CLC 12 Transition Plan Part One MC

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Name: Hailey Eliason Block: ___B____

Career Life Connections 12

Transition Planning Part One: Career Choice

Post – Secondary Life PLAN A:
MY PLAN A ____Teacher______
My Plan A: I enjoy being around people, as I am quite a sociable person in nature. I love my
current job working as a hostess, since I am constantly within a team and have the
Consider: ability to meet new people through each reservation. I don’t seek interest in a
❏ What do you enjoy? career that is isolating (i.e. an office job) and would rather thrive in an
❏ What sort of lifestyle do you environment surrounded with people, allowing new scenarios to be created each
want? day. I am a person who doesn’t value change, so having a position in a career
where, after substituting, I would be able to become comfortable in a classroom
❏ What are you good at?
and repeat the same planning structure each year would be enjoyable. I am good
at being a leader, as I like to support others as often as I can, and I am a patient
person when it comes to people who matter to me. I also am successful at staying
organized, as I like to plan out things to be accomplished for the day.

Career Info that I have discovered… Upsides or “pros” of becoming a teacher include:
Consider: - Benefits- dental, health, pension, life insurance, member discounts
- Summer vacations- unless you decide to teach Summer school
❏ Upsides/downsides of job - Teaching the subject area that you are passionate about
❏ Job duties/ responsibilities - Bonding with your students
❏ Salary range - Being someone students can rely on
❏ Future outlook
Downsides or “cons” of becoming a teacher include:
❏ Lifestyle factors
❏ Advancement opportunities - The salary isn’t great nor horrible at around $67,000 annually in B.C
- Dealing with difficult students
- Teachers are underappreciated with their pay and the way they are
treated in schools and the career community
- Having to put some of your own personal funding into a classroom or
Job duties/responsibilities of a teacher include:
- Creating different resource mediums for students to use
- Coming up with a teaching plan for the semester
- Delivering lessons and planning activities
- Grading summative assignments and tests
- Attending professional development or “Pro-D” days
The outlook of a teacher, specifically a secondary school instructor, in B.C is fair or
moderate, as there are constantly new opening positions with teachers retiring
and B.C’s lack of teachers currently, there is pressure for an upward on wages,
and there are a small number of unemployed workers with recent experience in
this occupation, according to the Government of Canada’s Job Bank.

Some lifestyle factors of being a teacher include:

- Staying physically healthy in order to “bounce” around the classroom
while teaching or to complete activities with students that involve getting
up from your seat
- Staying mentally healthy as a positive mindset is needed to deal with
challenging students or encourage a classroom
- Dedication to truly loving your major(s) as it is what you’ll be teaching for
the rest of your life
Advancement opportunities for a teacher from a starting position can include:
- Specialization
- Departmental leadership
- School administration
- Counselling
- Higher education
Although some of these advancements may require further education, such as
needing a Master of Education to become a principal, they are still positions that
need to be pursued through experience which an opening position grants you.

Three employability skills I possess 1. Sociability: the ability to be sociable not only with your students but among
that will support my plan: other teachers as well is needed in order to become a teacher. Being social
radiates confidence and makes students feel comfortable in a classroom. It
demonstrates a role of leadership which is critical, allowing you to build
Consider: relationships with students and engage in activities with them. With other
teachers, it allows you to get to know staff and create friendships or reliability
❏ Soft and hard Skills required with your co-workers, because even though it is just you teaching a classroom,
for position every teacher is a part of a team when it comes to student success.
❏ Personal attributes
2. Patient and Understanding: in a classroom full of students who are all different
in personality and in their learning processes, it is crucial to have patience and
understanding to accommodate each individual. For students who are struggling,
it is important to be understanding by validating their concerns/feelings and be
patient in overcoming challenges that can be faced with these students. School is
not a favorite place for everyone, so a teacher must be able to emphasize with
their students in order to understand why they may be feeling a certain way to try
and create a sufficient learning environment.
3.Creativity: teaching a subject for over an hour can easily lead to inattentive
children, so it is important that teachers can get creative in their teaching styles to
keep focus and understanding. Although every teacher is different, all teachers try
to find ways to engage their students in lessons to keep them interested or at
least attentive. If there is not a hint of creativity in a teacher, then that would
mean every lesson talking and writing on a whiteboard which would become
boring for the students, but also the teacher. When assigned to stand up and get
in groups or explore an “exhibit,” students are being mentally and/or physically
active, helping to encourage thinking and perhaps even making it fun for them.

