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College of Engineering and Architecture

Santiago City, Philippines


S.Y. 2022-2023

Course No : PBSCPE 035

Descriptive Title : Engineering Ethics
Units : 3
Hours per Week : 3

Prepared and Submitted by: Date Submitted Checked By: Date Reviewed

ENGR. ERIKA G. LLABRES, CCpE ____________ ENGR. ERIKA G. LLABRES, CCpE ____________
Instructor Program Coordinator

Endorsed By:


Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture

Approved by:


Vice President for Academic Affairs

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The University of La SaletteInc, a Catholic institution In keeping with its philosophy, vision, and mission, La Salette professes the following
founded by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, forms institutional objectives:
RECONCILERS “so that they may have life and have it to the
full.” (John 10:10) 1. To foster a reconciled and reconciling community through spiritual upliftment programs
and liturgical activities
2. To sustain the quality assured education of the University through institutional and program
accreditations, professional certifications, and compliance with international standards for
curricular programs and University management.
MISSION 3. To provide accessible education through various modalities of learning.
4. To lead the academic community with strategic and transformative competencies in
The University of La Salette, Inc. is a premier realizing the Vision, Mission and la Salette Philosophy of Education.
institution of choice providing accessible, quality, and 5. To develop and implement transformative teaching and learning experience through the
transformative education for integral human development critical approach and values-based integration.
particularly the poor. 6. To undertake research on various disciplines and generate new knowledge needed for the
advancement of the University as well as for the national development.
7. To realized ICT oriented learning by establishing the monitoring system to collect and
review information needed to manage an organization or on-going activities of the University.
8. To provide industry experience through on-the-job trainings, exposures, internship,
immersion programs, and linkages.
9. To provide a holistic curriculum that integrates instruction, extension, research, ICT,
industry experience for both student and faculty.
10. To adopt an interdisciplinary approach by enhancing the institution’s interest in the
understanding of the cultural reproduction and social integration and in spiritual and moral


FAITH - The total submission to God’s call to Holiness and Having finished their academic degree at University of La Salette, the graduates should be:
commitment to His will. TRANSFORMATIVE LEADER. Active involvement in their respective community and
organization by the championing the Salettinians ideals.
RECONCILIATION - Constantly renewing our relationship RECONCILER. Continue to communicate their Salettinian identity and culture through
with God, others and all creation through a life of prayer, active involvements in the evangelizing ministry of reconciliation in their local communities,
penance and zeal work-places and in social organization.
INDUSTRY COMPETENT. Demonstrate their readiness in the arena of and qualification
INTEGRITY - The courage and determination to live and die for employment through the established link between theoretical aspect of the curriculum and
for Salettinian ideals. its practical dimension as a result of their on-the-job trainings, exposures, internship,
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immersion programs and linkages with relevant industries or workplaces.
EXCELLENCE - Upholding the highest standard of quality RESEARCH-ORIENTED. Keep abreast with current developments and trends in all
assured education and professionalism in the areas of relevant technical/professional knowledge areas for successful adaptation to a changing and
instruction, research, and extension. complex world through continuing engagement in research projects to contribute to the
humanization of the world in general, and to the reconciling effects on their relationship with
SOLIDARITY - Commitment to building a community God, with fellow human beings, with society and with nature.
anchored on mutual trust, confidence, teamwork, unity and INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY PROFICIENT.
respect for the dignity of the human person and creation. Demonstrate contemporary skills applications as they offer innovative solutions in work
situations through the employment of new technology and new ways of communication.
CRITICAL THINKER. Engage themselves in critical reflection and communicative
discourses on uncritically assimilated assumptions, beliefs, value – system and diverse
perspectives that need to be collaboratively addressed for an emancipatory and integral
process of human growth and community building.
HOLISTIC PERSON. Demonstrate through their attitude, behaviour and engagement a
synthesis of faith and lived experience; synthesis of faith and science; synthesis of cognitive,
affective and behavioural aspects of learning; synthesis of cultural and global concerns, and a
synthesis of curricular and co-curricular programs.


