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Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10 

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Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10! 
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Życzę owocnej pracy z materiałami mojego autorstwa! 
Marta Patkowska-Dudziak 
   Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 1 

Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10 

1.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. There aren’t any interesting films on TV today. 
There are … ​ …………………………………………………...​ films on TV today. 
2. I think someone followed us here. 
I think we ​……………………………………………………...​ . 
3. When did they take these photos? 
When were ​……………………………………………………… ?​  
4. These shoes are too small for me. 
These shoes are not ​……………………………………………………...​ for me. 
5. “Where do you come from?”, the teacher asked. 
The teacher asked him ​……………………………………………………… f​ rom. 
6. There are many clouds on the sky this morning. 
It ​……………………………………………………...​ this morning. 
7. They grow coffee in Brazil. 
Coffee ​……………………………………………………...​ in Brazil. 
8. We mustn’t go inside. 
We ​……………………………………………………...​ to go inside. 
9. We were swimming in the sea. It started to rain. 
While …​ …………………………………………………...​ in the sea, it started to rain. 
10. Mike and I are both 2 metres tall. 
Mike is …​ …………………………………………………...​ me. 
2.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. We came here in December. 
We ​……………………………………………………...​ since December. 
2. This city is very polluted. 
There is a … ​ …………………………………………………...​ in this city. 
3. They’ve decided to take up judo. 
They are ​……………………………………………………...​ up judo. 
4. Tom is a very good painter. 
Tom paints … ​ …………………………………………………...​ . 
5. There aren’t enough chairs in this classroom. 
There are … ​ …………………………………………………...​ in this classroom. 
6. They gave me the wrong change! 
I ​……………………………………………………...​ the wrong change. 
7. Maria is taller than Chris. 
Chris is ​……………………………………………………...​ as Maria. 
8. This is such a nice song! 
This song … ​ …………………………………………………...​ . 
9. “I am very proud of you” my father said to me. 
My father told me ​……………………………………………………...​ very proud of me. 
10. I was so tired. This is why I went to bed. 
I went to bed … ​ …………………………………………………...​ so tired.  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 2 

Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10 

3.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. She has taken my lunchbox. 
My lunchbox ​……………………………………………………...​ by her. 
2. This exercise isn’t easy enough for me. 
This exercise is ​……………………………………………………...​ for me. 
3. We are both beautiful. 
She … ​ …………………………………………………...​ as me. 
4. We’ll fail the exam if we don’t study harder. 
We’ll fail the exam unless … ​ …………………………………………………...​ . 
5. I haven’t got a lot of money. I can’t buy this gorgeous house. 
If I had a lot of money, I …
​ …………………………………………………… ​this gorgeous house. 
6. I was listening to my favourite CD. The policeman came. 
……………………………………………………...​ to my favourite CD, the policeman came. 
7. “Do you like me?” he asked me. 
He wanted to know ​……………………………………………………...​ him. 
8. Only if we win the match we can have a party. 
We’ll have a party …​ …………………………………………………...​ the match. 
9. The last time I saw her was in July. 
I ​……………………………………………………...​ since July. 
10. Excuse me, where is the post office? 
Excuse me, can you tell me … ​ …………………………………………………...​ office is. 
4.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. I went to London. I wanted to win the competition. 
I went to London ​……………………………………………………...​ win the competition. 
2. There was heavy rain last night. 
It rained …
​ …………………………………………………… ​last night. 
3. I dress elegantly. Maria is better at that. 
Maria dresses … ​ …………………………………………………...​ than me. 
4. This is too sour. 
This ​……………………………………………………...​ enough. 
5. This bike belongs to them. 
This bike is …
​ …………………………………………………… ​. 
6. There are only a few oranges left. 
There aren’t … ​ …………………………………………………… ​left. 
7. We want to travel to Australia next summer. We’ve already arranged to trip. 
We are ​……………………………………………………...​ travel to Australia next summer. 
8. Smoking is forbidden inside this building. 
You ​……………………………………………………...​ this building. 
9. We came to the party. They went home before that time. 
They ​……………………………………………………...​ before we came to the party. 
10.It’s not obligatory for you to climb this mountain. 
You ​……………………………………………………...​ climb this mountain.  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 3 

Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10 

5.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. Why don’t we ask someone? 
How about … ​ …………………………………………………...​ someone? 
2. Where’s the nearest supermarket? 
Do you happen to know where the ​……………………………………………………...​ ? 
3. She will probably learn how to drive. 
She is ​……………………………………………………...​ how to drive. 
4. Did you participate in the competition? 
Did you take ​……………………………………………………… c​ ompetition? 
5. “Stop talking!”, the teacher said. 
The teacher told me ​……………………………………………………...​ . 
6. She came home. Her parents had gone out earlier. 
By the time she came home, her ​……………………………………………………...​ out. 
7. If you don’t listen to me you’ll be in trouble. 
Unless ​……………………………………………………...​ me, you’ll be in trouble. 
8. I was jogging. I bumped into Ted. 
While I ​……………………………………………………...​ I bumped into Ted. 
9. Meg can learn very quickly. 
Meg …​ …………………………………………………...​ learner. 
10.“Are you happy with yourself?” – my mum asked. 
My mum asked me … ​ …………………………………………………...​ happy with myself. 
6.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. How about going to the cinema? 
Let’s … ​ …………………………………………………...​ the cinema. 
2. My intention is to travel around the world. 
I am ​……………………………………………………...​ around the world. 
3. What time is it? 
Could you tell me what ​……………………………………………………...​ ? 
4. I’m afraid we don’t have any petrol left. 
I’m afraid we have run …​ …………………………………………………...​ . 
5. She came to school in the morning and she is still here. 
She …​ …………………………………………………...​ here since this morning. 
6. They probably won’t pass the exam. 
They aren’t ​……………………………………………………...​ the exam. 
7. No one is better at drawing then her. 
She … ​ …………………………………………………...​ at drawing. 
8. Maybe she is at work, but I am not sure. 
She … ​ …………………………………………………...​ at work. 
9. Thank you for the invitation. 
Thank you ​……………………………………………………...​ me. 
10.Mary is more intelligent than me. 
I am ​……………………………………………………...​ as Mary.  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 4 

Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10 

7.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. My advice is to go to the doctor. 
You ​……………………………………………………...​ to the doctor. 
2. This picture is so lovely. 
This is … ​ …………………………………………………...​ picture. 
3. Tim is too short to play basketball. 
Tim isn’t ​……………………………………………………...​ to play basketball. 
4. All the students have ID cards. 
Everyone ​……………………………………………………… ​ID cards. 
5. How much is this blouse? 
How ​……………………………………………………...​ this blouse cost? 
6. I’ll call you immediately after the plane lands. 
I’ll call you as ​……………………………………………………...​ the plane lands. 
7. She has nothing against opening the window. 
She doesn’t … ​ …………………………………………………...​ the window. 
8. The weather was nice. We took an umbrella. 
Although the … ​ …………………………………………………...​ we took an umbrella. 
9. We should go home. 
It’s time … ​ …………………………………………………...​ . 
10.We don’t have enough money to buy this chocolate. 
We can’t ​……………………………………………………...​ this chocolate. 
8.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. Running in corridors is forbidden. 
Students aren’t … ​ …………………………………………………...​ in corridors. 
2. People must keep their dogs on a lead at all times. 
Dogs ​……………………………………………………...​ on a lead at all times. 
3. Tony is such a good player. 
Tony plays … ​ …………………………………………………...​ . 
4. You must see this movie! 
You have … ​ …………………………………………………...​ this movie. 
5. It’s not a good idea to throw rubbish on the streets. 
We ​……………………………………………………...​ rubbish on the streets. 
6. There are no apples in the bag. 
There aren’t … ​ …………………………………………………...​ in the bag. 
7. All the workers in the office know how to be effective. 
Everyone in the office …​ …………………………………………………… ​be effective. 
8. Reading books is obligatory for all the students. 
All the students ​……………………………………………………...​ books. 
9. I learned to ride a bike when I was four. 
I learned to ride a bike at the ​……………………………………………………...​ . 
10.The music is not loud enough. 
The music ​……………………………………………………...​ quiet.  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 5 

Egzamin ósmoklasisty - Transformacje 1-10 

9.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. Tim left home before I got there. 
When I got home … ​ …………………………………………………...​ left . 
2. I can’t do anything about it. 
I can …
​ …………………………………………………… i​ t . 
3. What time is the next train to Warsaw? 
Do you happen to know what time the next train …​ …………………………………………………...​? 
4. The teacher always asks us a lot of questions. 
We are always ​……………………………………………………...​ lot of questions by the teacher . 
5. If you don’t hurry up, we’ll be late. 
Unless ​……………………………………………………...​ , we’ll be late . 
6. They ought to study harder. 
They ​……………………………………………………...​ harder . 
7. I think he is rude. 
In my ​……………………………………………………...​ rude . 
8. Emma was so tired. She went to bed. 
Emma was so tired … ​ …………………………………………………… ​to bed. 
9. Children mustn’t use scissors. 
Children are ​……………………………………………………...​ use scissors . 
10.Damien plays the piano every Tuesday. 
Damien plays the piano … ​ …………………………………………………… ​week . 
10.  Przeczytaj  poniższe  zdania.  Uzupełnij  luki  tak  aby  zachować  znaczenie  zdania 
wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie 3 wyrazy. 
1. This corridor is too narrow. 
This corridor isn’t ​……………………………………………………...​ . 
2. “Don’t touch that!” – said the teacher. 
The teacher told me ​……………………………………………………...​ that . 
3. My intention is to throw a party at the weekend. 
I am ​……………………………………………………...​ a party at the weekend . 
4. Tommy is taller than Ollie. 
Ollie is ​……………………………………………………...​ as Tommy . 
5. This guitar is so cool! 
This is …
​ …………………………………………………...​ guitar . 
6. This is my coat. 
This coat ​……………………………………………………...​ . 
7. I have nothing to tell you. 
I don’t ​……………………………………………………… t​ o tell you. 
8. I trained really hard. I wanted to win. 
I trained really hard because …​ …………………………………………………...​ win. 
9. I was writing a letter when you called me. 
You called me … ​ …………………………………………………...​ writing a letter. 
10.This is the man. I told you about him. 
This is the man ​……………………………………………………...​ you about.  Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone 6 

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