TORSION Lecture Notes 3-1

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JULY 2020


 The figure below shows the torsion diagram for a uniformly distributed torsion of 2 kNm/m
and point torsions at the end supports 9 kNm/m and middle of a beam 10 kNm/m.

 The figure shows the torsion diagram of 8 and 10 kNm/m torsion applied at B and C.

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

 BS8110: Part 1, clause, states that in normal slab-beam or framed construction
specific calculations for torsion are not usually necessary.
 Shear reinforcement will control cracking due to torsion adequately.
 However when the design relies on torsional resistance, specific design for torsion is
 Such a case is the overhanging slab shown in the Figure.

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

Figure: Beam under torsion due to load on cantilever slab

Figure: Edge beams under torsion due to load on slab


 Figure shows a rectangular box beam whose wall thickness can be considered as small
compared to other cross sectional dimensions.
 When the box section is subjected to a torsional moment T, the shear flow defined as the
product of shear stress in the wall and its thickness is a constant.
 The walls of the box are in a state of pure shear.

Figure: Torsional stress distribution in a solid rectangular section

 The shear stresses due to torsion are tangential to the sides and in an elastic material, the
maximum shear stress occurs in the middle of the longer side of a rectangular section.
 The stress is zero at the centroid and increases in a non-linear manner towards the edges.
 If the material is ductile, then at the ultimate or plastic state, the stress is the same everywhere.
 The shear stress vt is given by

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

 The code states that T- and L- or I-sections are to be treated by dividing them into component
rectangles. The division is to be such as to maximize the function Σ(h min3 hmax).
 This will be achieved if the widest rectangle is made as long as possible.
 The torque resisted by each component rectangle is to be taken as

 If the torsional shear stress vt exceeds the value of vtmin, reinforcement must be provided.

 The sum (v+vt) of the shear stresses from direct shear and torsion must not exceed the value of

 In addition, for small sections where y1<550 mm,

vt ≤vtu y1/550
y1 is the larger dimension of the link in the cross section
 This restriction is to prevent concrete breaking away at the corners of small sections.

 A concrete beam subjected to torsion fails in diagonal tension on each face to form cracks
running in a spiral around the beam, as shown in the Figure

Figure: Diagonal cracking pattern.

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

 The torque may be replaced by the shear forces V on each face.
 The action on each face is similar to vertical shear in a beam.
 Reinforcement to resist torsion is provided in the form of closed links and longitudinal bars.
 This steel together with diagonal bands of concrete in compression can be considered to form a
space truss which resists torsion.
 This is illustrated in the Figures showing the space truss and resistance to torsion by

 Figure: Space truss

 Figure: Torsion resistance by links and longitudinal bars

 Let:
x1 = smaller dimension of the link

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

y1 = larger dimension of the link
Asv = area of two legs of the link
fyv = characteristic strength of the link
sv = longitudinal spacing of the links
Assuming cracks at 45°, the number of links crossing the cracks is y1/sv on the sides and
x1/sv on the top and bottom faces.

 The force in one link due to torsion = 0.95 fyv Asv/2.

 The torsional T resistance of all links crossing the cracks is

 The expression given in the BS 8110: Part 2. Clause 2.4.7. is

 A safety factor of 0.8 (equal to reciprocal of 1.25) has been introduced into the value of resistance
torque T.
 The links and longitudinal bars should fail together. This is achieved by making the steel volume
multiplied by the characteristic strength the same for each set of bars.
 This gives
Asv (x1+y1)fyv = Assvfy

As is the area of longitudinal reinforcement and
fy is the characteristic strength of the longitudinal reinforcement.
This is the expression given in the code.

 The code also states that the spacing of the links is not to exceed x1, y1/2 or 200 mm.
 The links are to be of the closed type as shown in the Figure
 The longitudinal reinforcement is to be distributed evenly around the inside perimeter of the links.
 The clear distance between these bars should not exceed 300 mm
 at least four bars, one in each corner, are required.
 The torsion reinforcement is in addition to that required for moment and shear.

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

 In design, the longitudinal steel areas for moment and torsion and the link size and spacing for
shear and torsion are calculated separately and combined.
 BS8110: Part 2, clause 2.4.10, states that the link cages should interlock in T− and L–sections
and tie the component rectangles together as shown in the Figure.
 If the torsional shear stress in a minor component rectangle does not exceed vt.min then no
torsional shear reinforcement need be provided in that rectangle.

