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1.What are the challenges you are facing in the IT era?

Growing Cybersecurity & Data Privacy Threats

The challenges that I’m facing in the i.t. Era is the growing cybersecurity and data privacy
threats. In cybersecurity and privacy of the users used across different applications. I don’t really
understand how it works and how do they manage our data in using technology. There’s a lot of issue
circulating on the internet about this. In my personal experience, I often see the same advertisement
through different application the same on my recently searched things on internet, like different
products or things. I don’t know if it is coincidence, or the developers just embedded a special algorithm
on every user’s device using technology. I wonder who sees my personal data with that.
2.How is living in the IT era change the way people live?
Technology has simplified our lives in several ways including providing on-the-go services, easy
access to information, internet of things, improved entertainment services, advanced communication
tools and has always encouraged creativity, talent and innovations enhancing productivity and
efficiency. It has revolutionized communications, to the extent that it is now our preferred medium of
everyday communication.
3.How does the era of information technology affects our daily lives?
Technology affects almost every aspect of 21st century life, from transport efficiency and safety
to access to food and healthcare, socialization, and productivity. The power of the internet has enabled
global communities to form, and ideas and resources to be shared more easily. It made things easier.
4.What are the biggest problems in the digital age?
Online Ethics & Cyberbullying
Most users don’t know how to use technology the right way, just like cyberbullying. In this time,
it is now normal to see people disrespecting and bullying others mostly on social media like Facebook.
5.What are the threats in information age?
The threats I see is using the technology in a bad way. In recent years, scamming continuously
spreading everywhere on the internet. Despite the easy and convenient using of technology, scammers
do there scam easily.

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