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Soal Pengayaan bab 6

Nama :
Kelas : III

I. Complete the sentences with between,beside,in front of or behind according to the picture!

1. Mr. Andre is _________________ the car.

2. The cat is___________________ Ahmad.

3. Fatimah is ___________________ her mother and father.

4. The ghost is _____________________ Amir.

5. The flower is ____________________ the chair.

6. The museum is ____________________ the book store.
7. The city park is _________________ SD HarapanBangsa.
8. The post office is _________________ the zoo.
9. The hospital is _____________________ the post office.
10. The market is ____________________ the zoo.

II. Translate the words into Bahasa Indonesia!

1. behind 11. in front of

2. beside 12. library

3. between 13. market

4. bridge 14. see

5. building 15. stadium

6. camel 16. tiger

7. children 17. university

8. city park 18. zoo

9. come on 19. car

10. hospital 20. motorcycle

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