Closed link Torque reinforcement for a T-beam

Summary of the Design procedure for a Beam

(a) Analysis of the beam

(i) Maximum vertical shear
(ii) Maximum bending moment
(iii) Maximum torque
(b) Main reinforcements from bending moments
(c) Shear reinforcements for direct shear
(d) Torsion - Links reinforcement
(e) Torsion - Longitudinal reinforcements
(i) For Flanges
(ii) For Ribs
(e) Arrangement of reinforcements

4. Example of Design of Torsion Steel for Rectangular Beam

A rectangular beam section has an overall depth of 500 mm and a breadth of 350 mm. It is
subjected at ultimate to a vertical hogging moment of 387.6 kNm, a vertical shear of 205 kN and a
torque of 13 kN m.
Design the longitudinal steel and links required at the section.
The materials are grade C30 concrete, grade 460 reinforcement for the main bars and grade 250
for the links.
The section is shown in the Figure with the internal dimensions for locations of longitudinal bars
and links taken for design.
Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

These dimensions are based on 25 mm cover, 12 mm diameter links and 25 mm diameter main
bars at the top in vertical pairs and 20 mm bars at the bottom.

(a) Main reinforcements

d = 500 – 25 – 12 – 25 = 438 mm

d’ = 25 + 12 + 20/2 = 47 mm

k = M/fcubd2 = 387.6 x 106/30(350)(4382) = 0.192 > 0.156

therefore compression steel is required.

(k − k′ f b d )
A =
0.95f (d − d′)

(0.192– 0.156(30)(350)(438) )
A =
0.95 × 460 × (438– 47)

As’ = 429.33 use 430 mm2

𝑧 = d 0.5 + 0.25 +

𝑧 = 438 0.5 + 0.25 + = 340.28 𝑚𝑚

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

(k′ f b d )
A = +A
0.95f z

(0.156(30)(350)(438) )
A = + 430
0.95 × 460 × (438– 47)

As = 2544 mm2

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

(b & c) Shear Reinforcements for both Direct and Torsional Shear

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

For the Top Steel:

As = 2544 + 2(35.7) = 2616 mm2

Provide 6T25 As = 2945 mm2 in two rows of 3 each

For the side faces:

Provide 1T12 As = 113 mm2

Figure: The reinforcements arrangement

5. Example of T-beam Design for Torsion Steel

The T-beam shown in the Figure spans 8 m. The ends of the beam are simply supported for vertical
load and restrained against torsion. The beam carries an ultimate distributed vertical load of 24
kN/m. A column is supported on one flange at the centre of the beam and transmits an ultimate
load of 50 kN to the beam as shown. Design the reinforcement at the centre of the beam for the T-

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

beam section only. A transverse stiffening beam would be provided at the centre of the beam but
design for this is not part of the exercise. The materials are grade C30 concrete, grade 460 for the
longitudinal reinforcement and grade 250 for the links. Cover is 25 mm, the links are 12 mm in
diameter and the main bars 25 mm diameter.

Figure: Loads on the


Figure: T beam section dimensions

(a) Analysis of the beam

The maximum vertical shear is
wl P
𝑉Α = + = (0.5 × 24 × 8) + (0.5 × 50) = 121 kN
2 2
The maximum moment in the vertical plane is
wl Pl 24 × 8 50 × 8
M= + = + = 292 kNm
8 4 8 4

The torque is
T= Pe = 0.5 × 50 × 0.7 = 17.5 kNm
Load, shear force, bending moment and torque diagrams:

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

(b) Main Reinforcements
M=292 kNm
Check if the beam needs to be designed as a rectangular beam or a T-beam.
Mflange=0.45 fcu×b×hf×(d−hf/2) = 0.45×30×1600×150×(438–150/2)×10 =1176 kNm. −6

Therefore the stress block lies in the flange and the beam can be designed as a rectangular
beam with, b=1600 mm and d=438 mm.
M 292 × 10
k= = = 0.032 < 0.156
(b d fcu) (1600 × 438 × 30)

Therefore no compression steel is required.

z k
− 0.5 + 0.25 − = 0.96 > 0.95.
d 0.9

= 0.95

M 292 × 10
As = = = 1606 mm
[0.95 fy z] (0.95 × 460 × 0.95 × 438)

(c) Normal Shear Reinforcements Area

100 AS 100 × 1606
= = 1.22 < 3.0
bv d 300 × 438
Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

400 400
= = 0.91 < 1.0,
d 438
Use 1.0

100 AS 400 fcu 30

0.79 0.79{1.22} (1.0)
(bv d) d 25 25
𝑣 = = = 0.72 N/mm
1.25 1.25

V 25 × 10
= = 0.19 N/mm < vc
bv d 300 × 438

Beam needs only nominal links.

