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A. Price ceiling and Price floor
1. (90.1b) Suppose the Hong Kong Government drastically increases the minimum wage
rate of Filipino maids.
With the aid of a diagram, explain why the total wage earnings of Filipino maids in
Hong Kong might decrease. (8m)

2. (94.3) The following diagram shows the supply and demand curves of a certain

If the government imposes a ‘price-ceiling’ at P1, what will be the market price and
quantity transacted? Explain your answer. (4m)

3. (06.1) Figure 1 shows the market supply and market demand curves of good X.
Suppose the government lowered the price ceiling from PA to PB.
Unit price S



0 Quantity
(a) Explain whether the initial price ceiling PA is effective or not. (2m)

(b) Explain how a fall in the price ceiling to PB would affect consumers’ total
expenditure on good X. Indicate the change in consumers’ total expenditure in Figure
1. (4m)






















4. (Sample paper) Some Hong Kong politicians have demanded for the introduction of a
minimum wage law for low income earners, such as security guards and cleaning
(a) Consider an industry in which the market wage rate is at its equilibrium. With the
aid of a diagram, explain how the introduction of an effective minimum wage
would effect.
(i) the number of workers employed in that in that industry. (4m)
(ii) the total wage earnings of the workers in that industry. (7m)
(b) ‘A minimum wage should be introduced to protect the interests of low-income
workers.’ Evaluate this proposal. (7m)

5. (2013 DSE # 10c) The Hong Kong government has introduced an effective minimum
wage. Subsequently, many restaurant owners claim that they are unable to employ
enough workers for their restaurants at the minimum wage rate. With the aid of a
demand-supply diagram, explain why the above phenomenon may arise. (9m)

6. (2018 DSE #10) Foreign domestic helpers are paid with a minimum wage at HK
$4 410 per month for a two-year contractual period in Hong Kong.
Figure 2: Foreign Domestic Helpers in Hong Kong
Wage rates

It is reported that the Mainland market is about to open its doors to maids from the
Philippines, offering them a salary several times higher than the minimum wage for
foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong.
(d) Some employers in Hong Kong claimed, “Even if we offer higher wages to foreign
domestic helpers, there will still be insufficient foreign domestic helpers in Hong
Kong after the opening of the Mainland market to maids from the Philippines.”
With the aid of Figure 2, explain why the above claim may be correct. (6m)

(e) Other than insufficient foreign domestic helpers, suggest ONE phenomenon that
may be observed in the market of foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong after the
opening of the Mainland market to maids from the Philippines. (1m)




















B. Quota

7. (97.10b) If a country imposes an effective quota on the quantity of its import, explain
and indicate clearly on a supply-demand diagram how the market price and the
volume of the import would change. (8m)

8. (98.2) Suppose the government increases the quota on the quantity of an import and
the increased quota is still effective. With the aid of a diagram, explain whether the
market price of the import would increase or not. (4m)

9. (01.9b) Suppose the importing economy reduces the effective quota on the quantity
of garments imported. With the aid of a diagram, explain under what condition the
total expenditure of this economy on imported garments would decrease. (9m)

10. (08.11b) In the past, the US imposed a quota restriction on imports of Hong Kong
made garments. However, US import value (in terms of US$) of Hong Kong-made
garments still increased with the quota restriction. Give ONE reason to explain why.

11. (16.09) Thousands of farmers of the European Union held street protests to urge the
government to support the price of their dairy products which were affected by the
following events.
The European Union abolished the effective quota on the production of dairy
Russia imposed an embargo on the import of dairy products from the European
Use ONE supply-demand diagram to illustrate the effect of the above two events on
the price of the dairy products of the European Union. (4m)






















C. Per unit tax

12. (92.2b) Suppose US imposes an import tax on Hong Kong-made garments. With
separate diagrams, explain the effects on the equilibrium price and quantity of

(i) Hong Kong-made garments in the US market, and (5m)

(ii) US-made garments in the US market (5m)

13. (93.4c) Suppose a per unit tax is imposed on the TV sets sold in Hong Kong. This
tax is collected from the sellers. Indicate on a supply-demand diagram the
respective tax burdens of the consumers and sellers. (5m)

14. (94.9b) Owing to a huge trade deficit with Japan, some Americans suggest
imposing high tariffs on cars imported from Japan.
How would these tariffs affect

(i) the equilibrium price and quantity of newly-imported Japanese cars on the
US market? Explain with the aid of a diagram. (5m)

(ii) the equilibrium wage rate and employment of the US car manufacturing
workers? Explain with the aid of a diagram. (6m)

15. (04.9c) A first registration tax is imposed on cars and the tax is collected from car
sellers. Suppose the total tax burden of car sellers is greater than that of the buyers.

