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Lattice type supporting structure for :- 66kV- PT

MEHRU Dwg. No -

30.1905 kgs =1.1x3.8x(31.77/1000)x227.3

Round part -C S/C force= 159.6 kg
height = 0 m Width/dia =
0.39 m

Round part -B
height = 1.400 m Width/dia =
0.29 m

Flat part -A
height = 0 m Width/dia =
0.29 m
Top plate(if any) 0.01 x 0.01 x 0.01
Top support angles L90906
Length of sup angle in m = 0.534
L50506 Horizontal angle L50506

Structure height = 2.800 m B/B of leg angle = 0.540 m

Main Leg angle L50506
Bracing on 'x'/'y' face. L45455

Bottom plate
No of pannels 6 0.160 x 0.160 x 0.012 thk in m
Height of each pannel = 0.467
Length of bracing = 0.714
A 24 f fdn bolt with min. embedded
length = 181 mm

Wind Zone 4 A= 0.594 m

Basic Wind speed 47
k1 1.07
k2 1 Wind Directionality Factor , Kd = 0.9
k3 1.36 Area averaging factor, Ka = 1
Vz 68.3944 m/sec =1.07x1x1.36x47 Combination factor, Kc = 0.9
Design wind pressure,pz = 227.341 kg/m2 =0.6x(68.39)^2/10 x0.9 x 1 x 0.9
Weight of equipment 250 kgs ( As per Equipt. GA drawing )
Weight of connector 25 kgs Assumed as maximum
LL (man with tool) 75 kgs
Max. conductor span 3.8 m
outer dia of conductor 31.77 mm Assumed ACSR Panther Conductor
Details of Surge counter
Height 0.001 m
Width 0.001 m Minimum value given to run the design sheet
c.g. of box from P.L. 0.05 m
Weight 0.1 kg


Discription Qty Ht from Load in kg SF Fx/FY Moment.
Base (M) (KN) My/Mx(kN-M)
Short Ckt. Force 1 4.6 160 1.57 7.20
1.57 7.20
Wind on Bus 1 4.6 30.19 0.30 1.36
0.30 1.36
Summary of terminal loads.
SF due to ter. Loads in "x" Dir. Fx(KN): Af = 1.57 kN-m
Moment due to ter. Loads in "x"/ Dir. Mz(KN): Am = 7.20 kN-m
SF due to ter. Loads in "z" Direction, Fz(KN): Afz = 0.30 kN-m
Moment due to ter. Loads in "z" Direction Mx(KN): Amz = 1.36 kN-m
Wind Pressure considered to be acting on different surfaces:
wind pressure x Reduction factor x shape factor
in kgs (Refer table-25 of IS:875 & table 23 of IS:875 Part-III)
a) on round Part-C: 227.3 x 9.81/1000 x 0.8 0.7 1.25 KN/m2
b) on round Part-B: 227.3 x 9.81/1000 x 0.8 0.8 1.43 KN/m2
b) on flat Part-A: 227.3 x 9.81/1000 x 0.62 2 2.77 KN/m2
c) on lattice structure: 227.3 x 9.81/1000 x 2.58 5.75 KN/m2
Part Qty C.G. pt. Height Width Area S.F. in Moment
from /Length "X"/"Y", My/Mx
Base (m) (M) (M) (Sqm) x/Fy (kN) (kN-m)
Wind on equipment parts
Flat part (A) 1 2.8 0 0.29 0.000 0.000 0.000
Round prt(B) 1 3.5 1.4 0.29 0.406 0.579 2.028
Round prt(C) 1 4.2 0 0.39 0.000 0.000 0.000
Surge Counter 1 0.05 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000
Total= 0.580 2.028
Wind on supporting structures (LatticeType)
Legs L50506 2 1.40 2.8 0.05 0.280 1.610 2.254
Brac,dig L45455 6 1.40 0.71 0.045 0.193 1.108 1.551
Supp L L90906 1 2.8 0.534 0.09 0.048 0.276 0.774
at top Total= 0.521 2.994 4.578

Summary of wind forces.

