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Las Piñas City

School National Senior High Grade Level Grade 12

School- CAA Campus
Daily Lesson Log Learning Media and Information
Teacher Glenn C. Prestoza
Area Literacy
Week 7 Day 4
March 20-24, 2023
Teaching Date Sections:
Time Quarter 3rd Quarter
Day Semester 2nd Semester

The learner demonstrates understanding of media and information literacy
A. Content Standard (MIL) and MIL related concepts.

The learner organizes a creative and interactive symposium for the community
B. Performance
Standard focusing on being a media and information literate individual.

Specific objective:
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
Competencies a. explain the copyright law;
(include objective) b. list down things that are against the copyright law; and
c. be careful in using others’ intellectual rights.
UNIT 7: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media Information
Lesson 2: What is the Copyright Law?
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Media and Information Literacy by Maria Jovit E. a Zarate
pages Quipper Philippines
2. Learner’s NA
Materials pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
Materials for
Learning (LR) portal

B. Other Learning SDO MIL ADM

Resources PPT Presentation through Smart TV
(if unavailable, manual presentation like photos and manila paper/cartolina)
A. Reviewing Activity 1: PRELIMINARIES (5 minutes)
previous lesson or 1. Prayer
presenting the new 2. Checking of attendance
lesson 3. Checking of students’ welfare
4. Checking of cleanliness and orderliness
5. Review
B. Establishing a Activity 2: READ (2 minutes)
purpose for the Unintentional plagiarism is still a bad practice in research. Also, laws about
lesson copyrights must be respected. What does the Copyright law stand for,
promotes, and protects?

C. Presenting Activity 3: JUMP START (8 minutes)

examples/ instances Study the case about Ed Sheeran’s almost forgotten “Photograph” In 2016,
of the new lesson Vanity Fair published a news article about how Ed Sheeran allegedly “copied”
another artist, Matt Cardle’s song.

Read and listen in this link:
lawsuit After reading the article and listening to the audio in class. Find a
partner to discuss the following questions:
● How is Sheeran’s work similar to Cardle’s?
● What possible sanction might Sheeran and his group receive? Describe both
parties actions.
● Do you think technology and the internet have made “copying” easier? Does it
impede and lessen people’s creativity? Explain your answer by citing examples.
D. Discussing new Activity 4: DISCUSSION (15 minutes)
concepts and
practicing new skills In the Philippines alone, approximately 400,000 Google search results about plagiarism cases
#1 would come up. This is an alarming issue that we face worldwide. From photographs, videos,
research papers, to song compositions and medleys, everything has been plagiarized in some

Freedom and Responsibility “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this
right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

This sentence is directly quoted from the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights (also
known as the UNDHR). This is a document drafted by different people with legal and cultural
backgrounds from all over the world. It states how each individual is entitled to his or her own
opinions. We commonly call this as free speech or freedom of expression. We would see this
right practiced and exercised every day. Due to digital technology, we get to spread our ideas
and information faster and easier.

However, knowing this basic human right and being able to practice it is just one part of it. We
also have to act ethically. We know that individuals come from different cultures, social
backgrounds, and different ideological systems. Ideology is a set of beliefs or principles
belonging to an individual or group that can be viewed as a complete vision, or a way of looking
at things. And with this, ideologies will clash, ones freedom of expression might hinder or
negatively affect another’s.

In line with this, the Philippines has established laws that ascertain the promotion of this human
right while ethically acknowledging the differences of individuals. These are through the
Freedom of Information Bill, Fair Use Policy, the Copyright Law, and the Intellectual Property
Code to name a few.

All Under the Law Republic Act No. 8293 commonly known as the Philippine Copyright Law
states that any original tangible material with a known creator of a published book, research
paper, journal articles, web content, pictures, graphics, music or videos is protected under this
law. Original tangible materials include those of content and information published physically or
online in the internet. This law also includes the Intellectual Property Code which covers the
rights 8 of a copyright holder to the attribution, integrity of ownership, and protection of all
his/her original works. Another provision of the Copyright Law is the Fair Use Policy. Under this,
non-profit educational institutions and libraries are allowed to use someone else’s original and
copyrighted work guided by specific rules and guidelines. This also covers unpublished works in
the Philippines.

Recently, the government pushed a bill in Congress called the Freedom of Information Bill. With
this, every Filipino citizen can have access to all information about all government agencies in
the country. All information about policy development, including researches conducted, official
acts, decisions, and transactions can be accessed by any Filipino. This seeks to promote
transparency and good leadership in the government.

E. Discussing new Activity 5: TRIVIA (2 minutes)

concepts and
practicing new skills
F. Developing

G. Finding practical Activity 6: GROUP WORK (5 minutes)

applications of
concepts and skills
in daily living

H. Making Activity 7: WRAP UP (3 minutes)

generalizations and
abstractions about What is copyright law?
the lesson
Republic Act No. 8293 commonly known as the Philippine
Copyright Law states that any original tangible material with a
known creator of a published book, research paper, journal articles,
web content, pictures, graphics, music or videos is protected under
this law.
I. Evaluating Activity 8: QUIZ. (7 minutes)
Answer the following questions. A. Knowledge / Comprehension. Identify the
term defined. (5 items)

● Additional
activities for
application or

A. No. of learners _____ 12 ABM SIMPLICITY
who earned 80% on _____ 12 ABM SERVICE
the formative _____ 12 ABM SELF-ESTEEM
assessment _____ 12 ABM ACCOUNTABILITY
B. No. of learners _____ 12 ABM SIMPLICITY
who require _____ 12 ABM SERVICE
additional activities _____ 12 ABM SELF-ESTEEM
for remediation _____ 12 ABM ACCOUNTABILITY
C. Did the remedial ___Yes ___No
lessons work? No. of _____ 12 ABM SIMPLICITY
learners who have _____ 12 ABM SERVICE
caught up with the _____ 12 ABM SELF-ESTEEM
lesson. _____ 12 ABM ACCOUNTABILITY
D. No. of learners _____ 12 ABM SIMPLICITY
who continue to _____ 12 ABM SERVICE
require remediation _____ 12 ABM SELF-ESTEEM
E. Which of my ___experiment ___role play ___collaborative learning
teaching strategies ___differentiated instruction ___lecture ___discovery
worked well? Why ___ others (pls. specify)
did this work? Why? ________________________________________________________
F. What difficulties ___ bullying among pupils ___pupil’s behavior/ attitude
did I encounter ___ colorful instructional materials
which my principal ___unavailable technology equipment (AVR/ LCD)
or supervisor can ___science/ computer/internet lab
help me solve? ___others (pls. specify) ____________________________________

G. What innovation ___localized videos

or localized ___making big books from views of the locality
materials did I use/ ___recycling of plastics for contemporary arts
discover which I ___local musical composition
wish to share with ___others (pls. specify) ____________________________________
other teachers?

Prepared by: Executed by:


Teacher III Teacher III

Checked by: Noted by:


Master Teacher I Principal I

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