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The simple past & The past continuous

- Following that, I will talk about the past simple and past
- The first is the definition of these two tenses.
(The simple past)
The Past Simple Tense is used to refer to actions that were
completed in a time period before the present time.
(The past continuous)
The past continuous used when you want to emphasize the
happening or process of things or events or the time that things or
events take place...
- And now, in order to better understand, let's look at how these
two tenses are used.
(The simple past)
We use this tense to express the idea that an action began and
ended at a specific point in time in the past.
Ex: + I went to the beach last week
+ I bought a new car yesterday
Describes a series of actions that happened in the past
Ex: : I finished work, walked to the beach, and found a nice place
to swim
We can also use to Describes habits in the past.
Ex: When I was young, I watched lots of television every day after
Describe an action repeat in past
Ex: They always enjoyed going to the zoo, They always enjoyed
going to the zoo
We use the past simple to talk about things that are not real in
the present or future. So we use it with the second conditional
and after words like 'wish'.
Ex: If you were me, you would do it
Ex: I wish I were in London now, I wish I had a lot of money to buy
a house
Used to describe a historical event.
Ex: The Chinese invented printing
(The past continuous)
-Next is the usage of the past continuous let's look at the
differences between this tense and the simple past.
First , we use To talk about something that was going on around a
particular time in the past
Ex : When my sister got there, it was 8 p.m
The second is to demonstrate two actions that occurred at the
same time in the past.
Ex : While I was driving home, Peter was trying desperately to
contact me.
Next, we can use this tenses to Describe an action which was
already inprogress,when something else happened
Ex : I was walking in the street when I suddenly fell over.
it is used in Actions that are repeated in the past and annoy
Ex: My mom was always complaining about my room when she
got there
- What are signal words for the Simple Past?
- For the Simple Past these are expressions of time in the past.
 yesterday, a week (month, year) ago, last (month, year,
weekend, Monday) night, the day before yesterday, two
days (months, years) ago
- And We have the following recognition signs for the past
 At + time in the past ( at 12 o clock last night)
 At this time + time in the past ( at this time last year)
 In + year ( in 2005 , in 2003 ), in the past , when, while, at
that time
- The following section describes the form of these two tenses.
- The past simple must also differentiate between when to use
tobe and when to use the same verb as the present simple.
- With tobe
Affimative : (+):S+ was/were+O
Negative: (-) S+wasn't/weren't + O
Question: Was(not)/ were(not) + S + O ?
- With verbs :
(+):S + V-ed + O
(-):S + didn’t + V + O
(?):Did(not) + S + V + O ?
-The past continuous, unlike the simple past tense, has a structure
similar to the present continuous.
(+)S + was/ were + V-ing + O
(-)S + wasn't/ weren't + V-ing +O
(?):Was/Were +(not)+S +V-ing+O?
The past perfect & the past perfect continuous.
- Next, I will talk about the past perfect and past perfect
- The first is the definition of these two tenses.
(The past perfect)
The past perfect tense is used to describe an action that
happened before another action and both of these actions
happened in the past. If the action happened first, use the past
perfect. The action that happened after, use the past simple.
(The past perfect continuous)
The past perfect continuous tense is a tense in modern English.
Used to describe an action that started before another action in
the past.
- Now, let's look at how these two tenses are used.
(The past perfect)
We use this tense to Describe an action that happened and
completed before another action in the past.
Ex: When I came, he had gone to bed.
Describe an action that happened at a certain time in the past,
before another time point.
Ex: I had gone to school before 7 a.m yesterday.
The next is Describe an action that happened as a precondition for
another action in the past.
Ex: I had worked hard and was ready to pass the exam.
Use in conditional sentences type 3 to express unreal things in the
Ex: If she had told me the truth yesterday, I would have helped
- And finally, we Use in wish sentences to express wishes in the
Ex: I wish I had gone with you yesterday.
(The past perfect continuous)
- Next, we will come to the usage of the past perfect continuous
and compare the difference between this tense and the past
First, we use to Describe an action that happened continuously
before another action in the past.
Ex: He had been trying for 3 hours before he finished his work.
Second, Describe an action that happened continuously before a
definite time in the past.
Ex: My father had been driving for 5 hours before 10 pm last
Third, Emphasize actions that left results in the past.
Ex: This morning he was very tired because he had been working
very hard all night.
- Next, I will show you how to recognize the past perfect tense
through words like: When, before, after, by the time
- And the identification sign of the past perfect continuous are:
Until then, by the time, prior to that time, before, after.
-The following section describes the form of these two tenses.
(The past perfect)
- The sentence structure of the past perfect tense is:
(+): S + had + Vpll + O
(- ): S + had + not + Vpll + O
(?): Had + S + Vpll + O ?
(The past perfect continuous)
The sentence structure of the past perfect continuous tense is:
(+): S+ had + been + V-ing
(-): S + had + not + been + V-ing
(?): Had + S + been + V-ing ?

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