    The students of the BSCPE program shall have the ability to:
a) apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve engineering problems
b) design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
c) design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health
and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with standards
d) identify, formulate and solve engineering problems
e) apply professional and ethical responsibility
f) communicate effectively
g) identify the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
h) recognize the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
i) apply knowledge of contemporary issues
j) use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
k) apply knowledge of engineering and management principles as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
l) understand at least one specialized field of Engineering practice.

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Institutional Outcomes
Program Outcomes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
a. apply knowledge of mathematics and science to solve
/ / /
complex engineering problems;
b. design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and
/ /
interpret data;
c. design a system, component, or process to meet desired
needs within realistic constraints such as economic,
environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, / /
manufacturability, and sustainability, in accordance with
d. function on multi-disciplinary teams; / / /
e. identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problem; / / /
f. understand professional and ethical responsibility; / / /
g. communicate effectively; / / / / /
h. understand the impact of engineering solutions in global,
/ / /
economic, environmental, and societal context;
i. recognize the need for, and engage in life-long learning; / / /
j. knowledge of contemporary issues; / / /
k. use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools
/ /
necessary for engineering practice; and
l. Understand of engineering and management principles as a
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in / / / / / / /
multidisciplinary environments.


The course includes moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations involved in engineering. This subject will focus
on the study the code of ethics, conflict of ethics, conflict of interest, safety and risk tradeoffs in design, confidentiality, behavior in the work place,
intellectual property, patents, trade secrets and contemporary issues in engineering.

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After completing this course, the student must be able to:

a. Understand the fundamentals of professionalism and ethics with the focus on the fields of engineering.
b. Study the codes of ethics, conflict of interest, safety and risks tradeoffs in design, confidentiality and behavior in the work place, intellectual
property, patents, trade secrets and contemporary issues in engineering.


Relationship to Program Outcomes

COURSE OUTCOMES a b c d e f g h i j k l

Understand the fundamentals of professionalism and ethics with the focus on

the fields of engineering /
Study the codes of ethics, conflict of interest, safety and risks tradeoffs in
design, confidentiality and behavior in the work place, intellectual property,
patents, trade secrets and contemporary issues in engineering.


Week 1 1. Explain the Salettinian Orientation Asynchronous In online discussion the Students Manual 2017
vision, mission, philosophy, Learning: students are ask to;
core values and institutional Introduction to the CMO 39, s. 2017
outcomes. Course Instructional texts and Oral recitation on the
2. Describe concrete actions teacher-made modules understanding of the
exhibiting your Salettinian  Salettinian vision, will be uploaded at ULS- relationship of the course
identity. philosophy, core values, CLMS. Students will outcomes to the Salettinian
3. Share your understanding and institutional follow the given core values and
of the BSCPE program outcomes examples for every topic, institutional outcomes.
outcomes.  BSCPE Program and answer posted guide
4. Relate the course learning Outcomes questions. Students upload onto their
outcomes, and institutional LMS their essay on the ff.
learning outcomes. Synchronous

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discussion: 2. Graphic organizer
relating the course
Online discussion via learning outcomes to the
Google Meet. program outcomes
Week 2-3 At the end of this unit, you Topic 1: Engineering Asynchronous 1. Oral discussion on
should be able to: Ethics, values and Learning: Engineering Ethics, values
attitudes and attitudes.
1. Demonstrate the value of Instructional texts and
knowledge in the  Terminologies in teacher-made modules 2. The students will be
Principles of Ethics. Ethics will be uploaded at ULS- working in pairs. They
2. Identify the different CLMS. Students will will write a real-
principles of ethics. follow the given life scenario where they
3. Define engineering ethics. examples for every topic, can apply/ use / prevent
4. Identify the values and and answer posted guide the following values and
attitudes of a Engineering questions. attitudes. Then they will
Professionals. present it in class.

