SAP Business Network Asset Collaboration

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Pe en ene ere TS A Global Network for Asset Maintenance (er Taree aee Lae MU cud reo oon Dean Table of Contents 3. Harnessing the Business Network in the Context of Asset Management 8 Examining Market Drivers for Networked ‘Asset Management & ‘A Sampling of Capabilities 18 Adding Up the Benefits, 2st anes seg Spare nr Sig igen pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah « Harnessing the Business Network in the Context of Asset Management Imagine a network solution holding the equipment information and maintenance processes ina common platform for manufacturers, engineers and constructors, service providers. and operators. Think, for ‘example, of the operational effectiveness when each manufacturer can igitally publish the equipment model attributes, instructions, manuals, and failure mades on the network, and assel operators or service pro viders can consume it to execute their maintenance and procurement activities in a collaborative and frictionless environment. Envision built- in equipment analysis that inspires new business models for managing ‘equipment as a service or redesigning it based on performance. Welcome to SAP* Asset Intelligence Network, part of SAP Business Network, pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah a2 Os ae Meno a hains UNDERSTANDING THE NEED FOR A UNIFIED BUSINESS NETWORK pectic goals ane westments and aperational oerhead and maxima peratinalefectiveness, Orginal equipment manuta turers (OEMs) want toneranse rev nd services. And sarvice provers dd nabled by technological anova Each ofthese groups can benefit form a ified, olabora mel ‘A uniteg business network delve Informa nasset operator demand data supplier data, aseat naintenance history, contingent werkoree avalabil ripment location. and mora. Ithalps bring teligence into the entie supply chain, so companies ean cantin yimprove p id to end, reduce information ond knovedg latency, predict autcomes, and offer ated services to customers ~ all wile generat pete inand disrupt the economy fF vislon is to transform today’s fragmented supply tecallaborate on a cor ‘mation on overall equipment efficiency and maintenance tables the OEM tom information on equipmen rom lower asset management overhe eee ae Se ae ws and third-p 7 ain the latest ov madels. suchas spare parts, execute maintenance tasks nance plans. SAP ASSET INTELLIGENCE NETWORK Atte same time. tprovides unique entiation foreach 4 SAP Asset Intligence Network brings tomar’ szets 25 wall = provisions for maintaining together OEMs, asset operators, and service providers associated detals throughout the asset Mecyce, THs on digital win, sharing asset helps ensure that the customer has uniform, complete back on asset performance. andinfor- and corractinfarmation anther assets. The information is radi SAP Asset Itoligance Network, hor service canuse tte align thee manpower and plan and | i SAP Asset Intelligence Network hosts.a set of applica tions to help operators and OF + Institute collaborative network serves for managing uipment. collecting asset performance analysis and feedhack and fostering usage-based desir chi sevice processes for complex nance procedures ve collaborative, end to-end maintenance and ‘stallation and mainte + Stieamline maintenance activites through access to the latest maintenance instructions and service bulletins sothereis a sinele version of truth for maintenance-rlated data + Share best practices for optimal equipment avaabity + Install a cgita twin nthe enterprise et manage ‘ment system to represent + Standardize equipment matter data and spare ach physical machine management through asset information available fs Update from the network Provide the opportunity for new business med such SAP Asset Intellgence Network integrates wth the SAP Internet of Things solution, wh hmeans that main fered directly from the asset to SAP Asset Intelligence Network and then shared with the network's stakeholders, SAP Enterprise Ass jeans asset operators and service providers can uly integrate master data aneimai tenance business processes wth ther business information systems, Targeting Significant Business Benefit: jerators, service 4. OEMs benefit rom lower asset management over head. improved communication, greater equipment availabilty, and increased visit nt value potential for the asset stakeholders joni 3 Intallgence Network te Invproved asset data quality and transparency across ctlerant stake + Reduced capital expenditure end maintenan Innproved asset relia i + Simpitiea collaboration eset data on the network ved ssue response ti ‘sion making + Smooth data handover manufacturer a « Examining Market Drivers for Networked Asset Management ‘We are at the point where business drivers such as cst. "isk, and performance combine with technological ino: vations suchas automation, real-time dlagnosties, and connected assets to niate a quantum lap in mainte nance operations ‘CAPITALIZING ON NEW TRENDS, BUSINESS MODELS. AND TECHNOLOGIES Tends toward sustainable operations have helped tighten maintenance processes and bolster the change ‘rom reactive to proactive maintenance, Operators are learning the