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13 ALLAMA MUHAMMAD IQBAL AND IDEOLOGY OF PAKISTAN label was one of the Muslim leaders who_for the first time gave the ot of a separate. p the: Muslims ke: i y But he never used the word of Pakistan in bi speeches, His demand for separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent is considered as the demane for Pakistan and all his sayings and addresses are considered as the ideology of Pakistan. 1. Ideology of Islam ° In 1930, Allama Iqbal explained the Ideology of Islam and rejected the idea of one nation. He advocated that the Muslims had a separate nationhood. He said, “The lesson which | learnt from history is that Islam always he!9ed the Mulsims at the time of but Muslims did not save Islam. Even (> day. Ideology of ing from destruction by. uniting your ur divided powers. Scanned with Car ality of Islamic Ideology In 1937, Allama Iqbal clearly said: apitalism, communism_and ‘other isms of this world. have no importance, islam is the only reality {which ‘of salvation. To have a contract with any other ism is just like ro be out 2K source’ Islam. 3. Islam is a lively power ‘Allama Iqbal said in his (Allahabad address:|“Islam is a lively power which frees human mind from thought of country and race. If we understand this thing. swe can be the leaders of prominent Indian civilization.” 4. Islam is a complete code of life {Allama Iqbal deélared in his presidential address: “Islam encompasses not only the life of an individual but also the political state for the Muslims as it is complete code of life. The idea of Islam transcends one beyond the limits of race. SaIoUFOr COUNITYHE said that Islam guides the people with respect to every aspect of life and Iam fully convinced that the Muslims of India will ultimately have to establish a separate state as they cannot live with Hindus in the United India. 5. Muslims are one Nation A Allama Iqbal explained in his presidential address in 1930, “Islam is not the name of some beliefS and customs but it is a complete code of life) In Europe, religion is every one's personal matter which divides the human oneness into two opposite parts i.e. body and soul. In contrast that in Islam, God, Universe, soul, matter, state and religious places are bound to each other or in other words Muslims are one nation’. 6. Concept of Two Nation Theory Allama Iqbal said in his address of Allahabad on 29" December 1930.that the HindiS-amt The Muslims_are_iwo separate nations. They have no_common values. The Mi we kept their separate status in India for the. last_o thousand years. There is a prominent difference bet he ideologies of two nations. Hindus want to have political and economic freedom while Muslims are fighting for their religious freedom. So the only solution of the differences and ‘of both the nations is the creation of new Islamic State by joining of the north -western Muslims majority areas, Punjab, N.W.F.P. Sindh and Balochistan.”~ Scanned with Car ee Be 7. Concept of a Separate Muslim State In 1930. Allama Igbai gave the concept of an independent Muslims. He said that the Hindus and the Muslims of the sub-conti live together in one state, lance, sooner o later, the Muslims would succeed: in winning their separate state, He tumed down the idea that only one nation exists in the sub-continent. $8. Demand of a Separate Muslim State c permanent solution to the Hindu Muslim problems, Atlama tqbal said oe, Eee eae amalgamated into a single state, self government within or without the fitish Empire. [Consolidated fOrMGtion of Tort=west Indian Mushms state appears tome final-destiny of ‘Muslims, at feast of north-west India.” 9. Prime duty of all Civilized Nations Allama Iqbal clearly said that India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races. speaking different languages and professing different religions. It was the prime duty of all civilized nations to show utmost regard and reverence for the religions, principles, cultural and social values of other nations.” 10. Unity of the Muslim Nation Allama lgbal considered ‘that all the Muslims living in any part of the world ‘ation, Therefore. he gave the message to the. Muslims living from 1" le to the land of Kashghar to be for the protection of Haram. He further * gave the message to the Na ity. equality fraternity and discrimination on the base of colour, caste and creed in Islam. The message of unity of the Muslim world can be seen in his poetry. " i Sa — veanucu with Car ate for the t could not

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