SF due to wind in "x" or "y" direction Fx/ Fy: Bf = 3.57 kN
Mom. Due to wind in "x" or "y" dir My/Mx Bm = 6.61 kNm

Description Member Qty. Length width/dia thick Unit wt Mass
(m) (m) (mm) (kg/m) (kg)
Leg L50506 4 2.8 4.5 50.400
Dig brac L45455 24 0.71 3.4 58.238
Hor top sup L90906 4 0.54 8.2 17.712
Surge Counter supp. L50506 1 0.4 4.5 1.800
Bot.Pl 12 mm thk 4 0.16 0.16 12 * 9.646
Top plate 0.01 mm thk 1 0.00 0.00 0.01 * 0.000
Gst plts 8 mm thk 16 0.1 0.057 8 * 5.727
( * Unit wt of plate = 7.85 kgs/sqm/mm) 143.524
Add 10% for hardwares etc 14.352
Total wt = 157.88 kgs
Summary of vertical forces:
Wt of equipt + connector = DL1 = 275.10 kgs = 2.70 kN
Wt of supporting steel Str.= DL2 = 157.88 kgs = 1.55 kN
Live Load = LL = 75 kgs = 0.74 kN
Total Vertical force due to DL & LL. Fz = 4.98 kN


Shear force in x/y dir due to terminal + wind load. Af+Bf = 5.14 kN
Maximum shear force in x/y dir = Fx/Fz = 5.14 kN
Moment about y/x axis due to terminal + wind load Am+Bm= 13.81 kN-m
Maximum Moment in x/y dir = Mz/Mx = 13.81 kN-m
Total Vertical force due to DL & LL. Fz = 4.98 kN
Loading for Short Circuit Condition
Fx = 5.14 kN
Mz = 13.81 kN-m
Fz = 0.30 kN
Mx = 1.36 kN-m
Fy = 4.98 kN
Loading for Normal Condition
Fx = 3.57 kN
Mz = 6.61 kN-m
Fz = 0.30 kN
Mx = 1.36 kN-m
Fy = 4.98 kN
Structure Design
Structure Geometry Material Specifications
No of Structures/Equip = 1 Permissible axial stress in stee Fy = 250 Mpa
Base Width in X Dir. Ax = 0.511 m in steel.
Base Width in Y Dir. Ay = 0.511 m Fs = 218 Mpa
Ht of Structure. H= 2.8 m
No of equal panels. n= 6 Nos Fb = 436 Mpa
Bracing pattern 1 (1 for Single bracing & 2 for cross bracing)
Eff. length of main leg, le = 0.93 m
Eff. length of x dir, lx = 0.69 m PI*sqrt(2*E/Fy) = Cc = 125.66 Mpa
Eff. length of y dir, ly = 0.69 m

Structural Member Design:

Main Leg Bracings X Bracing Y
Forces due to:
Terminal Load in "x" dir. Am/(2*Ax) = 7.048 kN. Af/(Ax/lx) = 2.121 kN.
Terminal Load in "y" dir. Am/(2*Ay) = 1.333 kN. Af/(Ay/ly) = 0.401 kN
Wind in "x" dir. Bm/2*Ax = 6.464 kN. Bf/(Ax/lx) = 4.839 kN.
Wind in "y" dir. Bm/2*Ay = 6.464 kN. Bf/(Ay/ly) = 4.839 kN
Equipt and str wt. Dl = (DL1+DL2)/4= 1.062 kN.
Str wt. Sw = DL2/4 = 0.387 kN.
Ter. Load Total Tr = 8.381 kN. 2.121 kN. 0.401 kN.
Wind max Wd = 6.464 kN. 4.839 kN. 4.839 kN.
Compression pc = Tr+(Wd )+Dl = 16.294 kN. Tr+(Wd ) = 6.960 kN. Tr+(Wd or Eq) = 5.241 kN.
Tension pt = Tr+(Wd )-Dl = 13.784 kN. Tr+(Wd ) = 6.960 kN. Tr+(Wd or Eq) = 5.241 kN.
pt = Tr-(Wd )+Dl = 2.978 kN. Tr-(Wd ) = -2.719 kN. -4.438 kN.
Effective length. le = 0.933 m 0.692 m 0.692 m
Connectivity(1,2,3 or 4)* 1 2 2
* 1= main leg member, 2=not restrained, 3=restrained on 1 side,4=restrained on both sides.
Trial Section* L50506 L45455 L45455
Gross Area. Ag = 5.68 sqcm 4.28 sqcm 4.28 sqcm
rxx/rvv . r = 1.51 cm .87 cm .87 cm
l/r le x 100 / r = 61.81 79.54 79.54
kl/r l/r= 61.81 60+0.5*l/r = 99.77 60+0.5*l/r = 99.77
b/t 7.333 8 8
Fcr 250 250 250
Fa 219.8 171.2 171.2
Section capacity in Comp. Pc = Ag*Fa/10 = 124.82 kN 73.275 kN 73.275 kN
F.O.S. against Compression Pc / pc = 7.661 10.528 13.982
A1 1.95 sqcm 1.38 sqcm 1.38 sqcm
A2 2.64 sqcm 2 sqcm 2 sqcm
k 3*A1/(3A1+A2) = .689 .673 .673
Net area An = Ag-2*17.5*t = 3.58 sqcm 2.722 sqcm 2.722 sqcm
Section capacity(Tension) Pt =An*Fy/10 = 89.5 kN 68.048 kN 68.048 kN
F.O.S. against tension Pt/pt = 6.493 9.777 12.985
F.O.S. against tension Pt/pt = 30.053 25 15.3
Bolt shear(M16) Pi()xd^2/4xFs = 43.832 kN 43.832 kN 43.832 kN
Bolt bearing(M16) t x d x Fb = 41.856 kN 41.856 kN 41.856 kN
No of M16 bolts 1 1 1

