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Exercise 1: Identifying Conflict - Finance (10 min)

Describe your views/attitudes towards the following

In your view, list the key physical assets that you would work towards in
establishing your “secured or dream” home. Please be specific. Share with
one another. Are they the same?
Shopping: Pleasure Necessity
Money Worry: Very Little
Account: Full Joint Separate
Key Assets: Full Joint Separate
Debt/Loans: Fully Lev. Nil
Monthly Income: ________ Savings _______ Spending _________ Giving
Exercise 2: Handling Conflict
• Recall the six aspects mentioned in resolving conflict
• What are the trigger points for conflict in your
• What causes conflict to escalate and what helps each
of you to hit the “pause” button?
• Which is the most important aspects for resolving
conflict for each of you. Explain to your partner
Exercise 2: Handling Conflict (15 minutes)
• Recall the six aspects mentioned in resolving conflict
• What are the trigger points for conflict in your
• What causes conflict to escalate and what helps each
of you to hit the “pause” button?
• Which is the most important aspects for resolving
conflict for each of you. Explain to your partner
Exercise 3: Personal Workout on Conflict
Resolution (15 min)
1. Identify an issue that has caused conflict in your
2. How have each of you responded to this issue in the past?
Share with one another.
3. Write down or share with each other what you consider
the main concern you have regarding the issue.
4. Narrate how both of you have brainstorm various solutions
to resolve this issue?

No blaming or criticising please

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