Past Papers P2 Day 11

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Past Papers
Day 11 (PAPER 02)
M/J 2020 (21)
2(a) Write an account of the collection of Hadiths during:
• the Prophet’s lifetime, and
• the time of the Companions immediately after the Prophet’s death. [10]
Answer (Learn and write)
Prophet’s (pbuh) lifetime:
After the migration to Madina the Holy Prophet (pbuh) encouraged his companions for the preservation of Hadith. On the
occasion of farewell pilgrimage he said, “He who is present here should carry this message to him who is absent.” Thus
the companions of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) considered it their duty to preach hadiths to those who had not seen or heard
The Prophet (pbuh) had entrusted some of his companions with the task of writing down agreements, letters and other
official documents. For example , Suraqa bin Malik was given a pledge of protection in writing by the Prophet (pbuh) at
the time of migration to Madina.
Charter of Madina was written down after the migration to Madina as a constitution to govern the Islamic state.
Treaty of Hudaibiya was drawn up between the Muslims and the Makkans. Hazrat Ali wrote down the terms of the treaty.
Abu Shah, a man from Yemen, was given the permission by the Prophet (pbuh) to write down the sermon he delivered
after the conquest of Makkah.
Prophet (pbuh) also sent letters to different kings and emperors inviting them to Islam for example Najashi of Abyssinia,
Hraclius, the Byzantine emperor etc.
Hazrat Ali wrote down instructions given by the Prophet (pbuh) from time to time. He also maintained a booklet of the
orders and instructions issued from time to time by the Holy Prophet (pbuh) which came to be known as Sahifa e Ali
(Booklet of Ali).

After Prophet’s (pbuh) Death:

• After Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) death, the need to preserve is a Hadith was stronger and urgent because
these were the most authoritative interpretation of the Quran. Hadiths also served as a source of guidance for
the young Islamic community, struggling to determine how to live according to Allah’s will, with the Prophet
Muhammad (P.B.U.H) no longer amongst them.
• The Prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H) companions had the responsibility of teaching new generation of Muslims
and new converts about the life and faith of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) they had never known.
• Companions who spent the most time with a Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) like his best friend Hazrat Abu
Bakr, his cousin and son in law Hazrat Ali and his trusted advisor Hazrat Umar are sources for only a small
numbers of Hadiths.
Hazrat Abu Bakr narrated 142 hadith. Hazrat Ali narrated about 536 , Hazrat Umar it is believed narrated 537 Hadiths.
It appears that these Companions preserved the spirit of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) teachings in their actions
and method of reasoning rather than by his Hadith directly.
• It was often the most junior among the companion who became the most prolific collectors and transmitters of
Abu Huraira who knew the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) for only three years, is the single largest source of Hadiths,
with close to 5374 narrations. Although he did not write them down in his early career, by the time of his death he had
boxes full of the sahifas (collections of Hadith) he had compiled through Hammam ibn Munabbih and known as Sahifah

‘Abdullah ibn Umar’was 23 year old when Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) died and he is the second largest source of
Hadith narrating 2630 of the Prophet Muhammad’s (P.B.U.H) sayings. He maintained a booklet of Prophet’s sayings and
actions, which was known as “Sahifa al Sadiqah”
Abdullah Ibn Abbas was in his early teens when the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) passed away and he is the fifth
largest source for Hadith with 1660 hadiths to his credit. Though these narrators knew the Prophet Muhammad
(P.B.U.H) for only a short time they amassed their vast volumes of Hadiths by seeking them out from the most senior
Ans ibn Malik who had entered the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) household at the age of ten as a servant is the third
largest source of Hadith and is known to have transmitted 2286 Hadiths.
Abdullah ibn Masud was one of the earliest companions and remained close to the Prophet (pbuh) throughout his life.
After Prophet’s (pbuh) death, he went to Kufa and narrated the Hadiths to new converts. He is said to have reported 848
• Wives who had spent much time with Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) are known as authentic sources of Hadith.
Hazrat Aisha who narrated 2210 sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) is regarded as the fourth source of Hadith
but was also a critic of incorrectly quoted ones. She did not accept any hadith until she was fully satisfied as to its
meaning and authenticity.
Some other wives of the Prophet were also looked upon as vital custodians of hadiths and were approached for
instructions by other companions. The names of
Hazrat Umm-e-Salamah (378Hadiths) Hazrat Hafsa(65 Hadiths) , Hazrat Umm-e-Habibah and Hazrat Maimunah are
among the earliest and most distinguished transmitters.
2(b) In your opinion what were the main reasons for Hadith collections? [4]

