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The Living in the I.T. Era- Introduction to Information and Communications

Technology (ICT) was discussed by Marc Anthony Bautista. The video gives an
introduction about ICT. It discusses the uses of ICT, positive and negative impact of
ICT in the society, and the applications of ICT in our daily lives. Information and
communications technology plays an important role in the society creating a better
world for people.

This pandemic significantly changed people’s lifestyles by imposing new measures

for physical interaction and socializing in public restriction. Even though, restrictions in
social physical interaction are lifted, people’s communication in each other still
continues. When the pandemic started, I am also one of the many people who uses
technology especially social media because of the sudden change of condition in our
environment to connect with my family and friends in the outside world. Through ICT,
it allows people to stay connected to others in innovative ways virtually. By the means
of ICT, it helps people in maintaining social connections via digital communication
platforms and social media.

When it comes to healthcare, ICT has transformed it into a whole new level creating
a safe place for people to improve the quality of care and information sharing among
health workers. Healthcare facilities had embraced new tools and innovations such as
telemedicine and virtual care that use ICT to offer digital or remote healthcare facilities
for patient treatment. Digital information and monitoring systems have been unleashed
in an unparalleled fashion to gather data and credible facts to help public health

Also, online learning has been more popular during the pandemic. Education
institutions adapt to the new way of learning transitioning to the traditional approach
of direct communication to the distance learning. This communication has been a
challenge for all participants, especially for students and parents. Online learning
caused great confusion among students in primary schools, mainly small age groups
of children have faced great difficulties during the interruption of traditional learning
and switching to distance learning due to the fact that they find it difficult to understand
isolation, social distance, digital learning platforms and so on. With that, I wonder how
young students manage to learn and study in this though times, because for me as a
college student, it is still difficult for me to adapt with this type of learning. In this
transition from traditional to online learning has necessitated the involvement of
parent’s and student’s internet access and the need for digital devices. The closing of
schools that was imposed by the pandemic and the shift to online learning creates a
mutual commitment between different institutions and technology.

In conclusion, information and communications technology creates a space to

the world to manage with the everchanging condition of the society. Applications and
uses of ICT in our daily lives help us to adapt with the current pandemic situation. The
use of ICT in social interaction, healthcare, and online learning proves the significance
of its in our society. With this, information and communications technology
undoubtedly serve a big role to the society creating a better world for us.

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