value of collaboration with OEMS and ene’ neering, procurement, and construction contactorsta ‘optimize maintenance processes and asset inprave pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah rent programs. The market has developed a new focus onlifecycle cost management and maintenance services. ‘ paradigms are arising for example, as OEMS mave to whole-f ie sales and service pay-per-use or ‘operation-by-hour models, or even menetization ofthe mastaddod-value equipment content Aron the technological trnt, connectivity mechanisms ‘andssansors abound, the Internat of Things is halping ‘machines talkto one another. and successful manage rent of Big Data faiitating prodictve maintenance lous technology islowerine costs and imprewine Standardization, while adltive manutacturing and 30 printing are streamlining supply chains. AL A FACING THE CHALLENGES: ‘across enterprise boundaries which helps keep every Industry has not yet fully integrated the asset manage- nein the dark. And how do we integrate the various ‘ment chain, Theres ite consistent definition of model silos that hold information on design, performance, information, andall OEMs and operators typically upload procedures. and inventory? the same data manually ~ possibly introducing ercrs| ‘and delays that make the data incorrect. Lackeofcom- SAP Asset Itolgence Network. as conceptualized in plete consistent, consumable equipment data hampers Figura. answers these challenges by providing a secure, Tuture purchasing and maintenance decisions. Business cleud-based, central clearirghause and communications processes for asset management arerarely integrated hub or stakeholdersin ass sanagement. Ahost of applications running on the network make master and spare-parts information immediately available for update from the network. pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah 02 pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah BUILDING ON FOUR KEY PILLARS. ‘Tohelp OEMs, operators. nd service providers meet the chalanges af assat management head-on, SAPis taking advantage of the evolving trends and technologies that encourage universalinterconnecton. We ull our web otey stakeholders on four principles we cal pllars, shown n the folowing table “hoff SA act ign et epirioe Degton Sia arennipehntencntnced Alovtmenenangct romance fetack aaron abeaarceson eer Se asDeE ae MONS ‘ipausteer hr asarcedratesanc colon en ewer pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah ‘vers ae asters enna creteneha « A Sampling of Capabilities DEEPENING VISIBILITY ACROSS FUNCTIONS, number vera on the correspon part ofthe visa Acoital win hub forall msintenance-elteddatalies ization Feidworarsalaays have clas. completa spare at thebeart of SAP Asset ntellgence Network. as shown parts information at thelr fingertip, so they can work InFlgute 2 Ts sharing of core data helps foster asigle uly and acral ever on thelr ovn ‘ersion ofthe th acres functional boundaries. The zaphic carton in photographs. mutiémansional ono ccna ae ge ela hae Operators and OEMs can streamline maintenance USING VISUAL SPARE-PARTS CONTENT procedures through (OrMspublsh arecommended ist of spare parts to ‘SAP Asset Intelligence Network as part of the model aainanlaokebetolipnie information. This list typically consists of several 20 or maintenance instructions 3D logical bis of materi withthe manufacturer part and service bulletins na> pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah a0 pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah VISUAL NAVIGATION ESTABLISHING A GLOBAL CATALOG OF JOS, ‘While inspecting equipment, theuser can navigate INSTRUCTIONS, AND TASKS, ‘through a visual epresentationof the equipment ite, Operators ean use the network told aglobal brary andtheimages can be"hotspotted” Hotspotsare custom of recommended maintenance strates. avalable fateas ithina picture document, of 3D mace that ink maintenance plans, upkesp and repr obs, rd saety ‘tho ser torelatod content. Curent features include: instructions, OEMs publish updates dct to SAP Asset + Links from parts of animage to sve instructions _Inalgence Netwcrk and te network automaticaly alerts for the equipment or to2 zeomedsn pctureata ‘operators that new information is valle. Buin APIS spare part link this datato the local work management sytem, such + Hierarchical reference tothe parent model ‘asthe one in SAP S/AHANA + Visual navigation t plants plant areas, and equipment All members of the network collaborate to increase asset data integrity, shorten issue response times, and enrich decision-making. pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah aoe io a ey functions of an organization to bring incremental value. Organizatio agile and make better- informed decisions. Autornation. busine: et cro} i f CLARIFYING THE BUSINESS CONTEXT FOR IMPROVING PERFORMANCE THROUGH PREDICTIVE AND RELIABILITY MAINTENANCE COLLABORATION Stakeholders in asset management - OEMs, operat OEMs, opertors, andl service providers on SAP A 3d Service providers alike ~ are shiting rom reactive lellgence Network can record and shar informa maintenance toa predictive model. SAP Assatntaigence about maintanance history, nckicng installation strate Network provides thom