M/J 2020 (22)

3(a) Write a detailed account about the Battle of Yarmuk fought in the caliphate of ‘Umar. [10]
3(b) What was the significance of the conquest of Jerusalem in ‘Umar’s caliphate? [4]
• Jerusalem was one city whose conquest was more symbolic than of military importance. Jerusalem was the city to
which the Prophet (pbuh) travelled from Makka during Mairaj.
• Jerusalem is where the Prophet (pbuh) led the prophets of the past in prayer before ascending to the heavens.
• Whilst acknowledging the rights of Christians and Jews in Jerusalem, ‘Umar was keen to send the message that the city
also belonged to the Muslims.
• It marked the decline of the Byzantine dominance at the time.

5(a) How do Muslims prepare themselves for Friday (Jum’a) prayers and what are the special
features of this prayer? [10]
Answer (Learn and write)
Friday ( jummah) means to congregate, gather or get together. All Muslim men in a community should
try to gather for this prayer. In some communities women are also encouraged to attend. It is obligatory on
every Muslim male.
Quran says,
“O ye who believe! When the call is proclaimed on Friday (the day of assembly) hasten
earnestly to the remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic) that is best for you if ye but
Prophet pbuh said, “performing Friday prayer is obligatory on every Muslim adult male.”

• There are special preparations for this prayer. Muslims should try to take bath and put on fresh clothes
and should attain purification by ablution or by taking a bath. The Quran says, “O you who believe!
When you prepare for prayer, wash your faces and hands to the elbows; rub your heads; and wash
your feet to the ankles.”
• There are two azans for congregational prayers. Muslims should try to reach the mosque on the first
azan. On reaching the mosque, they should offer Tahayyat-ul-Masjid prayers and then four pre-farz
Sunnats. The second azan is called before the sermon.
• The Imam then preaches two sermons, which are compulsory to hear. These sermons always consist of
advice based on the Holy Quran and Hadith about living a Muslim life. In non Arab countries an additional
sermon is delivered in the native language.
• People should not speak, pray or use mobiles during the sermon, and listen attentively. Even the
recitation of Quran is not allowed during the sermons.
• After the Sermons, Iqamat is called and people arrange themselves in rows.
• Friday prayer takes place of Zuhr prayer therefore, Thefarz are prayed in two rakats, not four.
• This farz prayer can’t be prayed alone or after the set time. Muslims should say the prayer together
behind the Imam.
• If someone is unable to perform this prayer in congregation within the prescribed time then he must
offer the Qaza for Zuhr prayer.
• Some people are exempt from Friday prayers, e.g. travellers, the sick, women and children.

The Friday sermons include:

• Glorification and praise of God, confirming the aspect of tawhid
• Praise and blessings on the Prophet (pbuh) as the greatest example to follow and sending peace and
blessings on him
• Reflection /reinforcement of the Quranic verses that have been selected for the particular sermon
• Referring to an authentic hadith to elaborate the topic and demonstrate the implementation of the
injunction by the Prophet (pbuh)
• The imam reminds the whole congregation about their duties towards God and their fellow beings, he
warns the people against the consequence of doing evil and reminds them of the hereafter
• Prays for the welfare of the community.
5(b) In your opinion, what are the benefits of praying in a mosque? Give reasons for your answer. [4]
• It increases unity and brotherhood, you get to know your fellow Muslims as you meet them five times a day.
• Issues facing individuals or the community or even the ummah at large
• One gets extra reward for praying at the mosque.
• Sunnah of the Prophet

O/N 2020 (21)

2. (a) Describe the method used to make a judgment by analogy (qiyas) using the Qur’an and
Hadith. Give examples to support your answer. [10]
Answer (Learn and write):
Qiyas actually comes from a verb that means to measure one thing by comparing with another thing that is similar
to it.
“Qiyas is the legal method of deducing one principle from another by comparing them together.” This is the fourth basis
of legal method, according to Sunni Islam, coming after the Quran, Sunna and Ijma. Shi’i Muslims do not accept it because
it involves a lot of individual opinions and causes unease some Muslims.

