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Role-Play: Trial at the European Court of Human Rights

Police-man: All rise!

(everyone stands- except the judge)

Department One of the European Court of Human Rights is no in session.

Judge Arthur Shelby presiding. Please be seated.

Judge: Good morning. Calling the case of UN versus Kim Jong-Un. Are both sides prepared?

Accusation Lawyer: The accusation is ready, Your Honor.

Defense Lawyer: Ready for defense, Your Honor.

Judge: May the opening statements begin.

Defense Lawyer: Good Morning, I´m --- and I am here to represent Kim Jong-Un in this trial.
On --- 2014, my client was falsely accused of torture, execution, arbitrary imprisonment,
deliberate starvation and prohibition of free thought and belief.

Accusation Lawyer: (stands) My name is --- and it is my pleasure to represent the United
Nations and serve on this very important case. At the end of the case, and after you heard all
the evidence, we are confident that you will return a verdict of guilt.

Judge: The prosecution may call its first witness.

Judge: Please stand. Raise your right hand. Do you promise that the testimony you shall give in
the case before this court shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so
help you God?

Witness 1: I do.

Judge: Please state your first and last name.

Witness 1: ---

Judge: Does the defense have any questions?/ objections?

(not at this time/ yes, your honor/ I have no further questions)

Judge: The witness is excused. The prosecution may call the next witness.

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