Design of Foundation bolts

Spacing of Fdn Bolts . d= 0.594 m
Bolt dia. Bd= 24
Root dia. Rd= 20.4 mm
Permissible Bond stress with conc M25. bs= 1.0 MPa
Ult tensile stress for Bolt. Ftb= 194 MPa
Ult shear stress for Bolt. Fsb= 218 MPa
No of bolts/corner of base pl n= 1 Nos
Factor of safty considered F= 1.25
Root area of bolt = PI x Rd^2 / 4 = Ar = 327 mm2
Max tensile force / bolt = ( M / ( d x 2 ) - Fv / 4 )
Ta =[ 13.810 /( 0.59 x2)- 4.98 / 4 ]/n= 10.38 kN
Max shear force/ bolt = Fh / (4 x n) = 5.14 /( 4 x 1 ) = 1.28 kN
Max tensile stress / bolt =F x 10.38 x 1000 / 327 = 39.69 Mpa
Max shear stress / bolt =F x 1.28 x 1000 / 327 = 4.91 Mpa
Stress ratio = (39.69 / 194) ^2 + (4.91 / 218)^2 = 0.0
is < =1.4, hence OK.
Max load Capacity of each bolt = Ar x Ftb / 1000 = Tb = 63.409152 kN
Embedded length of bolt required = F x Ta x 1000 / (PI x Bd x bs)= 181 mm
Provide, 4 Nos. 24 Dia fdn bolts having total length of 500 mm.
Vertical Load, P 4.982 KN
Horizontal force / shear in X direction, Fx 5.139 KN
Horizontal force / shear in Z direction, Fz 0.296 KN
Moment about X due to Fz, Mx 1.362 KN-m
Moment about Z due to Fx, Mz 13.810 KN-m
Total vertical load = 4.982 KN
Net Safe Bearing Capacity 100.0 KN/m2 10T/m2 At 1.50M below NGL
Depth of water table 5.00 m
Density of soil= 18.40 KN/m3
Grade of concrete M20 20
Density of concrete= 25 KN/m3
Reinforcement Yield Stress= 500 Mpa
Pedestal Size= 0.750 x 0.750 m2
Base Size: 1.650 x 1.650 m2
Pad Thickness= 0.250 m
Depth of foundation from N.G.L= 1.500 m
Plinth Level from F.G.L= 0.400 m RL. 87.0 - RL. 86.6 = 0.400m
Depth of Height adjustment/filling = 0.000 m 750 x 750
Ultimate load factor taken for design 1.650


1650 12 - 12 f

10mm dia bar @ 200 1500

mm c/c B/W.