Justification for Qiyas is often also seen in the Quran. The great expert al-Shafi’i for example, cited the verse:
“ Turn then your face in the direction of the Holy Mosque; and wheresoever you are, turn your faces in that direction.”
(al-Baqara 2:150)
And he argued that you should face the Ka’ba when you can see it, but face in its direction when you cannot see it, using
reason to determine by the sun, stars, etc. where its direction lies.

The justification for exercising Qiyas is usually based on the following Ahadith:
When the Prophet (pbuh) sent Mu’adh Ibn Jabal as judge to the Yemen, he asked him,
‘How will you reach a judgment when a question arises?’
Mu’adh replied, ‘according to the Word of Allah.’
“And if you find nothing therin?” the Prophet asked him.
“According to the Sunnah of the Prophet,” he answered.
“And if you find nothing therein?
“Then I will exert myself to form my own judgement”, Mu’az replied.
The Holy Prophet’s response was: “Praise be to Allah who has guided the messenger of His Prophet to that which pleases
His Prophet.” (Abu Daud Timizi)

This example takes us into the method used in Qiyas, the drawing of comparisons or analogies between two principles.
The experts identified these elements as being necessary to a sound analogy:

The fundamental teaching (asl, root)

The new matter in question (far’, branch)
The linking cause that connects them (‘illa).
By relating these together it is possible to arrive at the new judgement, the hukm.

This may be illustrated by the following examples:

1. Asl: the Quran forbids sales transactions after the call to prayer on Friday; The Holy Quran relate “O ye who
believe! when the call is proclaimed to prayer on Friday (the day of assembly) hasten earnestly to the
remembrance of Allah, and leave off business (and traffic) that is the best for you if ye but knew!”[62:9]
by analogy, therefore, all kinds of transaction (far’)
have been forbidden;(Hukm)
‘illa: every kind of transaction is forbidden because like sales, they distract Muslims from Friday prayers.

2. Ali (R.A) applied Qiyas, when he suggested punishment of 80 lashes to the drunkard, “ Umar ibn al-Khattab asked
advice about a man drinking wine. Ali ibn Abi Talib said to him, “We think that you flog him for it with eighty
lashes. Because when he drinks, he becomes intoxicated, and when he becomes intoxicated , he talks
confusedly, and when he talks confusedly, he lies.” (80 lashes is the same amount as for slandering) Umar gave
eighty lashes for drinking wine. (Muatta) This is bassed on “ And those who launch a charge against chaste woman
and produce not four witnesses (to support their allegation) flog them with eighty stripes.” (An-Nur24:4)
It is important to say that the asl must always be a principle from the Quran (as in this example), the Sunnah or
This is how Qiyas has been recognized as the fourth basis of establishing the sacred law of Islam. It is generally
accepted only when no clear guidance is given by the Quran, Sunnah or Consensus of the community.

3. Asl:The Fundamental teaching is describe by the Prophet (S.A.W), “Every intoxicant is Khamr so every intoxicant
is haram.” (Sunnan Abu Daud)
Far; the (subsidiary) : L.S.D cocaine opium and all other drugs
‘illa (the cause) connecting them is intoxication

Hukm (Law): all these drugs are declared haram (forbidden)

4. Another example is that Wudu is not valid even if the smallest portion of the body, which has to be washed
remains dry. According to a tradition reported by A’isha (R.A) if flour is dried on the nails and water has not
reached any portion of that nail, Wudu would not be considered to have taken place, so applying this in the case
of nail polish, the Wudu is not considered to have taken place as the nails remain dry.
2 (b) Why do you think the Prophet (pbuh) encouraged the exercise of personal reasoning amongst his
Companions? [4]
The Prophet (pbuh) encouraged the use of personal reasoning amongst his Companions.
He was aware that issues or problems could confront his community where they may not be a clear-cut answer
in the primary sources but he believed if the principles laid out in them were followed a correct decision could
be reached.