Online discussion via

Google Meet.
Week 4-5 At the end of this unit, you Topic 2: The most Asynchronous The students will have a
should be able to: common ethical theories Learning: short quiz/assignment on
ethical theories.
1. Identify the value of  Utilitarianism Instructional texts and
professionalism in  Deontological teacher-made modules ESSAY:
Professional Ethics, Codes  Professional Ethics, will be uploaded at ULS-
of Conduct and Moral Codes of Conduct and CLMS. Students will The student needs to
Responsibility Moral Responsibility follow the given explain the following
2. Distinguish the most examples for every topic, questions:
common ethical theories. and answer posted guide
3. Define utilitarianism. questions. 1. What is the main
4. Identify the most common difference between
ethical theories. Synchronous utilitarianism and
discussion: deontological
Online discussion via 2. Identify at least 1
Google Meet. ethical principle and
elaborate how you can
use it in your daily
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Week 7-8 At the end of this unit, you Topic 3: Ethical Issues Asynchronous 1. Oral discussion on  Books
should be able to:  Privacy Invasion Learning: professional and ethical  Internet
 Hacking issues.  LCD Projector
1. Discuss the different  Security Instructional texts and  White Board
ethical issues.  Theft teacher-made modules 2. The students will be Marker
2. Classify the Ethical  Copyright Infringement will be uploaded at ULS- grouped in pairs. They will
Dilemma  Unfair Competition CLMS. Students will make a short presentation
follow the given on the different ethical
 Virus
examples for every topic, issues and dilemma.
 Tele/videoconferencing
and answer posted guide
 Online defamation questions.
 Piracy
 Fraud Synchronous

Online discussion via

Google Meet.
Week 9-11 At the end of this unit, you Topic 4: Philippine IT Asynchronous Homework  Books
should be able to: and related Laws Learning: Research work  Internet
 Electronic Commerce Recitation  LCD Projector
1. Discuss the value of rule Act Instructional texts and Quizzes  White Board
of law in Philippine IT and  Access Device teacher-made modules Marker
related Laws. Regulations Act will be uploaded at ULS-
2. Recognize examples of  Intellectual Property CLMS. Students will
ethics and Law in action. Code follow the given
3. Differentiate the examples for every topic,
Philippine IT and related and answer posted guide
Laws. questions.
4. Discuss the First
Amendments Rights Synchronous

 Online discussion via

Google Meet.
Week 13 - 15 At the end of this unit, you Topic 5: Transnational Asynchronous  Books
should be able to: Issues Learning: The students will be  Internet

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 Cybercrimes having a graded recitation  LCD Projector
1. Apply the value of  Electronic Commerce Instructional texts and on transnational issues:  White Board
analysis in Transnational  International Agreements teacher-made modules Marker
Issues will be uploaded at ULS- ESSAY:
2. Discuss the different CLMS. Students will
transnational issues. follow the given The student needs to
examples for every topic, answer the following
and answer posted guide questions:
1. Cite an example of each
Synchronous transnational issue that we
discussion: are facing today and give
the possible solution for
Online discussion via these issues.
Google Meet.
2. Cite some current
events/issues that
computer engineering is
facing today.
Week 16-17 At the end of this unit, you Topic 6: Government Asynchronous The students will have a  Books
should be able to: Agencies Responsible in Learning: short quiz/assignment on  Internet
the Implementation of the topic 6.  LCD Projector
1. Identify the function of Philippine IT programs Instructional texts and  White Board
government Agencies in the teacher-made modules VIDEO Marker
Implementation of the  Commission on will be uploaded at ULS- PRESENTATION:
Philippine IT programs. Information CLMS. Students will
Technology and follow the given The students will group in
2. Discuss the function of these communication examples for every topic, pairs. They will make a
government Agencies. technology and answer posted guide short video presentation in
 National Bureau of questions. organizational lifelong
Investigation learning, examples and its
 Department of Justice Synchronous benefits. They will present
discussion: it during their class.

Online discussion via

Google Meet.