Assuming a spacing of 175 mm for the links<0.75d=0.75×438=323 mm.

bvsv 0.4 300 × 175 × 0.4

Asv = = = 88.4 mm
0.95f 0.95 × 250

X1 = 238 mm
Y1 = 438 mm
The steel area will be added to that required for
torsion below.

(d) Torsion reinforcements Area

The T-section is split into component rectangles such that Σ(hmin3hmax) is a largrest.
Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

Check the following two alternatives (option 1 or option 2
T = 17.5 kNm
Area Part hmin3 hmax hmin3hmax 𝐡𝐦𝐢𝐧𝟑 𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐡𝐦𝐢𝐧𝟑 𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐱
𝚺(𝐡𝐦𝐢𝐧𝟑 𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐱) 𝚺(𝐡𝐦𝐢𝐧𝟑 𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐱)
mm mm kNm
Option 1 1 Flange 1503 1600 5.4×109
2 Rib 3003 350 9.45×109
Σ= 14.85×109

Option 2 1 Flange 1503 650 2.19×109 0.1226 2.145

2 Flange 1503 650 2.19×109 0.1226 2.145
3 Rib 3003 500 13.5×109 0.755 13.21
Σ= 17.88×10 Σ =1 OK Σ =17.5 OK
Option 2 is adopted Σ(hmin3hmax) = 17.89×109
From Table Torque shared by the flange and the ribs are:
Rib: TR = 13.21 kNm
Two flanges: TF = 2 × 2.145 = 4.39 kNm

Shear stress due to torque:

v =
h h −


2 × 13.21 × 10
v = ) = 0.73 N/mm
300 500 −
2 × 2.145 × 10
v = ) = 0.32N/mm
150 650 −

vtmin = 0.067√fcu = 0.37 N/mm 2 > 0.32 N/mm 2 (vtmin > Vt) therefore no need of torsion

Rib Reinforcements:
vtmin = 0.067√fcu = 0.37 N/mm 2 < 0.73 N/mm 2 (vtmin < Vt) therefore need of torsion
Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

v+vt = 0.19+0.73 = 0.92 N/m m2 > 0.37 N/mm 2 torsion reinforcements needed
vtu = 0.8√fcu = 4.38 N/m m2 >0.92 N/m m 2 OK
vt <[vtu (y1/550) = 4.38×438/550 = 3.49 N/mm 2] OK

Area of links
Taking sv = 175 mm, torsional steel is calculated from
Asv T
s 0.8x1y10.95fyv

Ts 13.21 × 106 × 175

Asv > = = 116.7 mm
0.8x1y10.95fyv 0.8 × 238 × 438 × 0.95 × 250

Since Asv corresponds to area of two legs of a link, the total area of one leg of a link is 0.5
(Asv for torsion+Asv for direct shear) = 0.5×(116.7+88.4) = 102.6 mm 2
Links 12 mm in diameter with an area of 113 mm 2 are required.
The spacing must not exceed [x1 = 238 mm, (y1/2 = 438/2 = 219 mm) or 200 mm].
The spacing of 175 mm is satisfactory.

The area of longitudinal reinforcement

fyv (x1 + y1) 250 238 + 438
As = Asv = 116.7 = 245 mm
f s 460 175

The distance between the longitudinal bars is not to exceed 300 mm.

This area is to be distributed equally around the perimeter. Using 6 bars, each bar has an
area of 40.8 mm2.

Flange Reinforcements:
In the flange vt = 0.32 N/mm 2 < vt.min = 0.37 N/mm 2 therefore no torsional steel required.

(e) Arrangement of reinforcement

For the bottom steel
As = 1606+2×40.8 = 1688 mm2.
Provide 4T25 of area 1963 mm2.

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020

For the top and centre of the rib, we need 2×40.8 = 81.6 mm2. Provide two 12 mm diameter bars (As =
226 mm2) at each location.
The distance between the longitudinal bars is not to exceed 300 mm.
Reinforcement would have to be provided to support the load on the flange.
The moment, direct shear and torsion reinforcement for the rib is shown in the Figure.

Figure: Arrangement of reinforcement

Prof. J. J. Msambichaka - Mbeya University of Science and Technology - July 2020


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