10 mm dia bar @ 200 c/c B/W

1650 x 1650

Fdn drwg. For 66kV PT structure Supports

Fdn Design. Page 1

wt of concrete above FGL = 0.4 x 0.75 x 0.75 x 25 5.63 KN
wt of concrete below FGL =( 1.65x0.75x0.75+0.25x1.65x1.65)x25 40.22 KN
Total wt of concrete 45.84 KN
Weight of soil = 1.65 x (1.65 x1.65 -0.75x0.75) x 18.4 65.6 KN
Total weight due to soil= 65.58 KN
Total Vertical load from gate & supports= 4.98 KN
Total vertical load, Pgross = 45.84 + 65.58 + 4.98 = 116.40 KN
Overturning moment about major axis = 13.81 + 5.14 x(1.5 + 0.4 - 0.25) 22.290 KN-m
Resisting moment = =0.9 x 116.4 x 1.65 /2 86.43 KN-m
F.O.S against overturning 86.43 / 22.290 3.88 >1.65, OK
Pressure developed due to Pgross =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) 42.76 KN/m^2
Pressure due to Mx = 6 Mx / (Ly x Lx ^2) 2.472 KN/m^2
Pressure due to Mz = 6 Mz / (Lx x Ly ^2) 29.77 KN/m^2
Max. Bearing Pressure developed =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) + 6 Mux / (Ly x Lx^2)" + 75.00 KN/m^2
(=100X1.25=) < 125.0 KN/m2
Min. Bearing Pressure developed =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) - 6 Mux / (Ly x Lx^2)" - 6 10.51 KN/m2
Max. Bearing Pressure developed =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) + 6 Mux / (Ly x Lx^2) 45.23 KN/m^2
(=100X1.25=) < 125.0 KN/m2
Pressure developed due to soil weight + wt of footing =45.84+65.58 40.9 KN/m2
Net Pressure, Pnet = =45.23-40.93 34.07 KN/m2
Design of Raft
Calculation of bending moment at bottom
Maximum Net pressure at bottom 34.07 KN/m2
Over hang in long direction 0.450 m
Over hang in short direction 0.450 m
Considering maximum pressure acting on the entire raft,
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1x 34.07 0.450 2/2 3.45 KN-m/m
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1y 34.07 0.450 2/2 3.45 KN-m/m

Calculation of bending moment at top

Effective pressure at top = 1.65x18.4+0.25x25 36.6 KN/m2
Design Moment, M2 36.61 x 0.450 2/2 3.7 KN-m/m

Clear cover 50 mm
Bar Diameter 10 mm
Effective depth,d 195 mm
Bottom reinforcement in either direction
M1xu/bd2 = 1.65 x 3.45 x 1000 / (1 x 195^2) 0.150 Mpa
pt reqd 0.035 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.0 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 200 C/C at bottom
Ast provided 392.70 mm2/m
Top reinforcement
M2u/bd2 = 1.65 x 3.71 x 1000/(1 x 195 ^2) 0.161 Mpa
pt reqd 0.037 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.00 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 200 C/C at top
Ast provided 392.70 mm2/m
Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to X axis 8.7 KN/m

Fdn Design. Page 2

34.1 x 0.255

Fdn Design. Page 3

Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to Y axis 8.7 KN/m
34.1 x 0.255
Design shear force, V = 1.65 x 8.69 14.34 KN/m
Design shear stress, t 14.34 / 0.195 = 74 KN/m2 0.074 Mpa
pt 0.201
b 11.531
tc 0.327 Mpa
k 1.100
Permissible shear stress= k x tc 0.360 Mpa O.K

Active moment about the base of pedestal=
About X axis, Mx 1.362 KN-m
About Y axis, My 13.81 KN-m
Mux = 1.65 x 1.36 2.25 kN-m
Muy = 1.65 x 13.81 22.79 kN-m
Self-weight of Pedestal = = 1.9 x 0.75 x0.75 x 25 26.72 KN
Total comp. foece at bottom of chimney,P 4.98 + 26.7 31.70 KN
Pu = 1.65 x 31.7 52.3 kN
Minimum percentage of steel required, pt,min 0.8 %
X-sectional area of column required = 52.31 x 1000/(0.4 x 20 + 0.67 x 415 x 0.8/10 5116 mm2
Minimum area of steel required 41 mm2
Area of Steel(As) 4 nos 12 f 452 mm2
8 nos 12 f 905 mm2
Total reinforcement for pedestal 1357 mm2
Percentage of steel, p 0.241 %
Clear Cover provided 50 mm
d'/D 56 / 750 0.07
Pu/fckbD 0.005
p/fck 0.012
Referring to chart 48 of SP16, Mux1/bD2 0.020
Mux1 168.8 kN-m
Referring to chart 48 of SP16, Muy1/bD2 0.020
Muy1 168.8 kN-m
Puz 5232 kN
Pu/Puz 0.010
an 1
Interaction ratio 0.013 + 0.135 0.148 <1, OK

