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Name:_________________ SOCI 200: Article Review Date:_______________

How to Analyze Academic Articles and Write an Article Review Based on the SQ3R Strategy

Please write notes about your article based on the points on the worksheet below. Use your
notes to write a 2-3 page article review. Remember that your task is mainly to analyze and
evaluate the article as a social research study, not summarize or comment on the topic. Thus,
you will write mainly in the third person about what the authors have accomplished.
Please put your name and student number at the top of the page followed by an APA citation of
the article you are analyzing.
APA Citation: __________________________________________________________________


S = Survey - Introduction
(Paragraph 1)
 Introduce the reading
(author, title, general
 Provide a brief summary
 What is the main point of
this article and why is it

Q = Questions
(Paragraph 2)

You should be able to briefly

answer the following

What is/are the

 key terms people should
know? Define them.
 research objective?
 hypothesis?
 independent variable?
 dependent variable?
 research methodology?
 research methods?
 population and sample?
 form of data analysis?
 main results?
 conclusion?
2R = Reflect (Paragraph 3)
Your analysis of the article
should consider the following
 How well did the author(s)
accomplish their original
objectives? Refer to the
strengths and weaknesses
of the research.
 Do you agree or disagree
with any of the other
points in the article?

(Paragraph 4)
 Do you have any questions
or suggestions about what
could have been done
differently in the study?
 What new information
could be collected, or what
other studies could be
conducted that are related
to this topic?

3R = Review (Paragraph 5)

 Briefly summarize what

the authors accomplished
with their research study
 Restate your positive and
negative evaluation of the
research and the research

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