Benjie P. Dalit Chapter 4.

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The strategic management process is a critical framework that enables

organizations to define and achieve their long-term goals. This process involves
a series of steps, including analyzing the internal and external environment,
formulating a strategy, implementing the plan, and evaluating the results.

One of the key benefits of the strategic management process is that it helps
organizations to identify their strengths and weaknesses, as well as potential
opportunities and threats. By conducting a thorough analysis of the internal and
external environment, organizations can gain a deeper understanding of their
competitive position and make informed decisions about their future direction.

Another important aspect of the strategic management process is strategy

formulation. This step involves identifying the organization's mission, vision, and
values, and developing a comprehensive strategy that aligns with these core
principles. This strategy should be flexible enough to adapt to changes in the
market, while also being grounded in a clear understanding of the organization's

It is equally critical to ensure that the strategy is effectively implemented. This

involves building an action plan that assigns specific responsibilities to various
stakeholders, and monitoring progress to ensure that the plan is on track.

Finally, the strategic management process involves evaluating the results of the
strategy. This step involves assessing the effectiveness of the strategy and
making adjustments as required.

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