Fdn Design. Page 4

Vertical Load, P 4.982 KN
Horizontal force / shear in X direction, Fx 3.574 KN
Horizontal force / shear in Z direction, Fz 0.296 KN
Moment about X due to Fz, Mx 1.362 KN
Moment about Z due to Fx, Mz 6.607 KN
Total vertical load = 4.98 KN
Net Safe Bearing Capacity 100.0 KN/m2 10T/m2 At 1.50M below NGL
Depth of water table 5.0 m
Density of soil= 18.4 KN/m3
Grade of concrete M20 20
Density of concrete= 25 KN/m3 2ISMC 150
Reinforcement Yield Stress= 500 Mpa
Pedestal Size= 0.750 x 0.750 m2
Base Size: 1.650 x 1.650 m2
Pad Thickness= 0.250 m
Depth of foundation from G.L= 1.500 m
Plinth Level from G.L= 0.400 m
Depth of Height adjustment/filling = 0.000 m
Ultimate load factor taken for design 2.2
750 x 750

1250 12 - 12 f

10mm dia bar @ 200 1500

mm c/c B/W.


10 mm dia bar @ 200 c/c B/W

1650 x 1650

Fdn drwg. For 66kV PT structure Supports

Fdn Design. Page 1

wt of concrete above FGL = 0.4 x 0.75 x 0.75 x 25 5.63 KN
wt of concrete below FGL =( 1.25x0.75x0.75+0.25x1.65x1.65)x25 34.59 KN
Total wt of concrete 40.22 KN
Weight of soil = 1.25 x (1.65 x1.65 -0.75x0.75) x 18.4 49.7 KN
Total weight due to soil= 49.68 KN
Total Vertical load from gate & supports= 4.98 KN
Total vertical load, Pgross = 40.22 + 49.68 + 4.98 = 94.88 KN
Overturning moment about major axis = 6.61 + 3.57 x(1.5 - 0.25) 11.074 KN-m
Resisting moment = =0.9 x 94.88 x 1.65 /2 70.45 KN-m
F.O.S against overturning 70.45 / 11.074 6.36 >2.2, OK
Pressure developed due to Pgross =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) 34.85 KN/m^2
Pressure due to Mx = 6 Mx / (Ly x Lx ^2) 2.472 KN/m^2
Pressure due to Mz = 6 Mz / (Lx x Ly ^2) 16.70 KN/m^2
Max. Bearing Pressure developed =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) + 6 Mux / (Ly x Lx^2)" 54.02 KN/m^2
(=100X1.25=) < 125.0 KN/m2
Min. Bearing Pressure developed =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) - 6 Mux / (Ly x Lx^2)" - 15.68 KN/m2
(=100X1.25=) < 125.0 KN/m2
Pressure developed due to soil weight + wt of footing =40.22+49.68 33.0 KN/m2
Net Pressure, Pnet = =54.02-33.02 21.00 KN/m2
Design of Raft
Calculation of bending moment at bottom
Maximum Net pressure at bottom 54.02 KN/m2
Over hang in long direction 0.450 m
Over hang in short direction 0.450 m
Considering maximum pressure acting on the entire raft,
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1x 54.02 0.450 2/2 5.47 KN-m/m
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1y 54.02 0.450 2/2 5.47 KN-m/m

Calculation of bending moment at top

Effective pressure at top = 1.25x18.4+0.25x25 29.3 KN/m2
Design Moment, M2 29.25 x 0.450 2/2 3.0 KN-m/m

Clear cover 50 mm
Bar Diameter 10 mm
Effective depth,d 195 mm
Bottom reinforcement in either direction
M1xu/bd2 = 2.2 x 5.47 x 1000 / (1 x 195^2) 0.316 Mpa
pt reqd 0.074 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.0 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 200 C/C at bottom
Ast provided 392.70 mm2/m
Top reinforcement
M2u/bd2 = 2.2 x 2.96 x 1000/(1 x 195 ^2) 0.171 Mpa
pt reqd 0.040 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.00 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 200 C/C at top
Ast provided 392.70 mm2/m
Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to X axis 13.8 KN/m
54.0 x 0.255

