish even in our other
subjects/courses. Despite that, I was still
able to study adequately and submit my
work before the deadline. Also, the
material is somewhat hard to grasp
since there are a lot of varying references
regarding art experience. Nonetheless, I
am still grateful that I have learned
something meaningful this week.
I will, of course, apply the lessons
learned to my daily life. I will try to
share my experiences more through art,
which I think is a fun way to do for a
change. Also, whenever I see a work of
art, I will do my best to recognize an
experience out of it so as to give meaning.
I will also be more open to others by
sharing my experiences and
encouraging them to do the same
whenever they feel comfortable sharing.

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