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CMT 460

1. Explain how fluid differs from solid.

2. Define each of the terms listed below:

a. Density
b. Specific weight
c. Viscosity
d. Surface tension

3. Write the mathematical equation of the following fluid properties:

a. Dynamic viscosity
b. Mass density
c. Specific weight
d. Kinematic viscosity
e. Specific volume

4. Explain how the increase in temperature affects the viscosity of liquid and gases

5. If 8.10 L of ethyl alcohol weighs 63 N, determine its density, specific gravity and specific
6. If 8 m of oil weighs 50 kN, calculate its specific weight, density, and specific gravity.
3 3
[6.25 kN/m , 637.1 kg/m , 0.6]
7. Glycerine at 20 C has a specific gravity of 2.5. Compute its density and specific weight.
3 3
[ 2500 kg/m ; 24.52 kN/m ]

8. A cylindrical can, 150 mm in diameter, is filled to a depth of 100 with a fuel oil. The oil has
a mass of 1.56 kg. Calculate its density, specific weight and specific gravity.
3 3
[883 kg/m ; 8.659 kN/m ; 0.883]

9. A plate, 0.5 mm distant from a fixed plate, moves at 0.25 m/s and requires a force per
unit area of 2 Pa to maintain this speed. Determine the viscosity of the substance
between the plates.
[0.004 kg/ms]

10. A certain fluid has a dynamic coefficient of viscosity of 1.5 x 10 -3 Nsm-2 and a specific
weight of 13.5 kNm . What is the kinematic viscosity?

11. A very large thin plate is centered in a gap of width 0.06 m with different oils of unknown
viscosities above and below: one viscosity is twice the other. When the plate is pulled at
a velocity of 0.3 m/s the resulting force on 1 m2 of plate due to the viscous shear on both
sides is 29 N. Assuming viscous flow and neglecting all end effects, calculate the
viscosities of the oil.
[ 1.93 N/m ].
12. Air is introduced through a nozzle into a tank of water to form a stream of bubbles. If the
bubbles are intended to have diameter of 2 mm, calculate how much the pressure of the
air at the tip of the nozzle must exceed that of the surrounding water. Assume the value
of surface tension between air and water as 72.7 x 10 N/m.
[must exceed 145.4N/m ]

13. A soap bubble 50 mm in diameter contains a pressure of 2 bar. Find the surface tension
in the soap film.
[1250 n/m]

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