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100-90 89-80 PROFICIENCY 69-60
Sharp, distinct controlling Apparent point made No apparent point but Minimal evidence of a
The single controlling point made about a single about a single topic evidence of a specific topic.
point made with an topic with evident awareness with sufficient awareness of topic.
awareness of a about a of task. task.
specific topic.
Substantial, specific and/or Sufficiently developed Limited content with Superficial and/or minimal
The presence of ideas illustrative content content with adequate inadequate elaboration or content.
developed acts examples demonstrating strong elaboration or explanation. explanation.
anecdotes, details opinions, development and sophisticated
statistics, reasons, and/or ideas.
Sophisticated arrangement of Functional arrangement of Confused or inconsistent Minimal control of
The order developed and content with evident and/or content that sustains a logical arrangement of content with or content arrangement.
sustained within and across subtle transitions. order with some evidence of without attempt at transition
paragraphs using transitions.
transitional devices and
including introduction and
Precise, illustrative use of a Generic use of a variety of Limited word choice and Minimal variety in word
The choice, use and variety of words and words and sentence control of sentence choice and minimal
arrangement of words and sentence structures to structures that may or may structures that inhibit voice and control of sentence
sentence structures that create consistent writer's voice not create writer's voice and tone. structures.
create tone and voice. and tone appropriate to tone appropriate to audience
Evident control of grammar, Sufficient control of Limited control of grammar, Minimal control of
Grammar, mechanics, mechanics. spelling usage and grammar, mechanics, mechanics, spelling usage and grammar, mechanics.
Spelling, usage and sentence formation. spelling. usage and sentence sentence formation. spelling usage and
sentence formation. formation sentence formation

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100-90 89-80 PROFICIENCY 69-60
Speaks Clearly Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and distinctly Speaks clearly and distinctly Often mumbles or cannot
all (100- 95%) the time, and all (100- 95%) the time, but most (94-85%) of the time. be understood OR
mispronounces no words. mispronounces one word. Mispronounces no more than mispronounces more than
one word. one word.
Volume Volume is loud enough to be Volume is loud enough to be Volume is loud enough to be Volume often too soft to
heard by all audience members heard by all audience members heard by all audience members be heard by all audience
throughout the recitation. at least 90% of the time. at least 80% of the time. members.
Posture and Eye Contact Stands up straight, looks Stands up straight and Sometimes stands up straight Slouches and/or does not
relaxed and confident. establishes eye contact with and establishes eye contact. look at people during the
Establishes eye contact with everyone in the room during recitation.
everyone in the room during the recitation.
the recitation.
Preparedness Student is completely prepared Student seems pretty prepared The student is somewhat Student does not seem at
and has obviously rehearsed. but might have needed a prepared, but it is clear that all prepared to present.
couple more rehearsals. rehearsal was lacking.
Listens to Other Listens intently. Does not Listens intently but has one Sometimes does not appear to Sometimes does not
Recitations make distracting noises or distracting noise or movement. be listening but is not appear to be listening and
movements. distracting. has distracting noises or
Length Requirements Meets the length requirements Length is 75% of the Length is less 50%- 75% of the Length is less than 50% of
of the assignment. requirement. requirement. the requirement.


The student’s grade is composed of:

a. Class Standing (CS) which includes quizzes, assignments, recitations, laboratory exercises, seat works and requirements.
b. Periodical examinations (PE) refer to Preliminary, Midterm or Final Examination.
The Prelim Grade (PG) is computed as:

PG = 2/3 of CS + 1/3 of PE

The Midterm Grade (MG) is computed as:

MG = 2/3 of CS + 1/3 of PE
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Cumulative MG = 2/3 of MG and 1/3 of PG

The Final Grade (FG) is computed as:

FG = 2/3 of CS + 1/3 of PE

Cumulative FG = 2/3 of FG + 1/3 of MG

The percentage equivalent of Periodical Examination and the different components of the CS is computed as:

% = (Raw Score/No. of Items) * 50 + 50

Passing Mark is 75% and above.

Failing Mark is below 75%.

Incomplete Mark will be given to students on the ff. instances:

1. The student failed to take the final examinations.

2. The student failed to submit major course requirements.
FDA (Failure due to absences) Mark will be given to students who have incurred a significant number of absences. Please refer to Univeristy of La Salette, Inc.
Student Handbook Section 3.3.4-6


According to the University of La Salette, Inc. Student Handbook Section 5.7  

1. Class hour begins and ends with a prayer. Classroom prayer must be recited with decorum.
2. Respect, orderly and decent behavior and conduct shall be observed inside the classroom at all times.
3. A student may be allowed to leave the room with the permission of the instructor and/or authorized personnel of the university while the class is in session.
4. Students who wish to sit-in class must secure permit from the instructor.
5. Students are not allowed to stay inside the classroom if there are no classes.
6. Students are not allowed to attend classes if not in proper uniform. It must be observed that PE uniform shall be utilized for PE classes only.