(i) State the condition that leads to this sharing of the tax burden. Illustrate the
situation with a diagram.
(ii) Using the same diagram, show car sellers’ total sales revenue net of the tax.(8m)

16. (07.9c) General sales tax has generated a lot of discussion.

Good X is subject to a per-unit sales tax.
(i) With the aid of a diagram, explain under what condition consumers’ total
spending on Good X will decrease as a result of the introduction of the tax. (7m)

(ii) Indicate in the diagram in (ci) the change in sellers’ revenue (net of tax). (2m)

17. (08.9b) The stock market of an economy is overheated. Many people withdraw money
from their bank deposits to buy shares.
(ii) With the aid of a diagram, explain the effect of the imposition of the capital gains
tax on the total market value of shares in the economy. (7m)



















18. (09.11c) The duties on wine (including red wine) were waived in order to establish
Hong Kong as a centre for wine trading and distribution businesses.
With the fact that drinking red wine has become more popular in Hong Kong and the
fact that the duty on red wine has been waived, explain in what situation the price of
red wine would increase. Illustrate your answer with the aid of a supply-demand
diagram. (7m)

19. (14.09a) Many countries have considered imposing ‘soft drink tax’ for health reasons.
Suppose a country decides to impose a per unit tax on the sellers for every bottle of
soft drink sold in the market.
Under what condition will the soft drink buyers in the country bear a greater tax
burden than the sellers? Illustrate your answer with a supply-demand diagram. (5m)

20. (16.10c) The European Union has imposed an anti-dumping tariff on the Chinese
produced solar panels. Under what condition will the producers bear a greater tariff
burden than the buyers? Illustrate your answer with a supply-demand diagram. (7m)

21. (2019.12)
Source A: A graphic showing the major development of the trade war

Refer to Source A. One of the possible reasons behind the US’s imposition of tariffs
is to reduce its trade deficits with China.
(i) Indicate the change in the total market value (net-of-tariff) of Chinese goods
exporting to the US during the trade war in a demand-supply diagram. (3m)
(Hint: The tariff can be assumed to be per-unit for simplicity.)




















22. (2020.10)
Donald Trump, the US president, once said that imposing tariffs would only increase
the revenue of the US government and the US consumers did not have to pay more for
the imported goods.
(b) (i) With the aid of a supply-demand diagram, explain under ONE extreme condition
that the consumers would bear NO tariff burden after the imposition of tariff. (4m)
(For simplicity, the tariff is assumed to be per-unit.)
(ii) Indicate the tariff revenue (i.e. sellers’ burden) in the same diagram. (1m)

23. (22.04) Country B and Country C are two large open economies. Facing a huge
visible trade deficit, Country B imposes a per-unit tariff on goods imported from
Country C. Suppose Country B’s demand for goods imported from Country C is
(a) With the aid of Figure 1, explain how the tariff would affect the total expenditure
of Country B on goods imported from Country C. (6m)






















Per unit subsidy

21. (17.11a) The government of Country X introduces a per-unit subsidy to the education
services of private universities.
a. Under what condition would the students enjoy a larger share of subsidy benefit than
the private universities? Illustrate your answer with the aid of Figure 3. (7m)

22. (21. 10c) To stabilise the supply of surgical masks in Hong Kong, the Government
has launched the ‘Local Mask Production Subsidy Scheme’, which provides subsidy
to local mask producers.

(c) With the aid of a diagram, explain under what condition the total expenditure of
consumers on surgical masks will decrease because of the subsidy. (7m)
(For simplicity, the subsidy is assumed to be a per unit one.)























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