Fdn Design. Page 2

Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to Y axis 13.8 KN/m
54.0 x 0.255
Design shear force, V = 2.2 x 13.78 30.31 KN/m
Design shear stress, t 30.31 / 0.195 = 155 KN/m2 0.155 Mpa
pt 0.201
b 11.531
tc 0.327 Mpa
k 1.100
Permissible shear stress= k x tc 0.360 Mpa O.K

Active moment about the base of pedestal=
About X axis, Mx 1.362 KN-m
About Y axis, My 6.61 KN-m
Mux = 2.2 x 1.36 3.00 kN-m
Muy = 2.2 x 6.61 14.53 kN-m
Self-weight of Pedestal = = 1.9 x 0.75 x0.75 x 25 26.72 KN
Total comp. foece at bottom of chimney,P 4.98 + 26.7 31.70 KN
Pu = 2.2 x 31.7 69.7 kN
Minimum percentage of steel required, pt,min 0.8 %
X-sectional area of column required = 69.74 x 1000/(0.4 x 20 + 0.67 x 415 x 0.8 6821 mm2
Minimum area of steel required 55 mm2
Area of Steel(As) 4 nos 12 f 452 mm2
8 nos 12 f 905 mm2
Total reinforcement for pedestal 1357 mm2
Percentage of steel, p 0.241 %
Clear Cover provided 50 mm
d'/D 56 / 750 0.07
Pu/fckbD 0.006
p/fck 0.012
Referring to chart 48 of SP16, Mux1/bD2 0.020
Mux1 168.8 kN-m
Referring to chart 48 of SP16, Muy1/bD2 0.020
Muy1 168.8 kN-m
Puz 5232 kN
Pu/Puz 0.013
an 1
Interaction ratio 0.018 + 0.086 0.104 <1, OK

Fdn Design. Page 3

Vertical Load, P 4.982 KN
Horizontal force / shear in X direction, Fx 5.139 KN
Horizontal force / shear in Z direction, Fz 0.296 KN
Moment about X due to Fz, Mx 1.362 KN-m
Moment about Z due to Fx, Mz 13.810 KN-m
Total vertical load = 4.982 KN
Net Safe Bearing Capacity 100.0 KN/m2 At 1.50M below NGL
Depth of water table 10.00 m
Density of soil= 18.00 KN/m3
Grade of concrete M25 25
Density of concrete= 25 KN/m3
Reinforcement Yield Stress= 500 Mpa
Pedestal Size= 0.550 x 0.550 m2
Base Size: 1.650 x 1.650 m2
Pad Thickness= 0.250 m
Depth of foundation from N.G.L= 1.500 m
Plinth Level from F.G.L= 0.300 m
Depth of filling = 0.000 m
Ultimate load factor taken for design 1.500
550 x 550

1250 4 - 12 f

10mm dia bar @ 200 1500

mm c/c B/W.


10 mm dia bar @ 150 c/c B/W

1650 x 1650

Fdn drwg. For HLA structure Supports

Fdn Design. Page 1

wt of concrete above FGL = 0.3 x 0.55 x 0.55 x 25 2.27 KN
wt of concrete below FGL =( 1.25x0.55x0.55+0.25x1.65x1.65)x25 26.47 KN
Total wt of concrete 28.74 KN
Weight of soil = 1.25 x (1.65 x1.65 -0.55x0.55) x 18 54.5 KN
Total weight due to soil= 54.45 KN
Total Vertical load from gate & supports= 4.98 KN
Total vertical load, Pgross = 28.74 + 54.45 + 4.98 = 88.17 KN
Overturning moment about major axis = 13.81 + 5.14 x(1.5 - 0.25) 20.234 KN-m
Resisting moment = =0.9 x 88.17 x 1.65 /2 65.47 KN-m
F.O.S against overturning 65.47 / 20.234 3.24 >1.5, OK
Pressure developed due to Pgross =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) 32.39 KN/m^2
Pressure due to Mx = 6 Mx / (Ly x Lx ^2) 1.82 KN/m^2
Max. Bearing Pressure developed =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) + 6 Mux / (Ly x Lx^2) 34.21 KN/m^2
(=100X1.25=) < 125.0 KN/m2
Pressure developed due to soil weight + wt of footing =28.74+54.45 30.6 KN/m2
Net Pressure, Pnet = =34.21-30.56 3.65 KN/m2
Design of Raft
Calculation of bending moment at bottom
Maximum Net pressure at bottom 34.21 KN/m2
Over hang in long direction 0.550 m
Over hang in short direction 0.550 m
Considering maximum pressure acting on the entire raft,
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1x 34.21 0.550 2/2 5.17 KN-m/m
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1y 34.21 0.550 /22
5.17 KN-m/m

