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The Essential

Daily Toolkit &

Daily Tool
Planning Kit
Planning Guide
- for -
Your Survival Tools!

Hello Mama,

You made it! You landed in the right place and your resources are here.

The "Essential Work from Home Daily Tool Kit & Planning Guide for Christian Moms"
features 10 survival tools from my book. Just scroll through the following pages. And
the documents are even "printer-friendly" so they won't use up your ink! (Print pages 6-
17, or just print those that most suit your needs.)

Dive into the tools, and take your time with God. He wants to be a part of your
dreaming, goals, and action process. Invite Him, connect with Him daily, take action
consistently, and ask Him to breathe on your business.

Your journey is unique to you, so commit to the long-term. Don't compare yourself to
others, and just receive the most important recognition title ever: Daughter of the

Begin each day from your identity in Jesus Christ, and you are on your way!

Dive deep into pursing God for your life by dreaming with God
and telling Him your hopes and desires

Write down your top 10 reasons that are motivating you and
"go deep" with God to get to the heart of the matter, the
most important reason

Get clear on your long-term and short-term goals.

Brainstorm and write down your contacts. Open up your
social media and contacts on your phone, and most
importantly, DO NOT PREJUDGE! Some will be clients, some
will be for your business, some will be connectors, some will
give you referrals

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100 NOs
Keep track of the No's and be motivated by them, not
discouraged. Every No is closer to a Yes!

Use a real paper calendar to plan your events, family, etc.

Set aside 15 minutes just once per week to get ready for your

"Connecting with God" and "Building My Business." Start your
day right by connecting with God, then prioritizing your

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Divide the housework and "train" your kids

Having a helper is crucial for giving you the pockets of time
you need to stay focused

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Dream with God
Pray, tell God the truth, listen, sense, journal…

Practical Dreams

Meaningful Dreams

Fun Dreams

Significant Dreams

My Wildest Dreams
10 Reasons Why
Your reasons for doing this business will be what drive you. Think big and small.











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7 Layers of Why
My top reason Why is

1) Why is that important to you?


2) Why is that important you?


3) Why is that important to you?


4) Why is that important to you?


5) Why is that important to you?


6) Why is that important to you?


7) Why is that important to you?


My Why is


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My Vision
My dreams matter. I am worthy. I am chosen. I am equipped. God is for me. I am His
daughter. I work consistently. I give it enough time. I never give up. I receive His favor.

5 Year Goals

1 Year Goals

90-day Goals

30-day Goals

Weekly Goals

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100 Name List

1 ___________________ 34 ___________________ 67 ___________________

2 ___________________ 35 ___________________ 68 ___________________
3 ___________________ 36 ___________________ 69 ___________________
4 ___________________ 37 ___________________ 70 ___________________
5 ___________________ 38 ___________________ 71 ___________________
6 ___________________ 39 ___________________ 72 ___________________
7 ___________________ 40 ___________________ 73 ___________________
8 ___________________ 41 ___________________ 74 ___________________
9 ___________________ 42 ___________________ 75 ___________________
10 ___________________ 43 ___________________ 76 ___________________
11 ___________________ 44 ___________________ 77 ___________________
12 ___________________ 45 ___________________ 78 ___________________
13 ___________________ 46 ___________________ 79 ___________________
14 ___________________ 47 ___________________ 80 ___________________
15 ___________________ 48 ___________________ 81 ___________________
16 ___________________ 49 ___________________ 82 ___________________
17 ___________________ 50 ___________________ 83 ___________________
18 ___________________ 51 ___________________ 84 ___________________
19 ___________________ 52 ___________________ 85 ___________________
20 ___________________ 53 ___________________ 86 ___________________
21 ___________________ 54 ___________________ 87 ___________________
22 ___________________ 55 ___________________ 88 ___________________
23 ___________________ 56 ___________________ 89 ___________________
24 ___________________ 57 ___________________ 90 ___________________
25 ___________________ 58 ___________________ 91 ___________________
26 ___________________ 59 ___________________ 92 ___________________
27 ___________________ 60 ___________________ 93 ___________________
28 ___________________ 61 ___________________ 94 ___________________
29 ___________________ 62 ___________________ 95 ___________________
30 ___________________ 63 ___________________ 96 ___________________
31 ___________________ 64 ___________________ 97 ___________________
32 ___________________ 65 ___________________ 98 ___________________
33 ___________________ 66 ___________________ 99 ___________________