with the busin frp nd usage trends, With this supporting data they dictve maintenance, a foundation for conction-based can collaborate effectively on improving machine dasien i nced analytes for trend aay yi help ersure consistent standards-based coding better resus across theullnetverk and the oftware aliminate unused functional, and recuce are alert bath manufacturer and operator of emi Such efforts ultimately lower operating costs, simpli shotfall or fallure The announcements feature in SAP Asset Intelizence Network is key to maintaining a single version of the ‘ruth among collaborators, Whenever the manufacturer makes a change to equipment or pats being used an announcement of the change isissued ard pested to ‘the network, Announcements apply to + Jobinstructions + Spareparts + Model updates + Document updates + New policies | + Service bulletins + Recall notices += New models (CROSS-COMPANY MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT (Operators. and savioe providers onthe network can share. request, plan. and execute outsourced work through nottications, werk ders. and operations (@s shown in Eigure 3). Theyhave access tothe contingent workforce and statement af work held in SAP Fildgts MANAGING EQUIPMENT AS A SERVICE Tho shit toware managing equipment as a service ‘encourages OEMs tobundle value-added services with machinery andhelps cperators lve capital outlay and risk. With SAP Asse nteligence Network, OEMs can moniter asset pertrmance and operate condtions to preictfailure and schedule maintenance, repair replacement. Both parties benefit rom lower asset m= ‘agement overhead, improved communication, greater ‘equipment avadebilty, andinereased vsbilty ino ple ning and scheduling windows al thrd-party inspections. pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah « Adding Up the Benefits INTEGRATING WITH SAPS/2HANA AND THE CLOUD MANAGING RECORDS ACROSS AN SAP SOFTWARE \Whethera company owns. cparates. andmaintansits ENVIRONMENT assets: ous and operates assets but outsources mainte- Equipment records in operator enterprise management nance or subscribes to theequipment-as-aservice systems Ink to the equipment recordin the network model SAP Asset Inteligence Netwerk natively extends which in turn ink aliectly tothe manufacturer modal An the SAP S/AHANA suit to faciltatebusiness-to-business operator company or ts representative can reference integration forasset data. SAP Business Technology _the equipment D to request addtional model details Platform uses the SAPID service asits detaultidentity trom the manufacturer at any tine provider through SAP Acct Inaligenca Network Users ‘an also configure acustom identity provider totter ‘access othe platform through acl databases, pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah 802 a Bree re ener eee ee Cee tat ae) given organization, In doing so. we facilitate the smooth exchange of data and insights acros llaboration and agility PUBLISHING AND MANAGING CHANGES ase procedures sn sharing fast and 235 ublshine 2 model Inte thenetworkfor + Common asset definition among network stakeh ges on he cannactioncan be published + Work acer collaboration enables a common compre quickly toay ness partners taking local secu hens vtsourced work between asset ity int, Suchimmediate collaboration owners and srvice providers throughout he entire an increase jo asset performance, _ maintenance lfayele. bene irom bull nc extand the He ment integration with SAP Fialdglass solutions hy data across the network and its member COLLABORATIVE PARTNER RELATIONSHIPS lrates and enriches decision-making lve your business partners to the network th among network partners drives BREAKING DOWN THE VALUE PROPOSITION ne table summarizes adetiona ses numerous benefits of SAP igonee Networkcanb AP Asset Intligence Netvcrk bagins with thes general advantage « ‘The Vast Value Potentil of SAP Asset Intaignce Network Category Valve Capabity arena Thecteasat hoa euertoneae Cantor ngootasoscneaaaaaiare + Sneaseqionent Taare motte Geaucntcspisependtre Ergengtionscaninventgteaterstves_» Calabortvenatrkaars ste tgan omicton expense Irersecietaisbty Siseronerscanregceaeestaointime +» Naiennca roses onsuton Sintering OfMeaiusng und Cslupoaeraicthsarees \nkermaton ane peste manana, adicatsoae-parsimetiry Warhavets cn asic cbse aceress» aenanoe rose xeon Ineroryfor@-and Scoeseovesper etek Stnarded equpmert manasrent rose ‘pwrtra can etna maenanoeaettise + Nantninea proces mction trough does cisvratonthOEMsons—* Galboratenetorkentvont Uae Reaicadeser neting=nd aries toveamecricipsteinioraton + Sendurdansequpmertransgarant Dproducinty iseatraasset romain ‘Stet martenanos wrench She teeied wth oarrsn scons Fels orarsabaystave uptodate tak pian san contrenlomsmere0 G02 70S9eia Sen 'O42:-eaT aah | Gsinsoatvensnan sens + Matennce roves rcuten « LEARN MORE: To learn how SAP Asse Intelligence Network can help streamline the management of valuable assets, vis us anline, Z=) Both operators and OEMs benefit from lower asset management overhead, improved communication, greater equipment availability, and increased visibility into planning and scheduling windows and third-party inspections Dean

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