Calculation of bending moment at top

Effective pressure at top = 1.25x18+0.25x25 28.8 KN/m2
Design Moment, M2 28.75 x 0.550 2/2 4.3 KN-m/m

Clear cover 50 mm
Bar Diameter 10 mm
Effective depth,d 195 mm
Bottom reinforcement in either direction
M1xu/bd2 = 1.5 x 5.17 x 1000 / (1 x 195^2) 0.204 Mpa
pt reqd 0.047 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.0 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 150 C/C at bottom
Ast provided 523.60 mm2/m
Top reinforcement
M2u/bd2 = 1.5 x 4.35 x 1000/(1 x 195 ^2) 0.172 Mpa
pt reqd 0.040 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.00 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 200 C/C at top
Ast provided 392.70 mm2/m
Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to X axis 12.1 KN/m
34.2 x 0.355

Fdn Design. Page 2

Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to Y axis 12.1 KN/m
34.2 x 0.355
Design shear force, V = 1.5 x 12.14 18.21 KN/m
Design shear stress, t 18.21 / 0.195 = 93.4 KN/m2 0.093 Mpa
pt 0.269
b 10.811
tc 0.376 Mpa
k 1.100
Permissible shear stress= k x tc 0.414 Mpa O.K

Active moment about the base of pedestal=
About X axis, Mx 1.362 KN-m
About Y axis, My 13.81 KN-m
Mux = 1.5 x 1.36 2.04 kN-m
Muy = 1.5 x 13.81 20.71 kN-m
Self-weight of Pedestal = = 1.8 x 0.55 x0.55 x 25 13.61 KN
Total comp. foece at bottom of chimney,P 4.98 + 13.6 18.59 KN
Pu = 1.5 x 18.59 27.9 kN
Minimum percentage of steel required, pt,min 0.8 %
X-sectional area of column required = 27.89 x 1000/(0.4 x 25 + 0.67 x 415 x 0.8 2282 mm2
Minimum area of steel required 18 mm2
Area of Steel(As) 4 nos 12 f 452 mm2
8 nos 12 f 905 mm2
Total reinforcement for pedestal 1357 mm2
Percentage of steel, p 0.449 %
Clear Cover provided 50 mm
d'/D 56 / 550 0.10
Pu/fckbD 0.004
p/fck 0.018
Referring to chart 49 of SP16, Mux1/bD2 0.014
Mux1 59.1 kN-m
Referring to chart 49 of SP16, Muy1/bD2 0.014
Muy1 59.1 kN-m
Puz 3573 kN
Pu/Puz 0.008
an 1
Interaction ratio 0.035 + 0.351 0.385 <1, OK

Fdn Design. Page 3

Vertical Load, P 4.982 KN
Horizontal force / shear in X direction, Fx 3.574 KN
Horizontal force / shear in Z direction, Fz 0.296 KN
Moment about X due to Fz, Mx 1.362 KN
Moment about Z due to Fx, Mz 6.607 KN
Total vertical load = 4.98 KN
Net Safe Bearing Capacity 100.0 KN/m2 At 1.50M below NGL
Depth of water table 10.0 m
Density of soil= 18.0 KN/m3
Grade of concrete M25 25
Density of concrete= 25 KN/m3 2ISMC 150
Reinforcement Yield Stress= 500 Mpa
Pedestal Size= 0.550 x 0.550 m2
Base Size: 1.650 x 1.650 m2
Pad Thickness= 0.250 m
Depth of foundation from G.L= 1.500 m
Plinth Level from G.L= 0.3 m
Depth of filling = 0.000 m
Ultimate load factor taken for design 1.5
550 x 550

1250 4 - 12 f

10mm dia bar @ 200 1500

mm c/c B/W.