3(a) Give an account of the administration of the caliphate under ‘Uthman. [10]
Answer (Learn and write)
Hazrat ‘Uthman’s caliphate started in 644 and ended in 656. His mercy, generosity and efficient administration
of the Islamic empire won him the respect of his people. He proved skilful in handling the vast caliphate. As the
Khalifa, Hazrat Usman followed the sunnah of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and the practice followed by the first
and the second caliphs.
• He started his reign with a popular gesture by adding 100 dirhams to the annual stipends and at the
same time began to increase the central government’s control over the affairs of the garrison cities.
• He continued the administrative arrangements made by Hazrat Umar, though he regrouped some of the
provinces and created new provinces for the newly conquered territories. He brought about
administrative changes in some areas e.g. Jordan and Palestine were united into one province Syria.
• He continued with ‘Umar’s policy of gradually splitting up the immense authority exercised by the
provincial governors, who also doubled as army commanders. He did this by creating the new post of
financial administrators who exclusively looked after tax revenue. He established a permanent
secretariat for the above task and appointed a salaried ‘Inspector of Markets’, which remained a key
position in future Islamic states.
• The Majlis-e-Shura or council of consultation was maintained. He started the practice of holding periodic
conference of the district authorities in order to keep himself informed of the conditions in country.
Hazrat Usman also used to hear public complaints after Friday prayers. He did keep a strict watch on
governors and other administrators, e.g. Saad bin Abi Waqas drew money from the bait ul maal and did
not return it for which he was deposed by ‘Uthman. However he overlooked simple mistakes of his
• Hazrat Usman relaxed most of the restrictions that had been implemented by Hazrat Umar. He allowed
the Arabs to acquire agricultural lands in the conquered territories. The Arabs purchased these lands
and exchanged them with lands in Arabia.
• Many other Public works were carried out, e.g. embankments were constructed to protect the houses
in Madina from being swept away by periodic floods. Extension and provision for providing clean water
to the population was undertaken. he purchased land and constructed purposebuilt markets whose
rents were used to feed the poor; land was bought from funds of central treasury for state animals to
pasture; construction of state stables and guesthouses for the use of travellers, messengers and poor
pilgrims were set up; he extended the Prophet’s mosque and built a port at Jeddah.

• During his Khilafat for the first time a fleet of nearly five hundred ships was built to fight with the Greeks
on the on the Mediterranean Sea.
• The cantonments were extended and enlarged, more barracks were constructed for the soldiers, and
stables for the cavalry were also extended.
• He took steps for the propagation of Islam and said to have sent religious teachers to India to spread
Islam. During his administration, the Qur’an was also copied from the Mushaf e Hafsah and sent to the
four corners of the caliphate.
• He launched a diligent inspection of accounts, started to overhaul the Diwan salary rolls and asked for
the accounts and provisional surpluses to be forwarded to the treasury in Madina.
It must be noted here that all these increment reforms and building projects were to be achieved in the midst
of ten years of continues warfare on practically all frontiers of the Muslim Empire.

3(b) In your opinion what was ‘Uthman’s greatest achievement as caliph? [4]

5(a) Write about the rituals that take place on the first three days of the annual pilgrimage
(hajj). [10]
O/N 2009
5 (a) Describe the main events of the annual pilgrimage (hajj). [10]
M/J 2013
3 (a) Outline the main observances of the annual pilgrimage (Hajj). [10]
Answer [Learn and write]:
The fifth pillar is the Pilgrimage to Makka and its vicinity during a fixed time of the twelfth month of the Muslim
calendar, Dhu al-hajja. To perform the Hajj is a very difficult and strenuous form of worship, though Muslims should
attempt to go once in their lifetime, if they have the means.
“Pilgrimage thereto is a duty people owe to Allah- those who can afford the journey.” [3:97]