Education needed to pursue my University is required to become a teacher. In B.C, only certain universities are
plan: qualified for the teaching program, so it is necessary to research if your university
involves this program.
Certificate, Diploma, Degree:
- You will need either a Bachelor of Arts or Science to qualify for the
❏ Courses/training/ teaching program.
certificates needed - For secondary school teachers, your B.A of B.S must be an approved,
❏ Post-secondary teachable subject- i.e., History, English, Biology, Physics, etc.
After your degree:
- After you obtain your degree, you may go on to get your teaching
certificate which is a year (or less) long program that makes you eligible
for teaching.

Post-Secondary Life PLAN B:

MY BACKUP PLAN _______Journalist__________

My Plan B: Following my sociable nature, I love being involved in a group or team where I
am able to say what’s on my mind and listen to others. I like to research new
Consider: topics and become passionate about one, telling others any new information I
❏ What do you enjoy? discovered. I want a lifestyle where I am excited to go to work every day and
❏ What sort of lifestyle do you do something new, while ensuring that I am secure in my position at the same
want? time. In whatever career I pursue, I want to mix in my passion for English and
creative writing, which I also have a skill in, so I am doing something I love and
❏ What are you good at?
enjoy. I do not want to be in a career where I am independent on every idea
and plan I come up with, as I value other’s ideas and opinions about following

Career Info that I have discovered… Upsides or “pros” of becoming a journalist include:
- Being kept on your feet following the latest news and topics creating a
never dull moment job
Consider: - Traveling to new places to obtain information happening in that area
❏ Upsides/downsides of job - Meeting influential people for interviews
❏ Job duties/responsibilities Downsides or “cons” of becoming a journalist include:
❏ Salary range
- Being put in dangerous situations/areas to obtain information
❏ Future outlook
- A competitive field with many other journalists fighting for a good
❏ Lifestyle factors
employment spot
❏ Advancement opportunities
- Having to keep up with every latest topic and create something with it,
making the job demanding
Average Salary in Canada for a journalist:
- $60,000
The future outlook for becoming a journalist in B.C is good according to the
Government of B.C’s Job Bank, as there is constant employment growth
leading to many positions to be filled and the number of people in this field
who are unemployed is very low.
Lifestyle factors:
- Being comfortable away from home for different periods of time
depending on the topic you are researching
- Working under pressure with the constant deadlines
- Getting called in when they are needed including on weekends or
- Accepting yourself as being viewed as a “pushy person” when needing
to get information
Advancement opportunities are highly probable when being a journalist, as the
more experience you have may lead you to future careers that pay more, such
as editors, producers, or even employment in larger writing firms such as
Global News or The Province.

Three employability skills I possess 1. Persistence: when being a journalist that goes out and interviews people to
that will support my plan: get answers or information on a situation, you must be willing to not give up
on obtaining the insight you need no matter the variables. Even if you sense
that people are getting frustrated, the conditions are bad, etc., you have to
Consider: preserve which can be challenging in general for any person. If a journalist was
not able to be persistent, then they would miss out on many opportunities for
❏ Soft and hard skills required for valuable information and insight.
❏ Personal attributes 2. Strong work ethic: with the many deadlines journalists face
weekly/monthly, it is important for them to have a strong work ethic to get
tasks completed. However, it is not just as simple as making sure assignments
are handed in on time, it also involves good-quality work that the journalist
was passionate about to make it the best of their production. They must
ensure that they keep their employers happy with the time and quality of their
work, but also the readers/viewers with their finished product making it
interesting to the eye.
3. Communication: efficient communication both written and verbally is
crucial to being successful as a journalist. When conducting interviews with
another person, the questions asked must be clear, precise, and straight to the
point to receive thoughtful answers. When writing a piece, it must also follow
the same structure to ensure readers don’t become confused while reading, as
that will dismiss their interest completely as will a piece that is prolonged
simply for word count.

Education needed to pursue my plan: To become a journalist, college or university education is accepted, depending
on the type of work you are looking for:
Certificate, Diploma, Degree:
- Any individual can become a journalist that specializes in pieces of
❏ Courses/training/certificates their designated major (i.e., a biology major creating an article on
needed antibiotics)
❏ Post-secondary requirements - Although generally a person looking to become a journalist will pursue
a Bachelor of Arts or diploma in journalism, communications, English
or creative writing.
- Some journalism jobs however may require a bachelor’s degree.

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