Other course policies are stated in The Student Handbook under Policy on Class Attendance

1. Per College policy, excused/unexcused absences should not exceed 20% of the assigned number of hours.  More than 20% absences incurred during the
semester would mean being dropped from the class roll.
2. Class attendance is important. Class participation is expected and will form a part of the final grade.   Students are expected to come to all classes and be on
time. Roll will be checked each class meeting. Classes missed for legitimate reasons, such as illness, temporary duty, are excusable; however, the student must
make up for the missed work by completing class exercise sheets and attending alternate activities. 

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3. Students are required to read all assigned materials prior to class and be prepared to discuss them and apply them to problem solving situations presented in
4. In this course, students are encouraged to discuss problems with their peers and to seek help from others in understanding the topic. Material submitted for
grading should be the synthesis of the students’ ideas and the input (lectures) they have received. Instances discovered of UNFAIR ADVANTAGE being taken
of any other individual or group will result in a loss of grade substance. 
5. Plagiarism: All academic work submitted by students, written or otherwise, is expected to be the result of their own independent thought and research. In
cases where students submit work professing to be their own, but uses the ideas, organization, wording or anything else from another source without the
appropriate acknowledgment, then the student(s) is/are guilty of plagiarism. 
1. Students may discuss assignments among themselves or with a professor or tutor, but the actual work/report/result to be submitted should be done completely
and solely by the student.  In cases where a student's report or assignment involves research in outside sources or information, the student must carefully
acknowledge exactly what, where and how he/she has utilized the sources or information. 
6. Cheating during examinations is never condoned and allowed!  Students caught cheating in any form will have their papers confiscated and will be sent out of
the examination room and will not be allowed to retake the exam anymore.   
7. Make up policy: Students who are unavoidably absent from an examination (long exams or major exams) or recitation must submit an excuse letter duly
signed by any of his/her parents before he/she can take the missed examination.  If the cause of the absence is illness, then the student must present a medical
certificate.  Quizzes and exercises missed because of valid absences will be prorated.
8. Quizzes are unannounced while long exams are announced. Strictly no make-up exams on quizzes, long exams and term exams unless an excuse
slip or certification is shown.
9. Students are required to submit course requirements on time to avoid deductions of points.


The course requires accomplishment of the following: 

1. Accomplished activities 
2. Accomplished Periodical Exam 
3. Class Attendances 
4. Compilation of portfolio entries (printed and soft copies)


Faculty Name Schedule Room

Engr. Erika G. Llabres 3:00 – 8:00 pm Online


Resources from Ebscohost:

 Gail Baura. Engineering Ethics : An Industrial Perspective. Academic Press; 2006. Accessed May 24, 2023.
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 Heinz Luegenbiehl, Rockwell Clancy. Global Engineering Ethics. Butterworth-Heinemann; 2017. Accessed May 24, 2023.

 Haghighattalab, S., Chen, A., Fan, Y., & Mohammadi, R. (2019). Engineering ethics within accident analysis models. Accident Analysis &
Prevention, 129, 119-125.
 Martin, D. A., Conlon, E., & Bowe, B. (2017, September). A Constructivist Approach to the use of Case Studies in teaching Engineering Ethics.
In International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (pp. 193-201). Springer, Cham.
 Martin, M. W., & Schinzinger, R. (1989). Ethics in engineering. McGraw-Hill.
 Mike W. Martin & Roland Schinzinger, Ethics in Engineering, McGraw-Hill/Irwin 2005
 Mike W. Martin & Roland Schinzinger, Introduction to Engineering Ethics, McGraw-Hill 2010
 William John Brinkman, Computer Ethics, Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd 2014



Last Revised by Engr. Erika G. Llabres Instructor, College of Engineering and

Last Updated by

Checked by Engr. Erika G. Llabres Program Coordinator

Endorsed by Engr. Genesis S. Jose, MSEM, PCpE Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture

Vice President for Academics

Approved by Madeilyn B. Estacio, Ph.D.

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