Pilgrims arrive in Makka by the 7th day of Dhu al-Hijja, they purify themselves and
on 8ththe men put on the Ihram. It is the preparation, entering into a purified state at prescribed stations, Meeqat, by
shedding ordinary clothes and putting on to seamless cloths, one around the waist and one over one shoulder. Women
do not use these cloths but wear simple modest cloths to cover their bodies, except for their face and hands. Afetr entering
the state of Ihram, the pilgrims start reciting Talbiah.
At the great mosque of Kaaba, Masjid al Haraam , they perform the Tawaaf Qudoom. It is anticlockwise
circumambulation of the Kaaba seven times, at the beginning of the Hajj.
The Pilgrims proceed to the plain of Mina, where they pray their shortened Zuhr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha prayers. The
prayers though shortened are not combined. The pilgrims spend all the available time in worship and supplication. The night is spent
in prayer at Mina.

On the 9th day after Fajr prayer, they leave Mina for Arafat, where they recite the Quran and pray at the Jabal al-
Rahma. This is known as wuquf in which they spend time by reciting appropriate passages from the Quran. This is the
climax of the Hajj when Muslims believe that the misdeeds of their lives, until this time, are forgiven. the Prophet (pbuh)
said, ‘hajj is halting at Arafat’
Zuhr and Asr prayers of 9th of Dhu al-hajja are performed together in this plain. The Hajj sermon is also delivered here.
At sunset, the pilgrims leave Arafaat for Muzdalifa once again reciting the talbiya, where they perform Maghrib and
Isha prayers together.
They spend the night in worship and gather 49 pebbles for the next day. However, it is permissible for women and
weak individuals to proceed to Mina at any time after midnight.

At dawn of 10th of Dhu al-hajja also known as Yawm-an-Nahr means the Day of Sacrifice, they proceed from Muzdalifa
to Mina where they perform Ramy (stonning), by throwing seven pebbles at the Jamarat al Aqba calling ‘Bismillah Allahu
Akbar’ every time they throw a pebble.. The stone pillar symbolizes Satan. Recitation of Talbiah is stopped here. The animal
sacrifice, Udhiya, on the tenth day of Dhu al-Hijja , the Id al-Adha is performed at Mina. Men usually have their heads
shaved at this time whereas women may cut a lock of hair. they can now change into their normal clothes.
Quran says,
“The sacrificial camels, We have made for you as among the symbols from Allah: in them is much good for you. Then
pronounce the name of Allah over them as they are lined up for sacrifice. When they are down on their sides after
slaughter, eat from them and feed others.” [22:36]
After this, the pilgrims go to the Kaaba to perform the obligatory tawaf known as Tawaf Ifadah or Tawaf Ziara. Then they
perform two rakat near the Station of Ibrahim.
Then they carry out the Sa’yi between the hills of Safa and Marwa by running between the hills seven times.
“Behold! Safa and Marwa are among the symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the house in the season or at
other times, should compass them round, it is no sin in them. And if anyone obeys his own impulse to good , be sure
that Allah is He who recognizes and knows.” [2:158]
*Following sentence should be added when complete method is asked
Ramy is carried out on the eleventh and the twelfth days as well. On the twelfth day, pilgrims return to the Kaaba for the
final Tawaaf.

5(b) In your opinion should hajj be performed as many times as possible in a Muslim’s life?
Give reasons for your answer. [4]
• The Prophet (pbuh) performed hajj once in his lifetime so following his Sunna Muslims should also perform hajj
once in their lifetime.
• hajj should not be performed more than once in a lifetime so that those who have not performed it get a chance
to fulfil this Pillar.
• if a Muslim has performed hajj once he could sponsor the hajj of one who cannot afford the journey so they can
experience it and fulfil this Pillar.
• some Muslims may want to perform hajj more than once to be able to repent for their sins and to seek God’s
forgiveness. They may want to perform a hajj e badal for a deceased loved one who had not performed hajj in
their lifetime.

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