Agrarian Reform Policies

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History 11 Reading in the Philippine History

Policies on Agrarian Reform

Bachelor of Science of Criminology -1E

Jhevan B. Bandigan

Leo B. Cabangal

May 11,2023
The fourth section of most books that talk about a country's history includes a
discussion of the agrarian reform policies that have been put in place there. These
policies have been around for a long time and they aim to make things more equal in
rural areas by changing the way land is owned and used. When we evaluate chapter 4
of a history book that covers agrarian reform policies, we need to look at the good
things and the bad things about these policies. One positive thing is that they can help
to reduce inequality and make life better for farmers. But there are also negatives to
consider, such as the slow implementation of the policies, poor quality of the land
distributed, and the exclusion of marginalized groups.

The policies of agrarian reform that have been implemented in various nations
around the world are presented in detail in this chapter. It covers the verifiable setting,
the fundamental targets, and the consequences of every approach. The creators
worked really hard in featuring the significance of agrarian change approaches in
tending to destitution and disparity, advancing financial turn of events, and enabling
underestimated networks. The part likewise gives a reasonable point of view by
recognizing both the triumphs and disappointments of agrarian change strategies. For
example, the creators bring up that while agrarian change strategies have assisted with
working on the everyday environments of country networks in certain nations, they
have likewise prompted social and financial disturbances in different nations. The
reader can gain a more nuanced understanding of the issues surrounding agrarian
reform policies thanks to this balanced perspective.

The authors and the people behind of this chapter did a lot of research and
used trustworthy sources to support what they wrote. They also made a list of all the
sources they used, so readers who are interested can learn more about the topic. The
fact that the chapter focuses primarily on Philippine and Latin American policies is
one of its flaws. While these are without a doubt significant contextual investigations,
it would have been helpful for the creators to incorporate a more extensive scope of
models from various regions of the planet. This would have permitted the peruser to
thoroughly analyze the strategies executed in various locales and gain a more
complete comprehension of the point.
The chapter also could have included more details about the difficulties that
arise when putting agrarian reform policies into action. For example, it would have
been helpful to talk about the political and social obstruction that frequently emerges
while attempting to execute such strategies. This would have given the peruser a more
nuanced comprehension of the intricacy of the issue.

This history book’s fourth chapter gives a comprehensive overview of agrarian

reform policies and emphasizes how important they are in promoting social justice,
economic growth, and reducing poverty. Although the chapter is well-researched and
presents a balanced viewpoint, it could have utilized a wider range of regional
examples and a more in-depth discussion of the difficulties associated with putting
agrarian reform policies into action. For example, the chapter could have talked more
about different regions and how agrarian reform policies have played out there. It
could also have gone into more detail about the challenges that come with actually
implementing these policies in practice. Nonetheless, this chapter provides valuable
insights into the complex issues surrounding agrarian reform policies, and serves as a
useful resource for anyone interested in this topic.

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