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[ 1) Deas of Registers Records | Extract of Inspection Register lervarde to Transfers Branch ©) Copies of te insurance paces enclosed forwarded tote Transfers Brae ©) Copy oft relevant entries fom the |NA. Held with ead Bank PNB. Tite Deeds / Rectal Registern respec of squtabie Morgages | ©) Lters coding paripassu fet charge |Avalle, |" Seen errand Franca! iettone thc banks _ 38, BRIGE HisTORY oF 7 CChincnoi Sugar and Bio industes Liited (CSBIL) had planned a Sugar mil in Chinchot {aluk of Gulbarga Distict in Kamataka. The orginal project has capacity of 2500 TPD ot ane crusting . 45 Kilo Liter per day of Ethanol and 28 MW of Gogen plant wih los! Project outay of Rs 315.38. The Project was proposed to be funded By DE rato of 2th ith funding of TL of210.00 cr by a consortium ied by PBN, We have taken a hha of 2ocrores, Te move the projet economies, the Contany has modified he scope othe pee n 2012 by (hain te cane cushing om 3600 TOD to 5000 TED, diiery cape a a6 KOs KLPO and co,gen power capaciy fm 26 Mw 30 MW. The Conary hse ace pogecen te, ring eaupment or ENA panto substne the Molasses so hat here il be sree nscaan ‘The promeie agreed to fund the entre addtonal cost (Ra YS crores) for ie wipe sen capatty tough eau. tiginay cu Bark as sanctioned a Term Loan of Rs 20 cores vide HOCC mcg dated {201.2010 Sinoe thee wes delay commencement. the account wat restates Senco te 's mesting dated 6.082012 (Agenda tam H 28) The repayments are rlgned by deere ‘epayment by 12 month). Accordingly the DCGO was ago shied fam Seplember Out Septemoor 2012 {shore was rot much improvement nth physi! aswell a franc ofthe proc lon wth ‘severe shortage of fund, the sccount was refered to COR and aamiiad on SoCs see Company as requested te lenders to resietie the debt under CDR mothanien rdesniies ‘tension of DCCO upto 30.09.2078. COR has approved a toveed pacage wah ea etree 0.012018. Our HOCE vide Agenda iter NOSE 338 ch 21.12 2013 nos appowed he ane Although the COR docunentaion tas taken page, the promoters i not comply wth the onaions ofthe COR, the primary being infin of eauiyrwesientto\an excat oF Ro Ne Ore, The promoters are defering he compliance fo GOR Tenme by cling one of ety eas even ater passage of 240 days (gal! the COR stpuation of 120 dye) Since there was no scherece tothe COR Terms, he cher Banks ofthe Contacts have Slasid the accounts Substandard In cur Bank ie intamets of he Tem loan ve teow 18 “ ‘tom tho FITL hence i not geting Wentied as NPA. Inthe mean tine the account got Wansfowed fmt MC, Bangalore to MCB, Hydorabed.lnough twas no marked 88 NPA, But {going by the lad doun nom of COR, the azcount actually NPA and the dat of HPA being 50.08.2013 octal ropaymont envisaged rom June 2013) Inthe consort mesting dated 13.08.2016 al the consort member Banks nave collectively aided to declare the COR as fled and adveed the Sonowsr about aon ol recov Droess. The torowor infomod Bat arangements are being taken up for brnging In promoters Eontouon wars th ecructure package Since ne bankers are having aporenansion abo. the ‘Samo, deta lan hs boon scught fom the terower, lator also Mae bean even or the ‘Company requesting thatthe Company fs binging a srstogle partner before" Ocider 20%, Sand he bankers ate of the onion hat tha same e not materaised, necousay slop fo tcoven ‘witb inate Inthe consetum meeting had on 6-11-14, has boon decided to nat Sartoeslproosedings {dhe lead bank hs prepared the notice under eecton 43 (2) of the SARPAESI Act wil So |Sbuedsimutareousy oy maiual bank oth borrower wih 2 week “The company hs informed that Dr. Cho Kumar, an vate fn Mysin has shown intrest Investing tds in the project. The nvestr has also met the OGM of PN and dctssed the of, ewever no acon plan has been materialized sof. In te JLM neld on 2808-16, the company submited an OTS offer of R3.175 coms fo the Consortium. Ou hate in the ole Rs 1667 crore, Lenders have advised the company to ‘arango for deposting 15% ofthe OTS amount inthe No Lien account for examining thectler The investor is yet to make any payment Lenders at JLF mecting_held on 17.01.2017 discussed tats the auton conducted eae a March 2018 fr R11 35 Core fated , another auction wih ower Reserve pce at S800 ere ‘may be iiated and on receipt of approval of env pie aati om respective bars tho ood Bank, PNB shal undertake the process of auton ing of reserve price a ReB.0 eres spprove by ou competent auth '36. | Spaclyadvorso features observed In running ofthe unit /eonduet of accounts] Proper maigaged by guaraniors = dapited. Sul 8 centning {7 The reasons for account turning NPA: Projet Fare 38, stato bro (in bullst points) tho efforts for recovery to upgrade the asset, ‘neludingreetsucturingFehabilation + SARFEASI Acton nitatod by the Lead Bank. E-suctoned conducted on 24.03.2017. But fate for Resolution ofthe a with justitaton 38. Action suggested with time tn Ni 1°

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