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100 No’s

1 ___________________ 34 ___________________ 67 ___________________

2 ___________________ 35 ___________________ 68 ___________________
3 ___________________ 36 ___________________ 69 ___________________
4 ___________________ 37 ___________________ 70 ___________________
5 ___________________ 38 ___________________ 71 ___________________
6 ___________________ 39 ___________________ 72 ___________________
7 ___________________ 40 ___________________ 73 ___________________
8 ___________________ 41 ___________________ 74 ___________________
9 ___________________ 42 ___________________ 75 ___________________
10 ___________________ 43 ___________________ 76 ___________________
11 ___________________ 44 ___________________ 77 ___________________
12 ___________________ 45 ___________________ 78 ___________________
13 ___________________ 46 ___________________ 79 ___________________
14 ___________________ 47 ___________________ 80 ___________________
15 ___________________ 48 ___________________ 81 ___________________
16 ___________________ 49 ___________________ 82 ___________________
17 ___________________ 50 ___________________ 83 ___________________
18 ___________________ 51 ___________________ 84 ___________________
19 ___________________ 52 ___________________ 85 ___________________
20 ___________________ 53 ___________________ 86 ___________________
21 ___________________ 54 ___________________ 87 ___________________
22 ___________________ 55 ___________________ 88 ___________________
23 ___________________ 56 ___________________ 89 ___________________
24 ___________________ 57 ___________________ 90 ___________________
25 ___________________ 58 ___________________ 91 ___________________
26 ___________________ 59 ___________________ 92 ___________________
27 ___________________ 60 ___________________ 93 ___________________
28 ___________________ 61 ___________________ 94 ___________________
29 ___________________ 62 ___________________ 95 ___________________
30 ___________________ 63 ___________________ 96 ___________________
31 ___________________ 64 ___________________ 97 ___________________
32 ___________________ 65 ___________________ 98 ___________________
33 ___________________ 66 ___________________ 99 ___________________

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Weekly Calendar
Week of ______________________________________________

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Weekly Planning

Week of ______________________________________________

Meals for the week:

Mon _______________________ Fri _______________________

Tues _______________________ Sat _______________________

Wed _______________________ Sun _______________________

Thurs _______________________

Put family time and commitments in my calendar.

Weekly Personal Volume Goal: ____________

Weekly # Events Goal: _________

Weekly # Appointments Goal: _________

Weekly Enrolling Goal: Team Members ________

Customers ________

When will I work my business?

Schedule______ hours to work my business (income producing activities)

Include 1 hour per day to complete my daily plan

Extra Help Needed? (babysitter, Mother’s Helper, etc.)

Schedule exercise / movement

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Start Your Day with Me
Daily Guide for Connecting with God & Building Your Business

You will succeed not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty.
Zechariah 4:6

Date _______________________

Connecting with God

Gratitude, Praise & Worship (5 min)


Affirmations (2 min)

Bible Reading & Declarations (5 min)


Prayer, Journal, Process (5 min)


Meditation (3 min)

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Building My Business
Read / Listen

10 minutes

Connect with my network & build relationships (prospects, clients, team)

Name Note

Invite to learn more 1) ____________________ ______________________

New asks 2) ____________________ ______________________
3) ____________________ ______________________

Follow-up 1) ____________________ ______________________

2) ____________________ ______________________
3) ____________________ ______________________

Events / Appts 1)____________________ ______________________

Scheduled 2)____________________ ______________________

Wins for Today ___________________________


Top Priorities for Tomorrow ___________________________


The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil. Proverbs 10:22_

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Chore Chart

Week of_________________________


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Mother’s Helper Checklist

1. Play with the kids

2. Help them to clean up toys, unless old enough

3. Clean up after snacks and meals

4. Put dishes in dishwasher

5. Wipe the counters, table, and chairs

6. Sweep / broom kitchen floor if dirty

7. Fold laundry in basket

8. Put folded laundry in kids’ drawers

9. Stay off social media

10. Keep phone with you for emergencies

Important Details / Extra tips:


Emergency Contact Info:


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7-Minute Morning Meditations
@ 7amET (Weekdays)

So if you're a Christian Work at Home Mom, you have

definitely heard the expression, "God First, Family
Second, Business Third." But how do we walk that out?
How do we, practically speaking, make sure we keep
God first -- when it's so tempting to dive into the mile-
long To-Do list?

Join me weekday mornings for my "7-Minute Morning

Meditations." I'll be sharing a short video devotional
each weekday at 7am on the East Coast. (You can
watch it when you wake up, wherever you are in the

Here's a little secret about me. Yes, I'm a

businesswoman. But I also love ministry! I absolutely
love to study and share God's Word. In fact, it's my #1
passion. I've even been on a mission trip and am being
mentored in ministry through Hispanic International
Ministries. So I can't wait to share with you what God
puts on my heart through study and prayer each day.

This is for any and ALL Christian WAHMs. All you need is a heart for God...and 7 minutes. (Hint: If
you can't find 7're gonna lose your mind! So, yes, you have 7 minutes for God. )
God is doing something big here! That's why I've created a gathering place, a community, and a
movement for Christian moms working from home. No matter what your side-hustle is, be
encouraged, inspired, and empowered through the power of Christ. Invite your other female
friends to join this tribe for connection, growth, learning, and fun.

Hosted using Facebook Live* in the Christian Work From Home Facebook Group.

Click Here to Join:

* and occasional videos uploaded the night before if the fam needs me.
About Me
I am a former elementary school
teacher, turned stay-at-home mom.
With almost two decades of experience
building a social marketing business at
the same company, my team of
incredible leaders and I have built a 7-
figure* organization.

I have learned how to be a survivor

through perseverance, consistency,
and trusting the Lord.

My favorite job, however, is being a

wife and mother. I'm mom to Samuel,
Charlotte, and Montana. I have been
married for 20+ years to my pilot hubby,

After spending half of my growing up years in the beautiful Canadian wilderness,

working at my family's lodge, I'm now blessed to live in South Florida.

I love nature, reading books, encouraging others, and am passionate about my faith.

Stacy Woodford

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I hope and pray this guide is a blessing to you. I look forward to getting
to know you better.

Stacy xo

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