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22 February 2021, Monday
Chapter 1 : Let’s Chat
Informal Email writing
• Wow! That's great I
wonderful I fantastic news!
• I am / was happy I glad I
pleased to hear that...
• I couldn't believe it when I
read that...
• Sounds brilliant I perfect!
• Thanks for inviting me to ... I
asking me to join you.
• How could I say no?
• Count me in.
• I'm sorry but I have to ...
Maybe some other time.
• I'm afraid I can't make it
because ...
• It was nice of you to invite
me, but I've already made
other plans.
• Unfortunately, I'll have to let
you down.
• Well, here's the latest.
• Let me fill you in.
• You won't believe what
happened to me the other
day !
• You asked me to tell you
about ... so here goes.
• Here's an update of what's
happening in my life.
• Greet the person you are
writing to.
• eg :
- Hello Iqbal,
- Hi Mak,
- Dear Usu Bedot,
• Begin your letter / email and
say WHY you’re writing. Use
phrases like :
- How are you (keeping)?
- How are things?
- Sorry I haven’t written for so
• Mention everything you want
to include. Don’t forget to
refer to the notes.
• Refer back to the letter/email
you are replying. Identify
questions that need answers
• State anything IMPORTANT
you want to emphasize
/highlight. Use phrases like..
- I must go now
- Well, that’s all for now
- Give regards to everyone..
• Use a signature ending and
your first name below that.
- Yours,
- Hugs and kisses,
- Love,
- Take care,
See you guys
next week

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