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Ideology Orientation Political Development Economic Development

First World Liberal-Capitalist Liberal-Democratic Developed
Second World Socialist-Communist Socialist-Command Developed/Developing
Third World Unsure/Non-Aligned Trad/Authoritarian/etc Underdeveloped


Russia China


Indonesia Cuba



Key to understanding: Global south is a metaphor of interstate inequality

(i.e., not poverty per se but inequality)

Poverty under globalization: A poverty of inequality (between North and South).

Globalization is a diptych that creates both affluence and poverty

Modernity according to Others

Western culture left behind
Globalization is a development0underdevelopment paradox
Why Poverty?
 Neo-liberal explanation: Inability to globalize in some countries (incompleteness of globalization;
inability to participate in global cosmopolitan culture) = calls for ne-liberal policies
 Leftwing explanation: dominant economic paradigm fosters inequality = neo-liberalism creates the
structure of inequality
 South’s explanation: Double standards under globalization (uneven economic norms of
development; double standard in prescription of cures; privatization/deregulation causing shrining
of public sector services; dogmatic adherence to austerity) = contradictions of neo-liberal policies
reinforces poverty
Inequality is the cause = relative poverty vs. absolute poverty (one is poor because others are rich)
 Distinction between beneficiaries of uneven system of global power (who gets what…)
 Lack or political representation of certain people on global processes
 North-south represents global difference entangled in political geographies
 Result of historical antecedents: colonialism-imperialism-cold war- globalism
 Not am a priori concept but constructed by agents (the South) = It is a subjective response,
historical and evolutionary because nations feel poor.
 The concept of Global South is both objective (i.e., realities of global poverty) and subjective
(i.e., responses to such inequality

Implications: While there is rhetoric /ideologies of convergence in growth and development, there is
divergence (the divide) because nation-states remain as a legitimate under globalization.
 Decolonized sovereign states are sources of resistance to globalization
 International organizations are still inadequate (states remain a mechanism for redistribution)
 Intergovernmental claims are results of state policies (global states are pre-figured b state

Result: South states become activist states responding to globalization

Colonialism of the West is at the root of global inequality!

 Civilization discourse is the root of colonialism in the past

 Colonial logic persists today (Western modernization as social scientific rationality)
 Globalization as new colonialism (i.e., the Global South is re-imagined by those who
dominate it.

Result Global South is defining itself against globalism;

 It is an active negation of colonialism

 It is a counterpoint to global modernity
 It is challenge to global order of colonial globalization


 Structural correction – challenge to colonial structure

 Non – alignment – 3rd world countries (non-liberal, non-socialist)
 Alliance – Formation o own alliances (with own interests)

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