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Let me begin by saying “thank you” to all of you who spend their precious time

and effort to attend this event and being able to endure the hot weather (or if lamig
ang weather, despite the weather providing us comfort that suits the bed and
blanket.) Your presence is very much appreciated.

I am Leo Oliver Lego, a 3rd year College of Education student taking up a

Bachelor of Secondary Education major in English from our school, Ramon Magsaysay
Memorial College - Marbel Inc! I am standing here today not as a presidential candidate
for the Supreme Student Council but as a student, your fellow student who is concerned
for the development of our school for us students as I am always prepared and
committed to serve the student body for a lenient, developing, and environment-friendly
learning environment.

3 years of staying in this academic institution and I realized I should play my part
in building a better RMMC-MI that the students can benefit from because all of the
efforts we do and will do are for the student body. As a person who will lead you in the
next academic year, it is necessary for me to hear your sentiments and concerns. I, we,
the students you will elect will work together to coordinate with the administration and
organizations to give you opportunities in enhancing social awareness and promote
social consciousness and undertake projects and activities best for everyone.

I want to emphasize the platforms we have in the SANDIGAN PARTYLIST.

Firstly, the Water Refilling Station. We will install Water Vending Machine inside
the campus to first, help the students save money by not having to purchase bottled
water that is costly, second, to lessen and limit the amount of garbage and waste of the
bottled water inside the campus, and third, to hydrate ourselves especially with the
heatwave that can harm our overall health.

The next platform we have is Reducing Plastic Bottles. We encourage everyone

to bring tumblers to mitigate the use of plastic bottles because cleanliness is very
significant to a learning environment. The world is already struggling with the waste and
garbage caused by humans, so let us not intensify this problem, even just to our

Our third platform is Information Dissemination. This platform is concerned in

making a clearer objective and faster dissemination of information for updates regarding
activities, events, assembly, etc to also encourage students participation for a unified
Next is CLAY GO Rules in which we want to revitalize the practice of the “Clean
as you go” as a reflection of one’s self and our institution. There will be sanctions and
penalties imposed on anyone violating the rule to take this matter seriously.

Next is the Community Extension wherein we will conduct community extension

programs for every event that needs to reach out to people.

Additionally, the Conference. We will hold monthly meetings together with the
department presidents for reports and updates about upcoming plans and activities to
create an active and participative institution. This is also to keep things organized and

Lastly, the Parabolic Tent. We will invest and own a parabolic tent to shed and
cover almost a wide area intended for school programs and activities that are conducted
in the campus field which will avoid the students from sun exposure which can cause
various emergencies. It can also be borrowed by every department.

The things we are doing and will do are always for the student body. With all the
opportunities given to us, we want to make it into something purposeful and beneficial to
all of you because our goal is to serve you.

Like Bobby Jindal, I am not running for president to be somebody, I am running

for president to do something!

I want to be your president for the betterment of all, to build a better RMMC-MI!

And if you will join me, us, in the journey of the SANDIGAN PARTYLIST, we will
march and work with you and for all of you. Let us finish the task that needs to be done
and welcome development in our campus.

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