10 mm dia bar @ 150 c/c B/W

1650 x 1650

Fdn drwg. For HLA structure Supports

Fdn Design. Page 1

wt of concrete above FGL = 0.3 x 0.55 x 0.55 x 25 2.27 KN
wt of concrete below FGL =( 1.25x0.55x0.55+0.25x1.65x1.65)x25 26.47 KN
Total wt of concrete 28.74 KN
Weight of soil = 1.25 x (1.65 x1.65 -0.55x0.55) x 18 54.5 KN
Total weight due to soil= 54.45 KN
Total Vertical load from gate & supports= 4.98 KN
Total vertical load, Pgross = 28.74 + 54.45 + 4.98 = 88.17 KN
Overturning moment about major axis = 6.61 + 3.57 x(1.5 - 0.25) 11.074 KN-m
Resisting moment = =0.9 x 88.17 x 1.65 /2 65.47 KN-m
F.O.S against overturning 65.47 / 11.074 5.91 >1.5, OK
Pressure developed due to Pgross =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) 32.39 KN/m^2
Pressure due to Mx = 6 Mx / (Ly x Lx ^2) 1.82 KN/m^2
Max. Bearing Pressure developed =Pgross / (Lx x Ly) + 6 Mux / (Ly x Lx^2) 34.21 KN/m^2
(=100X1.25=) < 125.0 KN/m2
Pressure developed due to soil weight + wt of footing =28.74+54.45 30.6 KN/m2
Net Pressure, Pnet = =34.21-30.56 3.65 KN/m2
Design of Raft
Calculation of bending moment at bottom
Maximum Net pressure at bottom 34.21 KN/m2
Over hang in long direction 0.550 m
Over hang in short direction 0.550 m
Considering maximum pressure acting on the entire raft,
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1x 34.21 0.550 2/2 5.17 KN-m/m
Moment at bottom in long dir.,M1y 34.21 0.550 /22
5.17 KN-m/m

Calculation of bending moment at top

Effective pressure at top = 1.25x18+0.25x25 28.8 KN/m2
Design Moment, M2 28.75 x 0.550 2/2 4.3 KN-m/m

Clear cover 50 mm
Bar Diameter 10 mm
Effective depth,d 195 mm
Bottom reinforcement in either direction
M1xu/bd2 = 1.5 x 5.17 x 1000 / (1 x 195^2) 0.204 Mpa
pt reqd 0.047 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.0 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 150 C/C at bottom
Ast provided 523.60 mm2/m
Top reinforcement
M2u/bd2 = 1.5 x 4.35 x 1000/(1 x 195 ^2) 0.172 Mpa
pt reqd 0.040 %
Ast reqd (With 0.12 % of min. reinf.) 300.00 mm2/m
Provide 10 f@ 200 C/C at top
Ast provided 392.70 mm2/m
Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to X axis 12.1 KN/m
34.2 x 0.355

Fdn Design. Page 2

Shear force at a distance, d from edge of pedestal in plane parallel to Y axis 12.1 KN/m
34.2 x 0.355
Design shear force, V = 1.5 x 12.14 18.21 KN/m
Design shear stress, t 18.21 / 0.195 = 93.4 KN/m2 0.093 Mpa
pt 0.269
b 10.811
tc 0.376 Mpa
k 1.100
Permissible shear stress= k x tc 0.414 Mpa O.K

Active moment about the base of pedestal=
About X axis, Mx 1.362 KN-m
About Y axis, My 6.61 KN-m
Mux = 1.5 x 1.36 2.04 kN-m
Muy = 1.5 x 6.61 9.91 kN-m
Self-weight of Pedestal = = 1.8 x 0.55 x0.55 x 25 13.61 KN
Total comp. foece at bottom of chimney,P 4.98 + 13.6 18.59 KN
Pu = 1.5 x 18.59 27.9 kN
Minimum percentage of steel required, pt,min 0.8 %
X-sectional area of column required = 27.89 x 1000/(0.4 x 25 + 0.67 x 415 x 0.8 2282 mm2
Minimum area of steel required 18 mm2
Area of Steel(As) 4 nos 12 f 452 mm2
8 nos 12 f 905 mm2
Total reinforcement for pedestal 1357 mm2
Percentage of steel, p 0.449 %
Clear Cover provided 50 mm
d'/D 56 / 550 0.10
Pu/fckbD 0.004
p/fck 0.018
Referring to chart 44 of SP16, Mux1/bD2 0.014
Mux1 58.2 kN-m
Referring to chart 44 of SP16, Muy1/bD2 0.014
Muy1 58.2 kN-m
Puz 3573 kN
Pu/Puz 0.008
an 1
Interaction ratio 0.035 + 0.170 0.205 <1, OK

Fdn Design. Page 3

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