MCS #2

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The causes of poor Competitiveness

According to the report of the BASC (Business Advisory Service Center) there are some basic
causes of poor local and global competitiveness of Bangladeshi firms or companies. The decision-making
process of these companies is based on short term horizons which results in under investment in
research and development. They failed to recognize the threats posed by foreign competitors, neglected
the manufacturing function relative to other functional areas of the company and under invested in
physical and human capital. There is a lack of cooperation among departments within firms that led to
too little communication among marketing, product design, process design engineering and
manufacturing. Consequently, firms have ended up with products unsuitable to customer needs or
wants, products that needed redesigning, products unsuitable to the manufacturing capabilities of an
organization, and products lacking sufficient quality to be competitive in the market place. Moreover,
most of the companies or firms have the tendency to view labor as a cost factor to be minimized instead
of a valuable resource underestimating the importance of training, motivation and adaptability. Finally,
there are some weaknesses in technological practice, often characterized by emphasizing rapidly to the
market, and subsequently, to a loss of market position.

Case questions

1. As a manager, do you agree with the causes of poor competitiveness traced out by the
BASC? If yes, then how will you handle the problems to overcome the situation? If no,
then give reasons to support your opinion.
Yes, I agree. With so many issues to address, I will concentrate on enhancing the
company's competitiveness by focusing on how to improve the company's weaknesses.
The first thing I will do is to make a plan. We never know what will happen in the future,
so it is good to plan ahead of time. Then examine the patterns in the company to see
what difficulties it faced. And determine the best possible outcomes so that we can
devise a strategy for achieving them. The next step is to think big, in order for the
company to achieve great things, a manager must be willing to take risks. Lastly, I can
now begin by working backward. I will outline and define my objective to help the
company, then, devise a strategy for getting there.
Ways to overcome the situation:
 Bangladeshi firms or companies must base their decision-making process on the long
run of the company.
 They must invest more in their research and development in order to keep their
company kicking.
 They must broaden their knowledge of the market for them to know what and who the
threats are to the company.
 The company’s manufacturing functions that are relative to others must always be well
 The company must invest more in physical and human capital.
 Cooperation between the departments within the firm must be fixed, so that marketing,
product design, process design engineering, and manufacturing are in sync.
 The company must not overlook the keys to success: training, motivation, and
adaptability of the laborers.
 The company must be flexible enough to learn and maximize their use of technological
practice to skyrocket the market.

2. Define your production/operation strategy. Describe how your strategy leads your
organization to a competitive advantage.
As production/operation strategy is the primary function of a business, I will set
broad policies and make sure to plan things ahead to support the company’s long-term
strategy. With that, the production of the company will not go to waste as our products
will be sold quickly in the market. Next, for me to lead my organization to a competitive
advantage, I will adapt the competitive priorities to my strategies in order to know
which factors to begin improving and then proceed to the supervision of the company's
conversion process that can meet the specific combination of qualities customers
desire. I will also coordinate my operation strategy with the marketing strategy by
designing goods and services to meet demand while also ensuring product quality. Both
involve working on the process and capacity strategy, as well as the business's location
and layout.

3. Referrence

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