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The Pop Corner is dedicated to consistently providing high customers satisfaction for its customer to

experience something new with the Pop Corn flavors. For the Popcorn we will have 3 flavors (cheese,
sour cream, barbeque). For the juice drink we will have 2 types of juice, the Lemonade punch and the
Four Seasons. It will be sold for both Students and teachers around the school campus and it will be sold
with their choice of drinks. It will be selling an exceptional healthy flavors of Popcorn and healthy Juice
drinks at an affordable price. It will allow the customers to have their "craving satisfied" "gusto ko pa
magbakal liwat" and "namit" in their first single try. It will also maintain a friendly and creative work
environment which respects ideas and hard work of its competitors,



Montero, John Roy Yanong,

Ian Castor Parreño
Marr Niño Alfred Lanciola Rabanes - Business Plan & Powerpoint
Rendon, Ren Mar 
Saato, Alfie Tavarra 
Saban,Kim Capilisa 
Sabando,Ian John 
Sale, Reynan Minor
 Salmon, Reyjon Mark Caya 
Saludares, John Paul Donato 
Saludes, Kyle Suganob 
Salvilla, Michael Jorge Roa 
Samiana, Dhion Jan Peñas 
Sigre, Jose Miguel Soliva 
Tabares, Robert Saul 
Topez, Leemar Quintia


Samiana, Ma. Loren Grace Epiz

Socoral, Gelyn Jubelag

Tumaculi, Arjane Joy Nallada - Auditor

II. Marketing Plan

A. Target Market

There is a growing trend among students for fast food options like Frank's
Burger and Jollibee, which pair perfectly with fresh and natural refreshing beverages.
Our team of entrepreneurs has developed a cutting-edge business concept that will
revolutionize the food industry. Our mission is to create mouth-watering burger patties
and graham balls that are not only delicious but also packed with wholesome
ingredients. To complement our delectable food offerings, we will also be serving up a
range of all-natural, refreshing juices. Our team of entrepreneurs strategically chose the
Cyber Building, located at the front of the school canteen at Leonora S. Salapantan
National High School. This prime location boasts a cool and attractive atmosphere that
draws in students from all grade levels. Our establishment aims to alleviate the issue of
overcrowding in the school canteen during break time. Our target demographic consists
of approximately 600 students on campus.

B. Marketing Scheme

In basic marketing terms, price is the amount of money charged for a product or
service and what the consumer is willing to give up to receive it. Even if the business is
newly bloomed in the campus, the entrepreneur decided to use the method of Markup
pricing in which the selling price is determined by calculating the selling price and its
markup’s percentage. Consequently, the price of the products will be lined: ₱ 

C. Place

Our entrepreneurial venture will be strategically positioned at Leonora S. Salapantan

National High School, specifically in front of the school canteen at the Cyber Building,
providing a prime location for our business. The decision to choose this location is based
on extensive survey data, which revealed a strong preference among the majority of
students. There are several compelling arguments in favor of this choice. The location
boasts a welcoming and spacious atmosphere, creating an ideal setting for our target
market. Secondly, it boasts a spacious layout capable of accommodating a significant
number of students without causing overcrowding issues. Ensuring a smooth and
streamlined customer experience is crucial for maximizing customer satisfaction and
retention. Lastly, the location's centrality within the school premises positions us
optimally to attract a high volume of potential customers, as it allows for easy visibility
and accessibility to our business area.
C. Brief Profile of the Entrepreneurs

"Burger Ka Sakin!" is a business initiative crafted and presented by Group 2 of the

Grade 12 TVL-ICT students at Leonora S. Salapantan National High School. The group
includes John Roy Yanong Montero, Ian Castor Parreño, Marr Niño Alfred L. Rabanes,
Ren Mar June Sinco Rendon, Alfie Tavarra Saato, Kim Capilisa Saban, Ian John Sabido
Sabando, Reynan Minor Sale, Reyjon Mark Caya Salmon, John Paul Donato Saludares,
Kyle Suganob Saludes, Michael Jorge Roa Salvilla, Dhion Jan Peñas Samiana, Jose
Miguel Soliva Sigre, Ronald Tabugon Silvederio, Robert Saul Tabares, Leemar Quintia
Topez, Ma. Loren Grace Epiz Samiana, Gelyn Jubelag Socoral, and Arjane Joy Nallada

Our dynamic team is all set to launch "Burger Ka Sakin!" at Leonora S. Salapantan
National High School. Our team envisioned a groundbreaking project that would
introduce an innovative and enticing food option to the student body. Our inspiration for
"Burger Ka Sakin!" stems from our passion for supporting local enterprises such as
Frank's Burger. We are confident that this idea will be a game-changer among our target
audience, providing a unique and innovative food option that is both familiar and
D. Promotional Techniques

Our marketing strategy will involve utilizing various channels such as flyers, online
advertising through platforms like Facebook, posters, and real-time broadcasting to reach our
target audience.

Flyers: Distributing flyers is an effective way to reach a local audience. These printed
materials can be strategically placed in high-traffic areas or handed out to potential
customers. Flyers typically include enticing visuals, key information about the business,
and any special offers or discounts.

Posters: Posters are eye-catching visual displays that can be placed in strategic
locations to grab attention. They can be displayed in public areas, community centers, or
even on bulletin boards. Posters often feature bold imagery, captivating headlines, and
essential details about the business and its offerings.

Online Advertising (e.g., Facebook Posts): Utilizing online platforms like Facebook
allows businesses to target specific demographics and reach a wider audience. Creating
engaging and visually appealing posts on Facebook, accompanied by persuasive copy
and attractive visuals, can generate interest, drive traffic to the business's page, and
potentially lead to conversions.

Real-time broadcasting: Real-time broadcasting is an excellent way to showcase the

brand's grand openings, product launches, or special promotions. By utilizing this
technique, entrepreneurs can establish a direct connection with their target market,
resulting in increased engagement and enthusiasm.

E. Process

The food kiosk, "Burger Ka Sakin!", will be operational during the designated recess
period, which falls between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

In order to maintain an orderly environment, we request that our valued customers form
a queue. This will help to prevent overcrowding and ensure a smooth purchasing
process. Our team will have a dedicated crowd controller who will guide the customers
accordingly. Additionally, we will strictly adhere to a 'First Come, First Serve' policy.

A. Brief Description of the Project

"Burger Ka Sakin!" is a fresh and innovative food venture conceived with the needs and
preferences of a school community in mind. Our business aims to provide high-quality,
sustainable, and health-focused food options to students, teachers, and staff within the
school premises.

Our diverse product offering includes frozen meat burger patties for those who enjoy
traditional burger flavors and a distinctive vegetarian alternative—burger patties made
from nutritious banana blossoms—for those seeking plant-based, environmentally
friendly options. We also propose a range of refreshing cucumber and strawberry juices,
providing a natural and healthier alternative to carbonated and artificially sweetened

Finally, to cater to those with a sweet tooth, we offer delightful graham balls, a treat
that's sure to bring joy without compromising on health.

"Burger Ka Sakin!" is committed to contributing to a healthier school environment by

offering delicious, innovative, and sustainable food options, aiming to inspire a positive
change in eating habits amongst the school community.

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