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official (court news, decrees of the emperor, senate and

should attack Menshikov's left, while the British, further

l'histoire de France, KM`siecle, vol. i. (1906). (J. I.)

and 18,416, 9,463,584 and 9,437,056. The pair 6232 and

used in medicine to describe a state of local or general

the secondary amines yield nitrosamines and the tertiary

adulterated. Wines from the Palatinate which under their own

most part, in connexion with the anatomical description of

Algeria abounds in extensive salt lakes and marshes. Of

The most celebrated of the Latin adapters is Phaedrus, a

1885 . . 10,014,625 | 1900 . . 8,707,602

use no other food or drink than that provided, water excepted,

experienced in mining the ore, and fearing to cripple his

1851); V. Gardthausen, Augustus und seine Zeit, i. pp.

by lot. As a rule they were renewed annually (Aristoph.

the middle Niger for Togoland. German expeditions reached

spent some time in the Netherlands. In July 1780 he had been

Fig. 13 shows a typical discharge curve. Noteworthy points are:--(1)

by the Societe des Antiquaires de Picardie (1893).

though the instrument by which the ship is let may be called a

Among the presidents of Amherst College have been in 1845-

applied to common carriers by water, and it may now be taken

Paullin, The Navy of the American Revolution (Chicago,

that the whole disorder of the church had perchance proceeded

the quantities were increased in order to reach the limit

noblest citizens of Athens did not scruple to buy and sell

A society was formed in Dublin, similar to the Royal Society

surveys was made applicable to Alaska in 1899, and a generous

agreement with Moawiya by which each retained his own dominions

On the 28th of November 1861 a further decree ordered that

table of the Egyptian kings and of the historical events of

Halleck, Lincoln and Stanton, the intractable, if energetic,

some large home-grown crops in certain subsequent years (1897

in the Kit-Cat Club, and brought thus and otherwise into

His contributions to classical literature chiefly consist of

the point d'appui. The fundamental character of energy

Tunis (1535), and successfully defended Perpignan against the

Kabylia. Neither the Romans nor the Turks had been able to

bound to deliver at the place named. Should he be prevented

always spared the Academy during their invasions of the

and titles and authors alike are found only in antiquarian

children, where he was obliged to follow nature most closely.

Lithuanian landed proprietors, and suggesting that perhaps the

than the Amazon. The Amazon at times broadens to 4 and 6

of the ship, and, in cases of salvage and bottomry, the

chloroplast, as in Mesocarpus and Spirogyra; sometimes

was declared over the whole of the Ashanti territories and

fostered by the constant wars, which have discouraged peaceful

summer of 1778 the British navy was engaged in co-operating

interest. The surrounding district is very fertile

1899 186,096,762
up the Congo to assist the Belgian expedition which had

were ultimately superseded by the Semitic developments. To

notices, seem to have been concerned exclusively with either

campaign of 333. He was through the Cicilian Gates before the

de Albornoz and of Dona Teresa de Luna, sister of Kimeno de

lands. And when Cicero speaks of public land as let on lease

operates its gas-lighting plant. Alexandria, first known as

theology. Licensed to preach in 1791, he was engaged for

Stilicho. He crossed the Corinthian Gulf and marched with

was the true milieu of Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849). Born in

were still obtaining supplies in the 16th century. Several

transport of the sick,'' and (6) railway hospital trains.

Is. xxxvii. 13) is exceedingly improbable. The town may be

agatized wood is sometimes known by the Indian name of shinarump.

which is printed in H. Weber's Metrical Romances (vol. i.,

Exploratory Laparotomy.---In many cases of serious intra-abdominal

is a handbook of Greek, i.e. Macedonian, drill and tactics

this manner, as chambers of impossibly large dimensions would be

word with greater energy than the others is that the other

philological examination of any work consisted, according to

him. The contents of the letter were not made known to his

and the foreign invasions, but he was ever ready to profit by

pleasure it bestows. The universal elements of beauty,

Agrippa's work, De occulta philosophia, was written about

to Spain for help; but Spain was anxious to be on good terms

absence in it of any disturbance, its serenity of mood, its

the number of acres into the total produce, the results of a

pitchers, brooms, chemicals and flour are manufactured. The

anachronism an offence, where our ancestors saw none.

Tremenheere and Tufnall); A Study of Small Holdings,

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